This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 276 The second possibility of influencing the devil

Chapter 276 The second possibility of influencing the devil (two-in-one)

When Yuga Godmother appeared on the stage, the audience burst into warm applause.

Many demon spectators in the audience expressed their most sincere gratitude when they saw this outstanding contributor to Shadow Canyon and Soldentham.

Yuga Godmother also dresses differently from other succubi.

Wearing a smart and close-fitting combat uniform, except for the hands, feet and eyes, no trace of skin is exposed.

Even his face was covered with a layer of black gauze, revealing only a pair of sharp purple eyes, and wrinkles could be seen creeping up to the corners of his eyes.

Yuga Godmother's weapon is a pair of metal tiger fingers, and there is no wave on her face after she appears.

After all, in the past, Godmother Yuga was invincible in all the realms of desire. Even because she had been in power for five consecutive years, her fame reached the ears of the Succubus Virgin, and she was specially recruited to the Shadow Canyon, influencing a large number of new succubi.

Today, her former vigor has dissipated, replaced by a calm aura of a superior.

It took a lot of effort to invite Yuga Godmother to appear this time after five years.

Yoga Godmother was the first to take the stage, walked into the octagonal cage, closed her eyes and rested.

Lilith then walked in from the passage, and the cheers on the field suddenly became quieter.

But Lilith couldn't suppress the raised corners of her mouth at all, and then entered the octagonal cage with a valiant and heroic appearance.

Yuga Godmother slowly opened her eyes and examined the succubus Gan from the fourth hell in front of her.

After testing the situation yesterday, this person instantly killed her most proud disciple Melovina this year.

Yesterday, Melovina failed to win 21 consecutive victories, but was instantly killed. This only exists when there is a huge disparity in strength.

Just by looking at the succubus Gan, Godmother Yuga could feel the complex temperament in him.

Can't tell.

But she suddenly thought of the Succubus Madonna.

The two of them looked different and gave people different feelings, but for some reason, Godmother Yuga thought of the succubus mother, the spiritual leader.

Under the passionate opening of the Little Devil host, both parties were ready.

The chains of the octagonal cage are locked, which means that the fight will not stop until one person falls to the ground.

Godmother Yuga breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The fact that you can defeat Melovina shows that your skills are already very strong. But today, you will see the peak of your skills and understand the gap between heaven and earth."

Godmother Yuga wears a finger tiger.

In her opinion, the finger tiger is the weapon that best demonstrates the skills of melee combat. It does not rely on length, but relies entirely on skill to win.

As for Succubus Gan, she still looks normal, and her weapon is still a long whip with barbs.

"I am very much looking forward to fighting you. I heard that you are famous in Soldansom and have trained a large number of succubi. This makes me even more curious about the strength of the godmother." As Lilith spoke, her eyes were eager to test.

All this fell into the eyes of Godmother Yuga.

"If that's the case, let's get started!"

The opponent's fighting spirit is awe-inspiring, and it is useless to say more.

Both sides shuttled around the Octagon, deftly avoiding each other's attacks.

Yuga Godmother was extremely fast and tried to close in several times, but she used her superb grappling skills to make the final decision.

However, Succubus Gan managed to dodge narrowly every time, which made her attacks fail several times.

Trying to confuse Lilith with cunning tactics, Lilith responded with an agile figure, swinging the whip from time to time, and the landing point happened to be the next step of her body movement.

Several active attacks were invisibly resolved by the opponent.This made Godmother Yuga's originally calm heart begin to become agitated, and her anxiety made her attack even more fierce.

A flash of light flashed between Yuga Godmother's brows.

The opponent's speed is only slightly weaker than hers, but his strange body skills and movements can always avoid her most powerful attacks, making her return without success.

In order to get closer to the other party, Godmother Yuga decided to sell a flaw and let the other party's whip hit her, so as to close the distance between the two parties!

When Godmother Yuga sold her flaw and made a mistake, Lilith also smiled.

She could tell that this was a flaw deliberately sold by her godmother in order to get closer.

But who said that a flaw deliberately sold is not a flaw?

Then let this flaw be the factor that ends the battle!

Lilith waved the whip in her hand, and the whip quickly wrapped around Yuga Godmother's arm like a snake.

The corners of Yuga Godmother's mouth raised.

'Very good, you fell into the trap!This fight is over! '

Yuga Godmother's arm suddenly felt a huge force, and she grabbed the whip with her backhand, fearing that the other party would let go.

Then he pulled hard!
But at this moment, Godmother Yuga suddenly felt as if her arm had been struck by lightning. Her entire arm seemed to have been hit by electricity, and she completely lost consciousness.

Looking at Succubus Gan again, the smile on her lips could no longer be suppressed, as if she was mocking, Godmother Yuga was the one who fell into the trap.

