The great man will live forever

Chapter 208 Time travel and reappearance

Chapter 208 Time travel and reappearance
Legend has it that a long time ago, in the West, there was a young royal man named Rob Nur. He gave up his throne and wanted to cross the vast desert to study culture in another country.

However, on the way, he lost his way. Tired and hungry, he fell into a coma in the desert. Seeing that he was about to die, at the critical moment, Milan, the daughter of the God of Wind, appeared and rescued him.

The story of the prince and the goddess begins here. If it were fully unfolded, it is estimated that a novel of hundreds of thousands of words could be written.

In the subconscious mind of many people, ancient times paid great attention to "the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers."

In the ancient world, there was no such thing as love between a man and a woman, but don’t forget, the darker the night, the more dazzling the sparks are. The more ancient times are bound by ethics, the more surging the longing for free love...

There are so many ancient love legends, and they are also very classic.Such as the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, such as Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, such as The Legend of White Snake, The Immortal Couple...

If these are just legends, there are also many realistic ones, such as the Peacock Flying Southeast, the Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix, and the Song of Everlasting Sorrow. These all really exist, and they may even be more tragic and painful than you imagine.

There are also many poems describing love, such as "Guan Guan Jiu Jiu", "On the Continent of the River", "My Fair Lady" and "A Gentleman's Cherish".

There are trees in the south, which is unstoppable.There are wandering women in the Han Dynasty, which cannot be thought of.

Green Zijin, Youyouwoxin.Even if I don't go, Zining won't have the sound?

There are no mausoleums in the mountains, the rivers are exhausted, there are thunders in the winter, rain and snow in the summer, and the heaven and the earth are united, I dare to be with you.

Last year in this gate today, people's faces were red with peach blossoms.I don't know where the face is going, but the peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze.

Chunxin does not spend a lot of time fighting for hair, every inch of lovesickness and an inch of gray.

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

The mountains are lifted by the overwhelming energy, and the times are unfavorable and the glory will not fade away.What can you do if your glory is not gone? What can you do if you are worried!
If these two feelings are long, how are they going up and down.

The life and death agreement is broad, and Zicheng said. Hold your hand and grow old together.

When the end of the world is endless, there is only Acacia endlessly.

Ten years of life and death are boundless, without thinking, unforgettable...

If I were to expand this, I would probably write several thousand words.

The classic and cliche plot is here. The goddess and the prince naturally fell in love at first sight, talked to each other, and have been together day and night ever since...

In the old routine, the God of Wind discovered that his daughter was in love with a human, so he blinded Rob Nur according to the rules of the sky, broke his daughter Milan's legs, and imprisoned them at opposite ends of the desert, never to see each other again...

In almost all folklore, gods and mortals cannot fall in love.

There are probably three reasons. First, if immortals correspond to the real society, they are the House of Bells and Dining Foods and ordinary lowly grassroots people. Since the classes are different, those with power in the immortal world are naturally not allowed to fall in love. They think it will disrupt the order. , and also offend their majesty.

Second, mortals have a short life span. If you love too deeply, how many gods will go to the underworld to pick up people and change the book of life and death.Wouldn’t the six realms of reincarnation be chaotic?
Third, if gods and mortals fall in love, their offspring will become gods.If becoming an immortal was so easy, who would take the Jade Emperor seriously?The resources of heaven are not unlimited, and of course the number of immortals must be controlled.

Therefore, it is logical to break them up, and the classic and cliche plot continues.

The two were separated by the God of Wind. Since then, they have been separated from each other. The goddess Milan misses them day and night, and her tears form a crystal lake...

Then what I want to write about is not how great their love is, but that the tears of the goddess Milan turned into lakes. This is the origin of the legendary Lop Nur.

Surprise, surprise?Do you want to hit someone?
After talking for a long time and talking about thousands of words, I just talked about Lop Nur...

Continuing, Lop Nur is a lake located in the southeastern part of China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Because its shape is like a human ear, it is known as the "Ear of the Earth", also known as the "Sea of ​​Death", and also known as Lop Nur.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas" calls it "Youze", and it is also called Lize, Yanze, Puchanghai, Laolanhai, Furihai, Linhai, Luopuchi, Luobuchi and other names.

