The great man will live forever

Chapter 207 The last glory of the Western Han Dynasty

Chapter 207 The last glory of the Western Han Dynasty (Emperor often regrets)
The kind of blue dragon in the world, the grandson of Emperor Wu in the human world.

When I was young, I only shot and hunted, and when I was happy, I gained the world.

Weishui Tiankai Garden, Xianyang Dixianyuan.

The heroes are different, and Ding Fu is becoming more and more beautiful.

The rolling wheel of history moves forward, regardless of human will.

On Guiwei Day in April of the first year of Yuanping (June 74, 6 BC), Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty died without an heir.General Huo Guang sent Bing Ji and others to welcome Liu He, king of Changyi, as emperor.

However, Liu He was "licentious and immoral, lost the courtesy of the emperor, and messed up the Han system." Huo Guang had already planned with Zhang Anshi to abolish him after only ten days on the throne. In the end, Liu He only served as emperor for 27 days, and on the day of Gui in the sixth month, he was He was deposed by the ministers headed by Huo Guang.

After deposing Liu He from the throne, Huo Guang was eager to find a new heir. At this time, the servant Du Yannian appeared.

He is the son of Du Zhou. Du Zhou was the right-hand man of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He was ranked as a censor and one of the three nobles. Du Yannian's two brothers were one of the county governors of Hanoi and the other of the county governor of Henan. Their family wealth accumulated to hundreds of millions... …

He is a proper second-generation official. When he comes out to hang out, he must pay attention to power and background.

Those who could achieve great things in ancient times either had a heaven-defying background, had particularly good luck, or had abnormal abilities. At least one of these three things must be possessed.

His father was written by Sima Qian in "Historical Records" as one of the "Top Ten Cruel Officials" in the early Western Han Dynasty. Du Zhou was a typical character who was "ruthless but not talkative".

When he was a court lieutenant in the Han Empire, the number of senior officials imprisoned in imperial prisons never fell below 100;

Moreover, as long as it is a case that Du Zhou presides over, implicating dozens of people is a piece of cake; implicating hundreds of people at once is a routine operation.

Not only that, as long as Du Zhou issues an arrest warrant, then the only way you can go is to "please plead guilty."

If you don't plead guilty, you will be beaten until you confess.

Therefore, when his father was in charge of the judicial system of the Han Dynasty in Du Zhou, the total number of detainees in the imperial prisons exceeded 7, and the total number of prisoners in prisons across the country was as high as 10,000+!

Born into a family of cruel officials, both of his brothers became cruel officials, but he took a broad path and had a generous character.

Later, he closely followed Huo Guang's footsteps and became Huo Guang's confidant, rising step by step.

When Emperor Zhao was first established, the general Huo Guang was in charge of the government, so as to prolong the life of the three young masters, and to have more than enough officials to replenish the army.

In the fourth year of the First Yuan Dynasty, the barbarians in Yizhou rebelled. Yannian used the school captain to attack Nanyang soldiers in Yizhou and returned them to admonish the officials.

In September 80 BC, Shangguan Jie, who was also appointed by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to assist the government, failed in the power struggle with Huo Guang, so he contacted King Liu Dan of Yan, the Princess Eyi (the daughter of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty) and others to prepare a fight for Huo Guang "Hongmen Banquet".

As in history, they planned to kill Huo Guang, then depose Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty who had always defended Huo Guang, and make Liu Dan, the third son of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the emperor of Yan.

As a result, the secret was leaked, and the rice field envoy Yancang learned about Shangguan Jie and others' rebellion and sued Yang Chang.Yang Chang was so tired that he didn't dare to say anything, so he moved to bed.He admonished the official Du Yannian, and Yannian heard that he was the first to be a traitor and had loyalty, so he was promoted to the imperial servant, right Cao, to Shizhong...

In this way, step by step, he slowly reached a very high position.

It is worth mentioning that Yang Chang was the son-in-law of Taishi Ling Sima Qian and the husband of Sima Li.

