This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 268 Lilith is about to appear

Chapter 268 Lilith is about to appear

The bone demon waiter hurriedly lowered his head. Although he was disdainful in his heart, he still had to do a good job on the surface.

"How can the vulgar people in the Realm of Desire be compared with your maid? The succubus on the stage is vulgar and vulgar. Her purpose is just to entertain you. How can she be as intimate as the maid beside you?"

What the bone demon waiter said made Bai Bin elated. He laughed and threw a few more crystal lattice on the table: "You are so eloquent. It's really unfair to be a little waiter here. Are you interested in following me? It just so happens. I need a butler by my side who can show up in times of trouble."

Bai Bin saw the hesitant look in the Bone Demon's waiter's eyes and interrupted before he could speak: "Don't rush to give me the answer. I will stay here in Soldensham for a few days. You can come to me at any time if you think about it." !”

This bone demon waiter has vision and emotional intelligence. If he can get Bai Bin to his side, he can help Bai Bin get out of a lot of trouble.

"Thank you sir for your kindness. I will consider it carefully next time." The bone demon waiter did not completely refuse.After all, he still doesn't understand the identity and background of the rich man in front of him, but he can guess from a few words that he is visiting from other hells.

Soon, the fight in the octagonal cage ended.

It ended with one demon being completely torn to pieces and blood spilled on the spot.

Although Wei'er and Helen had both seen the scene of the demon's death, the impact of this bloody scene of a living being being torn into pieces was still quite huge, and they both showed expressions of intolerance and disgust.

All this was seen by the bone demon waiter, and his little thoughts were ready to move.

Seeing that these two succubi were wearing weapons, they couldn't stand the blood. They were obviously well protected. I had never seen such a scene of the bottom fighting for their lives.

This could not help but solidify the bone demon waiter's speculation. This generous demon guard must have some kind of noble or high-ranking background, so that the maid has never seen too much blood and cruelty.

Soon, low-level demons came on stage and quickly washed away the blood stains and tissue fragments in the Octagonal cage.

The little devil in charge of hosting flapped his wings and began to introduce the next highlight in an enthusiastic and high-pitched tone.

"Woooooooo~" After a burst of rising onomatopoeia, the little devil shouted: "Next, there is the much-anticipated, bottom-of-the-box show of Realm of Desire, Succubus War! Today, we are presented with a performance by It’s the long-established Aaliyah and the latest rising star Lindsay!”

"Let us give warm applause to the two female warriors today!"

Immediately, the magical lights dimmed, leaving only two beams of light shining in the corridor.

The two succubi walked out of the corridor with enchanting steps, and there was a burst of cheers and cheers from both the VIP seats in the box and the ordinary seats below.

Aaliyah and Lindsay's outfits were a little more revealing than normal succubi, with almost only the least amount of fabric covering their private parts of the body.

Especially when they thought that these only coverings would be torn and removed later, the audience started to get excited.

Even though it was Bai Bin, he couldn't help but straighten his body, his eyes filled with expectation.

'The demons from hell still know how to play!In the Zion Empire, this is also a top-notch enjoyment! Bai Bin couldn't help but sigh.

Lilith on the side saw Bai Bin's appearance. Although she knew that he must be pretending, she still couldn't help but feel a little disgusted: "At this level, I can only show off here. In terms of strength, I'm still far from it! "

Bai Bin turned his head and glanced at Lilith, and said with a smile: "It seems that someone is not convinced? Do you want to go out and play later?"

"Just have fun, I will use my strength to prove that the succubus here is just a show of force!" Lilith said fiercely.

Bai Bin looked at the bone demon waiter aside. Before he could speak, the bone demon waiter bent down and said thoughtfully: "I understand what you mean, I will go and ask for instructions now..."

Bai Bin nodded with satisfaction: "It saves you worry when you talk to smart people. This is a reward." After that, he threw out a few more crystal lattice pieces.

The bone demon waiter took the money and left the box happily to ask for instructions.

At this time, the battle in the octagonal cage has begun.

The demons exclaimed and cheered one after another.

Especially when the battle started, the two succubi each used the whips in their hands to take away the other's few shirts, and directly engaged in a battle with bare breasts.

The battle that followed was lively and weighty, with a bit of excitement.

In particular, the whip was replaced by melee combat, which greatly improved the viewing experience by several levels.

As for the movements and techniques, it doesn’t matter!
The important thing is the ripples caused by the collision of the layers of flesh, which brings strong visual stimulation.

Not long after, the bone demon waiter came back with a smile on his face: "Sir, the club agrees, but you need to explain your true identity so that you can be introduced when you appear on stage and arrange a suitable opponent for your maid."

"This is all a small problem. I am the apostle Daolong under the command of Lord Seskar, the dark lord of the fourth hell. This person who is going to fight is my maid, Succubus Gan."

Bai Bin poured out his situation without saying a word.

When the bone demon attendant used his fingertips to record the imprints on the bones, the bones' fingers couldn't help but tremble, and his mind was shaken.

The apostle from the fourth hell lord... can be sent as an envoy to a hell, his position must be respected and highly regarded!

Thinking of the olive branch extended by Mr. Barong just now, the bone demon waiter was disappointed.

But the current service must be done well. This person said that he will be in Soldansom for the next few days and let him think about it carefully. He doesn't need to be so anxious to throw himself into his arms.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll make arrangements right away." Then he turned to Gan, the succubus disguised by Lilith, with the same humble attitude: "May I ask, beautiful lady, what kind of opponent do you want?"

Lilith looked arrogant and contemptuous, and said: "Call out the best fighter here. This kind of childish play-fighting is totally worthless."

The bone demon waiter turned around and asked Bai Bin with his eyes. Bai Bin just waved his hand casually: "Just do as she said. If you can't defeat the top succubus in a club, then there is no need to be my maid."

The bone demon waiter bowed and retreated again.

A subtle smile appeared on Lilith's lips.

Things are going step by step according to their vision.

Tonight, starting from the Realm of Desire, the name of the Dark Lord's Apostle Baron will resound throughout Soldansom.

The competition in the octagonal cage has entered a fever pitch. The two succubi have lost every trace of their bodies, and all their secrets are openly displayed in front of everyone.

The shouts on the field also reached a climax, and many demons stood up. The greed and desire in their eyes were almost tangible.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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