The great man will live forever

Chapter 1 Year’s Expectations

Chapter 1 Ten Years of Expectation
"Kou can go, so can I!"

In the sixth year of Yuan Shuo, in 123 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ended the truce and appointed Wei Qing as the commander-in-chief, Bowang Hou Zhang Qian as the soldier, Zhao Xin as the forward, Su Jian and Li Guang each had their own command troops, and set out from Dingxiang. Attack the Xiongnu Great Chanyu.

The young Huo Qubing was appointed by Emperor Wu as the prostitute Yao Xiaowei, and ordered him to accompany the general Wei Qing to attack the Huns.

In the desert, in the Han army's tent, Wei Qing was looking at the map, and Zhang Qian was also watching beside him.

Suddenly, a tall man with fair skin, sparse eyebrows and a slight beard broke in. He was Huo Qubing.

"Uncle, all the generals are looking for opportunities outside. Why put me in the camp? The emperor personally asked you to let me join the battle before leaving."

At this time, he looked eager and helpless.

"Xin Zhao, is there any news from Su Jianbu?" Wei Qing did not answer him. He just pointed at the map with his whip and asked about Zhang Qian.

Zhang Qian on the side cupped his hands and replied: "Not yet."

Huo Qubing looked at Wei Qing and ignored him, shouting again: "Uncle!"

"Captain Yao, you are talking to the imperial general."

Huo Qubing had no choice but to hand him over solemnly: "Yes, General."

"Okay, I'll give you a chance. Now lead your 800 cavalry to capture some tongues."

When Wei Qing said this, Huo Qubing almost burst into laughter.

"Thank you, General. My [-] capable cavalry have been prepared for a long time and are just waiting for the General's order."

After Huo Qubing finished speaking, he happily left to fight as if he was not acquainted with his relatives.

"Wait." Wei Qing stopped him.

"what happened?"

"Don't run too far, be safe and go!"

Wei Qing looked at him and warned him repeatedly.

Huo Qubing agreed and came out.

"Brother Huo, has the general agreed?"

At this time, outside the tent, a 16-year-old boy came over. His name was Liu Han. In addition to being Huo Qubing's younger brother, good brother, and follower, he also had another identity. He was a time traveler.

Huo Qubing said with a serious face: "Marquis Liu, this is a military camp. You want to call me Colonel Yao!"

The military establishment of the Western Han Dynasty, generals, usually command 8000 people, sometimes tens of thousands, and there are also generals above them, who can command hundreds of thousands of troops. Wei Qing is now the general.

Below the general is General Pi, who generally commands 1600 people.
Below General Pi is the Colonel, and Huo Qubing is the Colonel of Yao, commanding 800 people.

Next is the military marquis, Liu Han's current official position, commanding 400 people.

Next is Tuen, Team, Shi and Wu.

There are 200 people in a camp, with a camp leader, and a team of 100 people, with a team leader and director.

Shi and Wu are the most basic units in the army. They have Shi and Wu, each with five people and one with ten.

"Yo yo yo, you've been dragged on, it's serious, you don't recognize your brother."

Liu Han was not afraid of him. He smiled and stepped forward to punch him, but Huo Qubing dodged it.

"This is a military camp, with military orders like mountains. This is no longer the time when we were children." "Okay, okay, you have the final say. Who said you are older than me?"

"Hurry and gather the soldiers, let's set off."

"it is good."

Liu Han couldn't hide the joy and excitement in his heart. He had been waiting for this day for ten years.

Ten years, do you know how he got here in these ten years?
Training, endless training, and then thigh hugs!

Others traveled through time, punched Nanshan Old Man's Mansion, kicked Beihai Children's Garden, knocked down everyone under one meter tall, stomped on the graveyard of the dead, no one dared to kick...

No, the worst thing is to come from a famous family. When you go out, you will be followed by carriages, and when you enter, you will be surrounded by maids, thousands of acres of fertile land, and piles of mansions. When you show your domineering aura, heroes and celebrities will kowtow and worship you as your lord, and then you will become emperor and be promoted all the way. , unify the world...

No matter how bad things are, there is also a golden finger that can summon powerful generals and counselors, or exchange them for various magical weapons to gain the courage of an overlord and take off all the way.

But he had nothing. The only good thing was that he was from a good family and was considered a relative of the emperor. He was Liu Deng's bastard. This Liu Deng was amazing. He was a member of the clan of the Han Dynasty and the co-king of the Western Han Dynasty.

