Chapter 2
"Brothers, it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it only takes a moment. Today..."

Looking at the elites in front of him, Huo Qubing rode on horseback, looked around, and began to mobilize before the war.

His voice was firm and powerful, vast and majestic, with the heroic spirit of a young man.

"Today, I am going to send out a surprise force to attack the Xiongnu. Do you dare to follow me?"




The soldiers below shouted,

Liu Han was also infected. He rode on horseback and shouted: "Everywhere the sun and the moon shine, and wherever the rivers go, is the territory of my Han Dynasty! Anyone who offends my powerful Han Dynasty will be punished no matter how far away!"

"Even if you are far away, you will be punished!"

"Even if you are far away, you will be punished!"


The soldiers were in high spirits.

"A good one will be killed no matter how far away he is. Brother Liu, you are worthy of being the one!"

Huo Qubing stepped forward on his horse and patted Liu Han on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Brothers, let's go!"


"Da da!"

The crisp sound of horse hooves came one after another, bringing up bursts of smoke.

Wei Qing looked at this scene from a distance and sighed: "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!"

Zhang Qian on the side smiled and said, "I'm afraid they think it's better to go hunting and practice."

"By the way, that was Liu Han just now, right? Wherever the sun and the moon shine, and wherever the rivers go, it is our Han territory! Anyone who offends my powerful Han will be punished no matter how far away he is! You have courage."

"It's really courageous."

"I remember he seems to be the younger brother of King Dai, right?"


"Not bad."

Wei Qing's words were good, but there was sadness on his face.

"The general is afraid that they are in danger?"

"No, alas, it is difficult to be a general. The rear general Li Guang has written to the army and wanted to be a forward many times, but Zhao Xin is a Huns and is most familiar with the environment here. He is the most suitable to be a forward."

Good guy, the forward generals are Huns. This is something Liu Han didn't dare to think about before traveling through time. But when he actually arrived at the military camp, he discovered that there were quite a few Huns in the Han army. He had several under his command, and Huo Qubing also I am more trusting. I use Huns to fight Huns. I am familiar with the terrain. No wonder they can win.


Chang'an, Weiyang Palace, a soldier ran quickly with a bamboo roll in his hand,

"Frontline military report!"

"Frontline military report!"

He ran so fast that no one dared to stop him, and the officials in the middle quickly gave way to him.

In the palace, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was drinking tea, and his servant Dongfang Shuo opened the bamboo slips and started reading,

"In the military report, Wei Qingcheng reported to your majesty that I led my army out of Dingxiang. I encountered the main force of the Xiongnu in battle and beheaded more than 500 people. The main force of the Xiongnu retreated to the north and retreated. I was unable to seek a battle, so I temporarily retreated to the border county to rest and recuperate."


After hearing this, Liu Che's expression changed, he threw the tea bowl down, and then stood up.
"Yeah!" Dongfang Shuo next to him was startled.

Liu Che took a few serious steps, a little angry.

"I see that the general cherishes his reputation more and more. What does it mean that he cannot ask for war?"

Dongfang Shuo cautiously tried to persuade him, "Your Majesty, the situation ahead may force him to do so."

Liu Che turned to look at him, and Dongfang Shuo quickly lowered his head.
"We will be outside, and you will not accept your orders, so we are preparing for a move."


"Tell Wei Qing that we can rest and recuperate, but the purpose of resting and recuperating is still to find the Xiongnu Chanyu army to fight decisively, counterattack the Xiongnu, permanently eliminate foreign aggression, and fundamentally eliminate the military threat of the Huns to our border."

While Liu Che was talking, Dongfang Shuo took a pen to write down on the bamboo slips.


At the border of Dingxiang, in the military tent, Wei Qing, who had received Liu Che's order, sat with a sad face and summoned all the generals to issue a new order.

"The edict has arrived. Obviously, His Majesty is very dissatisfied with the current situation of our army and requires our army to find the main force of the Xiongnu and fight as soon as possible."

Su Jian said: "This time, the Huns seem to have learned the lessons of the past. Their main force is always moving in circuitous directions. It is difficult to determine their exact location. Our army cannot encircle them."

After Wei Qing heard this, he shouted: "Zhang Qian!"


"If our Han army rushes north, where do you think it is suitable to set up camp?"

"How far north does the general want to advance?"

"About 300 miles." After hearing this, Zhang Qian looked at the map. After thinking about it for a while, he pointed to a place on the map and replied: "Then I think the Queer Lake area is better. It has lush water and grass, which is conducive to the army. Tunji.”