Although Du Yannian relied on Huo Guang and climbed up, he was very smart, capable, and a very fair person. He also made a very successful angel investment in advance.

As early as when Emperor Zhao was still young, his son Du Tuo and Liu Bing had become close friends. He secretly supported it without any objection.

Seeing Huo Guang worrying about who should be the emperor, he remembered that Liu Bing was already dead.

"General, are you worried about who the new emperor is?"

"Yes, do you have any good ideas?"

"General, Emperor Wu's great-grandson Ming has been ill, and he has been ordered to be taken care of by Yeting. So far. He has studied "Poems", "The Analects" and "The Classic of Filial Piety" as a teacher. He is frugal, kind and loving. He can be the successor of Emperor Zhao. The great cause of our ancestors is to rule the people of the world."

Du Yannian knew that Liu Bing was already virtuous and persuaded Huo Guang and Zhang Anshi to make him emperor.

At the same time, Bingji, who had been kind to Liu Bing in his early years, also said: "The general served Emperor Xiaowu and was entrusted by his infant subordinates to assume important responsibilities in the world. Emperor Xiaozhao died early and had no heirs. The country was worried and wanted to know the successor as soon as possible. .

On the day of mourning, a new king was established according to God's will, but the person appointed was not an ideal person, and he was deposed with righteousness. No one in the world was not convinced.The lives of the ancestral temples in today's country depend on the general's decision.

I inquired among the common people and examined what they said: among the princes of the same clan, there is no one who has a good reputation among the people.Liu Bing, the great-grandson of Emperor Wu who was raised by the imperial edict, is already living in a common family outside Yeting. When I let him live in the county residence, he was young, eighteen or nineteen years old, proficient in classics, talented, and steady and polite.

I hope the general will carefully investigate and use divination to verify, and let him enter the palace to serve the Queen Mother first, so that everyone in the world will know clearly, and then decide on the big strategy..."

Finally, Huo Guang was moved, and he was ready to make Liu Bing the emperor.

In the same year, on Gengshen Day in July (September 74, 9 BC), Liu Bing entered the Weiyang Palace and met with the Empress Dowager. He was first granted the title of Marquis of Yangwu, and then the ministers presented him with the seal and ribbon, and Liu Bing became the emperor. The visit to Gaomiao was for Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty.

In September, there is a general amnesty.

Since then, the Han Dynasty has opened the curtain of ZTE.

Liu Bing was definitely an underestimated emperor. He rectified the internal affairs, strengthened the imperial power, and evaluated his ministers with criminal names.At the same time, some harsh penalties will be abolished and the normal operation of the law will be maintained.

In terms of agriculture, the corvee was light and the tax was light, so that the people could live and work in peace and contentment and resume production; the Xiongnu was attacked externally, so that Huhanxie Chanyu surrendered to the Han Dynasty, and the threat of the Xiongnu to the Han Dynasty was eliminated.

It was also during his reign that the Protectorate of the Western Regions was established, and government orders were issued to the Western Regions from then on, which strengthened the economic and cultural exchanges between the Western Regions and the Central Plains.

Although he is not well-known in history, he was a virtuous king. During his reign, the Han Dynasty had political clarity, social harmony, economic prosperity, and all foreigners were convinced. This was the period when the Han Dynasty's comprehensive national strength was the strongest. It is known as "filial piety" in history. "Xuan Zhi Zhi" or "Xiao Xuan Zhong Xing".

He is also the emperor with the same temple title as Emperor Gao of Han, Emperor Wen of Han, and Emperor Wu of Han, which shows his high status in the history of the Han Dynasty.

Generally, emperors have three main titles: posthumous title, temple title, and reign title.

Posthumous titles originated from the Western Zhou Dynasty. In ancient times, people with a certain status would be given a posthumous title after their death, which can be regarded as a high-level evaluation of the person's words and deeds throughout his life.

The temple name originated from the Shang Dynasty.That is, the title given to the emperor when he was worshiped and worshiped in the ancestral temple by his descendants and the subjects of the world after his death.

