This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 266 Even in hell, I can carry out justice!

Chapter 266 Even in hell, I can carry out justice!
The fourth hell is bordering the third hell, and the relationship is extremely contradictory!

Just like the mirror image of the human world, the New Moon Elf King Fruit and the Life Forbidden Zone are also hostile, and they are incompatible with each other.

The soul of hell cannot be created out of thin air. It requires demons, big and small, to seduce humans and sign contracts with them to make them addicted to power and thirsty for success. Then they sell their souls step by step in exchange for the power of hell, and eventually become slaves of hell. After death, he dedicated his greedy and powerful soul.

The identity that Bai Bin found as the envoy of Theskar, the dark lord of the fourth hell, perfectly grasped the weakness of the demon king Belial.

Although there is a truce agreement between the First Hell and the Second Hell, the evil weaver Balazmo of the Third Hell is eyeing Belial's territory. There are often frictions and conflicts on the border between the two sides. This is why Belial is so eager to take over. Reasons for the Lower Zion Empire.

After all, in the war of hell, when the soul dies, it is completely dead.

Belial needs the huge population of the Zion Empire to replenish the number of hell souls, and then transform these souls into lower demons.

"As an apostle of the Fourth Hell, you must show your confidence and foundation. Lilith, we must first go to Soldansom to get the corpses of two succubi..."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything." Lilith raised a smile on her lips.

This time, she is going to be completely famous in Soldansom with her new identity!

The combination of demon guards, succubi, skinned demons and sinking demons did not arouse the suspicion of others when they appeared on the streets of Soldansom.

Although this is a succubus city, due to the existence of the rift, many low-level demons are stationed around it. The arrival of these demons has also brought a lot of vitality and business opportunities to this succubus city.

Just after entering the city, Bai Bin could hear the hearty sound of fists coming from the Soldansom Tavern, which was built in the canyon, as well as the chirping sounds of many little devils.Just listening to the sound is so lively, it makes people want to go in and find out.

Demonic elements are incorporated into the city's architecture, with demonic faces carved on the walls and ancient demonic writing hidden in runes.

The statue of Our Lady of Succubus stands in the square, with its wings folded and hands crossed on its chest, looking down at the passers-by with a loving smile.

According to Lilith, all succubi born in Shadow Canyon call the Succubus Virgin 'Mother'.The most powerful succubus in the First Hell was awarded the title of earl by that person, and was also called the Count of the Virgin.

There are also some commercial shops that specialize in demonic artifacts and ancient magic.These shops feature devilish art and artifacts that showcase the devil's unique aesthetic and craftsmanship.There are also some artifacts containing dark magic, waiting for appreciation and trade by those who are destined to do so.

The Devil's Market thrives in a corner of the city, where all kinds of strange foods and potions are sold. In order to hide their identities, the vendors wear black robes to hide their figures so that no one can see their true colors.

In addition to being from the first hell, many merchants are from other hells and even creatures from other dark and evil planes.The flame demon who comes from the fifth hell and is good at teleportation is the most common business broker in hell. Relying on his special ability, his footprints can be found in almost the entire mirror hell.

According to Lilith, when night falls, the lights in the city dim and the streets are dotted with demonic torches, giving off a faint, dark light.Deep in the city, there is an area called the "Land of Shadows" where demons gather.Transactions that are not allowed are often carried out there.

Bai Bin couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth. Isn't such a city that is on the edge of the rules the big stage for him to make trouble?


Soldansom changes colors again, the flames and lights of various colors are bright, and the bright colors make people feel like they are in a devil punk world.

During the day, Soldentham only looks prosperous. It is not until night begins that the city reveals its true face - the City of Shadows and Night.

Manic music sounded, accompanied by the fragrant smell of alcohol and the natural wildness of the demons. The figure of the succubus swayed on the stage of the tavern. Against the backdrop of the intense light, it inspired the deepest desires in the hearts of all the demons. desire.The hooting, howling, and the melodious breathing and moaning of the succubus hidden beneath them all aroused the demon's inner desire.

The middle-level demons on the street were holding an enchanting succubus in their arms.

Those low-level demons could only follow behind the mid-level demons with envious green light in their eyes and the saliva from their mouths dripping on the ground.

Desire ignited longing, and everything the power he saw seemed to inject a shot of stimulant into the lower demons.The next time they fight, they will remember the feeling of today again, bloodthirsty and courageous, and move forward indomitably.

This kind of city, with such wanton indulgence of desires, and the devil's cave where gold and bones are destroyed, perfectly fits the positioning of a succubus city.

At this time, what were Bai Bin and everyone doing?

At this time, Bai Bin, Weier and Helen were hiding in the shadows of inconspicuous corners of the city, waiting for the arrival of their prey.

Not long after, there was a unique "beep" sound of the succubus' hooves coming from outside the alley, as well as Lilith's slightly excited tone.

"This kind of good stuff must be hidden deep enough. When we come from the fourth hell this time, in addition to following the orders of the dark lord, we must also do some purchasing and trading. If we directly reveal our identity openly, we will definitely become those flames. The demon broker’s great grudge.”

"Don't worry, you two, when the time comes we will purchase from your channels, and we will definitely receive your benefits."

The other two succubi also laughed like silver bells: "Sister, you are so lucky. You can follow Master Theskar and do lucrative jobs. No wonder your skin and temperament are so good. Unlike us... ...Every day for a meager income, I have to make fun of those brainless and violent demons..."

"The two sisters were joking. If this cooperation can be successful, your status in Soldansom will be as high as that of the statue in the square."

The three of them walked into the dark alley while chatting. The two succubi looked back and forth, but saw no other people.

"Sister, where is the person?"

"Behind you~" Lilith smiled.

Bai Bin, Helen and Weier appeared at the same time. In order to prevent the two succubi from taking action, Helen directly used the silence field to completely silence the two succubi who reacted instinctively.

In Bai Bin's hand, the Hell Chain Hammer, which was a combination of the Hell Lingyuan Furnace and the Soul-sucking Cane, whizzed towards the succubus.

Wei'er also launched a backstab sneak attack from the shadows.

In an instant, the two succubi were so angry that they couldn't even make a sound.

"Okay, now it's time for a big show." Bai Bin showed a sinister smile on his face, peeled off the skins of the two succubi, covered them again on Wei'er and Helen, and re-disguised them.

The original corpses of the two succubi were faked to look like the Skinned Demon and the Sinking Demon, and a scene was created where they killed each other due to quarrels.

(End of this chapter)

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