This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 321 Agatha, Queen of Pain

Chapter 321 Agatha, Queen of Pain

From Wailing's point of view, even the First Hell would not dare to attack the Third Hell even if it was a bear-hearted and a leopard-coward.

You must know that the evil weaver Balazmo of the Third Hell is extremely powerful, and the Third Hell he rules is like a natural chasm cutting across the First Hell and the Second Hell, sealing off all their channels for external communication. .

Even if the demon king Belial lost his mind, he would not have such courage!

But Bai Bin just smiled, did not answer the wailing words, and brought the topic back again.

"If this really happens, how will the second hell be dealt with?"

Bai Bin's question once again silenced Wail.

Yes, if the First Hell really loses its mind and attacks the Third Hell, what will the Second Hell do?
  He knew he was outmatched, but he still sent troops to help in order to maintain the alliance.

Or do you just sit back and watch the first hell and seek your own death?

But when the Third Hell really marches straight into the First Hell, will it let the Second Hell go?

New problems followed one after another.

"Even if the Third Hell attacks, calling it a complete destruction is a bit exaggerated, isn't it? You must know that in their own territory, the Hell Demon Kings have domain capabilities. At most, they will only be able to encroach on some territory. How can they be completely destroyed?" Wail defended again.

"This is the value of the information I need to trade. It depends on whether you are willing to pay the price for it." Bai Bin sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, and now he had all the advantages and initiative.

After wailing and pondering for a moment, the information the other party revealed was truly astonishing.

Although the internal cause is unknown, the First Hell took the initiative to attack the Third Hell, and the Second Hell did not receive any news or intelligence.

Appearing so suddenly was really unexpected.

But a deal was a contract, and Wail didn't think the hermit was just teasing her. Because once a contract is made, there are guarantees and bonds. If the hermit's words are lies, he will be punished by the contract!
  Wailing suddenly discovered that she really needed this transaction, and then got the truth from the hermit's mouth to influence her thoughts and ideas.

If the first hell really has its own way, then the second hell really has to choose between covenant and survival.

"Then what's the price of cooperation?" Wailing asked.

"It all depends on how valuable life and death in the Second Hell are in your mind." Bai Bin said with a smile.

Since it is a transaction, it is natural to use the chips you think are appropriate.

After wailing and thinking for a moment, he asked, "I wonder what your Excellency, the Hermit, needs."

Wailing knew that he needed to come up with chips, but he felt that the chips he valued and cared about might be worthless in the eyes of the hermit, so he asked the other party what he wanted.

Bai Bin thought for a moment and said, "I am very interested in the specialties of the Second Hell and your true identity."

The Second Hell also has a special product, which is an extremely unique stone that can conduct magical energy. Under the stimulation of energy, the stones will attract each other, thereby combining and stimulating the stone-forming elements.

Under the special fusion of the Second Hell, the Hellfire elemental creatures unique to the Second Hell were formed.

Bai Bin was curious whether this special stone element could add other energy and stimulate different forms, so he wanted to get some back.

As for Wailing's identity, Bai Bin wanted to determine the person's energy in the second hell, so as to determine the extent of the revelation and more refined control of the time and method of the second hell's intervention.

That's it?

The wailing was a little weird, but I didn't expect that the other party only mentioned these two simple requests.

Although the special elements are unique to the Second Hell, they have never been sold to the outside world and are kept as core resources. But compared with the fate of the entire second hell, its importance is pitifully small.

Coupled with her identity, even with this, it is still too little for the fate of the second hell.

Bai Bin saw Wail's doubts and said with a smile: "Less, right? Less is right. After all, this is only our first cooperation. There will be a second one soon, and the price will not be just these." Yes, I hope you can prepare early."

After hearing that there was indeed a follow-up, the doubts in Wailing's heart were much less.

But a new curiosity arose: why is the Hermit so sure that there will be follow-up cooperation?

Isn't this guy from the Human Empire? Why is he so familiar with things about hell, so comfortable, and even confident of winning?
  But since the price of the first cooperation was not high, just some stone elements and true identity, Wail reached out his hand without hesitation.

"Let's sign the contract now!"

Wailing never misses any opportunity, it is related to the fate of the second hell, but at such a price, she can make an immediate decision.

"Okay, very decisive." Bai Bin also stretched out his hand.

The two arms were touching each other, and the cold feeling made his soul tremble.

Soon, the two formed a contract. Two scarlet contract lines ran along the arms, and then quickly disappeared into the other person's body, and the contract was completed.

"I will bring the stone element when we meet next time. My true identity is Agatha, Queen of Pain in the Second Hell. Your Excellency, the Cainite, told me the secret."

Agatha, Queen of Pain.

Bai Bin knew this name. This person had a very high status in the second hell. He could be said to be the right-hand man of Abyss, the Lord of the Abyss. It does have the power to influence the war.

"Demon Lord Belial entered the Zion Empire in the mirror world in his semi-complete state, and attacked the royal family. As a result, he was severely injured and suffered extremely serious injuries. The reason why he dared to attack the third hell was because he formed a secret alliance and wanted to take advantage of the This is an opportunity to break the blockade of the Third Hell."

Demon King Belial was injured?

Secret alliance?

Both of these news are big enough!

Agatha suddenly felt that the price paid was well worth it!
  Demon King Belial was injured, but her intelligence department didn't get any information.

Including secret alliance, who is the object of the alliance? She had no idea either.

"What kind of power is enough to make Belial expand to such an extent... Even if he is seriously injured, he still has to start a war on time..." Queen of Pain Agatha couldn't help but sigh.

It was also at this time that Agatha finally found herself falling into the hermit's trap!

Although I now know the inside information, I have gained more doubts.

Who are the invisible allies of Belial the Demon King?
  When will they attack?

She doesn't know any of this!
  If she doesn't know these circumstances, how can she make a decision?
  "Okay, remember to bring your things with you next time we meet." After Bai Bin finished speaking, he waved his hand and left Rose Castle on his own initiative, leaving only a faceless Hermit's Faceless Mask hanging on the stool. .

Agatha frowned.

This time, we are indeed at a crossroads of choice!

 Good news, he is in Tokyo and he is a handsome guy. Bad news, burdened with huge debts, forced to sign with an agency and become a male model. Good news, there is a career mission system. Bad news, the first customer was my mother's friend.

  (End of this chapter)

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