Before 330 AD, there were many lakes here and it was a beautiful and rich place. Loulan City on the northwest side was the throat of the famous "Silk Road". Later, due to climate change and the impact of human water conservancy projects, the upstream water flow decreased... …

In the vicissitudes of the sea, the power of time is extremely powerful, but human destruction follows closely behind.

After 1921, the Tarim River stopped flowing and the lake water became less. In 1962, the lake water was reduced to 660 square kilometers. It began to dry up around 1970. The main reason was that the population on both sides of the Tarim River suddenly increased and continued to ask for water from the Tarim River, causing its length to shrink sharply to less than 1000 kilometers, causing more than 300 kilometers of rivers to dry up, causing Lop Nur to eventually dry up...

Since then, this place has become a restricted area, and its meteorological conditions have become extremely harsh. It is a high temperature, drought and uninhabited area. The temperature in summer can exceed 50 degrees Celsius and rainfall is scarce. This extreme climate has brought huge consequences to people's activities. Danger.

In addition, it is often hit by sandstorms and strong winds.Without the protection of trees and vegetation, the wind here can easily form sandstorms.

Of course, precisely because there are no people, as a desolate and uninhabited area, the protection of Lop Nur has important scientific and ecological value.

As a result, relevant scientists entered Lop Nur for inspection many times. At 1980 a.m. on June 6, 17, the Chinese Lop Nur scientific expedition team camped near Kumukuduk...

At that time, Peng Jia, the team leader, and two other team members took a jeep to conduct surveys at a site in the east of Lop Nur.

At night, there was not much gasoline and water left. In order to solve the problem and continue eastward for inspection, Peng Jia went out alone to find water and walked deep into the desert...

The sky was very dark, and there seemed to be a faint fire in the distance. He hesitated for a moment, but out of curiosity, he took out a pen and wrote in his notebook: "I'll go see what's over there."

After finishing writing, he put down the note and left the jeep. He turned on the flashlight and walked in that direction...

Seeing that he didn't come back at midnight, "Where's the captain?"

Other teammates hurriedly searched and found his jeep parked in the desert, but there was no sign of anyone in the vehicle.There was only a note left by Peng Jia on the car, which said "I'll go see what's over there", but he never came back.

Afterwards, in order to search for Peng Jia, the state sent out more than a dozen planes, dozens of cars, and thousands of people four times to search for Peng Jia. Facing the sandbags, sand beams, and sand mountains blown up by the black storm, no trace was found. …

Since then, Peng Jia's disappearance has become a mystery.

Some people speculate that he may have encountered dangers such as sandstorms, wild beasts, and bandits; others believe that he may have discovered some mysterious thing or power and was devoured or taken away;
Others suspect that he may not have died at all, but is living in seclusion somewhere.

In any case, the mystery of Peng Jia’s disappearance is one of the most confusing and shocking events in Lop Nur.

On Wushen day in April of the third year of Dijie (May 67, 5 BC), Liu Shi was established as the prince. On Jiaxu day in December of the first year of Huanglong (January 21, 48 BC), Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty came to the throne. After the collapse, Prince Liu Shi succeeded to the throne and became Emperor Yuan of Han Dynasty.

Sure enough, as Liu Bing said, the prince is the one who brings chaos to the Han family!

He knew it clearly, but he still couldn't bear to abolish this first wife and his only son.

Although Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty had many talents, was good at history books, and was proficient in music, he was fond of Confucianism and was indecisive.

During his reign, he "purely respected moral education" and initiated a large number of Confucian scholars to participate in political affairs. The Han Dynasty has since embarked on the path of truly "exclusively respecting Confucianism".

Because he was too weak and sick to govern himself, he entrusted eunuchs such as Shi Xian and others with all political affairs, no matter how big or small. This resulted in the eunuchs being monopolized and doing little, which led to the decline of imperial power, chaos in government, and intensification of social conflicts.
A series of serious social and political crises occurred, such as natural and man-made disasters, corrupt officials, the dictatorship of foreign relatives, and the rise of refugees. From this, the Western Han Dynasty began to decline...

