The great man will live forever

Chapter 204 His carelessness

Chapter 204 His carelessness
At night, Xiong Er sent the dizzy King Liu Xu of Guangling and King Liu Dan of Yan out of the Lanling Hou Mansion.

Looking at the mansion, Liu Xu felt like he was alive again. He looked at the open door, like the open mouth of a hell dog, and felt that he could devour him at any time.

He swore that this was the first time he felt so close to death.

He dared to say that no matter who came, within a day, he would be submissive, kneel when he saw others, cry when hugging his legs, lose his principles, give up his position, feel sad, reflect on the past, change his mind, and start a new life...

Because he was like this, Liu Han neither hit him nor scolded him. He only gently wiped his sword and said some mean things, but he would rather Liu Han beat him or scold him...

"Third brother, help me get into the carriage. My legs are a little weak."

"Me too, come and help me and Prince Guangling get into the carriage."

The two got into the same carriage.

"Third brother, are we still going to see our father?"

King Yan Liu Dan rolled his eyes at his younger brother. He didn't know what to say to this stupid brother at this time, "He already knows what we are going to do, what do you think?"

"What now?"

"We are already considered great if we can survive quietly and honestly. You think you have lived enough. Your brother and I haven't."

"It's okay. I'll have a solution when I get back." Guangling King Liu Xu smiled mysteriously.

"any solution?"


He didn't say that his secret was to draw a circle to curse others and use witchcraft to curse Liu Han.

"We can only wait until Da Sima passes away. From the looks of it, I'm afraid his days are numbered."

"But I don't look like him. Brother Wang, if he doesn't look like my father, that would be bad."


After that day, the two of them calmed down a lot.

On this winter day, Liu Zhi, the eighth emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, took over the supreme power from Liu Han by force. He ascended the throne and became the new master of this great empire.

At this time, he was sitting on the high Jade Emperor's throne, wearing a purple-black crown, with solemn eyes.

Sitting below him was Liu Han, with firm and deep eyes, as strong and passionate as his heart. The morning sunlight shone on him through the glazed windows of the palace, giving him a mysterious and majestic temperament.

He sat there, like a spring waiting for flowers to bloom. At this moment, he seemed to be accepting the worship of the princes and kings together with the new emperor.

The princes and kings came from all directions. They were dressed in gorgeous clothes and shining jewelry. There was awe on their faces, mostly for Liu Han, a man who could bring down Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. How dare they Not in awe?

They bowed their heads respectfully in front of Liu Zheng and Liu Han, showing their respect and respect for the young emperor and the great Han Sima, at least on the surface.

The ceremony began, and groups of magnificent drummers and trumpeters came forward. People outside were beating drums, "dong dong, dong dong!"

Rhythmic and very powerful, "Woo!" Accompanied by the sound of the horn, they played solemn and passionate music. The music reverberated in the air, filling the entire hall with a solemn atmosphere.

"The princes have an audience."


Rows of princes stood up and began to salute.




"Three thanks!"

"The mountain calls." "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"


Later, in the spacious court hall, the princes and kings stepped forward one by one to pay tribute to the emperor sitting on the high platform.They were dressed in gorgeous court clothes, with serious expressions, and held exquisite gift boxes in their hands, which contained treasures that they had paid tribute to.

First, King Yan from the east came forward, holding an exquisite jade plate in his hand with many ginseng roots on it.These ginseng have lush roots and various shapes, resembling human shapes, and are regarded as rare treasures.

He said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I present twenty kilograms of thousand-year-old ginseng and Tianshan snow lotus... to nourish the royal family. I wish your majesty a long life."

He brought only part of it as a demonstration.

"I accept it. If you come, I will reward you with a thousand taels of gold and a hundred jars of fine wine."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Then, King Guangling from the south presented strings of crystal clear pearls.These pearls were large and round, with a warm luster. He said humbly: "Your Majesty, I present a hundred strands of South Sea pearls, which can be used as royal treasures and show the royal style."

Next, other princes and kings came forward, some with silk, and some with pieces of exquisite jade.These jade stones are delicately carved and imply good luck.

The princes and kings finished their presentations one by one, and the gift boxes were put away by the maids in turn. These were just some of them. Most of them had dedicated people reading out their tribute items, and some simply gave money directly. After all, not everyone has treasures.

Then, groups of beauties entered and began to dance. Their dances were graceful and powerful, like flying phoenixes, symbolizing the glory and dignity of the royal family.

Each prince and king was given a seat, and they sat quietly under Liu Han's gaze.

The banquet began, and fine wine and delicacies were served to the table one by one. Liu Zheng and the princes and kings shared the delicious food, drank the fine wine together, and talked about national affairs. Their laughter echoed in the banquet hall, like a song. A song that celebrates friendship and unity…

Of course, this is only on the surface, but oftentimes what you want is the surface.

Probably because he was happy after drinking, Liu Ju personally brought the wine to Liu Han and wanted to pay tribute to Liu Han.

"Master, come, I respect you."


The maid who poured the wine actually got the wine glass.

"Your Majesty, rest your anger."

The little palace maid knelt down and shivered.

"Withdraw it. Your Majesty's elegance has been ruined. Quickly replace it with another one."

"Da Sima, calm down."

Before Liu Zhi could speak, a chamberlain next to him scolded him, and then wanted to apologize to Liu Han. He was the eunuch who had been with him since he was a child. He was born in Wei Qing's mansion. He is now about 50 years old. His name is Du Jianmu, and he can be regarded as Liu Zhi's. One of the most trusted people is now a regular servant. Liu Ju even wanted to make him the young master, but unfortunately he was stopped.

In the Western Han Dynasty, the positions held by eunuchs included: Zhongchangshi, Xiaohuangmen, Huangmenling, Huangmen, Painting Studio, Yutang, Bing and other directors, Zhonghuangmen redundant servants, Zhonghuangmen, Yeting, Yongxiang, Orders such as royal residence, temple worship, hook shield, etc.

Among them, the Zhongchangshi is the largest. He is a close minister of the emperor. He is responsible for dealing with affairs and is responsible for dealing with advisors.

This position has a high status. At the highest official rank, it has reached the level of more than [-] shi. It is a local governor and an important member of the imperial court. It is such a treatment. It is powerful and can "hold the king's title and speak the constitution." Eunuchs cannot interfere with their duties and can concurrently hold the post of minister; the number of posts is wide, and many powerful eunuchs can take up this position at the same time...

Therefore, this position is very important, and some of them are very famous. For example, "The Biography of Eunuchs in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty" records that during the reign of Emperor Ling, there were 12 eunuchs who served as Zhongchangshi, namely Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong, Xia Yun, and Guo Sheng Twelve eunuchs, including Sun Zhang, Bi Lan, Li Song, Duan Gui, Gao Wang, Zhang Gong, Han Kui and Song Dian, are collectively referred to as the Ten Changshi in Zhang Jun's memorial.

The collapse of the Han Empire, the Yellow Turban Uprising, the dominance of princes, and the establishment of the Three Kingdoms... It seems that the source of these is these ten constant servants.

It is more difficult to blame the emperor. No matter whether they do it right or not, they cannot escape the blame. Of course, they themselves are not good people, so it is not unfair to take the blame for the emperor.

"Okay, let's change it to another one." Liu Zhi looked at the shivering palace maid and didn't blame her too much. He was kind-hearted and rarely killed people.

Liu Han didn't pursue it too much, but he didn't know that he still fell into this.

Many times, the enemy often does not play according to the routine.

(End of this chapter)

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