With the power of Yuga Godmother just now, the succubus jumped in front of him at a very fast speed, and then punched the opponent's face hard.

Godmother Yuga flew backwards and almost fainted.

And the whip in Succubus Gan's hand completely entangled Yuga Godmother.

The injected holy light energy penetrated Yuga Godmother's body through the barbs on the whip as slightly as a hair, making her feel as if she had been struck by lightning, completely losing her fighting power.

The whole realm of desire was silent.

The demons present thought that this battle would be as straightforward as the last one.

But I never expected that the one who would be solved so neatly would be Yuga Godmother!

Godmother Yuga was lying on the ground in a daze, and the image of being defeated by Succubus Gan kept echoing in her mind.

She never expected that she would be defeated so simply.

The superb skills that I was proud of seemed to be completely seen by the enemy.The other party seemed to know in advance what actions he would make.Defeat all attacks one by one, and even anticipate the enemy's opportunities!
She had never been so frustrated in her life, and she never expected that the fourth hell's melee combat ability was so strong.

Although Succubus Gan only made one decisive attack in the whole process, with Succubus Gan's dodge level, he was able to dodge all her attacks. It was obvious that he had reached a crushing level in melee combat skills to be able to see through every one of her attacks.

There was silence on the field, and all the spectators couldn't believe the scene before them.

The strongest Yuga Godmother in Soldentham actually lost to the enemy in melee combat skills, and throughout the whole process, it looked like there was a huge disparity in strength between the two sides, and there was no comparison at all.

Yuga Godmother, who they had high hopes for, had no room for resistance and was knocked to the ground.

Even the demon audience could see that there was a huge gap between the two sides, not on the same level at all.

It was difficult for them to accept that Yuga Godmother, whom the succubus regarded as one of their spiritual pillars, could be defeated so completely.This made all their previous expectations a joke.

Even the Bone Demon Graven was shocked and opened his mouth wide not knowing what to say.It’s as if the worldview has collapsed.

That is Godmother Yuga, the mentor of thousands of succubi!
He was defeated so simply, with no room for resistance.

Bone Demon Graven was still in "Shocking 100 Years". He thought about Succubus Gan's confident appearance before, and then thought about how he kept nagging like an old woman. The current result slapped him hard in the face, which made Ben The temperature of the body, which is composed of bones, rises a bit.

It turns out that she is the clown, and Sister Gan is completely capable, so she can ignore any challenger.

While Graven was still sighing, Weier and Helen had already urged him to collect the rewards everyone had bet on.

The demons in the Realm of Desire looked at the lattice that Graven was holding, which was as high as a small mountain. It was made by the Dark Apostle Baron and his men.

After a few people left, the demons fell into complete confusion.Barong gave them too much shock!

The failure of Yuga Godmother indicates that Succubus Gan's strength has surpassed that of most succubi in Shadow Canyon.

Only the Succubus Madonna and one or two die-hard Succubus elders would have a chance to fight.

On the other hand, the ideas conveyed by Bai Bin, together with the values ​​​​of the fourth hell, continue to impact the underlying demons.

These demons either heard it with their own ears or saw it with their own eyes.

Talk of equal opportunity is everywhere these days.

Many low-level demons resonated with him, and at the same time they also developed a strong impression of the fourth hell that they had never met before.

Coupled with the scenes witnessed by the scouts and demons today, the relationship between Baron and his men is even more shocking.

There was no bossing around, no beating or lecturing, they were just like friends.Not to mention the low-level demons, many mid-level demons were also quite touched.

They know that being with a king is like being with a tiger.

Any reaction or action from the leader will make them walk on thin ice.

They also long for a new superior-subordinate relationship.

Originally, they had no such expectations.

But now I have a comparison to really understand.There is already a new way of getting along.

For two consecutive days, Dark Apostle Baron created a new topic in Soldansom.

The four people around Bai Bin also made a lot of money from this battle.

Lilith and the others didn't show too much exaggeration, they were more than happy and excited.

But the Bone Demon Graven had just joined Baron's camp, and in just one day he had already earned enough savings that would have taken decades of work.

Whether it is fame or fortune, they have been successfully obtained.

How difficult life was before, but how easy it is to succeed now.

The difference was simply because he chose the right camp and followed the right leader.

But the more this happened, the more Greven suffered in his heart.

Let’s look at food and accommodation.

Master Barong also has no clear standards for superiors and subordinates.

Everyone ate and lived together.

The rooms we stayed in were all of the same standard.

Apart from the need to give Mr. Barong some private space, I can't feel any difference between his and my own living standards.

At night, the troubled Graven hesitated again and again, and finally knocked on Lord Barong's door.

"Lord Barong, there are some things I want to tell you!"

Bai Bin introduced Graven into the room and thoughtfully poured him tea.

Then he asked: "I don't know what's the matter? You don't have a good rest at night, and you have to come here to tell me?"

