This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 277 I used to be ignorant, but now I am in charge

Chapter 277: I used to be ignorant, but now I am in charge (two-in-one)

Just one conversation had already made Graven burst into tears.

No leader had ever said this to him before, and no one cared what they thought.

Although he only joined Master Baron for just one day, Graven felt care and concern that he had never experienced before.

Although he is a bone demon, he doesn't know what warmth is.

But now there is a feeling of fullness and joy in my heart.

Maybe this is what is called warmth.

Graven did indeed sneak out after midnight, just as Bai Bin said.

The devil's contact arranged with Francis revealed everything collected on Baron's side.

"Go back and tell the adults that the Fourth Hell sent envoys here to discuss cooperation. Baron did not tell me the specific cooperation matters. I will find a way to gain the trust of the other party, and I will need your assistance when necessary!"

The demon responsible for communicating with Graven responded to the machine and wrote:
"The First Hell will remember your efforts. But if you help, there may be some inconvenience. Once the other party finds out some clues, it will be difficult to cooperate with you in the future. Everything requires your own efforts! I believe you will not do it either. You betrayed the trust the lord placed in you!"

Graven understood this.

The First Hell offers all but help.

Before, he might not have felt anything.

You may even feel that it is an extremely honorable thing for you to pay for the first hell.

But now following Master Barong, in just one day, he has already accepted new things and gained free will.It is impossible to go back to the ignorance before.

simply put.

He used to yearn for it happily, but now he scorns it.

But Graven still showed an ecstatic expression.Putting one hand on his chest, he said: "It is my responsibility and obligation to dedicate myself to the First Hell!"

After saying this, Graven himself felt sick.

Then the devil on the opposite side saw this and showed an extremely satisfied expression.

But in Graven's heart, the remaining goodwill toward the First Hell was also worn away.

"Then let me tell you in advance that tomorrow will be the last battle in the Realm of Desire. Who will be sent by the Realm of Desire to fight?" Greven did not miss any opportunity, casually passed a handful of crystal lattice in his hand, and stuffed it into Connect the palm of the devil's hand.

In response, the responding demon smiled meaningfully and said: "Since these two battles cannot restrain Succubus Gan, the only thing we can do is find another way..."

The joint demon said very implicitly, but it gave Graven an idea.

After all, there are only a handful of people with higher strength and status than Yuga Godmother.

Conventional methods are not easy to win, so we need to find new ways...

Graven was lost in thought.

After a moment, Graven's eyes burst into light, and he completely understood what the other party meant.

'In the narrow octagonal cage, the previous Melovina and Godmother Yuga were defeated by Sister Gan's whip.Every time he is caught by the whip, the opponent will feel powerless, thus ending the game! '

'Then this time, the opponent will definitely use tactics to avoid the whip.The Succubus Virgin will definitely not end up in person, so that Shadow Canyon and the First Hell will be completely embarrassed. It can only be one of the three elders...'

That can only be that person!
Graven was eager to try.

Before saying goodbye, the little devil from the joint even spoke to encourage Graven.

"Behave well, and the lord will remember your achievements. When the work is completed, he will say a few good words for you in the mouth of that lord."

"It is our natural duty to dedicate ourselves to the First Hell!" Greven also replied step by step.

Graven looked at the little devil who disappeared with a bang, and the excitement on his face quickly faded, replaced by a sneer.

If it were before, Graven would have been excited when he heard this, but now that he has seen a truly fair, caring and comfortable relationship, and seeing the brainwashing remarks of the First Hell, he just wants to sneer.

You don't produce anything, you just rely on making a big pie, and you want people to work hard?It is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!

When he really completes the mission, the one who will benefit the most will definitely be the hell lord Rancis, followed by the little devil sent by Rancis to be responsible for communication, and finally it will be his turn.

But when it comes to Master Barong, he is the number one contributor.

I just joined, and I can earn decades of income without making any achievements, which is a real benefit to others.

There are additional rewards for completing tasks!
How can this not make people serve adults wholeheartedly?

