The great man will live forever

Chapter 209: Victory and defeat

Chapter 209: Victory and defeat
As time went by, Wang Mang and the Wang family seemed to be cheating, showing the potential to soar into the sky.

It's true that the big peng rises with the wind in one day and soars ninety thousand miles!

In the first year of Yongshi (16 BC), that year, Wang Mang was 30 years old. At the age of 30, he was already named the Marquis of the New Capital, the Captain of the Cavalry, the Doctor of Guanglu, and the Minister...

Wang Mang's uncles Wang Feng, Wang Shang and Wang Gen successively served as Grand Sima's assistant.

During the reign of Liu Ao, Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty, the Wang family had nine people as marquises and five as chief ministers, making them the strongest relatives in the past dynasties.

The terrible thing is that although Wang Mang was in a high position, he never regarded himself as respected. He was always courteous to the virtuous and corporal, honest and frugal, and often distributed his salary to his retainers and common people.

He even sold his carriage to help the poor, so he was deeply loved by the people. He is simply a living saint. Come and worship, he has light...

As a result, celebrities from both the government and the public praised Wang Mang, and his reputation even surpassed that of his powerful uncles...

In 500 years, a king will appear. His rise and fall will be sudden.

A dynasty often declines rapidly when it is at its peak. Just like the Han Dynasty, it was the strongest and richest in the hands of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, but quickly declined in the hands of his sons.This is often the case for a group, a family, and a person.

In March of the second year of Suihe (7 BC), Liu Ao, the drunken and lustful Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty, died violently in Zhao Hede's palace. Liu Xin ascended the throne as Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty.

In order to curb the powerful Wang family, Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty Liu Xin began to vigorously promote family members of his grandmothers, Empress Dowager Fu and Empress Ding...

I found that the bright spot was not that the grandmother of Liu Xin who succeeded to the throne was not Wang Mang's aunt, because Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty Liu Ao had no children at all.

In fact, it wasn't that this guy had a problem, he was just too lustful. According to historical records, Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty had children, but they all died in infancy.

For example, at first he doted on his teenage wife, Queen Xu, with whom he also had a son and a daughter, but unfortunately, both children died in infancy.

Later, she began to dote on Ban Jieyu. Ban Jieyu also gave birth to a boy for Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty, but sadly, he also died a few months later.

Later, the two concubines that Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty loved very much were sisters, the kind that were close to each other. One was called Zhao Hede, who was not very famous, but the other, probably everyone knew her name was Zhao Feiyan.

She is the protagonist of the idiom "Huan Fei Yan Shou". It is said that her soul-stirring eyes, beautiful singing voice, and graceful dancing postures immediately charmed Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty took her back to the palace...

"His waist bones are slender and he is good at walking. If someone holds a flower branch and trembles, no one else can imitate it."

It is said that in order to please the new queen Zhao Feiyan, Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty Liu Ao ordered craftsmen to build a gorgeous royal boat called "Hegongzhou" in the Taiye Pool of the palace.

One day, Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty took Zhao Feiyan on a boat to enjoy the scenery. Zhao Feiyan was wearing a purple dress of Yunying and blue Qiong silk gauze that was a tribute from South Vietnam.

Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty ordered his servant Feng Wufang to play the sheng to accompany the singing and dancing of flying swallows. When the boat was in the middle of the river, a strong wind suddenly rose and almost knocked down Zhao Feiyan, who was as light as a swallow. Feng Wufang followed Emperor Cheng's order to rescue him, threw away the instrument, and grabbed the queen's feet. Reluctant to let go, Feiyan continued singing and dancing.

After that, the legend spread in the palace that "flying swallows can dance on the palms of their hands".

Then, based on this inspiration, Zhao Feiyan created her own "Palm Dance", also known as "Palm Dance". It was named because the dance body is light and seems to be placed in the palm of the hand.This dance later became a unique symbol of Zhao Feiyan, which can also be compared to the light dancing posture of a woman who was considered the most powerful dancer at that time.

Li Bai wrote many poems about her, such as "Xianghe's Songs - Songs of Resentment", "Xianghe's Songs - Yangchun Song", "Qingping Tiao Ci - Part Two"...