The era name was first created by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and used to commemorate the year.

Temple names in the Han Dynasty were very valuable. Before the Three Kingdoms, not all emperors in the past dynasties were qualified to enter the Taimiao Temple to receive offerings. In other words, some emperors did not have temple names.

Only emperors with certain meritorious deeds can be ranked in the Imperial Ancestral Temple after their death. That is to say, only those whose ancestors have merit and their clan has virtue can have a temple title.

During the Han Dynasty, an emperor was called by his posthumous title, but during the Tang and Song Dynasties, an emperor was officially called by his temple name.

After the Song Dynasty "played bad" with posthumous titles, in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, certain emperors were called by their reign titles.

Of the 15 emperors of the Western Han Dynasty, only four had temple titles: Han Taizu Gao Emperor Liu Bang, Han Taizong Emperor Xiaowen Liu Heng, Han Shizong Emperor Xiaowu Liu Che, Han Zhongzong Emperor Xiaoxuan Liu Xun.

Of the 13 emperors of the Eastern Han Dynasty, only three had temple names: Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty Liu Xiu, Emperor Xianzong of the Han Dynasty Xiaoming Emperor Liu Zhuang, and Emperor Suzong of the Han Dynasty Xiaozhang Liu Jin.

When he was in power: "Everyone in the country is a minister, and the Tao is not hungry for people. As the years mature, long live this practice."

Because he could send an army of 16 troops divided into five groups to attack the Huns, we know that his era was the most powerful era of the Han Dynasty.It's a pity that others don't know his strength and pain.

As soon as he became emperor, he did what was probably the thing he regretted most in his life. The ministers discussed the appointment of a queen, and they all liked General Huo's daughter, but he said nothing.

He issued an "inexplicable" edict, saying: "When I was poor, I liked an ancient sword very much. Now I miss it very much. Can you, dear friends, help me get it back?" Woolen cloth?"

The ministers understood instantly. They understood in their hearts that what His Majesty was talking about was not the old sword. What he could not forget was his wife Xu Pingjun. They looked at Huo Guang and found that his expression did not change and he did not speak. They knew that even though Huo Guang was disgusted, I also feel that Liu Bing is obsessed with love and justice. Who doesn’t like a leader who values ​​love and justice?
If he made a mistake in the future, he would be able to let go of his old feelings by crying. On the contrary, if Liu Bing was already ruthless for the throne, it would be even more terrifying. Huo Guang would probably be uneasy, so Huo Guang acquiesced.

So, the courtiers wrote letters one after another, requesting the emperor to appoint Xu Pingjun as the queen.

"Book of Han: Biography of Wife, Part [-]": "The ministers discussed the appointment of a queen, and they all liked General Huo's daughter, but they didn't say anything. The ministers knew about it and made Xu Jietun the queen in vain."

The ancient sword is deeply loved, so it is also known as the most romantic edict in Chinese history.Under the remonstrance of the ministers, in November 74 BC, Liu Bing, who had just ascended the throne, got his wish and canonized Xu Pingjun as his queen.

Liu Bing rarely went against Huo Guang's will. He felt that he could be wronged, but he was unwilling and did not want the woman who gave him warmth and support in difficulties to be wronged.

Because that woman made him understand what happiness is and what the meaning of life is?
He will do his best to give her happiness. He is probably the only emperor in Chinese history who has been in prison. He is equivalent to a death row prisoner from birth. His childhood was extremely unfortunate, without a father or mother. To him, Xu Pingjun is like A ray of light in the darkness illuminated his life.

It makes him feel like there is someone he can rely on, or look forward to. He seems to have no family members, and Xu Pingjun is the only one.

Therefore, as soon as he became emperor, he couldn't wait to make Xu Pingjun his queen and give her happiness. The happiness he thought was to make her the most noble woman in the world, and he did it. In the next three years, he and Xu Pingjun were extremely close. happy……

But things in the world are often unsatisfactory, even if he is an emperor.