And the atmosphere around Mr. Barong is free of bitterness and hatred, and there is no brainwashing speech.The succubi around me even dared to joke with Master Barong, but they would not be reprimanded!

This is simply the leader that all demons dream of.

'This time the Fourth Hell is on an envoy, let me use my own power to gain more benefits for the Fourth Hell! '

Graven made up his mind to make use of his experience of lurking in the First Hell for so many years.Strive for corresponding benefits for the Fourth Hell and let it occupy a dominant position in cooperation.

Only in this way can we deserve Lord Barong's trust!
In just two conversations, Graven's butt completely changed sides.

He even completely substituted his decades of life experience in the First Hell into a latent agent career.If he hadn't been born with these bones, Greven would have even wanted to replace them with bones from his hometown of the Fourth Hell, which he had never met before, to show his loyalty!
Graven did not return directly to the hotel.

Instead, he started wandering around based on his own reasoning.

Lord Barong gave him a lot of crystal lattice. These crystal lattice may be inconspicuous in the eyes of Lord Barong and several succubi, but in a place like the First Hell where the lower-level demons are relatively poor, these huge crystal lattice , so knock on the mouth of any demon who swears allegiance to the devil Belial.

Now that he knows who Succubus Gan will face tomorrow, Graven must find a way to collect information.

As the saying goes, money can make ghosts grind, and the devils in hell are also ghosts, and they cannot escape the temptation of the crystal lattice.

In just a short time, Graven collected a lot of information about that person—Garona, the top assassin among succubi, who is good at assassination!

Normally, assassination is what evil spirits are good at.After all, evil spirits are born with invisibility, have a strong body, can kill with one blow, and can also use other auxiliary spells.

Succubus assassins are still extremely rare in the history of Shadow Canyon.Rumor has it that after Garona was summoned to the human world, she teamed up with her contracted master to kill an assassin, and then accidentally obtained the assassin's training method.Afterwards, with much training from his master, he actually mastered some assassin skills.

Then he continued to grow into the first succubus in Shadow Canyon who was good at assassination.

Later, he relied on his assassin skills to become one of the three elders of Shadow Canyon.

Only this one can completely avoid Succubus Gan's whip methods in the small octagonal cage, and then quietly approach the opponent to deliver a fatal blow!
When Graven collected enough information, he returned to the hotel.

He suppressed his excitement and did not disturb Mr. Barong's rest in the middle of the night.

When they woke up early the next morning, everyone who was having breakfast saw Graven, with two big black eye sockets appearing in the white circles of his eyes. They couldn't help but be surprised: "Graven, did you sleep well last night?"

Greven couldn't help but straighten his back and said: "I went to investigate the target to be dealt with today in advance, and collected a lot of information along the way."

Graven placed the thick stack of information on the table, feeling quite proud of it.

"These materials all record the sources and sources of the statements. Although I cannot guarantee that they are all correct, many of them can be used for reference."

"So Sister Gan, you can take a look and prepare in advance."

Lilith glanced at Bai Bin, then looked at Graven, and asked: "How can you be sure that the person playing today must be me?"

This question actually made Graven speechless.

He really wanted to ask, didn't he?
After all, Succubus Gan's dominance in the octagonal cage is truly visible.

In the two games, except for some normal tests, the rest of the shots were instant kills, and there was even a sense that all living beings were equal.

So Graven simply believed that Succubus Gan was the strongest among the three succubi.

"Lord Barong, today the opponent sent Garona, one of the three succubus elders in Shadow Canyon, who is good at assassination. In order to restrain Sister Gan's whip, she wanted to use the assassin's stealth method to launch a fatal blow. "

"If it were anyone else, would they be able to handle this attack?"

"A succubus who is good at assassins? Then I really want to see it!" Wei'er picked up the information and started reading it. She looked vaguely in the direction of Lilith, obviously there was something behind her words.

Since coming to hell, only she, Lilith, has shone brightly, making it seem as if she and Helen are incompetent.

Bai Bin had previously decided that she would appear on the last day, and it happened that the opponent sent a demon who was good at assassination and was at the level of an elder.

