This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 331 First Line Battlefield

Chapter 331 The Third Front Battlefield

Bai Bin was also shocked by the special effects of [Holy Light Falling].

The entire town of Gokaya was illuminated like daylight, with countless holy light balls suspended in the air, leaving no room for darkness to hide.

The light beam of [Holy Light Falling] is not a one-time attack.

The light beam disappeared quickly after being poured into it.

The scorching light burned the skin and muscles, burning in the holy light.

Immediately afterwards, a second beam of light descended from the holy light ball, and neither the intensity nor the energy was weakened at all.

No matter how the target moves, this holy light ball is steadily suspended above the head, lowering the light beam.

The holy light flame engulfs the target completely, and the holy light flame on the body becomes more and more intense until the target is completely burned into black coals.

The ordinary people following the shaman fell down one after another, like leeks cut by an invisible sickle, with black smoke rising from their bodies and turning into black coal.

The situation of the leading shaman was not much better.

After the three holy lights fell, the phantom of the bear spirit behind the shaman seemed to be dying. Even the shaman himself, the thick fur coat wrapped around him, had been scorched, and the exposed arms and body had faint traces of light. Signs of burns are visible.

The shaman immediately summoned the turtle spirit, trying to resist the holy light with the strength of the turtle shell, but no matter what method he used, the holy light fell down the light beam with the same frequency, wrapped him up, and attacked his body over and over again. cause some damages.

The shaman tried hard to get to Bai Bin.

But before he could reach Bai Bin, his body was already burned by the holy light, and his flesh and blood were blurred. Finally, he staggered, his legs were bent, and he fell to his knees. The sound of broken leg bones could be clearly heard.

"Your gods can't seem to help you."

Whether it is a bear spirit, a turtle spirit or a crane spirit, under Bai Bin's [Holy Light Falling], all things are equal.

Even Bai Bin could tell from the shaman's state that this [Holy Light Falling] was not simply about causing damage, this skill was in the form of fixed damage + percentage!

Faced with ordinary people's miscellaneous fish, they can be killed instantly in one go.

Facing an elite-level enemy with thick health, each hit can consume at least 10% of the enemy's health.

The shaman in front of him was so black that he couldn't close his eyes until he died. He didn't understand what kind of spell Bai Bin cast, which actually made him invite three wilderness gods in succession, but they couldn't stop the damage. In the end, his essence and blood were burned dry and his flesh and blood were charred and he died. .

‘Good guy, I didn’t expect the power of [Holy Light Falling] to be so terrifying! This is only the lowest level of holy art in high-level heaven. This skill is so impressive in terms of damage and tracking effect, it makes the enemy unable to hide...'

Bai Bin sighed in his heart.

Just now he saw someone even running into the house to avoid [Holy Light Falling].

But the Holy Light Railgun followed the target and hovered on the roof. Then a beam of light penetrated the roof and obstacles, fell directly into the house, and hit the target steadily.

This kind of large-scale, fully-automatic locking, and percentage damage holy art is indeed much superior to the mortal magic!

Rather than saying "Holy Light Falling", it is better to call it "Holy Light Railgun".

‘I don’t know if my level of mastery can catch Laris’s eyes. I will go to the high-level heaven next time and be rewarded with more advanced holy skills. ’

If Laris knew what Bai Bin was thinking, he would definitely turn pale with fear.

This is already the most powerful holy technique he can pull out, and even he has not fully mastered it. This guy has reached the level immediately after just one visit. What else will he teach in the future?

If he comes a few more times, the bottom of his box will be empty!

But neither of them knew that this "wonderful misunderstanding" would lead to many ridiculous stories.


Just when Bai Bin was leading five hundred hussars and five hundred kobolds to gallop through Samarkand, the battle between the Zion Empire and Samarkand, the Twin Towers of Moria, the center of the real battlefield, had also begun.

Samarkand's army gathered majestically from Fort Cook and began to advance toward the Twin Towers of Morea.

The army took on a primitive and barbaric atmosphere.

Barbarian warriors wore animal skins and held crude weapons. They ran on the front line, releasing wild roars. The shaman believers waved their staffs and sang ancient spells, injecting mysterious power into the barbarians on the battlefield.

The Wuyangyang legion was like a dark cloud pressing down on the city. Their heavy footsteps stepped on the ground, making a buzzing sound. Behind the army, there was an even more shocking scene. A group of mammoths had huge platforms tied to their backs. , there are drivers controlling mammoths and teams of archers.

The mammoth's huge teeth are equipped with sharp iron thorn barbs, which can cause terrible puncture damage just by shaking its head. It is so powerful that with just a turn of the head, the force generated is enough to pierce a Zion soldier wearing heavy armor.

Moreover, these giant mammoths are also covered with a thin layer of armor made of vine wood, which protects some key parts and does not give the enemy a chance to kill them with a single blow from their weak points.

With shocking footsteps, like a moving city wall, it charged towards the human front. The hot breath from their noses rises in the cold air, and anyone with a discerning eye will know that this is a huge threat on the battlefield.

At the rear of the team were powerful siege engines. The huge catapults were slowly moving forward under the ropes of the barbarians, and the heavy creaking sounds paved the way for the entire battle.

On the human side of Zion, the cavalry armor flashed with the kingdom's coat of arms, and the sound of galloping hooves echoed through the sky.

Their spears flashed in the sun, and the array of cavalry pointed forward like a huge sword.

Armored infantry is a solid line of defense. Each soldier holds a strong shield and stands in front of his companions. The steps are orderly, showing the well-trained and disciplined nature of the army.

The human army of Zion did not rush to the twin towers of Moria because they had placed countless traps and trenches in front of the twin towers. If the enemy's large forces wanted to enter, they would have to pay thousands of casualties. Only then can we rush forward.

What they have to do now is to hold their position and wait for the traps they have laid to consume a wave of enemies and weaken their vigor before attacking.

At the rear of the position, the archery troops were also ready. They only waited for the commander holding the flag on the high platform to start waving the flag before they began to project.

The clergy of the Illuminati Religion were dispersed into various teams, and each person was responsible for the treatment of an area.

When the army of Samarkand approached, the leader, a shaman elder in fancy clothes, jumped with strange steps, shook his head, and the long staff with a flag in his hand swayed with his body, muttering difficult and incomprehensible words. The spell is just like a bad guy.

But soon, everyone understood his purpose.

Behind him, a mountain-like stone giant appeared.

The next second, the elder shaman knelt down and bowed in the direction of the Zion Empire: "Please, Lord Mountain God, clear the obstacles!"

When the shaman elder opened his arms, the earth began to tremble violently...

(End of this chapter)

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