On Wushen Day in April of the fourth year of the Han Dynasty (May 45, 5 BC), in the courtyard of a mansion.


With a lifetime of crying, a man who profoundly influenced Chinese history was born.

"Master, it's a boy."


Suddenly there was a thunder on a sunny day, which startled Wang Man.

After a while, a servant from the backyard ran over in a panic.

"Master, something strange happened."

"what happened?"

"It's not clear. Go and see for yourself." Wang Man followed the servant to the backyard and saw a two-meter-long python lying on the ground. It was dark all over and had a faint smell of burning. Next to it, So do trees.

Wang Man was startled. Just as he was about to say something, the python started to move and quickly got into a hole and disappeared.

"Master, lightning just struck the tree and knocked the snake to the ground..."

Wang Man looked in disbelief, "This snake is not dead. You go prepare some meat and put it in the backyard. If thunder falls but the snake does not die, my son will be called Wang Mang."

On this day, Wang Mang was born. His father, Wang Man, didn't know how strange his son was.

He might have had expectations, after all, it was considered a different phase.

According to records in "Historical Records", when Liu Bang was born, "Lady Liu first tasted the slope of Daze, and dreamed of meeting the gods. At that time, the thunder and lightning were dim, and when Taigong looked at it, he saw a dragon on it. She was already pregnant. Then Gaozu was born."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che, according to historical records, his mother Wang Meiren "dreams into her arms" when she was pregnant with him, and the child she eventually gave birth to was indeed quite extraordinary.

He may have thought that his child would become the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, or even someone like Huo Guang, but he never thought that he would be a unique emperor, unique and irreplaceable in Chinese history.

There are too many labels attached to Wang Mang, including saint king, usurper, liar, hypocrite, politician, reformer, early Nazi, utopian Nazi, left-wing Confucian priest, etc.

Wang Mangyi was born into a very noble family, which can be compared to Huo Qubing during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, or even far beyond it.

His aunt is Wang Zhengjun, one of the most noble women in the Han Dynasty.

Wang Zhengjun was going to marry Liu Yu, the king of Dongping, for the first time, but Liu Yu died before they could get married.At that time, he was sent to Yeting Palace as a writer's son, and was later selected to become the crown prince.

In the third year of Ganlu reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty (51 BC), Wang Zhengjun gave birth to Liu Ao.In the first year of Huanglong, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty passed away, and Prince Liu Shi came to the throne. When Liu Shiyi came to the throne, he made Liu Ao, who was only 3 years old, the prince, and Wang Zhengjun was canonized as the queen.

Her position is much more stable than that of Wei Zifu. Liu Si's mother, Xu Pingjun, has died long ago, and no woman can suppress him. Liu Si's character is inherently weak, so her status and power are naturally greater.

Due to Wang Zhengjun's relationship, the Wang family can be said to be a family of relatives who were very powerful at that time.

Since then, nine members of the Wang family have been granted the title of marquis, and five have served as Grand Sima. It is the most noble family in the Western Han Dynasty, and is far behind even the Wei family during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Most of the people in the clan are generals and princes. They live extravagantly and compete with each other in their splendid behavior.

Moreover, Wang Mang's father, Wang Man, died when he was very young, and no one restrained him. In such an environment, he turned out to be an alien, keeping pure, living a simple life, and being humble...

Moreover, he was diligent and eager to learn. He studied "Etiquette" under Chen Shen of Pei County, served his mother and widowed sister-in-law, raised his brother's surviving son, behaved well and had a rigorous style.

Serve your uncles at home very thoughtfully, and befriend the wise men externally...

It was simply like what future generations of parents would say about other people’s children, who were so precocious and frightening, but he didn’t fight over them!
In the first month of the first year of Jingning (33 BC), Hu Hanye Chanyu went to Chang'an for the third time to pay homage to Emperor Liu Xi of the Han Dynasty, and expressed his willingness to marry a Han woman as the Yan family. Emperor Liu Xi of the Yuan Dynasty then married Queen Qiang to him as the Yan family.

