This pastor is so righteous

Chapter 332 Culler’s Revenge

Chapter 332 Culler’s Revenge

As the easternmost battlefield, the situation in Waterdam is relatively easy.

But for the elder Culler, his mood was anything but relaxed.

In Bai Bin's analysis, it is very likely that the leader of the team this time is Francis, who regards the Zion Empire as a thorn in his side.

In addition to the orders of the demon king Belial, he also has a strong personal grudge against the Zion Empire.

This time to attack the Zion Empire, there is a high probability that he will lead the team.

For the old Culler, Francis was also his calamity and nightmare.

It was because of Francis that such a big mistake was made.

Caused the rift in Demon Slayer Valley, the destruction of Waterdam Seminary and Waterdam Village.

During the period after this incident, Lao Kule suffered from inner torture all the time.

Every night when he closes his eyes, Old Culler will think of the innocent people who died tragically under the demon's butcher's knife.

Every night, the old Culler would think about how he would face it if Francis came back again.

Old Culler brainstormed in his mind every night, trying to find ways to redeem his regrets.

Although he knows that the past is irreversible, the process that has been silently deduced countless times in his heart is still a required course for him every night, just to alleviate the pain in his heart.

But Bai Bin told him that Francis would most likely lead troops to raid from the rift and stir up trouble in the eastern part of the Zion Empire.

This sentence shocked Old Kule.

In the past few days since receiving the secret message, Lao Kule has personally been on duty every night, guarding the Demon Slayer Valley.

Based on his understanding and analysis of Francis, it would be most advantageous to attack at night.

Francis will definitely know the news about appearing on the front line. Such a vicious mind flayer will definitely use the most cruel revenge to carry out large-scale destruction of the land that was once under Bai Bin's rule and destroy Bai Bin. Emotions.

"Old Culler, is it true that Lord Bai Bin asked us to stay here and help you fight against Francis?" Sorkin couldn't help but ask.

Sorkin also had concerns.

You know, Francis has met him and Graven. If we see it on the battlefield, wouldn't the hell plan be completely exposed?

What should I do if the First Hell and the Third Hell cannot fight?

Who can bear this responsibility?

Old Culler handed the letter to the hell troll Sorkin and said: "This is a disguised statement that he wants to keep Francis here and not let him go back alive! Once he goes back alive, the war in hell will not be fought. Woke up."

"'s too risky." Sorkin looked at the handwriting in the letter and found that it was indeed from Mr. Bai Bin. But Sorkin was extremely uneasy about such a bold decision.

If they make any mistakes and let Rancis slip back, it's all over.

But Graven, Bai Bin's number one fan, had a different attitude.

"Since Mr. Bai Bin made the decision himself, there must be a deep meaning! What we have to do is to attack with all our strength and not give the Mind Flayer any chance to use teleportation!"

Graven's eyes flashed with brilliant soul fire, and he said excitedly: "Master Bai Bin specially ordered the two of us, which must mean that the two of us have an extremely important status, and are even the key figures who determine the swing of the balance of fate! Perhaps, among them There is another deeper meaning, but Mr. Bai Bin didn’t say it clearly?”

Sorkin also fell silent.

Although Graven's identity as a brainless fan is completely true, his words are not unreasonable.

The letter specifically sent to Lao Kule also mentioned them and asked them to participate. It is difficult not to think of other arrangements.

As for not saying it clearly, is it testing and testing their loyalty?

Before, Sorkin had never thought of going back to atone for his sins. But the road was blocked by Bai Bin, and there was no way back.

Moreover, during their time in Waterdam, the residents and clergy of Waterdam did not feel sorry for them and gave them full trust. Such a day of freedom and no need for intrigue was the easiest time they had ever lived.

They need to appear now, then...

"Is there a possibility that we were caught here?" Sorkin suddenly said.

As soon as these words came out, both Graven and Old Culler's eyes lit up.

This, you can have!

Late at night, old Culler appeared on the lighthouse again.

The top of the Holy Flame Tower is burning with bright flames. The light can cover most of the Demon Slaying Valley, making all the demons and monsters in hell unable to hide.

The enemy may appear at any time. During the day, there will be special personnel to guard the place. At night, Old Culler will definitely appear in person.

Especially in the past few days, counting the time, the twin towers of Moria and the cavalry led by Bai Bin should have blossomed from both ends. Francis will definitely not be able to sit still and plans to send troops.

Just as Old Culler's thoughts were drifting into the distance, a trap near the rift was suddenly triggered.

The trap circle suddenly burst out with holy light energy, and a stream of flames spurted out from the circle.

The next second, the dark land was illuminated, and a strong figure suddenly appeared in the invisible air, with holy flames all over his body, and let out a shrill scream.

An invisible evil ghost appeared after triggering a trap.

The evil ghost looked like a headless fly, then it covered its head and ran around, triggering many traps.

His body was covered with arrows, like a hedgehog.

After struggling for a moment, he staggered and fell to the ground, motionless.

Old Kule saw everything, his eyes flashed with excitement: "The enemy is coming!"

Then, stand up and shake the bell next to you.

The crisp sound of clanging spread quickly, the dim station lights came on one by one, the soldiers and clergy in the room were all running and wearing clothes, and the red alert was sounded.

In the distant Demon-Slaying Canyon, another trap was triggered, followed by another scream of evil spirits.

Old Kule stood on the high platform and commanded: "All light sources, shine into the rift! Allocate troops, guard the dungeon, and don't let these demons approach the dungeon!"

After saying that, Old Kule held the staff, and the magic power produced a ball of light the size of a head, which then floated slowly forward in the air.

The cracks in the calm began to surge, and countless demons suddenly emerged from it, making a chaotic scene.

Among these demons, Lao Kule keenly saw a purple figure.

Francis stood among the demons, looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar land.

"Zion Empire, I'm here again! This time, I will personally create terror and hatred and complete my revenge!" Francis clenched his fists, and the tentacles on his chin wriggled wildly, sensing the fresh and plump brain.

Francis personally selected three thousand demons and received news from hell that the war between the Twin Towers of Moria had begun.

The only thing he fears is Bai Bin, but at this moment Bai Bin is on the front line, and the traps and defenders in the valley are nothing to him!

(End of this chapter)

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