Even though Huo Guang was unhappy, he still felt that he valued friendship and obeyed everything else. He did not want to be charged with killing the emperor or the queen. His goal was to become a famous figure that would be passed down through the ages and be respected by future generations. .

He may think so, but his wife doesn't think so. She wants her daughter to be a queen and the most noble woman in the world.

In 71 BC, when Xu Pingjun was giving birth, Huo Guang's wife colluded with the palace doctor and poisoned Xu Pingjun's nourishing soup. Xu Pingjun died as a result.

Before Xu Pingjun died, he said with tears: "Wait for me in Nanyuan."

Nanyuan was the place where the two used to play. The death of his wife made Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty extremely sad, and he even had the idea of ​​going to hell with Xu Pingjun.

It is not a rumor to die for love. Don’t think that emperors are romantic. There have been affectionate emperors since ancient times. In addition to Liu Bingji and the old Zhu family of Ming Dynasty in later generations, many emperors were affectionate. Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma, Zhu Dizhi and Empress Xu, and Zhu Jianshen were all for Wan. The imperial concubine died in love.

In the first month of the 23rd year of Chenghua (1487), Concubine Wan Guifei died of illness.It is said that he died from phlegm after an angry attack on a palace maid.About 60 years old.Legend has it that Xianzong returned to the palace after offering sacrifices on the outskirts. When he learned that his concubine was dead, he lamented: "The minister Wan has gone, and I will go too."

After Wan Zhen'er died, Zhu Jianshen had no interest in government affairs. He cried bitterly every day. Because of missing him, he gradually lost his energy. After telling the posterity, he followed him a few months later. He was much younger than Wan Zhen'er. It’s not that I’m overly sad, I’ll probably be able to survive for a few more years.

And his son Zhu Youtang, Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty, the famous Hongzhi Emperor, was even more talented and victorious than others. He inherited his father's infatuation and was the only emperor in history who only married one queen and had no other concubines.

Therefore, Liu Bingji's infatuation was not unique. The emperor may not be ruthless. If he was infatuated, it would be extremely terrifying.

After all, he did not die in love, because the empire was waiting for him, and his and Xu Pingjun's son was still waiting for him. After Xu Pingjun's death, on every anniversary of Xu Pingjun's death, no matter how busy the government affairs were, he would go to Nanyuan to express his condolences in person, and he would burst into tears every time. , ten years like one day, the affection remains unchanged.

Ten years of life and death are boundless, unforgettable without thinking. Thousands of miles of lonely grave, there is nowhere to say desolate. Even if they meet, they should not know it, dusty face, temples like frost.

At night, I suddenly returned to my hometown with a deep dream. I was dressing up outside the small window.They looked at each other without words, only a thousand lines of tears.It is expected that the broken part of the heart will be broken every year, on a bright moonlit night, short of Matsuoka...

Su Shi's words probably best describe his state of mind.

Probably because he missed her too much and regretted that he didn't think about it well when he was young. He just wanted to give her happiness and forgot about the danger. So for their son, he knew clearly that he was useless, but still passed the throne to him. This was probably the first thing he did. Two wrong things.

He endured it for six years. After Huo Guang died, the entire Huo family was ransacked to avenge Xu Pingjun. The whole family except Huo Chengjun was killed, and Huo Chengjun was also deposed and relegated to the cold palace.

His and Xu Pingjun's son was Liu Shi, who was made the prince by him early. Liu Shi was surrounded by some great scholars and had never suffered hardships. It was not like Liu Bing had endured hardships in his early years. Except for Xu Pingjun, he almost didn't feel loved. .

Under the deception of these great Confucian scholars, this silly boy also felt that we should convince people with virtue and influence the people of the world with virtue. We should not always use harsh punishments. Only benevolence and virtue are the right way.

He must have never seen another version of the Whispering Language, nor did he know that Confucius was a muscular man about two meters tall, proficient in six arts, and respected the virtue of persuading others, because his sword was called "De".

