The great man will live forever

Chapter 205 Seems to be on the right track

Chapter 205 Seems to be back on track

When Liu Han took his first sip of wine, he felt something didn't taste right. He suddenly spat it out with a "poof" sound and looked directly at Liu Ju.

The two looked at each other.For almost a few seconds, time and space suddenly stopped, and Liu Ju turned pale in shock, "What's wrong? What's going on, Master? The wine doesn't suit your taste?"

"Your Majesty, vomit!" As soon as Liu Han said these words, he saw Liu Zhi starting to have difficulty breathing, his eyes were red, and as he began to vomit, he spit out foam, and he could smell the smell of almonds.

"how come?"

"Your Majesty!" Zhongchang Shi Du Jianmu's face changed wildly, his eyes were filled with disbelief, regret and self-blame.

"Protect!" Liu Han shouted, pulling out the dagger from his waist, protecting Liu Ju behind him, and looking at Du Jianmu with cold eyes. The person who could poison him must be this eunuch.

With a "poof" sound, Liu Han's broken sword penetrated his chest, and blood splattered everywhere. In just a few seconds, Du Jianmu died, and the entire hall was instantly in chaos.


The princes and kings sitting below were all panicked, and then Yulin guards with swords stood out from outside the palace. They controlled each prince and king, and then surrounded Liu Zhi and Liu Han.

Liu Han felt that his head was starting to feel dizzy at this time. Even if he was physically strong, he judged that it must be a kind of poison, and it was probably caused by those old guys. "Tianchi, hurry, hurry, hurry!"

He yelled and wanted to say something else, but finally fainted...

On December 91nd of the second year of Zhenghe (12 BC), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty came out of Ganquan Palace. As a victor, he deposed Liu Zheng's emperor and had Liu Zheng's son charged with treason. The whole family was imprisoned. Wei Zifu committed suicide in the palace, and then a wave of purges began...

Probably because he was extremely angry at Liu Han's rebellion, he ordered that no chickens or dogs be left in the Lanling Marquis Mansion. Xiong Er led thousands of people to resist tenaciously, but in the end they were no match for the prestige of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty for many years.

The main reason is that Liu Han is missing and it is difficult for anyone to grasp the overall situation. Otherwise, the outcome is unknown. For a time, Chang'an was full of heads and blood flowed into rivers. It was not too far away from the disaster caused by the witchcraft...

History seems to have returned to its starting point. After killing all the Marquis of Lanling in the palace, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty seemed not to be satisfied. He ordered a fire to burn the entire Marquis' mansion, and ordered the whole country not to mention the word Lanling Marquis from now on. It seems that All this has been lost in history.

Along with Liu Han's disappearance, there was also the paper he had made in the Hou Mansion. He was also planning to wait until after the Chinese New Year, when Liu Ju's Kaiyuan system was reorganized. He presented the paper as an auspicious sign to consolidate Liu Ju's imperial position...

In Sima Qian's mansion, he was about 58 years old at this time. He was in his dying years, like a candle in a storm, which seemed to be extinguished at any time. After hearing the news, his eyes became darker and darker.

"Li'er, my father's time is running out. This historical record is my father's hard work. You must hide it. This is the expectation of Grand Sima."

A few days ago, Sima Qian had completed the "Historical Records" and copied a copy. The book has 130 chapters and more than 52 words, including twelve chronicles, thirty families, seventy biographies, ten lists, and eight books. .

"Historical Records" records a history of more than 3000 years from the legendary Yellow Emperor period to the Han Dynasty Emperor Wu period.The "Historical Records" completed by Sima Qian with his historical knowledge of "studying the relationship between heaven and man, understanding the changes of ancient and modern times, and becoming a family" became the first biographical general history in Chinese history. ”, which had a huge impact on future generations.

"Yes, Aweng, is Da Sima really missing?" Sima Li actually admired the great Han Da Sima in her heart, the Lanling Marquis, whom she had met twice before, but she only kept it in her heart. She is now married. He married a minor official named Yang Chang, who is now in Chang'an and has given birth to a son.

Sima Qian's eyes flashed with pain. After a moment of silence, he said: "Don't mention this name again in the future, but the deeds of Great Sima are recorded in my historical records. After a hundred years, your majesty, you can take it out and restore the reputation of Great Sima."



Sure enough, after Sima Qian handed over his "Historical Records" to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty became furious and called Sima Qian in.

"What are you writing about? Do you want to praise that traitor? Do you think what he did was right? Having no king and no father is also right? Did you know that night? He actually sent people to surround my sweet spring. Palace, pointed a sword at my nose, cursed me, saying that I was engaged in militarism, large-scale construction, wars for years, and seeking immortality...

