This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 290 What does it mean to be a true lord’s apostle!

Chapter 290 What does it mean to be a true lord’s apostle! ([-]-in-[-])

Bai Bin used some small tricks to not only get a lot of private information about the restricted area of ​​life and the fourth hell from the "Prophet", but also quickly got closer to the "Prophet" through his identity as a guide.

The first secret contract made the "Prophet" and himself in the same camp mentally, and had a closer relationship than the other six saints.

On this basis, even if the other six people at the Bliss Banquet test the "Prophet" in any way and ask about the behavior of the "Hermit", they will be labeled as wary by the "Prophet" and naturally alienated.

Bai Bin's move can be said to have completely broken the "invisible sanctions" imposed on him by the previous six people and won over a supporter.

Of course, this support must be based on strength and status.

If Bai Bin's answer sheet at the end of the year is not good and he is kicked out of the Banquet of Paradise, then it will be useless to win over many supporters.

But if Bai Bin wants to obtain information about the other Six Saints in advance, the "Prophet" is extremely useful.

This is what Bai Bin has been planning since the last time he asked for the right to lead the "Prophet". Bai Bin has been planning how to maximize benefits.

That's when I thought of this good idea.

Now that he and the "Prophet" have naturally become the same camp, Bai Bin used the rules to successfully make the Prophet his informant to detect information about the other six saints of the Feast of Bliss for him.

In addition, Bai Bin had a contract with the "Prophet". Even if they knew it, they couldn't say anything. After all, everything was negotiated in advance.

Bai Bin sent the other party to the feast of bliss, and immediately his soul returned, showing a satisfied smile.

After solving the matter of the Bliss Banquet, Bai Bin fell asleep with satisfaction.

The next morning, Bai Bin just got up, opened the door and saw Graven standing outside the door for who knows how long.

Bai Bin asked in confusion: "Why are you staying at the door so early in the morning?"

But Greven was slightly panicked and said: "Lord Baron, Baron Moton of Morinho, knew of your arrival and specially arranged for some middle-level demons to come to visit you."

A trace of doubt flashed between Bai Bin's eyebrows.

I don’t understand why the other party suddenly did this.

Graven whispered: "I chatted with a few of them, and they all said that this was a direct order from the stone giant Baron Morton."

Glaven was a little panicked and asked in a low voice: "Lord Baron, could our plan have been discovered? Is Baron Moton trying to use this method to discourage us from having private contact with the middle-level demons?"

Bai Bin smiled, this was just a big piece of fat delivered to his door.

"If you want to use this method to remind, why would you use this method to add fuel to the fire?"

In the past, Bai Bin used the name of the salon to communicate with other middle-level demons, but that was all.

Unexpectedly, Baron Moton actually explained it personally and had these middle-level demons delivered to his door.

From now on, if Bai Bin wants to communicate with these people, it will be very convenient!
Micro-manipulation can even be done remotely and in real time.

Graven thought for a moment and asked: "Sir, do you need me to investigate again in private..."

But he was interrupted by Bai Bin: "Since it is Baron Moton's opinion, you can't get anything out by asking these middle-level demons. On the contrary, asking outside can easily arouse the other party's suspicion and arouse the other party's vigilance."

Greven was covered in cold sweat, and his thoughts almost caused a catastrophe.

I couldn't help but sigh: "The adults are still thoughtful."

A thought suddenly flashed through Bai Bin's mind, and he was vaguely aware of the other party's thoughts.But there is no evidence, just an idea in Quan Dang's mind.

'Could it be that the other party got the news and found out what he had done in Shadow Canyon, and thought that he would launch a mass offensive after he came to Morinho? '

Of course, in order to verify this conjecture, Bai Bin only needs to stand still and see the opponent's strategies and methods.

If it was as Bai Bin expected, then the other party wanted to delay him in this way.

Unfortunately, they never dreamed that Bai Bin had changed his methods.

"Since the other party has arranged this move, wouldn't it look very uninteresting if we didn't join in?" Bai Bin joked with a smile.

Graven said understandingly: "In that case, I will make arrangements."

Bai Bin nodded and asked Greven to make arrangements. He wanted to see what methods the other party would use.

