This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 306 The Son of God

Chapter 306 The Son of God

They are not the blood of the Holy Lord, but they are inextricably linked, even in name only?

Now it's time to make a decision.

The complexity of this matter has exceeded Bai Bin's imagination.

Sandro looked at the two of them, and then told a shocking news.

"Now you two will also know the deepest secret of the Illuminati Religion, so after hearing this, you will automatically join the ranks of protecting this secret."

Pope Catherine didn't expect that eating melon would eat her too. She hesitated for a moment and asked: "Then is it still too late for me to go out now?"

Sandro shook his head: "It's too late, and this matter is also related to you. If you want to blame, blame this kid!"

Bai Bin was dumbfounded.

He, the royal adviser, saved the building from collapse and saved the country from danger. How could he become a criminal?
Could it be...that it was the predecessor's fault again?
Sandro did not show off this time, but said solemnly:
"Bai Jie'er, the wife of Lord Landenburg, is a descendant of the Holy Lord."

Bai Bin: ∑(O_O;)
Catherine: ( ̄口 ̄)!!
(The lord’s wife Bai Jie’er)

"So, now you understand what it means to be in name only." Sandro looked at the shocked expressions of the two and said with a smile.

You know, because of this incident, he and the elders of the Temple Assassins were asked to search through the books to find out whether similar things had happened to their previous descendants. In the end, they found that this was the only case in 300 years. .

At this time, Bai Bin also realized what it meant to be in name only.

He and Lord Langdon's wife were sworn brothers and sisters who had gone through formal procedures, the kind of people who signed a contract!
If the lord's wife is of the bloodline of the Holy Lord of Light, then he, his sworn brother, is directly related to the Holy Lord.

Bai Bin even discovered something.

In this way, Ting En is the bloodline of the next generation of the Holy Lord...

This news was like thunder, which made Bai Bin and Catherine unable to calm down for a long time.

"No...will this kind of human contract also take effect for descendants of gods like the Holy Lord?" Bai Bin asked.

You know, the lord's wife is also a descendant of the gods. It is incredible that such an ordinary human contract can affect the descendants of gods.

Sandro nodded: "It's effective. There has never been such a precedent before. The problem now is that as the only heir of Lord Langdon, Ting En has a very special status!
Lord Langdon is the blood brother of King Hasanti. Although he left the royal family and guarded the frontier many years ago, his bloodline has not changed.Now that the line of King Hasanti has been completely extinct, and Lord Langdon has been assassinated, the only member who still has the blood of the imperial royal family is Ting En. "

The expression on Sandro's face became rich: "Here comes the key question. The secret order is the genealogy diagram of the royal bloodline, with Lord Langdon and Ting En on it. Now that all other royal bloodlines are extinct, Ting En is the only Zion Heir to the Empire.

But at the same time, he is also a descendant of the Holy Lord.The combination of these two identities will put Ting En into an extremely dangerous situation.

Therefore, the old king Hasanti considered the worst plan.Once Ting En needs to take over, you will be the regent.At the same time, you need to disclose your identity as a descendant of the Holy Lord, one in the open and one in the dark, to share the pressure for Ting En. "

Bai Bin suddenly realized.

Although Ting En can be traced back to the royal bloodline, after all, it is only a side branch after the separation of the family, and it is recognized in the bloodline law.

But Ting En was too young to convince the public.

Although Bai Bin's strength and status are guaranteed, his rise is too fast and his foundation is unstable. At the same time, he makes people jealous.At the moment, a more powerful identity is needed to shock everyone.

There is nothing more weighty than the identity of "Son of God."Bai Bin's strength is second to none in the Illuminati Religion, currently only weaker than Pope Catherine.If there is the blessing of being the son of God, then after Catherine leaves office, Bai Bin will definitely take over.

Originally, the royal power of the empire and the divine power of the Guangming Sect were clearly distinct.

But now, under the influence of external forces, they are twisting together and becoming one.

Bai Bin is not only a strong competitor for the future pope, but also the son of God, and also the regent and royal advisor of the Zion Empire!
"So, now the choice is yours. Whether to stand up, attract this wave of firepower for the lord's wife and Ting En, and come out on the bright side.

The status of being a descendant of the Holy Lord is respected, but the dangers are not less.Hell demons, hidden evils, and even Samarkand in the north are all trying to get rid of them.

You will endure more! "

Sandro and Pope Catherine looked at Bai Bin together.

Now the pressure is on Bai Bin.

The two of them are the popes and leaders of the Illuminati Holy See and the Temple Assassins. They are the highest level of the Illuminati Religion and can decide the future direction and policies of the Holy See.

So they know more about the impact of this.

All believers of the Illuminati Religion believe in light and the Holy Lord of Light.

If it is really announced that Bai Bin is a descendant of the Holy Lord, then Bai Bin's attention will skyrocket.Now that Ting En is young and underage, Bai Bin, as regent, has also concentrated the power of the empire.

Royal and divine power were gathered into one person.

The pressure on Bai Bin can be imagined, and the targeting he received can be imagined!

But Bai Bin just smiled indifferently and said: "Even if I don't have this important identity, I am still Ting En's godfather and the brother-in-law of the lord's wife. It is my duty to protect them.

Ting En went from being a naughty boy to succeeding Lord Langdon, and he was about to become the king of the empire before his butt was even hot.The pressure is actually not on me, but on him.At such a young age, he has to face the royal power. I'm afraid he won't be able to grasp it! "

"Then I'll take it as your consent." Sandro finally confirmed.

Bai Bin nodded firmly without any hesitation.

"My appearance is like a shooting star in the dark night. It is dazzling wherever I look, competing with the sun and the moon. In this case, let me add a sense of epicness and destiny to this legendary life. Only everyone Only by focusing all attention on me can Sister Bai and Ting En be safer."

Sandro looked at Bai Bin and Pope Catherine again.

"As for the fact that Bai Jie'er and Ting En are descendants of the Holy Lord, I hope you will keep it secret. From now on, the only person who is a descendant of the Holy Lord and the son of God is Counselor Bai! This is maintained by the Temple Assassins. A 300-year-old secret cannot be lost."

Catherine's guess was wrong. She originally thought that Bai Bin was a serious son of God, so his attainments in light magic were extraordinary.

Unexpectedly, it was only in name only.

But this surprised the Bright Pope Catherine even more. If she was not of the blood of the Holy Lord, she would only have talent.

Especially the illumination technique that transcends the mortal world and does not belong to the human world is still amazing when I think about it.

"Since Priest Bai has taken on the identity of regent and son of god, have you ever considered adding another identity?"

 Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
(End of this chapter)

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