This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 270 The new top player in the Succubus City

Chapter 270 The new top player in the Succubus City

Although the close hand-to-hand fight between two naked succubi just now was shocking enough, it made Bai Bin's throat go dry.

But this kind of succubus, who is well-dressed and doesn't reveal much, looks a bit reserved no matter how you look at it.

But Lilith just whipped the other person's clothes and all his clothes were blown off.

Melovina, who was so proud just now, is now lying in the octagonal cage, weak and helpless.

The psychological stimulation brought about by that strong sense of contrast and taboo has completely risen to a new level!
In addition, there was no warning, no feeling of gradually peeling off the layers, but in an instant, the clothes went from being tightly wrapped to completely exploding and disappearing.

It had no impact or shock brought by any psychological foreshadowing, leaving the middle and low-level devils present dumbfounded and speechless.

Have they ever done this without any preparation, preparation, or transition, and went straight to the big wave as soon as they started!
This kind of rough and direct impact has a very original atmosphere, which is very right!
There is no elegance, no return of welcome, nothing as simple and rough as that!

This time, everything feels comfortable!
The little devil, who was the host and referee, was hovering over the Octagon, looking equally astonished.

I thought this would be an evenly matched and highly entertaining contest, but I didn't expect that the succubus successfully resolved the battle, and even allowed the rare Melovina to show herself naked, completely losing the sense of expectation and mystery.

"Aren't you announcing the winner yet?" Lilith in the octagonal cage flashed a harsh look between her brows, making the little devil tremble and quickly announced: "The winner is - Succubus Gan from the Fourth Hell! Let’s give Succubus a big round of applause for what an incredible match it was!”

"Succubus Gan killed the game and broke Melovina's victory record with a crushing appearance! Now, Succubus Gan has become the most powerful succubus in the Realm of Desire!"

The little devil screamed at the top of his lungs, and the entire venue fell into a frenzy.

Lilith looked around with sharp eyes, and the demons she met subconsciously turned away, not daring to look directly at each other.

"I will stay in Soldansom for the next two days. If there are any succubi who are still unconvinced, they can challenge you. At this time tomorrow, I will still be here to meet your challenges."

Although Lilith did not say it clearly, her contempt for the Succubus City was evident in her words.

Together, it seems to be contempt for the entire first hell!
'This succubus Gan has come with bad intentions! '

'It was completely unclear. Melovina only exchanged a few moves with the opponent, and then lost quickly.Obviously this succubus was willing to find out. After testing the opponent's strength, he defeated him with overwhelming force! '

"Succubus Gan defeated Melovina with just one move. Who knows the true strength of this guy!"And there are three such succubus Barongs. It seems that the apostles of the dark lord of the fourth hell are crossing the river with fierce dragons this time! '

The guests in the VIP box had thoughts in their hearts. The other party was showing off their strength.

If even the succubus Gan as a maid is so powerful, then what about Barong as an apostle?
And Bai Bin also took advantage of Lilith's appearance just now to ask the bone demon waiter to help place a heavy bet.

The odds were stacked up and he made a lot of money. Not only did he get back all the lattice he had squandered today, he also made wealth that Lilith could never make in the past, which was enough for Bai Bin to carry out his next plan.

Bai Bin casually threw a crystal lattice to the bone demon attendant: "This is for you."

After saying that, Bai Bin stood up to greet Lilith who had returned successfully.

When I saw the plate filled with crystal lattice held by the Bone Demon waiter, I felt even more excited.I had worked so hard to save so much crystal lattice, but I didn't expect that in Bai Bin's hands, the value would increase more than a hundred times overnight.
"Okay, I had a lot of fun tonight, come back tomorrow night."

Bai Bin waved his hand and motioned for the three maids to leave together.

After Bai Bin left, the demons in the Realm of Desire began to discuss unscrupulously. The topics of discussion were all about Barong and his three succubus maids.

As for Melovina's body that they just saw, everyone has forgotten it.

Bai Bin's appearance tonight was very successful. During his trip to the Realm of Desire, everyone present knew his name as 'Barong' and also knew that his subordinate 'Succubus Gan' was outstanding.

Presumably after another night of fermentation, the entire Soldansom will know the news that the dark lord of the fourth hell, Theskar, has sent the apostle Baron.

I just paid a small amount of money to advertise for free throughout the entire city of Soldansom, confirming my identity. There is nothing safer and more cost-effective than this.

That night, the four of them checked into the most luxurious hotel in Soldansom and asked for a top-notch room where they could overlook the entire city of Soldansom from the top of the canyon.

Magic neon, shadow alley, light and dark intertwined.

Evil breeds here, desires are released here, and all emotions intertwine to form something more chaotic, and then go their separate ways to pass it on.

"To a certain extent, hell is also an evil lawful force. Within a strict hierarchical framework, it squeezes and vents everyone's desires, just to climb to the impossible end. All demons can cross it in their lifetime. The current class is already extremely dazzling and outstanding, and most of them will only become bones under this prosperity."

Bai Bin sighed: "Human life will eventually end, but as a low-level devil in hell, it is difficult to die even if you want to. It can be said that you have toiled for generations. As long as you can't die, you will work to death."

Lilith walked to Bai Bin and was quite touched by Bai Bin's emotion.

Before she was fully awakened, she also carried out the orders of hell mechanically, taking pride in signing a contract between the succubus and the caster.These contracts often stipulate that each time a succubus is summoned, life materials or soul fragments are required, or the number of souls in years.

These souls will not fall into the hands of the succubus, but will go directly to the first hell.

Succubi are all proud of hell earning more soul fragments.

But all he gets is a false sense of inner satisfaction.

All of this is designed, and they don't even have the most basic rights. They are like engineers among ants, working hard to carry food every day.There is neither the right to reproduce nor the qualification to taste honey fruits.

As for the real upper class, they only need to lie down, and the things they dream of will be placed in front of them, without even having to move.

It wasn't until Lilith awakened to the Holy Light and understood what sacrifice was, what protection was, her perspective on the world and her own abilities that she grew up rapidly and bid farewell to ignorance.

"So, are you planning to take action based on the rules and completely dismantle the First Hell?" Lilith grasped the key point keenly.

Bai Bin reached out and gently scratched the tip of Lilith's nose: "You can't say it so harshly. Why can't you let the demons wake up and realize that all their actions are valuable?"

(End of this chapter)

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