Soon... Bai Bin knew the opponent's strategy.

Because more and more middle-level demons came to visit, every middle-level demon came in with an expression of joy and shame on his face.

I am happy to be able to listen to Master Barong's teachings again.What is shameful is that this mission was arranged by their leader, Baron Morton.

So everyone is worried. Has the previous plan been exposed?

But after being comforted by Bai Bin, everyone relaxed and smiled.

I thought that only a few middle-level demons came to visit, but I didn't expect that the middle-level demons came one after another, and none of them dared to stay for a long time.

After visiting for about 10 minutes, he got up and left with an apologetic expression on his face.

This directly made Bai Bin laugh!

Because he has figured out what Baron Moton does.

It was nothing more than using these middle-level demons to visit as an excuse to delay his time.Let him have no chance to contact the underlying devil.

A huge information gap has formed between the two parties.

The First Hell thought that Bai Bin would use the same tactics used in Shadow Canyon to get close to the lower-level demons, encourage and instigate them, and was deeply afraid of his title of enlightener, fearing that he would instigate Morinho's demon miners again.

But who knows that this time Bai Bin did not take the bottom route at all, but directly connected many of Mourinho's middle-level demons with interests as a link, weaving a grand and magnificent future for them, and tied them together with interests.

Baron Morton's current decision is completely to support the enemy.

Let these middle-level demons communicate with Bai Bin without any hindrance.Because the communication is private, some topics can be discussed openly, and Bai Bin can also answer their questions in a targeted manner.

Bai Bin didn't know who gave the advice to Baron Moton, but Bai Bin was very satisfied!
It's equivalent to being able to discuss with other middle-level demons without leaving home or looking for any reason.This allows precise control of details.

Bai Bin's suggestion was like boiling a frog in warm water. At first, the overtime work at the Distorted Ember Mine was only extended by a few 10 minutes. The reason was to hurry up and not delay the construction period until the last day.

The Demon Miner naturally had no objection to this and readily accepted the decision to work overtime.

The overtime work on the second and third days did not cause them to respond slowly.But on the fourth and fifth days, when they realized it later, the foreman told them that they did not need to work overtime today, which instantly dispelled everyone's doubts.

Amidst this repeated emotional pull, the demon miners have slowly been working overtime for dozens of hours.Looking at the extra distortion embers produced, all the middle-level eyes flashed with excitement.

As long as the cooperation is successful and the preparations for the attack are officially started, these aberration embers will produce extraordinary value!
Of course, these are entirely things for later.

By the third day of Bai Bin's stay, almost all the middle-level demons had visited them completely.

Bai Bin has also met almost all the middle-level demons in Mourinho, and can know almost all the institutions and middle-level leaders here.

Likewise, the convenience brought by this is that Bai Bin can apply his own policies more skillfully and more targetedly.

The continuous hospitality these days has also kept Graven very busy, and he has been busy.The white bones are visibly exhausted and sluggish.

"Lord Barong, will Baron Moton allow the middle-level demon to visit again?"

In front of outsiders, Graven is an emotionally intelligent and considerate servant.

But talking with the door closed, because of the good atmosphere around Bai Bin, Graven didn't need to be cautious now, and began to try to show some small emotions with Bai Bin.

Bai Bin smiled and said, "If we do it again, I'm afraid we won't be the ones who are anxious."

Because Bai Bin has already revealed through many channels that he is here to discuss cooperation.

A week has passed from Shadow Canyon to Morinho.

Even the investigation into the details has ended.

If the cooperation is not officially launched, Bai Bin will not be the one who is anxious.

Sure enough, now that the middle level demon card has been completely played, Bai Bin is not anxious, but Baron Moton is starting to become anxious.

The current situation no longer allows him to do it again. If he does it again, the other party will definitely notice something abnormal.

Now I can still use "everyone admires me, so I visit" to excuse me, but if I try it again, I really have no excuse.

The other party is not a fool. Once he knows that he did it deliberately and raises objections during cooperation for fun, the whole cooperation game will be completely ruined!

Become a sinner in the first hell!
The stone giant Baron Morton cannot afford this crime!

