This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 291 There is no mole, keep trading!

Chapter 291 There is no mole, keep trading! ([-]-in-[-])

When Bai Bin received the invitation, he couldn't help but shake it to Graven.

"Look, someone couldn't help it anymore." Bai Bin sighed.

Graven was also overjoyed.

Since the other party's strategic focus is insufficient, it means that they have gained an advantage and can obtain more benefits in the subsequent negotiations.

Graven said excitedly: "Sir, our operation was successful!"

Although Bai Bin's expression was equally relaxed, he was not as happy as Graven.

He smiled softly and said: "I'm afraid things are not that simple. The other party is most likely prepared for this banquet!"

"Baron Morton has been delaying for so many days. There must be some purpose. If there is no purpose and back-up, this delay plan will be quite a failure."

But now that Baron Moton suddenly invited him, he was obviously ready.

Since the other party is ready, Bai Bin must go.

Because he also wanted to see what clever plan the other party had come up with after delaying him for so long!
You must know that from now on, the real big picture begins.Only then did we really reach the formal stage of hell negotiations between the two parties.

Bai Bin waved to Graven and said, "Go and tell the messenger that I will definitely attend the banquet tonight."

With Bai Bin's accurate answer, Baron Moton and Francis also began the final preparations.

That night, Bai Bin, his three daughters, and Graven came to the Obsidian Temple, the highest place in Morinho.

Looking down from the Obsidian Temple, Morinho, located in the mountains, has a panoramic view. The fiery red color of the earth's core shines below, and huge water vapor is rising, distorting the surrounding scenery and looking spectacular.

In the solemn hall of the Obsidian Temple of Hell, a grand dinner is being prepared in full swing.The hall was filled with a strong smell of sulfur, and flame-shaped chandeliers hung from the obsidian ceiling. Each chandelier was made of obsidian and hellfire, illuminating the entire hall.

The hall is surrounded by carved obsidian niches and statues depicting fantastical scenes of hell.

In a corner of the hall, the Infernal Band played a mysterious and throaty symphony, with instruments made of distorted embers and the metal of Hell.The music echoed in the hall, adding an atmosphere of mystery and horror to the entire dinner.

At the banquet, the middle-level demons sat in attendance.During these three days of conversations and meetings, Bai Bin got to know all of them. Hundreds of middle-level demons sat together, arranged by status and height, which looked quite spectacular.

Above all the middle-level demons, there is a main seat with side columns on the left and right.

The stone giant Baron Morton sat on the top of the throne, his eyes were two deep obsidians, shining with solemn light.

His face was carved with deep wrinkles, like traces of time.The stone armor on your body is like an indestructible fortress!
Despite being a stone giant, Baron Morton possesses profound wisdom.This is the crystallization of years of vicissitudes and wisdom contained in the stone.He was born here, guarding Mourinho, and is the oldest product of the Ember City's years.

The stones and obsidian on the body are more than just exterior decoration.

Together, they become the source of Baron Morton's powerful power.He can control the power of the earth and channel the energy of rock and obsidian, giving him unparalleled power in battle.

Even under the First Demon King of Hell, Belial, Baron Morton is the most capable and powerful being!

'This size and armor look like the Penitent's, with extremely high physical and magic resistance...'

Although Bai Bin was lamenting the power of Baron Maodun, sometimes the solution to a problem is not just fighting.

Now he is adopting an aggressive method of ecstasy and bone-crushing.

All the middle-level demons in the hall currently have a cooperative relationship with Bai Bin.

Only the leader, Baron Morton, and the old acquaintance Francis sitting next to him were still kept in the dark.

The stone giant Baron Morton, who was sitting in the chief position, stood up from his seat and said in a deep and powerful voice:

"The visit of the apostles of the Fourth Hell makes the Obsidian Temple shine."

Next to him, Francis also stood up to greet him. Francis smiled as kindly as possible: "Lord Baron, I am the lord arranged by Lord Belial to receive the envoy this time. My name is Francis."

Bai Bin showed a surprised expression and sighed: "I didn't expect that the First Hell has developed to such an extent that it can even recruit the elite Mind Flayers from the Twisting Void?"

