This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 282 Sending Barong off in Changjie

Chapter 282 Send Barong off on the Ten Mile Long Street (two-in-one)

Bai Bin suppressed his inner excitement, put away both spell books, took out a bag of crystal lattice from the drawer, and pushed it in front of Graven:
"Thanks a lot."

Graven hurriedly waved his hands and said: "No hard work, no hard work! It is really an honor for me to be able to solve problems for Lord Barong. Only after completing the tasks assigned by Lord Barong will I feel that I am connected with the Fourth Hell and Barong." The adults are closer.”

Graven was also very discerning, knowing that the Lord would definitely study the essence of the two dark law books carefully next, so he said: "Sir, I will go down and prepare early."

After Graven left, the expression on Bai Bin's face became wild.

The instant-death spell of Death Finger is still quite powerful.

Although it can be seen and touched for the time being, the level and attributes are not enough, so it can only be regarded as a hope.

But the other book [Death Cloud Technique] is different.

This spell is a 5th level spell.

According to its description, the effect is also very powerful.

Once released, it will create a rolling yellow-green cloud, which is highly toxic.Enough to kill any creature with low health.

Even high-level creatures must pass a poison saving throw.

If you fail the saving throw, you will still suffer ongoing damage.

This continuous poison damage will only stop after leaving the cloud range.At the same time, [Death Cloud Spell] will roll forward at a speed away from the caster after being released.

Only high-level wind spells can disperse the poisonous gas clouds.Only wind spells of the same level can prevent the caster from casting this spell.

And the initial length of this spell is 13 meters, and the width and height are both six meters.

If it can be upgraded to the full level, it will be an extremely lethal skill!
The only thing that puzzles Bai Bin right now is whether he can directly learn dark magic.

The previous [Disease Technique] was learned directly across the professional levels after completing system tasks. It was an extra privilege given by the system.

Currently in hell, he exists in the form of a demon guard.

So Bai Bin is curious, can he learn dark spells directly in this case?
After all, the full level of [Disguise] states that when it reaches the full level, the effect of [Disguise] can almost be fake.

Then Bai Bin wanted to know whether this fake thing could go beyond the limits of the rules.

Bai Bin began to go through the contents of [Death Cloud Technique].

The key points in it all describe how to use magic to generate a cloud of poisonous gas with highly toxic effects, as well as the key points of this spell.

While Bai Bin was studying, a message suddenly popped up in the system.

[It has been detected that the 5-level spell "Death Cloud" can be learned. Do you want to spend 500 points of justice to learn it?whether】

Bai Bin was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but sigh: "You can really learn!"

It’s just a 5-level spell, and the initial cost of learning it is 500 justice points.

Bai Bin didn't care about this and chose to study without saying anything.

After all, he had already collected thousands of justice points from Graven alone.

Graven will still be with him for a while, and Bai Bin is confident that he can earn all the justice points from raising the [Death Cloud Technique] to the full level!

Just when Bai Bin was spending his justice points and preparing to learn directly, the system sent another prompt.

[This 5-level spell is a dark spell and can only be bound to the current demon identity. Once the identity changes, the skill will be unavailable. Do you want to learn it?whether? 】

Bai Bin was a little stunned and couldn't help but sigh: "There is such a restriction. Doesn't this mean that this 5-ring spell has become an exclusive skill for my second identity?"

But thinking about it on the other hand, isn’t this just right!

In the future, if he needs to cast dark spells, Bai Bin can use the identity of the devil guard of the dark apostle Barong in front of him. No one will ever talk about studying dark spells as a dignified hell priest.

At the same time, this identity also allows Bai Bin to do more things.

Bai Bin's ideas suddenly opened up!

After Bai Bin spent 500 justice points to learn the skill, he immediately invested the remaining 2000 justice points into it, directly raising [Death Cloud Technique] to lv5.

And because of the passive blessing of [Magic Frenzy] of the Soul-sucking Cane, all spell levels are +1, and the level of [Death Cloud Technique] directly reaches lv6.

The increase in the level of [Death Cloud Spell] not only increases the damage effect, but also increases the range of the spell.

Especially with its height of 12 meters, it can be called a huge wall of poisonous gas.

When encountering narrow terrain, it can be almost completely blocked!
The lethality does not disgrace the name of the 5th-level spell.

All creatures with a constitution lower than twelve points will be killed instantly.

This is equivalent to almost all low-level demons, who cannot survive the poisonous cloud.