He just wanted to contain Barong for Lord Demon King and obtain more intelligence information in exchange for a favorable position during cooperation, but he did not want to mess up this negotiation and cooperation.

"Isn't your lord here yet?" Baron Moton was already suppressing his anger.

He has been delaying for three days. What has Francis been doing these three days?No news!

He has done everything he can, but Francis is like a rat, hiding in the dark and never showing up!

The little devil wiped the sweat from his forehead in a panic.

He doesn’t know what his dear lord is doing these days!

Does a little devil like him have to bear the wrath of a Hellboy now?

"Lord Francis... you have to take care of the overall situation, and you have to worry about all aspects. It is possible that matters elsewhere have not been dealt with yet. Lord Baron, please calm down."

Baron Moton's eyes almost burst out with fire, and just as he was about to speak out to lash out, there was a sudden wave of fluctuation in the air.

A figure with purple skin appeared from the void.

"Who made our Lord Baron angry?" Francis asked knowingly.

Baron Moton didn't waste any time and asked: "How long will it take? All the middle-level people under me have already visited Barong and almost broke the threshold of the place where he stayed!"

Francis was calm and gentle, and the tentacles on his chin were twisting and wriggling. They were swept away by the heat wave of the Obsidian Temple and the Ember City, and they were a little sluggish.

This kind of place naturally makes Francis feel uncomfortable.

"I came here this time to congratulate the Baron, and we can officially start the talks. I came here this time to invite Barong, the messenger of the Fourth Hell, to go to the Demon Cave Lair to discuss cooperation matters. Before leaving, the Baron also needs your In the name of the First Hell, a formal banquet was held to entertain the envoy Barong and his party to show the magnanimity and enthusiasm of the First Hell."

Baron Morton looked at the bright smile on Francis' face and asked, "What kind of trouble are you planning to do again?"

Although Baron Morton didn't know much about Francis, he had heard about the mind flayers for a long time.

This race that inhabits other people's bodies, deprives others of their will, and treats living things as puppets is inherently evil and likes to use small tricks. He doesn't like it very much!
The smile on Francis's face became even bigger, and he said: "This is also what I have been busy with these days. You know, I have carefully arranged activities for the visiting apostle Baron. Lord Baron has returned from the fourth hell. If you come to the First Hell and are unfamiliar with the place, if you can see a fellow from the Fourth Hell here, what a touching scene it would be, what do you think, Lord Baron?"

As for the identity of Baron, although Francis has gone through the divination of the magic eye priest, for the only chance to atone for his sins, Francis must do everything perfectly!
Another point is that although the identity was confirmed by divination, Francis always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Therefore, I used resources and time to finally find a refugee from the Fourth Hell in the huge First Hell.

Baron Morton immediately understood Francis's intention.

"It seems that this banquet is destined to be uneventful."

The last bit of complaint against Francis in my heart disappeared.

Baron Morton knew how difficult it was to find a refugee from the Fourth Hell in the First Hell.

It is no less than finding a needle in a haystack and digging out a diamond from a deep mountain!
In three days, Francis could find this person and finally confirm the identity of the Baron mission.

If the identity is correct, then this banquet will be a grand treat. By the way, the date for the next negotiation and cooperation will be clarified and the cards will be played.

But if there are some doubts or contradictions, it would be a great achievement to finally reveal the other party's true identity!
Of course, in Francis' mind, there is a third option.

That is to deliberately set up a dragon gate array and use something ambiguous and unable to be self-certified to make the other party fall into the trap of self-certification.

In exchange for an advantage in negotiations.

After all, according to the divination of the magic eye priest, they did not bring anything with them to prove their identity.

Since self-proof cannot be carried out, the first hell naturally has the right to question.

Turning this right to question into an advantage in cooperation is Francis's winning move!
Baron Moton couldn't help but look forward to it.

This stone giant is not as honest and upright as he appears on the outside.

How can the City of Embers, the resource-rich city on the edge of hell, be able to control it without some foresight?
"In my name, a banquet will be held in honor of the Fourth Hell Messenger and his entourage. A grand banquet will be held tonight at the Obsidian Temple. All middle-level and above demons in Ember City will attend."

(End of this chapter)

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