This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 271 Spokesperson of Darkness

Chapter 271 Spokesperson of Darkness

Lilith opened her mouth wide, not knowing what to say.

Bai Bin's words are like a key, a key that opens Pandora's box.

Lilith knows that no one can resist this temptation. This is a kind of chronic corrosion. By the time the demons realize something is wrong, they have been deeply corrupted and pulled into the chariot of the same interests, and they no longer have the courage to give up. A materially rich life returns to the poor self of the past.

"Then what do we need to do?" Lilith was very aware.In terms of strategic design, she could not contribute, so she could only do her best to become Bai Bin's "weapon" and do her part for the final result.

"You guys, just need to continue to maintain your own persona. The stronger your combat power and the higher your level, the higher my status will be highlighted and the degree to which I am respected by the dark lord. And how to corrupt these hell demons? That’s what I’m going to do.”

The corner of Bai Bin's mouth raised high, remembering that when he left the Mirror of Desire today, the Bone Demon waiter looked arrogant and respectful, as if he had been hit by a sugar-coated cannonball.

If you work in the Realm of Desire for a year, you may get as much tips as Bai Binsa tonight.

If you can resist such temptation for one day, can you endure it for the second or third day?

When the tide of money recedes and he is used to receiving large rewards every day, and suddenly returns to a meager income, won't he feel a little fluctuation, a little regret and a little complaint in his heart?
The Bone Demon Waiter is a smart person, so he will make the smartest decision.

"Weier, the day after tomorrow, which is the last day, I will send you to play. Are you confident?" Bai Bin suddenly turned his head and said.

Wei'er was stunned for a moment when her name was suddenly called, and her eyes burst into brilliant light.

He thought it would be Lilith showing off for three consecutive days, which made her slightly depressed.

But considering that she is currently lurking inside the enemy in hell, she should give up all her petty tempers during the mission. This is what her father taught her during the assassin test.

I just didn't expect that Bai Bin would suddenly call her name and let her play on the last day.

Even Weier came on stage, and the remaining Helen couldn't sit still.

She has made great progress during this time, right?

"What about me? What about me?" Helen quickly raised her hand to show her presence.

Bai Bin smiled meaningfully: "Helen, let me ask you. If you are from Soldansom, and you see Lilith take action today and tomorrow, when you think that Lilith will take action again on the last day, When Weier takes action against the strongest enemy, what would you think?"

Helen tilted her head, and the image of a cute and innocent succubus suddenly came into view.

"Hmm... I will definitely think that all the succubi under Apostle Baron are hidden, and any one who stands up is a master."

"Yes, after you have such an idea, do you expect that the last succubus who did not take action will have what kind of abilities?"

Helen said without hesitation: "Definitely! The first two have shown their abilities, so the last one who has not shown his abilities is naturally the most mysterious."

Bai Bin followed Helen's words: "In addition, it will also create a feeling for others, that is, the person who did not take action in the end must be the strongest among the three succubi. So the less he takes action, the more likely he will be. The more deterrent you are, the more powerful you will be!"

Helen's eyes were filled with stars, and she was completely immersed in the scene of shock, horror, and fear created by Bai Bin. She made various guesses and analyzes about Helen's strength.

The unique feeling of pleasure created by this misplaced information made Helen's body tremble slightly, and she was almost flying.

"So, are you still going to take action now?" Bai Bin asked.

Helen waved her hands quickly: "No, no, no, I don't want to take action. I want to continue to maintain my strength as the number one master. As long as I don't take action, my strength will become higher and higher."

"Now do you understand the meaning of my arrangement? As long as you don't take action, you will always deter people who have evil intentions towards you, making them uneasy and fearful, making them have to distract themselves from considering you as a variable. So sometimes even if If you don't take action, the effect will be greater than taking action." Bai Bin wanted to make Helen such a topical succubus.

If Lilith is synonymous with "arrogant" and Weier is synonymous with "cold and ruthless", then Helen's main element is "mystery".

Because there was no action, everyone would guess that Helen's ability would be extended to the trident she held.

The wall-breaking effect will appear on his team of succubus maids, triggering heated discussions.

If there are discussions and speculations, there will be topics and popularity.

I believe that in three days, Bai Bin and his three succubus maids will completely dominate the conversation after dinner in Soldansom.

Early the next morning.

When everyone finished washing and walked out of the hotel, a large number of demons appeared outside the door.

Part of them were curious about what the succubus who defeated Melovina last night looked like, and part of them were attracted by Bai Bin.

It is rumored that the apostles under the Dark Lord Theskar of the Fourth Hell visited the First Hell. As soon as they arrived, they made a show of power to everyone in Soldentham, showing their great strength.

As the spokesperson of darkness, Barong greatly attracted the attention of this group of "rogues" in the First Hell.

And this news, along with the scouts, was reported late at night to the throne in the core of the first hell - the Demon Cave Lair.

When the Demon King Belial heard that the apostles sent by Theskar, the dark lord of the Fourth Hell, had arrived in the First Hell and even appeared in Soldentham, he couldn't help but frown.

The fourth hell has never had much interaction with his first hell, and his relationship with the dark lord is only a nod. Each maintains its own hell realm, without too in-depth understanding and discussion.

Why would the other party send apostles at this time?

And it's still the kind that doesn't have any advance notice. The main thing is to be casual and the main thing is to be unexpected.

"A demon guard with three succubi, right?"

"This lineup..."

Demon King Belial frowned slightly, saying that the lineup was arbitrary. From the Fourth Hell to the First Hell, one had to either cross the Third Hell or take a boat through dangerous sea areas.No matter which way you do it, you need to have great courage.

But to say that this lineup is luxurious would be a bit unconscionable.

When I first arrived in Soldansom, what I did was actually choose the arena, which was really incredible.

Demon King Belial thought twice and suddenly said: "Rancis, you made a big mistake when you attacked in the rift last time, and you lost a lot of demons."

"Now I give you a chance to atone for your sins. Go and contact the other party in the name of my apostle. See what kind of will this dark lord has brought and what purpose this spokesperson of the dark lord has brought with him!"

"Once that's done, let's forget about the past."

"If it doesn't work well..."

(End of this chapter)

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