Chapter 307
If it were Sandro, Bai Bin might consider it.

But this was the first time Bai Bin met Catherine Pope, and he always felt that there was some bad intention hidden in her smiling eyes.

"Your Majesty the Pope, can I not choose?"

Catherine looked at her with beautiful eyes, turned and walked out of the palace.

"No, I have decided now that I want you to join the election of the next pope. As a son of God and a descendant of the Holy Lord, if you can't even elect the Pope, then in the future, will the Holy See listen to the Pope or the Holy Lord? A descendant? What’s more, this descendant of the Holy Lord is extremely powerful, the best in the contemporary era.”

Catherine did not hesitate to point out the dilemma that the Holy See was about to face——

The issue of the Illuminati Sect’s right to speak and interpret.

You must know that the Pope is the spokesperson chosen by the Holy Lord in the world, and has the right to interpret the Illuminati Religion.

But now everyone is suddenly told that the Holy Lord still has a blood descendant in the world, and he is a serious son of God.

At this time, the question arises, should millions of believers continue to listen to the words of the Pope, or should they listen to the words of the Son of God?

If the two are separated, it will cause a split in the interpretation rights and beliefs of the Illuminati.

Therefore, the two must be combined into one, and they can only be combined into one!

Otherwise, what we have to face is the actual split of the Illuminati Sect.

Bai Bin wanted to say something else, but Pope Catherine had already opened the door and walked out.

Sandro followed closely behind, leaving Bai Bin alone in the empty palace hall.

At this time, the sunlight outside shines on the floor tiles of the palace through the hollow windows of the palace, outlining the lines and shapes of light.

Bai Bin turned his head and glanced at the empty throne, and said silently in his heart:

The old king treated me like a nobleman, and I should repay him with my life! Let the Zion Empire become the giant dragon occupying the east and fulfill your long-cherished wish in this life!
When the three people walked out of the palace, people outside were already looking forward to it.

They didn't know what the three of them discussed in the palace, but seeing that their expressions were gloomy and solemn when they entered, but now there was a look of relief on their faces, something must have settled.

Sandro walked to the side of the secret order, used a knife to open the lacquer seal of the secret order, and then took out the inheritance chart recording the blood line of the royal family of Zion, and showed it to the nobles and power leaders present.

"The bloodline of Zion's royal family has not been cut off. Although the line of King Hasanti has been cut off, Lord Langdon has been guarding the border since he separated decades ago. He still has a son, the current Lord Langdon Ting'en. According to the royal family inheritance law , the families were divided within three generations, and their bloodline still belonged to the royal family.

Therefore, legally speaking, the royal bloodline has not been cut off. Tynn Langdon has the legal right to inherit and is the new king of the Zion Empire. "

The nobles in the audience were the first to react.

They all knelt down on one knee and put one hand on their chest to express their loyalty to Ting En.

If the royal bloodline is cut off, they will definitely not swear allegiance so quickly.

But now that the inheritance of Lord Langdon Ting En is reasonable and legal, the service they once promised to the royal family of Zion must continue. His originally lively mind was poured cold water on him before it lasted long.

With Bai Bin as the regent and Ting En ascending the throne, the overall situation of the Zion Empire can be stabilized.

Bai Bin's identity as a priest of hell and the support of the Holy See allowed him to quickly stabilize the situation despite the previous loss of royal bloodline and the death of the old king.

Seeing the surrender of the nobles who controlled the economy and channels, the leaders of various forces also bowed down to congratulate them from the bottom of their hearts.

After Sandro finished speaking, he put away the hereditary map and said: "In addition, there is another thing that needs to be announced. This matter was originally the secret of the establishment of our Temple Assassin Group, and it has been kept secret for more than three hundred years. , it was already the tenth generation when it was passed down to me. The Temple Assassins should have continued to keep this secret, but something unexpected happened. Now Bai Bin has become the regent of the empire, and his godson Ting En has become the emperor of Zion. As the crown prince, there are some things that can no longer be concealed."

Sandro took a deep breath and saw all the eyes of everyone in the audience focused on him.

The nobles and power leaders present were also extremely curious as to what could happen that could make the news come second to the Crown Prince of the Empire. It sounded like it was related to Bai Bin, which made everyone extremely curious.

"The original intention of the establishment of the Temple Assassins was to protect the descendants of the Holy Lord of Light in the world. Over the past 300 years, we have always adhered to the original intention and protected the descendants of the Holy Lord in the dark. But now, the identity of the descendants of the Holy Lord cannot be hidden. …”

Sandro raised his hand and pointed at Bai Bin.

"Bai Bin, the son of God. The descendant left behind by the Holy Lord in the world, is also the most prestigious cleric in the contemporary Holy See! He is also the regent of the empire and the royal advisor."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked!

Bai Bin turned out to be the descendant left behind by the Holy Lord of Light in the human world!
God's son!
This news was like thunder on the ground, and everyone was speechless.

Countess Margaret looked ashen.

After Ting En was announced as inheriting the throne of the Zion Empire, her "revenge" plan was completely ruined. Now it is known that Bai Bin is the son of God. With Bai Bin's assistance, Ting En's throne will definitely be secure.

No one understands the power of the "divine" better than Countess Margaret.

It is human nature to desire strength.

Bai Bin is already the most promising clergyman in the contemporary era. This point no longer needs elaboration.

He is also the regent of the Zion Empire, and now he has the blessing of a "divine descendant". He is also the largest descendant of the Holy Lord who believes in the Illuminati in the Zion Empire. This lethality is too great for believers and ordinary people!
What Bai Bin refers to is justice, and what Bai Bin says is also justice.

If it is contrary to Bai Bin, it is evil and incorrect.

Especially with the blessing of these multiple identities, the impact on ordinary people's moral sense and outlook on life is simply fatal.

If it is just the regent, the opposition to Bai Bin can be due to political differences or personal grudges.

But now that he is a divine being, being an enemy of Bai Bin means disobeying the Holy Light and opposing justice.

For the simple lower-class residents, Bai Bin's words are unshakable from the perspective of royal power or divine power.

Just imagine that no one will express any objection to Bai Bin. Then any destruction and revenge will lose the underlying soil and become completely rootless.

Finance Minister Frank lowered his head as if resigned to his fate.

Smart people can see that from now on the Zion Empire is going to be in trouble.

The original royal country will officially become a kingdom of gods on earth from now on.

With the blessing of royal power and divine power, Bai Bin can make everything come true without even having to do anything.

Just when everyone was shocked by the news, Pope Catherine stood up and added another sentence.

"I personally recommend Bai Bin to participate in the election of the next pope."

(End of this chapter)

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