The Master said: "Since it has come, it will be safe."

Confucius said: "Since you are here, let's bury him here."

The Master said: "If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening."

"If I find out the way to your house in the morning, you will die at night."

Confucius said: "When three people are walking together, there must be my teacher."

Three people walking together, as long as there is one of me, the combat power is equivalent to a division!

Confucius said: "If a gentleman is not serious, he will not be powerful."

Confucius said: "A gentleman must hit others hard, otherwise he will not be able to establish his authority."


This harsh method of torture was to scold his father, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty. Because a minister ridiculed Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, he was executed on the spot by Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty.Liu Shi felt that this could not be done, so he said to him: "Your Majesty's punishment is too severe. It is better to use Confucian scholars."

After Emperor Xuan heard this, he felt that this silly son had been deceived by Confucian scholars. Since ancient times, emperors have governed the country by law. Everyone is afraid of the harsher the law. On the surface, it is said that the country is governed by benevolence, but in fact, the core is always strict law. .

Liu Shi had too little experience to understand these things, so Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty said coldly: "The Han family has its own system, originally based on the overlord's way, but how can it be purely based on moral education and use Zhou Zheng? The vulgar Confucianism is not up to date. The time is right, the past is not the present, it makes people dazzled by the name and reality, and they don’t know where to stand, so what’s the point of entrusting them?”

This sentence describes the core of governing the country, which shows the power of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty.

Our Han family's world system originally coexisted with iron fist and gentleness. You guys always want to rule the world with benevolence and use the methods of the Zhou Dynasty to govern the country. Didn't you see that the Zhou Dynasty was in chaos because of this?

What those people around you say is inappropriate. They know that comparing the past with the present makes people feel unrealistic and unprincipled. How can his words reassure people?
The more he talked, the angrier he became, and he even cursed: "The prince is the one who messed with my house!"

Facts have proved that his vision is very good, because the decline of the Han Dynasty actually started with Liu Shi.

He clearly knew that the prince was deceived and crippled, but he was still selfish and did not depose the prince because he was her son!

The Han Dynasty did not have to establish an eldest son or a direct descendant. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was not the eldest son, and neither was Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty...

In the winter of the first year of Huanglong (49 BC), Emperor Xuan fell ill and became seriously ill in December. He ordered Shi Gao, the Marquis of Leling, to be appointed as the Grand Sima and Chariot General, and Xiao Wangzhi, the Prince Taifu, was appointed as the former General Guang Luxun. The young master Zhou Kan was the Guanglu doctor and jointly assisted the prince.

On Jiaxu Day in December (January 48, 1 BC), Liu Xun died in Weiyang Palace. He reigned for 9 years at the age of 25. He was posthumously named Emperor Xiaoxuan and was buried in Nanyuan!
Nanyuan is the Duling Mausoleum in the southeast of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province today. Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty liked to travel in the original area when he was young. After he ascended the throne, he built a mausoleum here.

As soon as I heard that the Lord of Han was thinking about his old sword, I made my concubine lament for eternity!
The end of the Western Han Dynasty!

 The Crown Prince is gentle and fond of Confucianism. When he saw the multi-literary legal officials used, he often served Yan and said calmly: "Your Majesty's punishment is too deep, so it is better to use Confucian scholars."

  Emperor Zuose said: "The Han family has its own system, which is based on the overlord's way. How can it be purely moral education and use Zhou Zheng? Moreover, the vulgar Confucianism is not up to date. It seems that it is ancient but not modern. It makes people confused about the name and reality, and they don't know what to do. Shou, what’s the point of an appointment!”

  Nai sighed and said, "The prince is the one who disturbed my family!"

  ——"Zi Zhi Tong Jian" No. 20, Seven Volumes, Han Chronicles [-]
  The Western Han Dynasty volume ends, and the next volume opens Liu Xiu's chapter. The Eastern Han Dynasty is coming, and the songs of the Han Dynasty will be exhausted in the long wind!
(End of this chapter)

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