This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 262: To fight against external forces, one must first settle the internal affairs. Internal

Chapter 262: To fight against external forces, one must first settle the internal affairs. Internal unity is greater than heaven.
Bai Bin grabbed Weier's hand and wrapped it in his own.

"Thank you for your hard work on this trip. I don't know how much pain a person has to endure to conceal information from Jerusalem. I only know that this must require great endurance. Even the Temple Assassins only have a few How many people can do it.”

Bai Bin's eyes were full of sincerity: "Thank you for your hard work this time!"

Wei'er's cheeks turned red, feeling that these affirmations and support were more important than anything else.

Compared with this, the hardships I endured and endured on the road seem to be nothing.

Now that I think about it, there is only sweetness and happiness left. The torture that once constantly hit my heart has long since disappeared with Bai Bin's few words, leaving no trace of its existence in Weier's heart.

Wei'er's eyes were as emotional as a pool of spring water. She finally raised her head and boldly responded to Bai Bin's enthusiasm: "What makes me happiest is that I can do something for you. When I was in Constantine, I looked at you. From the back of the crown, I feel that the gap between us is getting bigger and bigger, and I am becoming more and more dispensable...Now, I can finally do something for you! I am very happy!"

"You have never been dispensable or a burden. I can feel your progress and see your strength. Neither I nor your father have ignored this."

Bai Bin's palm gently stroked Weier's face, and the rough skin blown by the wind and sand did not make him feel any discomfort.These are all proofs that Weier values ​​him.

"Since Sandro asked you to help me, he must have recognized your strength. I am going to do something extremely dangerous now, you..."

Before Bai Bin could finish speaking, Weier nodded immediately: "I'll go with you, don't leave me alone!"

"You didn't even know where I was going or what I was going to do, so you agreed in such a hurry..." Bai Bin really didn't know what to say, and he didn't know how to abduct Sandro's little daughter like this. Sandro would know about it later. Finally, will he be cut into pieces?

"Even if you are going to hell, I will go with you!" Weier said firmly.

Bai Bin smiled broadly: "I didn't expect that Sandru's trial this time would not only improve your assassin level, but also your logical ability and perception! How did you know that we were going to do this this time? go to hell?"

Facing Bai Bin's serious expression, Wei'er was completely confused.

(As shown below)

Wei'er didn't react. Did she really go to hell?
Only then did Bai Bin tell the truth.

"After the demon advance army was expelled, the demons never came out of the rift again. This time I mobilized two penitent armors. I just plan to take this opportunity to take the initiative to go to the first hell and do something."

"Now that you have joined Wei'er, our infiltration and destruction will be even sharper."

Bai Binming raised his hand to Weier and praised her at her most sensitive spot. Weier's heart immediately became elated, and the corners of her eyes were sparkling and moist.

"Don't worry, Pastor Bai, I will protect you with all my strength!" Weier took out her hands and crossed them on her chest.

This not only means protection, but also the shape of the two dagger marks of the Templar Assassins, implying the Assassins' protection of the Holy See.

Now Wei'er is referring to her protection of Bai Bin.

The personnel have been assembled.

Bai Bin is the main force in dealing damage and causing trouble, Lilith is the leader in hell, Wei'er's proficient assassin skills can provide them with protection, and Helen's singing voice "Magic Sound" is used as a trump card for crowd control.

This time, Bai Bin wants to avenge the people who sacrificed their lives in Waterdam, to turn the First Hell upside down, and to make them feel confused and afraid.

"When will we set off?" Weier said with excitement.

Half a year has passed since the last time the two of them had a beautiful memory of fighting side by side in Snowfield Town.

Now, the two have another chance to fight side by side!
Bai Bin rubbed Weier's head lovingly: "Of course, we will have to wait until you fully recover. We have plenty of time. I'm afraid that if you attack in a hurry and someone doesn't have a good rest and is not in peak condition, you will have regrets. "

Wei'er's heart was suddenly hollow, and she was hit without defense.Pastor Bai, he is really good...

"Okay, I will definitely rest and recover as soon as possible and try to adjust to the best condition!"

Bai Bin nodded with satisfaction.

This is the art of language. Obviously I am worried that Wei'er is in a bad state now, but by saying it in a different tone and angle, it will not hurt anyone, but will also gain the other person's favor.

"You didn't bring a lot of combat supplies with you this time. If you need anything, you can write it down and give it to me. I will prepare it for you during the rest period, so that you don't leave any regrets on this journey."

Wei'er's eyes were filled with stars, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise.

Pastor Bai, he is so considerate!
"Well, I must show all my progress during this trip to hell!"

Wei'er's words have a strong meaning of "women should look good to those who please themselves". She practices so hard just to catch up with Bai Bin's footsteps.Now that he has been recognized by Bai Bin and his father Sandro, he naturally has to show it in front of Bai Bin.

"Have a good rest. I look forward to seeing you show off your power in hell, so that all those who despise you can see your true strength. Let the beasts in hell feel the fear of being dominated by the most promising assassin in the empire. .”

Wei'er lay down obediently, and Bai Bin carefully tucked the quilt away, revealing only a cute little smiling head.

She is now wandering in the vision woven by Bai Bin.

He killed a lot of people in hell, making the devil frightened, and left a reputation as a life-threatening assassin in hell.

You know, when in the human world, most demons come as projections and cannot be killed directly.

But in hell, where their souls and origins lie, they are so fragile that they can be killed easily and cannot be resurrected!

These demons never expected that Bai Bin would lead her to hell in person, catching the demons off guard!
Just as Bai Bin walked out of Weier's room, he saw Lilith's figure at the corner of the corridor.

Although she had caressed her repeatedly just now, Lilith still felt a little uncomfortable thinking about Bai Bin coming to see Weier alone.

Especially separated by a wall, Bai Bin and Weier were inside and didn't know what to do.

And she was alone outside, blowing in the cold wind, like a puppy abandoned by the world.

Lilith was lying on the railing in a daze, but suddenly she felt a warmth on her shoulders.

Bai Bin took off his coat, covered Lilith, and hugged Lilith.

Suddenly, the whole body fell into the broad and warm arms, like a burning bonfire, dispelling the cold.

"I wonder if there is such a bright moonlight in hell?"

Bai Bin naturally saw the sorrow in Lilith's eyes.

But at this time, presenting facts and reasoning has no effect except making women feel noisy.

Women are emotional creatures, creatures of atmosphere.

Bai Bin whispered into Lilith's ear and temples. The warm breath was like a feather, constantly stirring Lilith's sensitive skin, and like a burst of electricity, it quickly spread throughout the body.

The previous sadness and depression were all gone at this moment, replaced by contentment, shyness and a jumping deer.

The charming atmosphere spreads rapidly. Where can I think of anything else?
 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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