Even for medium-sized demons, I am afraid that only demons with higher physiques and slightly thicker health points, such as evil spirits, can withstand it for a short time.

The poisonous cloud's damage is similar to that of succubus and other fragile creatures, and it can almost achieve instant death.

Bai Bin is already imagining what kind of terrifying effects it will have if [Death Cloud Technique] is upgraded to the full level?

At that time, a poisonous cloud nearly [-] meters high and more than [-] meters high will slowly advance forward, enough to destroy everything in its path!
And when the [Death Cloud Technique] reaches the full level, if you want to crack this spell, you will need a full-level wind spell, or more stringent requirements.

This in itself is no less difficult than creating a full-level Death Cloud Technique.

If [Epidemic Technique] has a strong single-target effect, then [Death Cloud Technique] is simply a group-killing magic skill!

Bai Bin glanced at his current data interface and saw the demon option marked in brackets after [Death Cloud Technique lv6].

This means that this skill can only be turned on in the demon state.

After dinner.

Everyone gathered in the backyard.

After paying the hotel fee, Graven carried everyone's luggage and goods into the car.

When the four of them came to the backyard and saw the hell carriage, they all exclaimed.

The first thing that catches the eye are three huge and powerful hell horses.Their hair burned with the flames of hell, glowing with a blazing red light.The eyes flashed with deep and wild magic, as if they were the eyes of a demon pouring out from the depths of hell.

He was tall, with pure black fur, and the soles of his feet and mane were all burning with flames.

The body is made of jet black metal, and the surface is engraved with fiery hell patterns, which seem to summon the power of hell.The spokes of the carriage were inlaid with blood-red gems, each shining with a terrifying light.

The body of the Hell Carriage is decorated with reliefs of skulls, chains and flames, and every detail highlights the atmosphere of death and demons.

The faces of devils are carved on the wheels, and these devils seem to scream every time the wheels turn.The spikes on the spokes are reminiscent of the flames of hell, adding a dangerous atmosphere to the entire carriage.

"My lord, everything is ready. We can set off." Greven stood aside respectfully, holding a black wrought iron carriage whip in his hand.

"Okay, then let's set off and visit the next place." Bai Bin took the lead in boarding the carriage, which has a huge interior space.The cargo warehouse is completely separated from the cockpit where people ride. There is even a long table inside with a devil's lamp fixed on it.

After Bai Bin sat down, the three succubi followed suit.

Lilith sat next to Bai Bin without hesitation, while Weier and Helen were slower to respond and had to sit opposite.

After closing the door, Bone Demon Graven jumped into the driver's seat at the front of the carriage. With one hand holding the reins and the other hand whip, he controlled the direction of the three hell horses and left directly from the hotel.

In Shadow Canyon.Today many people know that Baron, the apostle from the fourth hell, will leave.

When the carriage left the hotel, it drove onto the street.

Through the car window, you can clearly see the demons coming to see them off on both sides of the streets of Soldansom.

Although many of these demons came to join in the fun, and there were many scouts among them, most of them were low-level demons who came willingly to say goodbye to Master Barong.

Although they met Barong unexpectedly, and even Barong didn't know their names, they were actually people who received Barong's favor.

Without Master Barong, they would still be in a state of confusion, not knowing what tomorrow and the future would be.

But after hearing the ideas of Master Barong and the Fourth Hell directly or indirectly that day, the deepest point in their hearts was activated.

If they are not as strong as others, then they have nothing to say.

They only want fairness, a fair chance!
Looking at Graven's treatment, he was even more envious of them all.

Among the dense crowd, I don’t know who shouted at the beginning: “Master Barong, take us away!”

As soon as he said this, other demons immediately followed.

In just a moment, there were cries one after another on both sides of the road, all of them choking and shouting "Lord Barong, take us away" and the like.

What's more, they ran forward and patted the carriage gently, as if touching the carriage would bring good luck to themselves.

Lilith, Weier and Helen all looked at Bai Bin with monster eyes.

They knew that Bai Bin had acted in several stories in Soldansom, but they only heard that public opinion among the demons was fermenting, and they had no real feelings about it.

But today, when I saw that they were about to leave, thousands of demons who spontaneously came to see them off crowded the long street and it was impossible to see the end!
In the eyes of the three of them, this is completely magic!


Even brainwashing magic cannot have such powerful magic power that it can control the will of tens of thousands of people to achieve this effect.

Bai Bin looked at these demons with shining eyes and couldn't help but sigh: "This is the power of freedom!"

