This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 265 The Apostle of the Dark Lord

Chapter 265 The Apostle of the Dark Lord

Bai Bin looked around and saw that the crack was located at a narrow crack.

Peering through the cracked tube reveals the chaos and anxiety of hell.

Lilith then pointed to the barracks far outside the gap and said: "The devil has a unique realm spell in hell. You cannot call him by his name here, otherwise the other party will feel our presence with the power of rules. Here , we have to call the King of Lies [that one], we must remember it!"

The three people, including Bai Bin, nodded in unison.

When they arrive in hell, even if they have disguised themselves, they still feel a lot of discomfort.

Especially the temperature and the pungent smell of sulfur and burning in the air.Every breath stings your lungs slightly.If you are physically weaker, you will be harmed.

"In addition, the demons have a camp stationed outside the rift. Judging from the smoke and facilities coming from the ground, this group of low-level demons is stationed here to guard the rift, and is working hard to expand the rift and prepare for subsequent attacks."

"It seems that that person didn't seem to have given up attacking the human world, but was accumulating strength and waiting for a follow-up attack." Bai Bin saw the scene in hell with his own eyes and made his own judgment.

Because he was hidden in the shadows within the crack, the demon stationed in the barracks several hundred meters away did not notice anything unusual.

Bai Bin observed the situation outside. The area around the barracks was extremely open and there was no cover.

Thick smoke and dust were rising from the ground, and there were clanking and banging sounds. It was obvious that they were trying to prepare something.

Further away, rows of siege equipment were displayed.

Trebuchets, crash carts, and heavy platform carts with winches.

These things will bring great trouble to the Zion Empire.

'When we evacuate from hell, we will definitely burn all these things with fire! 'Bai Bin decided secretly in his heart.

But right now, in order to leave smoothly, we must not alert the enemy.

"Lilith, can you tell where this is?" Bai Bin took out the sheepskin map he had prepared. Lilith stayed up late to draw it, and it described most of the landmarks of the First Hell.

"Plain... Rift Valley..." Lilith frowned slightly, as if she thought of something bad.

"I haven't been able to see the whole thing, so I'm not sure...but from what I can see now, it feels like it's not far from the Shadow Canyon."

Shadow Canyon is the succubus' lair.

"Then let's go over and take a look." Bai Bin began to apply the invisibility spell on everyone. "The invisibility spell only lasts for 10 minutes. Lilith will take the lead later and everyone will follow."

If you suddenly go out of the gap, you will definitely be suspected by the people in the barracks outside.

But as long as they stay away from the vicinity of the rift, their appearance will not arouse any suspicion.

The area of ​​the First Hell is more than half of the Zion Empire, and Belial, the King of Lies, is the master of the entire First Hell.

Here, Belial's ability is strengthened by the existence of rules, and the will can appear in a physical state anywhere in the first hell.

Belial usually sits in the Demon's Nest and controls the entire First Hell.

The territory below it is controlled by the hell nobles, and the more detailed territory is managed by the hell lords.Finally, there are low-level demons who have no fixed location of their own and move with the war.Under the leadership of Lilith, several people successfully left the vicinity of the rift and successfully arrived outside the canyon.

At this time, Lilith looked at the familiar Shadow Canyon with a dazed expression.

This fissure is really not far from Shadow Canyon, only a few kilometers away.

Bai Bin took the initiative to cancel the invisible state, looked at the location of Shadow Canyon on the map, and drew a cross not far away to mark it.

The location of Shadow Canyon is quite far away from the Demon Cave Lair. It is probably in the middle and outer layers of the First Hell, and there are no landmarks or people around it.

But now that the rift has opened near Shadow Canyon, the Legion and Hell Demons must be gathering in this direction.

Soldansom City, located next to the Shadow Canyon, is the main area for the activities of various races and forces in the First Hell.

Soldansom is also known as the capital of succubi.

All the succubi in the First Hell come from here.

The succubus was born in the Shadow Canyon and lived in the Shadow Canyon during its childhood.

Once they enter the growth stage, they are expelled from the Shadow Canyon and go to Soldansom to work and live to earn money and improve themselves in order to be summoned to the world by signing a contract with the caster.

Lilith saw the city where she had sweated, and the previous scenes passed through her mind quickly. In just a few breaths, it seemed as if she had lived her whole life again.

Bai Bin disguised himself as a demon guard with a strong figure. Thinking about Lilith's introduction to Soldansom last night, a plan suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart.

In other words, it is a variation of his previous plan.

"Lilith, now that you've returned to your hometown, do you have any thoughts?" Bai Bin asked.

Although Lilith is now in a succubus body, her heart has long been toward the light.I have no favorable impressions of this place that was once so inwardly involved, a waste of youth, and a squeezing of body and mind.

The most important thing is that Lilith feels that the succubus's techniques are completely useless.

Otherwise, why was she so involved in life and death that she couldn't even win Bai Bin in the end?
It can work quickly against those pig brothers, but it is completely useless against high-quality human men like Bai Bin.

"They are just wasting their efforts. This city seems to be passionate, but in fact it has lost its soul. Everyone is a zombie." Lilith commented hotly.

"Then with your current strength, can you challenge the succubus elites in Soldansom?"

Lilith followed Bai Bin. Although she had transformed into a nun of light, the succubus's usual offensive methods had not fallen behind at all.Even after becoming the patron saint, I read a lot of documents on weapon attacks in the Central Holy See and Landenburg Cathedral, and I improved my whip skills.

And Lilith pioneered the injection of holy light into the inside of the whip's barbs. After stabbing the enemy, she can inject the holy light into the body of dark creatures, which can severely damage and devour light.

"If nothing else, there should be no problem. These succubus are very stupid, they are all big-breasted and brainless. They only study the techniques of seducing men. They are very weak in whip skills and fighting skills." Lilith said briefly In one sentence, the biggest drawback of the succubus was revealed.

Both themselves and the master who signed the contract only wanted to use the opportunistic ability of charm, but forgot the essence of combat.

Seeing that Lilith was so confident, Bai Bin raised the corner of his mouth and said: "From now on, we are the apostles of the Dark Lord Seskar of the Fourth Hell. This time we came to the First Hell to discuss cooperation with that Lord... "

The fourth hell, which happens to correspond to the location of the projection, is the forbidden life zone in the south of the Crescent Elf Kingdom!
 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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