Graven burst into tears and cried unsatisfactorily.

He never expected that when he visited late at night, Lord Barong did not reprimand him for being nosy, but instead cared about whether he had a good rest.This subconscious concern is the most touching.

Even the devil who is haunted by desire is eager to be noticed, illuminated and cared for!

Graven said with a cry: "I'm afraid that I won't have the courage to tell you until tomorrow."

Seeing Greven's excitement, Bai Yun comforted him and said, "Don't worry, tell me slowly if you have anything to do. You are my trusted subordinate. No matter what problems you have, you can tell them and we will solve them for you."

This sentence completely defeated Graven's psychological defense, and he said: "Lord Baron, the night after you extended an olive branch to me, someone came to the door and wanted me to get close to you to investigate your background and Related circumstances. I had no choice but to agree to them, so I came to see you early in the morning."

Bai Bin looked surprised and asked: "But you didn't have to tell me. Why did you say it suddenly? Aren't you afraid that after you say it, I will expel you from the fourth hell?"

Graven's face was ashen, as if he were mourning his heir, and his face was pale.

But he still said: "I have thought about it. In just one day, I went from being the humblest servant to being someone that everyone looks up to in Soldansom. But the better you treat me, the more I feel in my heart." It’s getting more torturous! So I mustered up the courage to tell you, which can be regarded as a kind of salvation in my heart."

Greven said with all his strength: "No matter what decision you make, I will never regret it."

Bai Bin asked, "Then did you give them my information?"

Graven shook his head firmly.

"I didn't give them any information about you!"

The corner of Bai Bin's mouth raised slightly: "The fourth hell has very little contact with the first hell. It is normal to be suspicious when you first hear that a messenger is coming. Just because of this little thing, you will suffer great torture in your heart. , this is what I am worried about. I am very satisfied and happy that you can tell me this. Your loyalty and conscience are the best gifts to the fourth hell. Now you can tell the other party about my situation." [Justice Value +800]

After Bai Bin finished speaking, he was a little surprised when he saw the 800 justice value prompted by the system.

Just one short sentence made the Bone Demon Graven burst into gold coins!

This also shows in disguise that Graven is sincerely repentant and moved.

After all, system certification is not something that people who are opportunistic and hypocritical can get away with.

This also made Bai Bin couldn't help but have more ideas.

Isn't a person who is moved enough to give up his own future and safety to tell the truth the truth, not worth cultivating?
Lilith's abandonment of darkness and light shows that the devil is not impossible to reform.

But if you want to complete the transformation, you have to be willing to sacrifice yourself and others.

Now, Graven has actually completed his ideological transformation and sublimation in the lies Bai Bin weaved, which gave Bai Bin some other expectations...

Graven was very surprised by Lord Baron's request, and even a little panicked.

"Sir, let me tell the news... haven't I betrayed the Fourth Hell?"

Bai Bin said indifferently: "The First Hell and the Fourth Hell have not had much contact. This first visit is indeed unexpected. It is normal for the other party to be wary. Letting you reveal the information is not betraying the Fourth Hell. It’s about being a bridge between us and smoothly advancing this cooperation.”

"If this cooperation can be successful, you will be indispensable, Graven. You are not only a hero of the Fourth Hell, but also a hero of the First Hell!"

Seeing that Master Baron's expression was not fake, Graven confirmed it again and received the same reply.

"Don't be suspicious of people, don't be suspicious of employees. Since I can take you under my command, it is naturally after my consideration. You don't just think that I recruited you to test you, right? The final choice of you was also after consideration. You I'm very happy to take the initiative to tell the truth. This shows that you have regarded the fourth hell as your belonging. Don't worry and do it!" [Justice Value +400]

With Lord Baron's endorsement, Graven became much bolder and chose to reveal the person behind the scenes.

"My lord, the person who asked me to do this is the red man in front of my lord right now - Hell Lord Rancis!"

Bai Bin couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this name.

Isn't this the Mind Flayer who was expelled by him in the middle of the battle with Waterdam?

I didn’t expect that I would still be respected after returning to the First Hell.

This time he probably made atonement for his sins.

But if he meets Bai Bin again, he can only blame him for his misfortune.

"I only have one request, and that is that you continue to serve as the other party's undercover agent and deliver information to the other party. But it cannot be said that it was with my consent. After all, the cause of this kind of thing is a crisis of trust. If it is directly said that I am in charge, the other party is You won’t believe it. Only by making the other party mistakenly believe that you are successfully undercover and send back the news, will they believe the authenticity of the content you pass on.”

Bai Bin looked out the window at the night scene of the Hell Cyber ​​in Soldansom and sighed: "Sometimes we don't have to look at what the process has been like. As long as the result is what we want, that's good."

 Thanks to me for being offline, discovering a hundred ways men lie, and giving me a useless reward!
(End of this chapter)

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