This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 283 This time, I’m going to take the upper-level route!

Chapter 283 This time, we’re going to take the upper-level route! ([-]-in-[-])

On the other hand, after Graven revealed the news to Francis, Francis began preparations.

He never expected that Barong would go to a border place like Morinho.

But soon, Francis reacted.

As a borderland, Morinho is extremely rich in resources.The most important thing is that the situation here is quite complicated.

Francis could already guess that Baron would most likely make a fuss about Mourinho.

Fortunately, Graven's news came back in time, allowing him time to make some arrangements.

Thinking of this, Rancis suddenly felt that everything was worth it if he took out a 7-ring dark spell.

At the moment, Grayvan only needs to find a way to find out the purpose and demands of Baron and his party, so that he can formulate corresponding plans based on the other party's vision and gain a favorable position in the subsequent negotiations.

On the carriage, Bai Bin was also thinking about his actions in Mourinho.

In Shadow Canyon, Bai Bin successfully launched a group awakening, which has set off a wave of awakening among the underlying demons.

You must know that free will, once awakened, is spontaneous and divergent.There will be "contagion" between demons.

So when Bai Bin officially starts negotiations, the demons with free will will be exaggerated to a terrifying amount.

So in Mourinho...Bai Bin plans to take the upper-level route.

After all, there is no use keeping so many lattices, they all have to be spent, right?
Moreover, the key point of Morinho is the aberrant embers. These minerals and resources are in the hands of the big devil and have nothing to do with ordinary devils.

Now that he has decided to take the upper-level route, Bai Bin has to think about it carefully.

Bai Bin sighed softly in his heart. It seemed that his old tricks of treating guests to dinner and having a good time would come in handy again.

Bai Bin is very familiar with this routine.

After all, in his previous life, he had practiced his dancing skills in these places.Talk about people when you see them, talk about ghosts when you see ghosts.

It can coax all the money-minded girls in this place into a daze.

Even in the end, everyone poured out their heart and soul, gave their true feelings, and even had to spend money on Bai Bin in return.

Looking back now, Bai Bin couldn't help but sigh: It was really a hearty contest!

Now that he is back to this routine, Bai Bin feels like he is recalling the glorious past.

Although he didn't hear much information about Morinho from Graven, Bai Bin also learned about its pattern and top-level structure through Lilith.

The main person responsible for guarding Morinho is Baron Morton under the Demon King Belial.

As one of the most trusted generals of the Demon Lord Belial, Baron Morton is responsible for guarding the most important resource city of Morinho.

Because there are a large number of aberration embers here, which is the most important resource in the entire First Hell.

Its importance can be regarded as the strategic resource of the first hell!
Every year, the First Hell makes a lot of money by relying on the trading of aberration embers and related smelting.

And the wealth generated by these things naturally fell into the pocket of Demon King Belial, becoming an important resource to consolidate his rule and maintain the First Hell.

Bai Bin does not intend to break this tacit understanding, but to expand it.

Some things just do.

It's obviously a good thing, but once it's taken to an extreme, it can turn into a bad thing.

But the principle of "too much is not enough" is definitely not something that simple-minded hell creatures can understand.

They will only feel that they are obviously supporting this matter, so why does the final result backfire?
As long as the enemy supports it, we must support it even more, and we must support it even more intensely!

Let the good become bad and the bad become worse!
Of course, it was impossible to face Baron Moton directly as soon as he came up.

It is necessary to start with the corruption of small leaders at the bottom step by step, and then gradually expand.

When the negotiation finally reaches Baron Moton, the other party will be shocked to find that there is no one around, and they are all Bai Bin's comrades.

After all, the best way to make a building collapse is to start decaying from the foundation, not from the top.

As long as the foundation is damaged, the entire building will collapse!

Even if a strong person with the ability to save the world appears, the corruption and collapse of the system cannot be stopped.

Coupled with Graven's all-round skills, he can definitely assist Bai Bin in handling this matter properly.

While Bai Bin was considering Mourinho's policy, Francis on the other side did not stop taking action.

On the one hand, they actively sent people to Mourinho to explain the situation.

