This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 269: The enemy is ashamed and I take off her clothes!

Chapter 269: The enemy is ashamed and I take off her clothes!
When one of the succubus completely lost his strength, he fell on the stage and gasped, without any energy to get up.

Her hair is disheveled and her body is free of strands.

There was only warm applause and endless howls, cheers and boos in the audience.

The winners and losers left the stage one after another, and people were still immersed in the battle between the two perfect bodies. At this time, the little devil had already flown to the upside-down microphone and said:
"Let me tell you some good news. Tonight's battle is not over yet, not over yet! Next, there will be a temporary additional game. This game is very interesting because of the identities and backgrounds of the two players!"

The little devil's high-pitched and excited voice immediately aroused the curiosity of the entire audience.

Even the medium-sized demons who originally stood up to leave stopped and sat down again.

"Tonight, the contestant is Melovina, the strongest succubus in the Realm of Desire. She has maintained a twenty-game winning streak without a single defeat! She ranks first in the rankings with a crushing appearance! No opponent has been able to successfully remove her so far. The clothes on your body!”

"And our challenger also has a big background! This is Succubus Gan, the maid of Master Baron, the apostle of the Dark Lord, from the distant Fourth Hell!"

"Let's see what kind of sparks the distant and mysterious succubus of the fourth hell and Melovina, the strongest succubus in the realm of desire, can create!"

When words such as "Fourth Hell", "Dark Lord", "Apostle Baron" and "Succubus Gan" came out of the little devil's mouth, the audience was stunned.

Soldentham is a place full of entertainment and entertainment, but it is only slightly famous in the First Hell.The most famous and highest-status person here is the Succubus Madonna, but there has never been a visitor to the Fourth Hell.

Even in the land of shadows where secret transactions are conducted, most of the people you see are only people from the second and third hells, and few people from the fourth hell come all the way here.

You must know that from the Fourth Hell to here, you have to either cross the extremely dangerous and evil third Hell realm, or cross the Sea of ​​Fury. No matter which way you go, you will have a narrow escape and be faced with many dangers.

What on earth did such a highly regarded apostle, who represented the dark lord, come to the First Hell to do?

This makes people think a lot.

And as the maid of Barong, what kind of strength does Succubus Gan have?

This makes people look forward to it.

Whether it's Melovina who has won [-] consecutive victories, or Baron's maid Succubus Gan, if any one of them is beaten until their clothes are blown off, it will be a rare and enjoyable show!

Bai Bin stood up from the box and waved to the middle-level demons around him through the empty viewing platform in front of him. The audience of low-level demons sitting below also raised their heads and stared at the demon guard from the fourth hell. .

Tall, mighty, and calm, he has an indescribable air of superiority.

The other two succubus maids behind them are even more slim and have smooth skin. They each hold strange weapons such as double daggers and tridents, but they don't look out of place at all.

Although the number of people was small, the splendid formation and momentum could be seen to the naked eye to be very different from the self-proclaimed mid-level demons around them.

Even some demon nobles cannot match the temperament of Lord Barong.

You're a serious old devil from hell, you'll be richer just by looking at your ancestors!Not the kind of nouveau riche who suddenly got rich.

Elegant, so elegant!
Just saying hello just now, Bai Bin saw that there were many succubus in the box, who were obviously hugged by other demons, but they were ogling him crazily, and even blowing kisses to him.

The middle-class devils in the VIP seats in the box were also showing their goodwill, signaling to Bai Bin or raising their glasses.

The mysterious and powerful visitors to the fourth hell have a fatal attraction that makes people subconsciously approach and explore them.

Because it is unfamiliar, it is mysterious.

Bai Bin sat down again and focused his eyes on the octagonal cage.

At this moment, Melovina and Lilith were both on stage.Unlike the previous succubus who only had a large piece of cloth covering their bodies, these two succubi were dressed normally, and both also carried whip weapons unique to succubi.

In the Realm of Desire, the number of succubus clothes is a symbol of strength.

Although the body of a succubus who wears less clothes is very attractive, it loses its appeal after being stimulated by the senses because it is too easy to see.

Melovina didn't lose a game, so she wore all her clothes, which actually stimulated these demons who wanted to see Melovina's superb figure.It doesn't even require that you be naked, as long as you lose a game and can take off some of your clothes, it is enough to excite these demons dominated by desire.

This almost hunger-marketing approach to operations is the key to Desire’s critical acclaim in Soldansom.

Being able to watch such a wonderful performance without paying any extra money, the enthusiasm of the demons present was raised to another level, even more intense than before!
Lilith and Melovina entered the Octagon one after another.

The two succubi stood in the center of the octagonal cage, staring at each other, their eyes shining with determination to fight.The audience was quietly waiting for this anticipated showdown.

"I won't show mercy just because you are a visitor from the Fourth Hell." Melovina's eyes were indifferent, looking at Lilith as if she were looking at a 'dying person'.

In the past, Lilith might have been afraid or even overwhelmed by Melovina's momentum.

But now she has followed Bai Bin and seen all kinds of big things in the world, even the guardian saint of the Guangming Sect.

Melovina's courage was completely ineffective against Lilith.

Lilith chuckled: "From today on, no one will look forward to you, because you will have no secrets."

The subtext of Lilith's words is that today she will completely blow Melovina to pieces, physically bursting out of her clothes!

With an order from the little devil outside the octagonal cage, the battle begins.

Lilith quickly swung her whip, instantly forming a whip shadow like a storm. Her figure was light and flexible.

Melovina responded with her elegant steps and vigorous skills, using her whip to neutralize Lilith's attack.

The duel between the two is like an exquisite dance, with strong power and skill in every swing.

But Lilith soon lost interest.

Melovina, who was once enough for her to look up to, is now at the end of her rope.

Lilith's whip was sharp and sharp, and she gradually gained the upper hand.

Lilith seized an opportunity and whipped Melovina's whip aside, exposing her weak point in defense.

She took advantage of the situation and launched a fierce attack, wrapping the whip around Melovina's waist.

The whip's barbs were infused with a small amount of holy light energy and pierced into Melovina's body.

Melovina let out a pitiful wail, and instantly seemed to be electrocuted. Her whole body twitched and fell to the ground, rolling her eyes.

Lilith snorted coldly and whipped out the whip. The barbed whip tore off all Melovina's clothes and turned them into rags, flying freely in the octagonal cage.

Melovina, who had fainted, was completely naked, lying in the octagonal cage for everyone to admire.

Lilith solved the battle neatly, and Bai Bin, who was far away in the box, looked straight in the eyes. At this moment, there was only one sentence left in his mind:

If the enemy is ashamed, I will take off her clothes!
 A must-have for middle-aged men to make them cry!Are you overwhelmed by the burden of life, unsatisfactory career, and feelings of family and country?Flowers will bloom again, and people will never be young again.But now, with double martial arts rewards, Zhang Cheng wants to find everything he lost!
(End of this chapter)

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