This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 272: Dimensionality reduction attack from Bai Bin!

Chapter 272: Dimensionality reduction attack from Bai Bin!
During the day, Bai Bin was not idle either.

As the Dark Apostle Barong without background or token endorsement, Bai Bin is currently only in terms of strength, leaving a deep impression on everyone in Soldansom with the power of a dragon crossing the river.

But not all demons are stupid idiots who believe whatever you say.

Although the first hell and the fourth hell are far apart, basic background checks and identity verification are still required. Otherwise, if a stranger dares to say that he is an apostle of the Xth hell, everything will be messed up.

Therefore, Bai Bin also needs to create an illusion to deceive the middle and upper levels of the devil, allowing them to complete the last link of his identity and endorse his identity.

Bai Bin's method is to use his fifth-level spell [Prevent Detection] in the field of trickery to create false illusions to deceive the enemy.

Bai Bin thoughtfully created a fantasy history for each of the three women. Most of them recorded the training of the three women in the fourth hell. At the same time, there were also some profile descriptions of Bai Bin. Through the perspective and mouth of the three women, they instilled Bai Bin into the snoopers. Bin is extremely valued in the fourth hell.

The history of the illusion that Bai Bin gave himself was much more complete. He even simulated the dark lord Theskar's personal instructions and ordered him to secretly go to the First Hell to deliver the cooperation news to the Demon Lord Belial.

Although Bai Bin has never seen the dark lord Theskar, Bai Bin can create it. Anyway, in the illusion, Theskar is sitting on the throne, wrapped in a black aura of darkness, and his true appearance cannot be seen clearly.

This kind of covering up can not only show the power of Theskar, but also has a sense of mystery that cannot be peeked into, making people feel awe.

And because the mission of 'Apostle Baron' is completely secret, there is no token that can prove his identity. Baron must find a way to prove it himself.

This is to prevent being discovered by the scouts and spies of the Third Hell and finding an excuse to attack and annihilate the Fourth Hell.

You know, the relationship between the Third Hell and the Fourth Hell is on the same level, and the war at the border between the two sides has never completely stopped.

There is no evidence to prove Barong's identity, so he will naturally not vent his anger on the fourth hell.

Such a complete logical closed loop, coupled with Bai Bin's upgraded level 4 [Prevention of Detection] after adding points, as long as someone really spies on the four people and investigates their backgrounds, it can serve as perfect proof of Bai Bin's identity!

Next, is Soldensem’s “Devil’s Awakening” plan!

The power of thoughts is huge.

If you want to bring complete chaos to the First Hell, you cannot rely solely on brute force or assassination.

There is only one way to completely subvert the First Hell, and that is to open up the people's wisdom and awaken the demons at the bottom.

When Bai Bin and Lilith talked at night in Waterdam, Bai Bin made detailed inquiries about the system and development route of the First Hell.

Judging from Lilith's answer, the first hell is said to be the evil forces of hell, but it goes straight to the core. It is a "nomadic" system with plunder as its core and military merit as its promotion route.

The reason why they are said to be nomads is because hell cannot automatically produce souls and cannot 'reproduce' completely independently.All souls are absorbed, all attached to the physical world, that is, the human world.

As a mirror image of the human world, the hell world relies on bewitchment, deception, and threats to sign contracts with intelligent creatures in the human world, and then seize their souls to expand the population of hell.

They have no means of production and rely entirely on stealing and stealing resources. What are they but nomads?
As for the promotion of demons, a military merit system is adopted.

Only by fighting can one gain experience and military merit. After gaining merit, the Demon King of Hell will grant him status, and status is his ability.So under this system, it is difficult for hell to have a peaceful day.Once the seven demon kings of hell fall into a balance and stalemate, and no battles take place, then there will be no consumption of souls, and no military achievements will be produced. Low-level demons will have no way to rise, and there will be no hope. The hell system will completely collapse and disintegrate. !

When the primitive "nomadic economy" encounters the distribution according to work system, its backwardness will be clearly revealed.

Coupled with the new type of superior-subordinate relationship, it will definitely cause an explosion in the backward, ignorant and first hell!

"Are you all ready? It's our turn to perform on stage soon." Bai Bin asked.

The three women stepped forward one after another, looked at the crystal lattice on the table that had been divided into three parts, and picked up one part at random.

"It has been prepared for a long time. Is this method really feasible?" Lilith was a little worried. Bai Bin's plan exceeded her understanding of destruction.Can such a show really inspire the self in the hearts of hell demons and make them "awaken"?

"Of course, this is my attack on the loopholes of the hell system. The effectiveness of this attack is delayed, but its spread is comparable to a virus. Once it spreads, even the demon king who has complete dominance over hell can only You will lament your inability to completely master your own area.”

After Bai Bin finished speaking, he couldn't wait to get up: "Okay, it's time for us to leave now."

This is what happened in the hotel before everyone set off in the morning.

When the four people walked out of the hotel, there were already many demons outside, many of whom were holding their necks and trying to look at the four people.

After all, for the demons in the First Hell, the Fourth Hell is a place they have heard of but never seen.

After seeing the four people, my inner curiosity was satisfied.

It turns out that the people in the fourth hell are just like them, with no difference in appearance.

It's just that there is a huge difference in temperament.

The three succubi of Lord Baron, the Dark Apostle, each have their own characteristics.

The leader, the succubus Gan who was killed yesterday in the Realm of Desire, has long black hair that is spread on his shoulders like a waterfall in the night.Her eyes are extremely deep, like twinkling stars in the starry sky, full of mystery.Her eyes were both noble and cold, as if nothing could cause any disturbance to her.

The succubus who followed behind her with double thorns on her waist had a noble demeanor in every move she took. There was no enchantment in every step she took, but instead gave people the feeling of a lady. This is something that demons have never felt in succubi. .

The last succubus carrying a trident had pitiful eyes, like a pool of spring water.The whole person looks a little weak, and her temperament has the fragile feeling of a down-and-out princess, which makes people can't help but pity and care for her.

Bai Bin looked at the many demons with scout eyes around him, and he was already ecstatic in his heart.

It seems that last night's grand debut was a success, and many demons with backgrounds in Soldensome have begun to notice them.

So today, I’m going to give you a little shock of free will!

 "Defend Nanshan Park"!Mecha text!Tianrui's masterpiece!Updated again after half a year!A 1.4-word chapter has been released!

(End of this chapter)

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