This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 264 Crossing the Terror Rift

Chapter 264 Crossing the Terror Rift (Additional Update 210)

Bai Bin and Lilith fought fiercely all night, holding candles and fighting all night.

When Bai Bin came out of Lilith's room the next day, he walked out with a staggering step while holding his waist.

The night was too long, and Lilith kept explaining. By the middle of the night, Bai Bin's mind was completely drained.

Lilith didn't hesitate to give in. She was already lying on the bed exhausted. After taking a few deep breaths, she quickly fell asleep due to dizziness and fatigue.

That night, Bai Bin learned a lot about hell and learned about the pattern and details of hell. He had already vaguely hatched a plan, and everything needed to be decided based on the situation after actually arriving at the first hell.

After all, when Lilith was in hell, she was just a minion. It was good to know the general pattern and distribution. She would definitely not know the most confidential information.

But Bai Bin is different. There is a realm of honesty. As long as you catch a middle-level or high-level demon, you can dig out a lot of inside information.

It's still difficult to mess up hell on your own.

But as a qualified shit stirrer, you must find a way to stir up the shit, preferably the kind that bubbles and splashes everywhere, so that the surrounding neighbors can't stand it, or even avoid it. They all fell into the water.

Then I watched First Hell and these neighbors argue with each other, lose trust, and fight...

This is the way to do it once and for all.

Let Belial, the King of Lies, consume his strength in internal strife and have no time to take care of the Zion Empire.

After Bai Bin tried the second prince Lucas and pushed back the Samarkand rebels in the north, he would be free to deal with the King of Lies.

Bai Bin is the messenger of justice and honesty, and is a natural enemy of the King of Lies.

During the two days that Wei'er was resting, Bai Bin was already preparing materials for disguise.

It is easy to find some demon skin and flesh in good condition from the mass graves of demons. Coupled with Bai Bin's soul-sucking cane and the full-level disguise skill, it is easy to make several molds.

Bai Bin also tried it, and the top-level disguise technique was far more advanced than the skinning demon's disguise.

You can take off your disguise at any time, and you can dress it up at any time.

Moreover, with the full level of Disguise, unless you encounter a creature with extremely high perception, or the same master of disguise, it is impossible to see through Bai Bin's authenticity.

During this period, Constantine's envoy also arrived at the ruins of Waterdam, and saw the ruins of Waterdam, the mass grave of demons with their left ears cut off, and the fissures of hell that stabilized the magma.

At this time, the messenger finally believed the fact of the demonic invasion.

The envoy truthfully recorded the situation here, and then rushed back to Constantine without stopping, and made public everything he saw in the Demon-Slaying Valley, so that ordinary people and nobles who were ignorant of conspiracy theories could see that the Zion Empire was suffering What a horrific invasion.

The Penitential Armor from Helm City was also transported to Waterdam, and the two Penitential Armors were arranged by Bai Bin to be transported to Landenburg in the rear by Ma Shuoer.

Now Bai Bin's intelligence attribute has just reached 30 points, and there is little hope of reaching 40 points in the short term, so it will not be used for the time being.

It was safer to move to Landenburg, while keeping it for later use.

After everything was done, Weier had completely recovered, and all the required materials were prepared, it was finally time to go to hell.

"After I leave, old dean, you will be the highest commander here. Please be sure to guard the terrifying rift and hide the news that we have entered hell. Once the enemy knows the news that we have entered hell, our previous actions will be hindered, and the devil will also A second attack will be launched, and the front of the Demon Slaughter Valley will be difficult to resist."

Bai Bin explained to the old dean Kule with a solemn expression.

But looking at the eager expression on the old dean Kule's face, he actually wanted to follow Bai Bin to hell and seek revenge on the devil himself.

But Bai Bin said that Waterdam must be guarded by someone who can control the situation.This person can only be Level 7 Priest Kule. If it were anyone else, his strength and prestige would not be enough to convince the public.

As a result, Culler was forced to become an old man left behind and had to support the front line by himself.

"If anyone asks me, just say I went to find a way to close the rift."

Culler knew the stakes involved and nodded seriously: "Don't worry, I have already missed a talented student, and I won't miss another one."

"In the entire Demon Slaying Valley, except for the iron guards and clergy on duty, I will not allow anyone else to enter.

I am the only one who knows the news that you are going to hell.This time, I won't let the mind flayer take advantage of me. "

"Okay, wait for my good news!"

Bai Bin made full costumes for the three girls. According to their figures and sizes, they dressed up as the Sinking Demon and the Skinning Demon. He also modified Lilith's succubus image and deleted her own characteristics.

In this way, even if he returns to the Shadow Canyon, the succubus's lair, he will not be recognized at all as Lilith, the first succubus of the Holy Light to defect and transform from the First Hell.

Even Lilith tried to distinguish it by smell, but in the end she could only shake her head helplessly, unable to see any flaws, and was completely conquered by Bai Bin's handwork.

When the four of them took advantage of the darkness and came to the terrifying fissure, Lilith was the first to jump into the magma.

In the next second, the entire person disappeared from the unrippled magma.

Bai Bin, Weier and Helen jumped into the lava one after another.

Bai Bin was ready to activate the invisibility technique at any time.

The magma is hot, but you can't feel any violent flames or burning after jumping into it.

It's like suddenly entering a world of orange vision, and the surrounding lava flow is completely visible.

Several people continued to sink in the lava.

Soon through the translucent lava, Bai Bin saw the unique energy below. It was a stable and powerful energy that entered the lava from the other end and hung on the lava crystal wall like a grabber. It was the same as humans. The same grip on the world.

This energy is the factor that maintains the stability of the rift portal.

And the scene on the other side became increasingly clear.

When Bai Bin completely passed through the lava, his body left the liquid and was immediately invaded by a stream of heat.

Looking around, this is a desolate and scorching hellland.

The scorching wind howled by, raising the dust and forming a reddish-brown whirlpool.The sky was eaten away by the scorching sun, and the fire-like light scorched everything so hot that even the air seemed to melt in the scorching heat.

The ground cracked open, forming deep fissures from which fire surged, forming rivers of lava.This magma spreads across the helllands, burning everything to ashes.In this desolate place, there is no life, only burned debris and smoke.

Boiling springs erupted with poisonous smoke, and the air was filled with the smell of sulfur.The vegetation had long been swallowed up by the flames, leaving only the charred tree trunks, like a dead silence.The surface is densely covered with cracks, forming magma pools of different sizes, emitting strong firelight.

In this scorching hell scene, there is no trace of life, only endless flames and deathly silence.This is the eternal heat, the desolate other shore, and the forgotten realm of hell.

Lilith stood at the door of the rift and opened her arms: "Welcome to the first hell."

(End of this chapter)

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