Although these two sisters are very powerful, neither of them can have children because they are too thin or for other reasons. This has caused the two of them to become mentally abnormal and persecute the harem crazily, especially those who are able to have children.

There was a female official named Cao Weineng in the palace who was pregnant with Emperor Cheng's child. When she was about to give birth, Zhao Hede ordered a Tianke from Huangmen to take the emperor's edict, poison Cao Ji to death, and took away the baby. Her whereabouts were unknown...

What's even more outrageous is that Xu Meiren, a concubine in the harem, was pregnant. Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty secretly sent an imperial doctor to visit her and gave Xu Meiren three precious health-preserving pills to protect her pregnancy.

After Xu Mei gave birth to her son, Zhao Hede found out and started crying and causing a scene. She was able to make Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty break through the bottom line for her again and again by crying, making trouble and hanging herself. Finally, he coerced Emperor Cheng to order the death of her son. son……

This emperor is really a lover, he wants beauty rather than the world.

There are also rumors that the sisters Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Hede were actually arranged by Fu Yao to be beside the emperor. In order to keep them beautiful and make Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty dizzy, he kept taking Xiji Pills for them.

Although this product can temporarily preserve youth and delay aging, it has a fatal flaw, that is, it can seriously damage a woman's reproductive function, so the Zhao sisters cannot have children...

After this incident, Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty also gave up the idea of ​​having any more children.He was originally a drunkard and a womanizer. From now on, he decided to "drink today and get drunk today", escaping from reality and living in confusion in his own drunken dreams. Anyway, after my death, he will be flooded.

"Then play music, then dance!"

As a result, he remained childless until the first year of Suihe, when he had no choice but to appoint Liu Xin, the son of his half-brother Liu Kang, Prince Dingtao Gong, as the crown prince.

On Bingxu day in March of the second year of Suihe (March 7, 3 BC), the drunken Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty died in a storm in the Weiyang Palace of Chang'an in the arms of Zhao Hede. ", Zhao Hede committed suicide out of fear of crime.

Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty reigned for 25 years and was 45 years old. He was posthumously named "Emperor Xiaocheng" and was buried in Yanling.

On April 19th, the [-]-year-old Liu Xin succeeded to the throne as Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty. With the following year as the first year of Jianping, the empress dowager Wang Zhengjun, the mother of Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty, was the empress dowager, and the empress Zhao Feiyan of the Han Cheng Emperor was the empress dowager.

In order to sell face to the new emperor, the Empress Dowager Wang Zhengjun issued an edict to respect Liu Xin's father and appointed Liu Kang, Prince Gong of Tao, as Emperor Gong.

On May 7, the second year of Suihe ([-] BC), Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty Liu Xin established his concubine Fu as empress, and issued an edict as stated in the Spring and Autumn Annals that mothers value their children, so they honored their grandmother, the Empress Dowager Fu (Fu Zhaoyi), as the queen. The Empress Dowager and her mother Ding Ji are Empress Gong.

On the night when he issued the edict, in Changle Palace, the 64-year-old Wang Zhengjun still had clear ears and eyesight, and she was expected to live for many years. A sad look flashed on her face.

"Quickly, summon the Chief Sima into the palace."


Today's Grand Sima is naturally his nephew Wang Mang, a man who is both majestic and elegant.

Knowing that his aunt wanted to see him, he entered the palace overnight. He was about 38 years old, and exuded an unparalleled dignity and majesty, which made people naturally respect him.

Wang Mang is tall and muscular, with broad shoulders and a broad chest. He has a strong physique and infinite strength.

However, in stark contrast to his external image, his face is full of elegance and gentleness, and his deep eyes are as calm as ancient wells, full of thoughtfulness and wisdom.There is always a faint smile between his eyebrows, which is a reflection of his gentle character.

Her hair is as black as ink, and her skin is slightly bronzed, full of healthy luster.That handsome face, resolute yet gentle, with a high nose bridge, red lips and white teeth. He is a standard handsome guy, but he also has the unique Confucian gentleman's atmosphere.

His clothes were not flashy at all, and even looked a bit apologetic for his status as Grand Sima. Along the way, people in the palace kept saluting, and he responded with a gentle smile. