This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 263 Move forward, hell!

Chapter 263 Move forward, hell!

Bai Bin is well versed in the wise sayings of "when fighting foreign forces, we must first settle the internal affairs" and "internal unity is greater than heaven."

It is said that three women make a drama. Now if you really want to take three women to perform a mission in hell, you must calm down their emotions.

If you can't provide enough emotional value to comfort them, and wait until they get to hell before scheming or even stumbling, it will make the already dangerous trip even more dangerous.

Therefore, Bai Bin could only sacrifice a little color, pay a little more tenderness, and give the two most critical women a "calming shot" in advance, so as not to give them a chance to go berserk.

In order to disrupt hell and bring peace to the Zion Empire, Bai Bin also sacrificed a lot.

Sacrifice your own color for everyone, this level is really high!
Now both women were coaxed by Bai Bin and fell into a state of sweetness. Bai Bin could finally step away and make final preparations.

"Tonight, I want to go to your room..." Bai Bin said next to Lilith's ear.

Lilith's face was bright red, as if she was about to bleed.

Those sticky little eyes clearly reflected the contrast between the enchantment of the succubus and the sanctity of the saint.

"I'm not ready today..." Lilith was caught off guard by Bai Bin's words, and her heart was beating fast.

Originally, this was something she had been looking forward to, but she had always been unable to get it.

She had almost given up now. Who would have thought that Bai Bin would take the initiative, which made her a little confused.

"No, this matter must be completed today. If it is later, we will run out of time!" Bai Bin's tone was unquestionable, and Lilith had no intention of rejecting it.

Lilith's eyes flickered. Is Bai Bin afraid that after going to hell, he might not be able to come back?

After thinking about the dangers of the First Hell, Lilith's hesitant heart suddenly became firm.

Yes, there is obviously only a layer of window paper between the two of them. There is nothing wrong with breaking it tonight. Do you want to go to hell with regrets?

"Well, then, let's have tonight." Facing such a powerful Bai Bin, Lilith's cheeks turned red and her eyes filled with spring water.

This person... will always be so domineering until the last moment...

Bai Bin and Lilith returned to the room and watched Bai Bin lock the door. Lilith also took the initiative to close the window and draw the curtains.Because she was afraid that the sound would be too loud later and wake up Helen next door, and then she would be completely embarrassed!
"Okay, then, let's get started." Lilith took a deep breath and walked to Bai Bin. She was about to unbutton Bai Bin's clothes with her hands, but Bai Bin held her hand behind her back and pulled her to sit down.

"Okay, now let's discuss how we can disguise ourselves so that we won't be discovered after entering hell!" Bai Bin's eyes were as bright as fire, and his eyes were shining with a desire for knowledge.

Lilith was stunned at first, and then showed a sharp look like someone who wanted to kill someone.

At this time, Bai Bin actually thinks about "entering hell" instead of "entering her"!
But Bai Bin's superb emotional intelligence and eye expressions seemed to go offline at this moment, and it was as if the King was suddenly on board a bronze agent. All the rituals and operations were stretched to the extreme, and they were reduced to humans and machines.

But Bai Bin completely ignored Lilith's eyes and began to analyze himself:
"It would be more suitable for you, Helen and Wei Er, to disguise themselves as succubi. As for me, choose between a chain demon, an evil spirit and a demon guard."

"But there are no corpses of succubi in the devil pit right now. The only way to use the disguise technique is to disguise the two of them as fallen demons. When we get to hell, we will find a way to kill the two succubi and replace them with new costumes..."

Seeing Bai Bin devote himself wholeheartedly, Lilith's breathing became more rapid next to her.
Lilith was sulking to herself.

Bai Bin just said a few words, and he handed over all his flash moves.It’s so embarrassing!
I rushed to deliver it to someone's door, but the person didn't even eat it when it reached his mouth.

Lilith clenched her fists tightly, and the backs of her hands turned white.

He responded with gritted teeth: "Just leave this task to me. It's not easy to deceive two succubi..."

Lilith knew the succubi all too well, they were a group of jealous women, and she could get them to take the bait with just a few tricks.

"I knew you were reliable, Lilith. Now, I still need to understand the distribution and power structure of the First Hell, as well as the situation of important strongholds..."

Since you are going to do something big, you must be familiar with the conditions in hell in advance.

Naturally, everyone who wanted to popularize science turned to Lilith.

Seeing Bai Bin's serious expression, Lilith felt depressed, but she could only suppress her bad breath.

"The plane of hell is an extremely complex existence. It is not an independent plane, but a sister plane that is attached to the human world, distributed in the pattern of the human world, and mirrored. The location of the first hell corresponds to Most of the Zion Empire.”

Lilith took out a piece of parchment and began to draw roughly on it.

"The First Hell has mountains and rivers just like the human world, but the mountains are all volcanoes and the rivers are all lava. The highest mountain among them is the Doomsday Volcano, which is the highest point in the entire First Hell and is also the place where energy gathers.
All souls who enter hell for the first time will be gathered in the soul furnace at the foot of Doomsday Volcano, where they will be smelted and tortured by the Doomsday Flame. The humanity and kindness in the soul will be rubbed off, and they will become pure executioners dominated by emotions, infinitely amplifying negative emotions... …”

Lilith continued to draw, and all the iconic river valleys, barracks, and various gathering places of the First Hell were drawn.

"The area where succubi live is in the Shadow Canyon far away from Mount Doom. It is a rare place in the First Hell with underground water and hot springs. The skinned devil and the fallen devil live underground, in the caves that extend in all directions dug by the dark burrowers. Life. The distribution of barracks is also particularly elegant.

Because in addition to entering the human world at all times, the First Hell must also prevent the invasion and expansion of other hells..."

Bai Bin keenly captured this point, having never heard Lilith mention it before.

"Will these hells conquer each other and occupy territory just like the human world?"

Lilith nodded: "Of course, the essence is still an irrational distribution of resources. But the layout of the hells is mainly the seven hells where the seven demon kings sit. In addition, there are some special neutral areas, such as purgatory. The city and the underworld will not participate in the conquest of the seven hells and remain neutral."

"What are the areas bordering the First Hell, and what's the current situation?" Bai Bin's keen sense of smell told him that there was room for exploitation of the chaotic pattern of Hell.

Done correctly it can work wonders!

"The mirror image is located in Samarkand. It is the second hell, controlled by the Lord of the Abyss, Abions. Although the area is only half of the first hell, Abions can summon abyss creatures, and its combat effectiveness is stronger than that of Lies. King Belial.

But Belial relied on his lobbying skills to successfully gain the trust of Abions, and the two sides did not start a war.

In addition, the most intense war with the First Hell was the Third Hell, the Fel Weaver Balazmo. The war between the two sides lasted for hundreds of years, and it was endless. "

 There is another chapter to be added today, but there is a high probability that it will get two or three points. You can read it again when you wake up tomorrow morning!

(End of this chapter)

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