Bai Bin's words not only praised Demon King Belial's wisdom and prowess, but also elevated Francis's status in disguise.

To describe a bereaved dog who lost his home as an elite would make everyone happy inside.

Francis is no exception.

After all, everyone carries the sedan chair.

Although Francis now has the status of the Lord of Hell, he still cannot avoid being regarded as a lost dog by other hell natives.He even thinks that Lord Belial has special favor and preference for him!

Now being affirmed by the messenger of the fourth hell, although Francis looked calm on the surface, he was actually already happy.I had a high opinion of Barong for no reason.

After the white guests sat down, the three succubi sat in the second-class seats. Graven, who was good at dancing and had long sleeves, was huddled with the middle-level demons below, and they seemed to have a lot of topics to talk about.

Baron Moton was the first to speak: "Your Excellency Barong went all the way north, covered in dust and dust. What do you think after arriving at the First Hell?"

Bai Bin said matter-of-factly: "I have only been to two places since I arrived in the First Hell. The first Shadow Canyon. It has a strong commercial atmosphere and rich spiritual life. There are also unique performances, which are all amazing."
The industrial level of Mourinho is also breathtaking.The development of Distorted Embers has also reached an extremely high level.Of course, in the process of chatting with the middle-level demons in the past few days, I discovered that Mourinho had encountered several changes before.

Being able to stand firm in such a complicated situation must be attributed to Baron Morton. "

Bai Bin took the lead in praising the two parties as soon as he arrived, setting the tone of the banquet.

I have already said this. If there is any transgression or disrespectful behavior in the future, it is because the people in the first hell lack etiquette and upbringing.

This is what we need to be responsible for in the future cooperation!

But obviously it was just a few words, and it was difficult to sway Francis.

Francis was the first to ask: "I was running about your affairs earlier. After I heard that Lord Barong had arrived in the First Hell, I rushed here non-stop. I thought we could meet in the Shadow Canyon, but I was still a step too late. , failed to keep up with adults.”

At this time, Baron Moton said: "What do you mean, Lord Francis is implying that this place is not good? There will be good wine and meat. I also arranged for the middle-level demons to visit Lord Barong in turn to let him get familiar with Morinho. I can’t say that the hospitality is meticulous, but I do my best, and I don’t like hearing what you say.”

Francis also repeatedly confessed and punished himself with a cup of wine.After this round of foreshadowing was over, Francistus asked in an indifferent voice: "When I was passing through the Shadow Canyon, I heard that the three succubi under your command were particularly powerful. Not only did they defeat the succubi who had won twenty consecutive victories this year, Melovina even defeated Godmother Yuga and Assassin Elder Garona.

Even if the adults leave, Shadow Canyon is full of praise. "

Bai Bin waved his hand, looked back at the three succubi who were feasting, and said:
"This is the escort specially selected by the Lord of Darkness for my trip. It can be said that they are the most elite beings that the Fourth Hell can select. It's just a small victory. If the Lord is willing, he can definitely win from the First Hell. Select the top succubi you can defeat.”

Bai Bin calmly calmed down the topic without giving Francis the chance to dig deeper.

Since it was difficult to continue the topic, Francis simply took out his trump card and said with a smile:
"My lord has come all the way from afar. Lord Demon King personally instructed me to make Lord Barong feel at home and at home. On the way to Mourinho, I have been thinking about how to make Lord Barong feel like home." These……

As a result, I happened to meet a traveler from the fourth hell.I immediately thought, what could be more intimate than meeting people from my hometown in a foreign place?So I made my own decision and brought this traveler here. I thought it was to help Lord Barong relieve his homesickness. What do you think, Lord? "

Bai Bin's eyes immediately lit up, and his tone rose a few degrees: "Oh, I thought that after going through hardships and traveling across the ocean, I and a few others were the first batch of visitors to set foot on the land of First Hell. Unexpectedly, Some compatriots have done this before! It’s really amazing!”

Bai Bin's words were filled with joy and sigh, but there was also some doubt hidden deep in them.

One sentence paved the way for three possible trends.

There are also three endings prepared in advance for this demon who appears.