On the other hand, the magic eye priest who visited the First Hell wanted to use the magic eye priest's divination to pry into the past of Baron and his men to see if he could get some useful information.

The Magic Eye Priest, as the leading prophecy master in the First Hell, masters many dark prophecy spells and divination methods.

Even Belial, the demon king, respected him.

It stands to reason that a small lord of hell like Francis is not qualified to meet the magic eye priest.

But Francis is now the big star in front of the Demon King.Even if you lose tens of thousands of demons on the front line, you can still be put to good use by the Demon King after you come back and make atonement for your sins.

So the Demon Eye Priest made an exception and met with the famous man in front of the Demon King.

"Master Priest, I would like to know the situation of these four people. I also ask you to raise your noble hand and help me to divine and check the past experiences of these four people."

The magic eye priest looked at the crystal lattice on the table and said meaningfully: "If you let me peek into the past, you have to let me know what happened, right?"

Francis thought for a moment and said: "This is a visitor from the Fourth Hell. He claims to be an envoy from the First Hell on the orders of the dark lord Seskar. The Lord Demon King asked me to privately investigate the purpose of these people coming all the way. .I have successfully placed people next to each other, but I can only understand their current actions and know nothing about their past.

Therefore, I need to trouble you, the priest, to help with divination and peek into the past of several people.To prove it. "

Francis pointed to several crystal lattice on the table and added: "These are the crystal lattice used by the four people in Shadow Canyon at that time, and they all have their breath and traces on them."

Knowing the importance of the matter, the magic eye priest nodded.

Only he can really do this!

The magic eye priest then used his mind to levitate the four crystal lattices and surround them.

Then he stood up and walked to a large ancient cauldron.

The cauldron was originally extremely calm, but as the unknown mixed liquid was poured into the cauldron and the incomprehensible spells were spoken, the originally calm cauldron began to boil.

The magic eye priest raised his hand, and one of the crystal lattice fell into the cauldron.

Suddenly, various gases filled the cauldron and dispersed in the air.The diffuse gas began to gradually condense, forming some blurry pictures.

The Demon Eye Priest's nasal cavity expanded, and then he inhaled sharply, sucking all the gas into his lungs.Suddenly a pair of eyes began to turn white, and many images appeared in his mind.

The picture shows a succubus training hard in the fourth hell, gradually growing into an excellent succubus in a harsh environment.Finally, in a solemn order, he was assigned to the demon guard Barong as a guard.

I also heard tones like being on an envoy.

Afterwards, the Magic Eye Priest checked the records of the other two succubi.

Although they all had different starts, several people later participated in special training, and they were verified in each other's memories. This was consistent with the complete story chain, and no flaws could be seen.

Finally it’s the turn of Baron’s lattice.

When the crystal lattice is put in, the green gas sprayed out suddenly fills the entire room.

The magic eye priest used all his strength to inhale all the diffuse gas into his lungs.

Subconsciously, he sighed: "What a fulfilling deed..."

And when the magic eye priest spied on, he saw Barong's life as a demon guard.

He fought against the third hell on the battlefield, survived from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, and then was reused step by step. At the end, the magic eye priest saw a picture.

In the picture is a vague figure covered in black energy.

But judging from the solemn voice and the terrifying pressure released, this should be the ruler of the fourth hell, Dark Lord Theskar.

And some key information was revealed in his words.

For example, why I didn’t visit through normal channels was because I didn’t want to be caught by the third hell.

And there is no token, for the same reason, because once the people from the third hell get caught, they will definitely take the opportunity to fight with the fourth hell.

After seeing these pictures and hearing these sounds, the magic eye priest suddenly realized.

It turns out that it is for this reason that there is no proof.Even more, I have to cross the ocean and come to the first hell.

This time it was the dark lord's will to come.

What the Dark Lord wants is to form an alliance with the distant First Hell and conduct a surprise attack on the Third Hell at the same time, so as to simultaneously dismantle the strength of the Third Hell.

Because this plan is carried out in secret, in order to make the third hell numb and careless.It had unexpected effects when sending troops.

The whole plan is stealthy and smooth.