Emperor Liu Shi of the Han Yuan Dynasty naively believed that this political marriage would prevent "the border from war and revolution", so he deliberately changed the reign name to "Jingning", which means peace on the border.

Not many people may know Wang Qiang, but when it comes to Wang Zhaojun, everyone knows her. She, together with Diao Chan, Xi Shi, and Yang Yuhuan, are known as the four beauties in ancient China. She is one of the four beauties in ancient China, "Luoyan".

The idiom "Sinking fish and falling geese" and "Painter abandoning the market" record allusions to her life.

And Wang Mingqiang is his name. Her family name is Qiang, and her courtesy name is Zhaojun. She was born in a commoner family in Zigui County, Nanjun (now Zhaojun Village, Xingshan County, Hubei Province), and is the daughter of Wang Xiang.

His father, Wang Xiang, had a daughter in his old age and regarded her as the apple of his eye, and her brothers and sister-in-law also doted on her.

Wang Zhaojun was born with beauty and extraordinary intelligence. He was good at playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting. He was "unparalleled in Emei and could make flowers shy in the woods".Zhaojun's unique talents and appearance spread throughout Nanjun along the Xiangxi River and reached the capital.

The old and lustful Emperor Liu Shi of the Yuan Dynasty of the Han Dynasty showed his talent to the world and drafted girls from all over the world. Wang Zhaojun was the first choice in Nanjun. In the first year of Jianzhao (38 BC), he was selected as a folk woman and became a palace maid in Yeting.

According to the records in "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes", Emperor Liu Shi of the Han Yuan Dynasty had many concubines in his harem, so it was difficult for the concubines to see the emperor.

Probably because there were too many concubines, Emperor Liu Shi of the Han Yuan Dynasty was too lazy to choose, so he asked a painter to draw portraits of the concubines and send them to the palace for him to see.Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty summoned whichever concubine he liked.

Maybe Wang Zhaojun believed that his beauty, talent and virtue were not inferior to anyone else, or maybe it was because of his limited family background that he was unable to meet the requirements of the court painters. In short, Wang Zhaojun did not bribe those court painters in the end.

The painter Mao Yanshou had a grudge in his heart. When he painted Wang Zhaojun's portrait, he deliberately painted Wang Zhaojun to be ugly and painted a mole on his face. As a result, Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty did not choose Wang Zhaojun.
However, many maids who were bribed and lost their beauty to Wang Zhaojun were able to enter the palace to see the emperor and received the favor of Emperor Yuan of Han Dynasty.

This time, Hu Hanxie Chanyu asked for a Han army woman, and Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty sent people to the harem to select her.

Wang Zhaojun had no way out in the palace, so he volunteered to get married.

On the day Zhaojun left the fortress, Emperor Han Yuan saw Wang Zhaojun's radiant appearance and was very reluctant to leave her and wanted to keep her.But in front of the Huns envoys and ministers, he could not break the agreement, so he had to marry her off to the Huns.

Later, because he was too angry, he turned around and killed the painter Mao Yanshou...

Most of these are misleading. The first is that Wang Zhaojun did not take the initiative to say that he wanted to go to the Huns, and the painter who interfered with it did not exist.

It was difficult to meet the emperor in the harem, and Emperor Yuan of Han was actually not in good health at that time.

Even though he was relatively corrupt and did not do well, the big man declined rapidly in his hands. The big man at that time still beat the Xiongnu, asked the Huns to call him daddy, and sent Wang Zhaojun to marry him. This was not groveling, but more like a superior person. reward.

Of course, it also reflects Han Yuan Emperor Liu Shi's desire for peace. He actually didn't want to fight because he was a coward and a kind-hearted person, but he was too honest to be an emperor.

After Huhanxie Shanyu begged Wang Zhaojun, he saw that she was very beautiful and liked her very much, so he named Wang Zhaojun "Ning Hulan". "Ninghu" means "the Xiongnu will get Zhaojun, and the country will be peaceful."