The grandson of Emperor Liu Heng of Han Dynasty and the son of Dai Xiao Wang Liu Can. In 162 BC, his father Liu Can died and Liu Deng inherited the title of Dai Wang.

Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty was the grandfather of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. After all, Liu Han was a legitimate member of the clan, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was his cousin.

Unfortunately, his father Liu Deng died ten years ago. At that time, he could climb, and his brother Liu Yi inherited the title of acting king.

You must know that in the early Han Dynasty, the title and fiefdom of the princes and kings were inherited by the eldest son alone, and the descendants of other concubines did not get any land.

In other words, his brother Liu Yi has everything, a high position as a king, one person below him, one person above ten thousand people, fertile land and beautiful women, mansions and courtyards, and the power of life and death in the feudal country. He is a bastard and has nothing. The only advantage is records. In the clan, there is no need to serve, and Wei Wei has some privileges.

Of course, his brother Liu Yi is rich. After all, he is a younger brother. He should not be too mean. He can still support him, but he can also not support him. It all depends on his brother's mood.

A few years ago, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty came up with the first conspiracy in history. He adopted the suggestion of his father Yan and issued the "Tianfa Order".

The Tuien Order drew on the lessons of Chao Cuo's vassal reduction order during Emperor Jing's reign, which caused the chaos in the Seven Kingdoms. It stipulated that in addition to letting the eldest son of the princes inherit the throne, the remaining bastards should be granted the title of marquis in the original country.

The new feudal states were no longer under the jurisdiction of the kingdom and were directly managed by the counties, with status equivalent to counties.

Good guy, if his father had died a few years later, he would have been able to push the favor order, and he could be granted a title of marquis, No. 1 under the king, and a county would be his. How great.

In the Western Han Dynasty, the twenty-level nobility of the Qin Dynasty was followed, and the royal nobility was added.In the early days, there were meritorious officials in the king's lordship, but during the reign of Emperor Gaozu, they were all killed.From then on, royal titles were only available to the royal family.

The [-]th rank of the Qin Dynasty, according to the "Book of Han·Hundred Officials and Officials List": "The first rank is called Gongshi, the second is made from the top, the third is the hairpin, the fourth is not updated, the fifth is the official, the sixth is the official, the seventh is the official, and the eighth is the official. Public chariot, ninth and fifth official, ten left and right concubine chief, eleven right and common concubine chief, twelve left and right watch, thirteenth and middle watch, fourteenth and right watch, fifteen minor and senior officer, sixteen and most senior officer, seventeen Si chariot and common people. Chief, eighteen great concubine chiefs, nineteen Guan Neihou, twenty Chehou."

In the Western Han Dynasty, there was no such title as a Duke. The highest one was the king. The emperor was not considered a title. Heaven and earth were the highest and the only one. Below were the marquises. They were not from the royal family. Being a marquis was already the highest level. Being a marquis and worshiping a general was the highest honor for ordinary people. , that’s it.

Now Liu Han really has nothing but his status as a royal family member. Of course, compared to Uncle Liu who sells straw sandals later, his beginning is already very good.

There was no other way. Since he didn't catch up with the grace order, in order not to rely on others and rely on his brother to support him, he could only work hard on his own. No, he hugged Huo Qubing's thigh tightly.

For this reason, he has been waiting for ten years, ten years just for this time. If he doesn't fly, he will soar into the sky; if he doesn't sing, he will become a blockbuster.

Huns, here he comes.

He went to summon the soldiers with excitement. Huo Qubing was equally excited, but in addition to excitement, Huo Qubing's eyes also contained a trace of confusion and worry, as well as uncertainty about the future.

No one can know exactly what will happen in the future unless he comes from the future.

Only Liu Han knew what a great start this would be!
 A new book has been opened, but the old book has been sealed and probably cannot be unblocked. I saw a sentence today that said that among people, it is difficult to get ahead, but how can we, Yu Mu, have a smooth journey?
  I still want to write history.

  The kind that travels through the long river of history and sees the path that all living beings have taken, the kind that sees how every person who has ever lived lived his life, the kind that perceives the laws of history and understands the various aspects of life.

  I have a deep understanding of that kind of joy. From this level, I have the same feeling as Mingyue did back then. In other words, many people have experienced this feeling, but it is too private and profound, and they cannot Building bridges, they hide among all living beings, indulging in the collision of wisdom and history. Although they are sidelined by chance, they float in the vast universe. They live a lifetime, but they have been filled with thousands of years of memories. Isn't this a kind of The greatest joy?
(End of this chapter)

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