After getting the answer, Wei Qing nodded and said: "Well, the army will set off tonight and rush north to gather and station near Queer Lake to mobilize the Xiongnu and look for opportunities to fight."

After Wei Qing finished speaking, he began to give instructions,

"Xin Zhao!"

"The humble general is here."

"You will lead your 3000 Xiongnu troops to a place you are familiar with and clear the way first. Su Jian will cooperate from the flanks and you will protect them on both sides to prevent surprise attacks during the movement of the army. Set off immediately!"

"No!" The two of them immediately handed over.

Seeing them marching first, Li Guang, who was in the rear, was stunned for a moment. He looked at the backs of them as they left, then turned to look at Wei Qing, but hesitated to speak.

Wei Qing pretended not to see it and continued: "The rest of the generals will perform their duties and prepare to leave overnight!"


Li Guang went down helplessly. He really wanted to be a vanguard and make meritorious deeds, but it was a pity that there were so many military orders.


As dusk approaches, a breeze blows. The desert is like this. The temperature difference between day and night is huge. It is still hot in the white hair, but it is extremely cold at night.

In the cold and desolate land of the north, a sense of chilling filled the sparse grasslands.

Zhao Xin and Su Jian, two generals from the Western Han Dynasty, led their troops to explore the road ahead.

Zhao Xin, whose original name was Ahu'er, was also a small king in the Xiongnu.Because he had a grudge against the military minister Chanyu, he led his troops to surrender to the Han Dynasty and was granted the title of Marquis of Xi. He trained troops for the Han Dynasty and contributed to many battles of the Han Dynasty.

At this moment, his eyes were solemn and firm, and the spear in his hand shone coldly under the weak sunset.

The thousands of cavalrymen behind him are all the best among the best. They follow Xin Zhao like the wolf king among the wolves, always ready to face the upcoming challenge.


Suddenly, a spy came to report in a hurry.

"what happened?"

Zhao Xinxin felt relieved and asked quickly.

The spy immediately said: "A few miles away, there are all Huns troops, both in front and behind. General, we are surrounded."

"How many are they?"

"You can't see clearly. There are at least tens of thousands of people."

"Quickly, send out an elite team and ask the general for support."

Xin Zhao panicked.

Su Jian was also a little panicked, but most of them were experienced generals. They only panicked for a moment and then calmed down, "Form up on the spot and wait for support!"

Ten minutes later, the Huns army had surrounded them on all sides.

"Fire arrows!"


Along with the constant rain of flying arrows, people kept falling off their horses. First there was a shooting exchange. Because the Han army was prepared in advance, the casualties were not as many as the Huns.
"Pounce on me!" The Xiongnu Chanyu Yi Zhixie shouted when he saw something was wrong.

"Brothers, kill!"

Like tigers, Zhao Xin and Su Jian rushed directly into the Huns' camp. Their dancing spears were like dragons roaring and tigers roaring, shocking everyone's hearts.

Behind them, the soldiers also began to attack fiercely. They were like a pack of wolves, fierce and determined.

However, the Huns' army far outnumbered them...



Blood flew in the air, arrows continued, screams, roars, and wails of pain continued to spread across the vast grassland.

There are no bells and whistles, no plots, only the collision of arrows and arrows, knives and knives, naked fighting, like wild beasts, cold and cruel, bloody and realistic.

Almost every few breaths, a fresh life passes from this world.

Life is small yet great, tough yet fragile...

In a day and night of fighting, Zhao Xin and Su Jian's troops almost ran out of ammunition and food, and the soldiers fell one by one.

In the end, Zhao Xin was surrounded like a trapped animal. There were only 800 people around him, and Su Jian only had a few hundred people around him.

"Stop!" The Xiongnu Chanyu Yi Zhixie stopped the fighting and said a few words to the people around him.

A Hun envoy came out and came to the Han army.

"The Great Chanyu admires your courage and bravery. You are heroes, but if you continue to fight, your entire army will be annihilated. Surrender. The Chanyu is willing to make you a marquis, and you will be given gold, silver, treasures, beauties, cattle and horses, all of which you can use inexhaustibly. Inexhaustible..."

The Huns envoys began to persuade them to surrender.

Su Jian shouted: "Bah, I am a Han man and I will never surrender until I die!"

Xin Zhao's eyes flickered on the side and he didn't speak. He was shaken...

 If you read too much history, you will find that what you have experienced has already been experienced by others, and what has not happened to you has been experienced by others.

(End of this chapter)

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