This kind of achievement is simply tailor-made for her!
If you don’t fight at this time, fight at any time!

Weier smiled after reading the information collected by Graven.

It turned out to be some wild skills I learned from somewhere, plus a little bit of my own cleverness!
Today, let Garona, a succubus elder, experience what the authentic way of an assassin is!

Seeing the protagonist Graven with excessive consciousness, Bai Bin did not dampen his enthusiasm.

After all, in the next few days, he will still rely on Graven to broaden his relationship in the First Hell!

"Graven, you have to believe in the ability of the guards around me. If you pick any one of them, it won't be a problem to push Soldansom. You have to know that the Dark Lord can arrange for me to come all the way to the First Hell. , without some strong guards, how can we get here safely all the way?"

Bai Bin's words gave Graven the last shot of comfort.

Now that even Lord Baron has spoken, and thinking about the slap in the face yesterday by Succubus Gan, Graven decided to believe his sisters!

"Sister Wen, I'll bet all my money today on you to win!" Greven said confidently.

Wei'er couldn't help but nod her head, praising her with a "teachable" look in her eyes.

After talking about this topic, everyone had almost finished eating.

Bai Bin hooked his hand and motioned for Graven to follow him into the house.

After entering the room, Bai Bin said meaningfully: "Graven, there is a very important task for you here."

Graven immediately looked serious and said with firm eyes: "Sir, it is my honor to serve the Fourth Hell!"

"At the end of today, it's time for us to leave Soldansom. Next, I plan to go to the northern part of the First Hell, a little closer to the border, to learn more about the real situation of the First Hell. This will help prepare for the following official meeting. Do you have any good suggestions to prepare for negotiation and cooperation?”

Bai Bin gave Graven the right to choose to visit.

As smart as Graven, he understands immediately.

Lord Baron needs some of the weaknesses of the First Hell so that he can take advantage of Demon Lord Belial in the next formal talks in exchange for a more favorable cooperation agreement.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "I think Mourinho would be a good choice. It is located on the edge of the First Hell, and the radiation range can be said to be the strongest in the north. It also has both military garrison operations and commercial trade. This is one of the few A trading city, the First Hell can make a lot of money every year by relying on Morinho's unique distortion of the ember."

"Okay, then let's go to Mourinho." Bai Bin said without hesitation.

In fact, no matter what location Greven mentioned, Bai Bin would agree without hesitation.

Because the key is not the location of the unannounced visit, but the stage.

But no matter where they go, as long as Bai Bin and the three succubi are there, the stage is there and the power of communication is there.

Graven was already ready to talk about the benefits of choosing Mourinho, but Lord Baron didn't expect him to even think about it and directly agreed!
Look, what is trust!
It’s not the first hellish bluff of verbally offering all but support.

But real support and trust!
The positive feedback is too strong, so strong that in a short period of time, Graven's butt can decide his head. From top to bottom, he is already a pure fourth hell bone demon.

'I used to be ignorant, but now I am in charge! '

'The fourth hell is my home, and my future development depends on everyone! '

"Sir, based on the discussions between the guests from the Realm of Desire, I vaguely grasped one thing, that is, although the Second Hell and the First Hell have signed an armistice agreement and are regarded as brotherly alliances, within the Second Hell, there are I have a lot of objections to this agreement.”

"The most critical reason is the production of Morinho's distorted embers. Half of this place used to be within the territory of the Second Hell. However, because of the signed agreement, the two sides were not allowed to fight. There was no war inside the Second Hell. Many people want to take back this ember mine, but there is no way..."

Bai Bin nodded: "Actually, you don't need to explain it to me specifically. Since I can trust you and decide to go to the place you said, I naturally believe that you will have perfect considerations. Now it seems that what I thought is not bad at all, Graven, you are indeed different from those rigid and dogmatic demons."

Bai Bin sent another positive feedback, which already made Graven dizzy.

All the praises and encouragements he had heard in his life were not as graceful and sweet as Master Barong's extremely serious and firm affirmation.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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