Although the expression on his face was extremely excited, Bai Bin felt a little uneasy in his heart at this moment.

Because he can't confirm now whether this demon really comes from the fourth hell.

It would be bad if Francis found someone to pretend to be someone and defrauded him by chance.

But if he is the real devil of the fourth hell, then there will be loopholes in his words, and once discovered, he will fall short!
But the more panicked you are at this time, the more dangerous you are.

But it is not impossible.

You know, Bai Bin is in the field of trickery, but he masters the trick of "bluffing"!

With Bai Bin's current charm of 31 points and intelligence of 30 points, if you want to bluff and trick someone with words, don't be too simple!
Francis didn't expect Baron to be so enthusiastic.

This was slightly inconsistent with his guess.

But these are not the main points.

Francis clapped his hands, and a skeleton-shaped hell troll walked slowly in from the side of the Obsidian Temple with a long staff.

Different from other hell trolls who are extremely strong and muscular, the skin of the hell troll in front of him is as pale as the depleted earth, sticking to the bones. At a glance, it seems that it is just a few skinny torsos under the skull coat.

The cheekbones are high, the eye sockets are deep, and the eyes are red, as if two groups of flames are burning in them.

His skull extended backwards, forming a peeling neck, revealing a cold white bone neck.

The arms were curled like curled dry vines, holding a cane made of black bone, the top of which was carved with the runes and spells of hell.You can vaguely feel a layer of energy shrouding it.

Francis stood up and introduced: "This is Sorkin, the hell troll from the fourth hell."

Bai Bin did not get up, but looked at this ascetic hell troll.

This kind of dress and temperament does look quite intimidating.

And according to Bai Bin's understanding of the Fourth Hell, although Hell Trolls are not a "specialty" of the Fourth Hell, it is true that only the Fourth Hell has a complete group of Hell Trolls, coming from the islands of the Fourth Hell. The demonized troll tribe.

Then this guy's identity is most likely true!
While Bai Bin was sizing up, the hell troll Sorkin was also sizing up Bai Bin.

Then he said in shock: "I'm sorry, Lord, please forgive me. If I am not blind, it seems that I have neither heard nor seen this Lord Barong when I was in the fourth hell..."

This statement came out.

Francis turned to look at Bai Bin.

Even the stone giant Baron Morton, who was holding a stone wine cup the size of a bathtub, stopped drinking.

Under the originally lively table, hundreds of middle-level demons looked stunned, some even turned pale with fright, and were so frightened that they couldn't eat.

If Lord Barong is not from the Fourth Hell... then their previous plan...

These middle-level demons can no longer imagine that if the other party's identity is wrong, then what they did before was to deceive the superiors and conceal the inferiors...

Bai Bin's expression remained unchanged, and he even chuckled: "Of course you won't know my existence. Even many baron lords and ministers under Lord Theskar don't know my existence. So this is why I was asked to come out. What makes the first hell.”

Bai Bin stared at Sorkin carefully and asked: "On the contrary, I am very curious. When the third hell is pursuing and setting up restricted areas on land and sea, even I have tried my best to defeat the adults and everyone. With the help of others, we broke through the defenses and reached the first hell. How did you arrive thousands of miles away alone?"

Francis' eyes wandered between Bai Bin and Sorkin.

What Sorkin said just now is indeed shocking.

But after being shocked, Francis thought carefully and realized that the magic eye priests had already performed divination, and the experiences of Baron and his men were all true.Sorkin said that he had never seen it before, and Barong was indifferent and even chuckled.

This state of ease, coupled with the background tone he had prepared in advance, allowed Francis to confirm Barong's identity.

The original plan was to use Sorkin to create some flaws in Baron, and then take advantage of it to gain benefits.

But now Balong kicked the ball back with a rhetorical question, which also gave rise to new doubts.

Yes, the third hell is tightly sealed. How did Sorkin escape to the first hell alone?

Sorkin's eyes flashed with panic.

He didn't expect Lord Barong to be so aggressive!
Just one sentence made him completely confused.

And Francis also observed the flash of panic in Sorkin's eyes, and couldn't help but feel reassured, and glanced at Baron Moton.

'No mole, keep trading! '

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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