This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 322 The second hell, respond to the war!

Chapter 322 The second hell, respond to the war!
  (Agatha, Queen of Pain)

Agatha didn't care at all about her identity being revealed.

As the most powerful Queen of Pain in the Second Hell and the adopted daughter of Abyss, the Lord of the Abyss, Agatha has a very powerful voice in the Second Hell. She also followed her adopted father, the Lord of the Abyss, to make a fortune step by step and build the Second Hell. Territory and domination today.

It is said that it is a superior-subordinate relationship, but in fact it is a father-daughter co-governance with a trusting attitude.

Even Abions, the Lord of the Abyss, is looking forward to having his daughter with equally great appeal succeed him when he grows old.

Otherwise, in other hells, after the Demon King of Hell, how could other demons dare to overtake him and become the king?

This strange scene of two kings standing side by side can only be seen in the second hell throughout the seven hells.

After the hermit left, the clown's figure walked in from the outside.

He poked out a masked head and glanced into the secret room: "Is the conversation over so soon?"

Agatha looked at where the hermit had left and couldn't help but ask: "Tell me, is this guy really amnesia or fake amnesia? I always feel that the hermit has become stronger and more mysterious."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" the clown asked.

"How can a person who came out of the Human Empire know so much about the secrets of hell? Although the hermits in the past had dual personalities, each with their own proficiency. But it was not as outrageous as it is now."

"The content of his transaction is extremely valuable?" the clown asked again.

Wailing nodded again: "It is extremely valuable and what he said is true. It is enough to influence the life and death of the Second Hell. Such a piece of news is in the hands of a human being. Do you think it is outrageous?"

The clown nodded repeatedly: "Outrageous, indeed outrageous!"

But the clown thought for a moment and said, "Is it possible that the reason why he can grasp this piece of information is because he was the one who experienced it?"

Wailing, I thought of what the hermit said, "The devil Belial was severely wounded in the human world and escaped back to hell."

Although Demon King Belial is by no means coming in a complete form, his ability to kill half of a Demon King’s life is evident!
  Impossible if they are not of the same level!

Anyone who is a little weaker will just watch and be cannon fodder!

"Impossible, absolutely..." He just lost his confidence halfway through his wailing words.

Thinking of how the hermit had a relaxed and relaxed relationship with her just now and suppressed her attitude throughout the whole process, she was unable to lose her temper and lose any initiative.

What's more, she didn't get all the useful information right now.

She still seeks help from the hermit!
  "Okay, I'm going back first. I may need your help to make an appointment with the Hermit later." After wailing, he waved to the clown and left.

Looking at the empty secret room again, the clown tilted his head, and the smile on his mask became weirder.

"It seems that the hermit guy has tricked us~"

After Agatha left Rose Castle, her soul returned to the second hell.

Leaving the Fortress of Pain where she was, Agatha went straight to the bottomless abyss of the Second Hell, passed through countless abyss demons, and met her adoptive father, Abions, the Lord of the Abyss of the Second Hell.

"Father, I have something extremely important to report."

Agatha, Queen of Pain, dismissed all servants in the hall.

With a trembling and rustling sound, all the surrounding demon servants left, leaving only Abions and Agatha.

"Okay, now that all the men are gone, my dear daughter can speak." Abionsi's whole body was filled with black aura, covering his huge body. "Father, I have learned an extremely shocking news. Belial, the demon king of the first hell, is going to attack the third hell, and he himself was seriously injured."

When Agatha finished speaking, Abions on the throne of the abyss showed the same shock as his daughter.

"What!? Is this news reliable?" Abions' first reaction was fantasy.

Not to mention how the devil Belial, with his cunning character, could launch an attack on the third hell like a worm shaking a tree. Coupled with the fact that I was seriously injured, it is even more impossible.

But the person who said this was his highly trusted daughter Agatha. He knew his daughter very well, and he would definitely not target her inappropriately.

If Agatha could come to him so seriously, she must have received the news.

"Is it the news from the Feast of Bliss?" Abions guessed keenly.

My daughter didn't leave home, but she learned such important information ahead of the intelligence agency, and the only channel was the Banquet of Bliss.

Abions has always been supportive of communicating more with the outside world.

It's just that the communication within hell is completely blocked by the cross-cutting third hell. It's in a corner, and there is no way to do it in the corner.

"What do you think of this matter?" Abions asked.

"We don't have much time left. I plan to be serious and deploy all troops at the border with the First Hell. Then I will arrange spies from the Fortress of Pain to infiltrate the First Hell to detect information.

If the First Hell is unafraid and plans to launch an attack on the Third Hell, then a large-scale troop movement and march will inevitably begin within the First Hell. Logistics preparations and other work are also in progress. These large-scale movements cannot be hidden. Our eyeliner.

As long as it can be confirmed that preparations are indeed being made to station troops at the border, the authenticity of the news can be verified.

The rest... will be left to the father to judge. "

Agatha, Queen of Pain, did not say enough.

What she can do now is to confirm whether the First Hell is really mobilizing on a large scale. Once verified, the result will be confirmed.

As for the choice of the second hell, I cannot make the decision, nor can I make the decision. It still has to be left to the Lord of the Abyss, Abions, to make the final instructions.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. Let's go investigate first."

Abions was already entangled in his heart.

If the First Hell is really not afraid of death and launches an attack on the Third Hell, how will he deal with it?

You must know that the second hell only has border contact with the first hell and does not directly contact the third hell.

In addition, there is a verbal agreement between the two to form an offensive and defensive alliance.

It is an easy choice to make a choice between breaking the promise or being bombarded by the third hell like the first hell, but at the same time it is also an extremely difficult choice.

‘What is this guy’s trump card that can make Demon Lord Belial determined to attack even when he is seriously injured? ’ Abions found that compared to the demon King Belial who had made up his mind, he was more difficult to choose.

Whether to stand in the third hell or in the first hell, that is the question.

Regardless of whether he takes action or sends troops or not, he will always be trapped in dilemmas and paradoxes.

"My daughter is right, no eggs are finished in war. No matter what the choice is, we must mobilize superior forces now and distribute them on the border to prepare for the response!"

The second hell is officially dragged into Bai Bin's war!
   Thanks for the reward for discovering one hundred ways men lie!
  (End of this chapter)

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