After Wang Zhaojun arrived in the Xiongnu, Hu Hanxie Shanyu lived together for three years, and they were relatively happy. The two gave birth to a son, named Yi Tu Zhi Ya Shi, and they were named King Youri Zhu.

Not long after he sent Wang Zhaojun to get married, Emperor Liu Shi of the Han Yuan Dynasty burped. On Renchen, the fifth month of the first year of Jingning (May 33, 5 BC), Emperor Liu Shi of the Han Yuan Dynasty died of illness in Weiyang Palace in Chang'an and was buried in Weiling. , his posthumous title was Emperor Xiaoyuan, and his temple name was Gaozong.

In June of the first year of Jingning (33 BC), Prince Liu Ao succeeded to the throne. This guy had been deeply loved by his grandfather Emperor Xuan since he was a child. He was nicknamed "grandson" and was often taken around. However, he was good when he was a child, but he may not be good when he grows up.

When he grew up, he loved scriptures, was broad-minded and prudent, but at the same time he was also addicted to wine and sex...

His incompetence in governing the country, neglect of government affairs, and the rapid expansion of the power of his relatives paved the way for Wang Mang to usurp the Han Dynasty.

In the second year of Jianshi (31 BC), Huhanxie Shanyu passed away. Wang Zhaojun missed his hometown and his family, so he wrote to the Han court asking to return home.

Good guy, Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty Liu Ao actually ordered to "follow Hu customs" and let her follow the nomadic people's step marriage system and remarry the eldest son of Hu Hanxie Chanyu. He is equivalent to the stepmother of the new Chanyu. How would she accept it for her son?But there is nothing you can do if you don't accept it. This is the custom of the Huns.

The two lived together for 11 years and had two daughters; the eldest daughter was named Xu Bu, and the second daughter was named Deng Yu.

In the first year of Hongjia (20 BC), Fu Zhulei Chanyu died, and Mi Xu succeeded him as Souxie Ruotang Chanyu.

Less than two years later, Wang Zhaojun died of illness. She did not return home until she died. It was sad and admirable!

She was an amazing woman. Hu Hanxie returned to Han and Zhaojun left the fortress, which not only helped the Xiongnu end years of division and war, but also laid the foundation for the unification of the Central Plains dynasty.

In addition, the exchanges between the two sides were strengthened. The culture, systems, and habits brought by Wang Zhaojun made the relatively backward ethnic minorities at that time inevitably yearn for the advanced things and cultural systems of the Central Plains, prompting the nomadic people at that time to imitate the life and habits of the Central Plains.

Rich and beautiful, in the bright Han Palace, Gu Ying is wandering around, moving around!
 This chapter actually feels watery. Let’s take your time later. I feel watery myself. Why do I feel watery? Do I know?Let’s talk about eating thoroughly and diligently, that’s all we pursue for the time being.

  Many people have discussed the topic of Wang Mang being a time traveler, and even said that he is Peng Jiamu. Most of them are marketing accounts. Since I write novels, I naturally add some mystery to it, but I do not rule out the possibility. After all, Wang Mang This person is so alien. Let me imagine that my aunt is the queen, my uncles and uncles are all fucking generals or just marquises, and then my father died early and no one cares about him. This is not just a free life, but he still has to live every day. Study, be literate, treat others sincerely, be frugal and simple like a saint, why should I?
  You say he is ambitious because he wants to be the emperor. If he doesn't reform after becoming the emperor, he will just enjoy it and don't mess around. It is estimated that his dynasty will last for at least 50 years or hundreds of years. He might be another one who is deceived by future generations. Praise, a very powerful founding king.

  The most outrageous thing is that his son killed a servant. He forced his son to death. It was Cao Cao who paid some money at most and scolded his son. Liu Bei, instead, cut his hair and beat his son. One meal, and more money to pay...

  At that time, a slave had very little status, just like the private property of the family, and his life was in your control.

  For example, in his time and in later generations, if your own son killed a stranger, you would probably send him to prison at most. If you wanted to find a way to reduce his sentence, and some people would protect him, would you kill him yourself?Totally impossible……

(End of this chapter)

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