This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 284 Are you using this to test cadres?

Chapter 284 Are you using this to test cadres? (Add update 610)

After more than a day's journey, the guests arrived at Mourinho.

Since the First Hell was a mirror image of the Zion Empire, the outline of the mountains in front of him was very familiar to Bai Bin.

There are stacks of peaks and ridges, and they are winding and long.

Even the ups and downs are the same as the dark wood forest mountains behind Snowfield Town.

A winding road on the bare ground of hell leads to the mountain, disappearing after passing through a canyon.

"My lord, keep walking along this road, entering the mountains, and you will reach Morinho." Bone Demon Graven said, pointing to the mountains in the distance.

Bai Bin looked around and could vaguely see the mountains at the end of the barren Gobi desert, with traces of artificial excavations.Just in front of the canyon at the end of the road, there are two huge stone statues. Their outlines are vaguely visible. The stone statues are natural and human-like but not human. They each raise their arms and stretch out their palms, which means they are guarding this place.

The hell carriage was speeding on the road, and the stone statue that was just at the end of the eye was already in front of it in the blink of an eye.

When we came to the foot of the stone statues, we clearly realized how huge the two stone statues guarding Mourinho were.

It's a hundred meters high, and the luxurious carriage is actually no bigger than a toe of a stone giant!
Entering the valley, a smooth road loomed in front of them, leading everyone to a fortress hidden among the mountains.

The city stands among the dark and rugged mountains. From bottom to top, it is brightly lit in the dimness, like a curtain of shimmering beads.

The huge mountain door opened, and the red light coming out of it was like a bloody mouth, as if it was going to swallow everything up.

"Welcome to Mourinho!"

When the carriage drives in, you can see the city's buildings extending along the mountains, cleverly using the space of caves and caves to form well-proportioned blocks.

The house is made of solid black rock, with mysterious runes carved on the walls, emitting a faint light.The firelight in the windows flickered in the darkness, illuminating the demonic inhabitants walking up and down the stone streets.

At the center of the city is a huge underground lava river, winding like a dragon deep in the mountains.The molten magma emits a scorching red light, which reflects on the city's buildings, making the entire city feel like it is in a burning hell.Bridges and passages span the lava, creating a unique and dangerous landscape.

On one side of the city, there is a huge cliff. What cascades down from the cliff is not clear water, but lava flowing down, forming a spectacular lava waterfall.The sparks of the waterfall dance in the air and fall into the underground lava river, causing bursts of sparks.

Next to the underground lava river is the central square of the city in Morinho, with a huge lava fountain.Magma surges from the fountain, forming a tower of magma.There are statues and shrines around the square, where demons often gather to pray to the gods of hell to bless them.

The city rises on the mountain, and the status of the city devil also rises according to the height of the mountain.

At the top of the city stands a magnificent obsidian temple, with towering flames rising from the top of the temple, illuminating the entire city.

There is the seat of Baron Morton, the ruler of Morinho.

Morinho, City of Embers.

The most eye-catching thing is naturally not the city coexisting with the magma, but the distorted embers shining like stars on the dome of the mountain.

There was a flash of orange light, flashing one after another, as if the stars in the sky were burning.

The types of demons in the City of Embers have also changed a lot compared to those in Soldansom.

As you can see here, there are many fallen demons, bone demons, chain demons, and hell demons covered in flames.The trumpet Balrog is extremely cute. It is only as high as the knees of an ordinary demon. It makes crackling sounds of flames when it runs, and its sound also has a high-pitched whistling sound like the wind when drumming fire.

But don’t be deceived by the appearance of being as big as a little demon. In fact, the little Balrog has extremely strong attack power by throwing lava from hell. It can also combine with other little Balrogs to become larger and has a fierce personality.

Baron Morton, who is in the Obsidian Temple, is a huge stone giant from hell. Because of his outstanding military record, he guarded the Ember City in the battle with the Second Hell, and killed a baron from the Second Hell in the battle. He was awarded the title of Baron by the Demon Lord Belial and became the ruler of this Ember City.

Rao is the bone demon Graven. He has only heard of Mourinho before and has never been here in person.

The same goes for Lilith.

Not to mention Bai Bin, Weier and Helen who came to hell for the first time.

Except for Bai Bin, everyone else was lying on the car window, staring at the city built in the mountains with such uncanny workmanship.

For such a grand project, I don’t know how much manpower will be used.

Bai Bin looked at such an industrialized city, which looked like a magnificent dwarf castle.

On the inner walls of the city of Morinho, there are countless scaffoldings installed, on which demon workers are always digging and mining the aberration embers.

"Such a fully functioning resource-based city is completely the engine for the rapid development of First Hell." Bai Bin was quite impressed.

"If the two places form an alliance and cooperate, more resources will be needed to launch a strangulating attack on the Third Hell. With the current efficiency, production must be increased!"

Bai Bin thought for a moment and said to Graven who was driving: "Graven, you don't have any foundation in Mourinho. If I ask you to get to know some medium-level demons with power in one day, can you do it?"

Graven turned back and said with a smile: "Sir, you are looking down on me! Although I have been working as a waiter in the Realm of Desire in Soldansom before, the people who have the most contact with this job of waiter are the middle-class people in the first hell. demon."

"The Realm of Desire is also known as the Cave of Gold Sales. Any demons who come here to do business or interact will definitely come here."

"It just so happens that I have served a medium-sized demon from Morinho before. As long as you give me half a day, I can definitely re-establish a relationship with him."

The corners of Bai Bin's lips raised. Having a talent like Graven made his plan in hell many times easier!
Without Graven, Bai Bin would still have to set up a show, hook up with a powerful middle-level person, and then learn about corruption bit by bit.

But now, everything is left to Greven, and he only needs financial support, which saves a lot of effort.

Bai Bin took out a large bag of crystal lattice and handed it to Graven: "Since we want to reconnect with the past and build relationships, how can we do it without a little sincerity. You are responsible for reminiscing with them. When we first come to Mourinho, we must make a lot of friends. ,do you know?"

Graven nodded understandingly.

Since there are a lot of things to do, let’s get to know other middle-level people through his two connections here!

Just as Graven looked at the heavy crystal lattice, he had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

Master Barong uses this thing to test cadres. Which cadre can withstand the test...

(End of this chapter)

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