"Lies can imprison people's hearts for a while, but they cannot imprison them for a lifetime. They are born as demons, but they look like puppets. The more they think about restraining and restricting, the more they will desire one day."

Bai Bin opened the car window and stretched out his hand.

Immediately, warm cheers erupted from the crowd.

Countless low-level demons, risking being trampled to death, also squeezed to the front, wanting to shake Lord Barong's hand, as if on a pilgrimage.

"Everyone, please be safe! I'm sorry that I can't live up to your expectations, but as long as I am alive, I will fight for everyone's reasonable rights and interests! I, Barong, promise you all!"

Bai Bin kept waving, and many demons even shed tears.

Although the demons were crazy, they just wanted to get in touch with Lord Barong.

No matter how chaotic they were, they did not push the carriage, nor did they startle the hell horse.

Even the demons of chaos know restraint and rationality when they express their true feelings.

Every wave of Bai Bin's hand and every word of "be careful" made the low-level demons on both sides of the long street burst into tears.

Even some medium-sized demons, who could not directly see off their support due to identity issues, hid in the dark and watched Lord Barong leave.

In their long and boring lives, Lord Barong's arrival was like a beacon tower, illuminating their confused future.

The managers of Soldansom were even more amazed and shocked.

Did Baron, a dark apostle who was an envoy from the Fourth Hell, win so much respect in Soldansom in just three days?

It seemed unbelievable to them.

"Sir, these low-level demons are crazy and in complete chaos! They are actually grateful to a messenger from the fourth hell, but they ignore the gift of the Demon King! How about catching them all!"

"Are you crazy? If you arrest someone in this situation, your back foot will be crushed by the angry demons! They have been brainwashed and bewitched by the new target. In the future, they should restrain themselves in Soldansom. !”

The demon noble responsible for managing Soldansom was silent for a moment and said: "We must find a way to block the news about this matter so that it cannot reach the ears of the Demon King, otherwise you and I will be convicted of dereliction of duty. With the personality of the Demon King, You must know better than me what kind of torture you will be subjected to, right?"

The men who were filled with indignation just now shuddered.

Looking at the hell carriage that was surrounded by demons and leaving, it seemed that there was a little more understanding.

With this comparison, he seemed to understand the feeling of those low-level demons.

After a long farewell, the hell carriage finally left Soldansom.

When the last stubborn devil to say goodbye stopped and lowered his head to catch his breath, unable to keep up with the carriage, Bai Bin waved his hand one last time and then closed the window.

Looking at the three girls again, they all had little stars in their eyes, full of admiration.

Obviously they followed Bai Bin and saw all his behaviors and actions, but they never expected such a result.

Bai Bin knocked on the car window and said to Graven who was driving: "We are out now, so we don't need to be so vigilant."

Graven also understood the meaning of this sentence.

Lord Baron was saying that it was time to secretly reveal the news of their trip to Morinho to Francis.

Now Graven is a double agent.

Yesterday, I got a lot of wool from Francis. I could even get a 7-level dark spell. Naturally, I need to show some results today.

Only by giving positive feedback to the other party can the other party increase investment.

When the investment reaches a staggering level, it is time to close the net.

As for how to deliver the news, Bai Bin didn't ask, and Greven didn't say anything either.

There is a very high tacit understanding between the master and the servant. Even if there are no outsiders at the moment, the play still needs to be performed in full.

On the way, Weier and Helen kept chattering and asking questions.

For example, how far is Mourinho from here?How much distance?And how are the customs and customs there?
Graven was naturally happy to answer, after all, they were now Lord Baron's subordinates.A harmonious relationship is definitely the first element of success in the workplace.

Bai Bin and Lilith were silent and listened quietly.

Bai Bin was absorbing the information about Mourinho, while Lilith closed her eyes to rest.

Mourinho is about a day and a half away from Soldansom.

Because it is a hell war horse, it is a kind of hell creature born from gathering resentment. It does not need to rest and has no physical limitations. It can drive day and night without feeling tired.

As long as your feet step on the scorching earth of hell, your energy will be continuously restored, which is much stronger than the weak flesh and blood war horses of humans.

The place in the human world corresponding to the mirror image of Mourinho is exactly the place where Bai Bin made his fortune, in the direction of Landenburg and Snowfield Town.

To a certain extent, this trip was Bai Bin's return home.

The location where the aberration embers are produced corresponds exactly to the location of the Darkwood Forest.

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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