To say that I am heartless and unjust is to say that I am a foolish king. He even wanted to kill me. So what did you write?You say that he is a rare genius throughout the ages, the great Han God of War, comparable to Jiang Taigong, he can be called a sage, what are you doing? "I just wrote it truthfully!" "

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was so angry that his chest heaved, "How dare you tell me that you, Sima Qian, have no selfish intentions? When Liu Han was here, he took great care of you and gave you money. You two are flirting with each other. Do you think I can't?" Know?"

"Followers are free to comment on right and wrong, and I will not change a word of it."


Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty pulled out his sword and almost killed Sima Qian, but he also knew that it was useless. The historian's bones were relatively hard.

"Come here, burn these for me, burn them all."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ordered all historical records to be burned.

"Your Majesty can't silence everyone. What's the difference between what you do today and Cui Zhu's regicide back then?"

"Are you really not afraid that I will kill you?"

"I have long wanted to give up. As a man, it is a great shame to be sentenced to death. I was so distraught that I even thought about committing suicide. I understand that death is inevitable for everyone, and it may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.

If I die like this, it will be as meaningless as a goose feather.I think of Confucius, Qu Yuan, and Sun Bin. They also endured countless humiliations before achieving proud achievements, so I must live strong and complete "Historical Records"..."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was extremely angry and slashed at the table several times. After all, he did not kill Sima Qian, but said leisurely: "Only God knows many things! You won't understand, no one can understand, you are not me."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also sent people to find Li Guangli and learned that he had surrendered to the Huns. He was about to take him back, but he was killed not long after.

It turned out that after Li Guangli escaped, he felt that the Han Dynasty could not return, so he surrendered to the Huns.

When Wei Lu saw that Li Guangli had surrendered behind him but was favored above him, he became jealous and wanted to harm Li Guangli.He took advantage of Shanyu's mother's illness and bribed the wizard to lie that the cause of the illness was the anger of the deceased Shanyu.

When the deceased Chanyu sent troops to attack the Han Dynasty in the past, he vowed to capture Li Guangli, the general of the Second Division, to sacrifice to the gods. Now that Li Guangli was with the Huns, why not kill him to sacrifice to the gods?First Shan Yuzheng got angry and asked about this matter.

Believing the wizard's words to be true, the Chanyu killed Li Guangli as a sacrifice to the gods...

History seems to have returned to its starting point. In the spring of the fourth year of Zhenghe (89 BC), Liu Che personally went to Donglai to seek immortality. It happened that there was a violent storm and high currents, making it impossible to go to sea. He stayed for more than ten days and returned.After sealing Taishan and Chanshilu, Liu Che summoned the ministers to regret his past mistakes, ordered the alchemists to be dismissed, and stopped seeking immortality.

In the same year, someone wrote a letter requesting to farm in Luntai. Liu Che issued the "Edict of Guiji", vetoing the proposal and emphasizing that "the current affairs are to prohibit cruelty, stop arrogant taxation, strengthen local farmers, repair horses and restore orders to fill the gaps. There is no shortage of military equipment." .

In the first year of Houyuan (88 BC), Liu Han and the prince's remnants conspired to assassinate Liu Che, but Huo Guang discovered it. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was furious and continued to imprison Liu Jin and others who wanted to release Liu Zhi's son. They were tortured by Tingwei. , Liu Jin and others died of illness in the cell...

In the spring of the second year of the Yuan Dynasty (87 BC), Liu Che was seriously ill and moved to Changyang Palace and Wuzha Palace in the suburbs.During this period, some "qi-seekers" said that Chang'an Prison was filled with the spirit of the emperor. Liu Che took the opportunity to order the execution of all the prisoners in Chang'an Prison, including Liu Ju's grandson. However, Bingji tried his best to stop him. Liu Che lamented that God's will was such and gave up the order to slaughter the prisoners. …

Similarly, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty made the same choice, killing his mother to establish a son. On his deathbed, Liu Che officially issued an edict to make Liu Fuling the crown prince and killed his mother.

Huo Guang, Shangguan Jie, Sang Hongyang, and Zhang Shi'an paid their respects under the bed in Liu Che's bedroom.Liu Che died on February [-]th and was buried in Maoling in March, with the posthumous title of Emperor Xiaowu.

Liu Fuling ascended the throne as Emperor Zhao...

Thirteen years later, Liu Xun, the grandson of Liu Ju, succeeded to the throne as Emperor Xuan. In the second year of this year (13 BC), Liu Che was given the posthumous title of "Shizong".

(End of this chapter)

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