This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 281: I asked you to pick up two books at will, but you made a big deal!

Chapter 281: I asked you to pick up two books at will, but you are the one who made the most of it! (Additional update 510)

On the other side, Greven received Bai Bin's instructions, so he found the contacting little devil and told him everything about it.

Graven looked serious and said with a firm tone: "You must help me with this matter! This is one of the few opportunities to gain the other party's trust. If I miss this opportunity, I will not have such a good opportunity to enter the core layer in the future, and it will be difficult for me to guarantee that I will accept the trust of the other party." Come down and complete the mission!"

Greven described the situation as extremely serious, and even felt that if he didn't do this, his operation would not be able to proceed at all.

This move indeed frightened the connector demon, and he immediately calmed down Graven and said, "I will report this matter to the lord immediately. Don't be impulsive and wait for my news!"

The little devil did not dare to stay any longer and immediately disappeared from the place and went to meet the Lord Lord Francis.

After the little devil left, Graven raised a smile.

His plan was initially successful.

Let’s wait and see what kind of bargaining chips Francis can come up with.

Due to the emergency, Baron and others would leave early the next morning, so there was not much time left for Francis.

When he learned about the situation from the little devil, he couldn't help but frown. This incident was too sudden!
But he clearly realized that this was indeed an excellent opportunity to break Graven into the opponent's core circle.If you cannot seize the opportunity and gain the trust of the other party at this time, it will be much more difficult to gain trust again in the rest of the journey.

Francis frowned slightly. He didn't expect that Lord Barong also had a hobby of collecting rare dark spells. It was really unexpected.

At the moment, there is not much room left for Francis to operate.

Considering the next series of situations, Francis said after a moment of silence: "This matter needs to be arranged immediately, and a capable spell must be produced... Graven is an important part of the entire plan, and it must be Let him gain Barong's trust so that we can know the purpose and bargaining chip of the other party's negotiation in advance, so we can respond!"

Francis knew very well that the previous mission to attack the Zion Empire failed and more than 1 demons were lost, which had angered the Demon King.

This is his only chance to stand up and regain the Demon King's trust!He must handle this matter beautifully so that the First Hell can gain an advantage in the subsequent negotiations.

Otherwise, your own people will be displaced again and become abandoned people.

"Go get the essence of dark magic that I treasured before! Then tell Graven that I am optimistic about his plan! I must produce corresponding results in the future!"

Francis clenched his fists, his body aching.

This is a dark spell that he especially treasures.

He only needs to wait for his own level and attributes to be higher before he can delve into the essence.

It's just that the task at the moment is important. If he can't complete this task, all improvements will become a fantasy, and he can only bear the pain and take it out.

Francis had spent a lot of effort to get this, but now he was getting the advantage of Barong in vain.

Francis secretly swore that these efforts would be revealed one by one in the subsequent negotiations!

When the little devil returned to Graven with a precious secret box, he solemnly said: "This is the Lord's collection, which is enough for you to win the other party's trust. You must seize this opportunity. For the Lord Establish meritorious service with the First Hell!"

Graven smiled inwardly. Looking at the box in front of him, he knew it was definitely a treasure.

Not to mention how happy he was to be able to make Francis bleed so much.

Graven pretended to show an ecstatic expression: "Received! Thank you Lord for your trust. I will definitely fulfill my mission and strive to provide more reliable and useful intelligence to the First Hell!"

After the little devil left, Graven opened the box curiously.

I saw the essence of dark spells that the lord regarded as a treasure and emphasized repeatedly.

His eyes couldn't help but light up, and he said in shock: "I didn't expect it to be this spell. It seems that this time the lord was bleeding profusely..."

Graven's smile grew brighter.

With this Dark Spell Essentials, it was enough for him to complete his mission.

Of course this is not enough for Graven!

Lord Barong's kindness is greater than heaven.

But this is not enough to reflect his merit and value.

If he wants to impress Lord Baron, Graven needs to do more!This is what Bai Bin said before.

Once subjective initiative is formed, these demons will consciously and proactively increase the amount of tasks for themselves and increase the difficulty of the tasks.

If you go back to life with this spell, you will definitely be praised by Lord Barong.

But according to Graven, there are still a few steps needed to get a perfect rating!

Now, through the wool of Francis, I have obtained the essence of a spell.

Next, he has to rely on Graven's personal abilities and his connections in Shadow Canyon to collect another dark spell for Lord Baron.

Graven walked out of the secret room, and then disappeared into the streets late at night...

The next morning.

When Bai Bin woke up, he looked out the window towards the backyard of the hotel.

At a glance, he spotted Graven who was packing his belongings and taking care of the Hell Horse in the backyard.

Bai Bin opened the window and said pleasantly: "I got up so early to clean up."

When Graven saw Master Barong, his face immediately filled with a bright smile and said: "Sir, please rest assured, I had a good rest last night and it will definitely not delay today's schedule."

The subtext of this sentence is that the task last night was completed extremely well, which reassures Lord Barong.

Bai Bin nodded with satisfaction.

It's really easy to talk to smart people.

He now likes this subordinate more and more.It is extremely easy and convenient to use.

Even among the men of the Zion Empire, the Bone Demon Graven is the most discerning and emotionally intelligent.

After a while, Graven, who had packed his luggage and carriage, came upstairs to meet Bai Bin alone.

"Master Barong, the task you assigned has been completed. This is the essence of dark magic that I collected last night. This secret box contains treasures, and this one was collected by me for you..."

Listen, what people say is so emotional and so nice.

Those who profit from being a spy are classified separately, and those who get it through their own efforts are described as "good at making decisions".Regardless of whether Bai Bin likes the dark magic that Graven is looking for, he can't be too demanding.

Graven's extremely low posture was also lowering Bai Bin's expectations.

If you put this word into it, you will basically be in a position where you will never be defeated.

Bai Bin was the first to open the secret box, wanting to see how much the mind flayer Francis would pay to complete this "atonement" task.

When Bai Bin saw the booklet with "The Secret of the Finger of Death" written on the cover, his breath became heavier.

Finger of Death, a 7-ring dark spell, a powerful spell with instant death effect!
Francis, this time you are brave enough!

Bai Bin's heart was beating wildly. Although at present, with his level and strength, he was still unable to learn this powerful 7-ring dark spell.But put it aside, one day he will be promoted to level 7 priest and have the opportunity to learn 7th level spells.

Close the locket and set it aside.

Bai Bin opened the spell book that Graven had brought back.

When the words [Death Cloud Technique] came into view, Bai Bin's breathing became heavier again.

If the level requirement of [Finger of Death] is too high and we can only take a look at it for the time being, then this 5-level dark spell [Death Cloud Technique] highlights its practicality.

Bai Bin's eyes were filled with admiration.

"I asked you to pick up two books at random and read them, but you are really good at it!"

Although there was "complaint" in the words, Graven could hear that it was clearly satisfaction and praise.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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