Once successful, the First Hell and the Fourth Hell will send troops from the north and south at the same time, and the Third Hell will definitely be caught off guard!
It will bring great changes to the two places that are oppressed and caused pain by the third hell.

It has to be said that after the Magic Eye Priest read this plan, he himself was convinced.

I’m even looking forward to this plan coming to fruition!
Now the Second Hell and the First Hell have formed an alliance, but the Third Hell that stands in front of them is like a chasm, blocking the communication between the hells.

But the Third Hell has strong soldiers and horses, blocking them in the middle, making it impossible for them to pass and communicate with the outside world.

If they really join forces and cannibalize the third hell, then the path to other hells in the west will be completely open!

The first hell will not be confined to one corner and restricted everywhere.

But when the magic eye priest wanted to see clearly the appearance of the dark lord, a sudden pressure came over him, which shocked the magic eye priest into a trance and was traumatized.

The Demon Eye Priest spit out a mouthful of blood and stumbled backwards.

Francis quickly supported the other party with a look of shock on his face.I don’t know what the high priest saw, so he couldn’t help asking eagerly:

"Master Priest, I wonder what you saw?"

The magic eye priest adjusted his breathing and then said: "The identity of the other party has been confirmed. He is indeed from the fourth hell.

Their mission this time is to form an alliance with the First Hell and break through the constraints of the Third Hell on both sides.

And according to what the dark lord said, the Fourth Hell and the First Hell will be needed to send troops from the north and south at the same time, so that the Third Hell will not be able to take care of itself..."

When Francis heard this plan, he was also very excited.

If that were the case, First Hell could be freed from its long-standing blockade.

At the same time, the Fourth Hell can also occupy a large amount of territory and develop.

Francis grasped it keenly: "Then the other party came here this time to investigate the internal details of the First Hell to determine the distribution of post-war benefits!"

Confirmed the other party's identity and understood the other party's purpose and thoughts.The next step is to find ways to find funnel offensive and defensive battles, and strive for more benefits for First Hell when signing a cooperation.

Francis asked curiously: "Priest, you just vomited blood because..."

The Demon Eye Priest did not hide anything, and said: "I saw the Dark Lord just now, so I wanted to take a peek. Who knew that just the pressure in my memory had already severely damaged me."

Francis gasped.

Although he knew that the prophecy priest was very courageous, he never expected that the magic eye priest would dare to peek at the dark lord!

After all, he is a dark lord who is as famous as the Demon Lord Belial!

Then this mental trauma is definitely worth enduring.

But Francis couldn't say anything to blame, so he said respectfully: "Priest, since I have obtained the information and confirmed the identity of the other party, I will resign first.

Sir, please take good care of yourself. "

After walking out of the Demon Eye Priest's residence, Francis went straight back to the Demon's Lair, where he met the Demon King Belial and reported to him.

"Master Demon King, you have confirmed the identity of the other party. Master Priest used divination to see the past of several people. He is sure that they are here to discuss cooperation with us. He wants to form an alliance with you and send troops from the north and south at the same time to curb the expansion of the third hell."

Demon King Belial was greatly surprised, and even sighed: "I didn't expect that even the dark lord would feel the pressure. It seems that the Third Hell is now full of troops, with obvious intentions..."

Then Demon King Belial stared at Francis meaningfully and said: "This cooperation is quite interesting. But only the party with the initiative can gain the greatest benefits. Do you understand what I mean?"

Francis lowered his head, placed one hand on his chest, and said: "The general will understand naturally. Please rest assured, sir, I will definitely handle this matter.

Then may I ask, sir, how to deal with the breach in the Snake Canyon and the attack on the Zion Empire? "

A hint of impatience flashed in Demon King Belial's eyes, and he said: "I have my own opinion on this matter! You don't need to interfere in this matter from now on, just be responsible for entertaining envoys and negotiating!"

"As ordered!"

Although Francis was unwilling, he did not have any capital to disobey the Demon King.

Although he desperately wanted to avenge his dead brother Ulysses, Francis knew that the most important thing now was to redeem himself and make meritorious service!
 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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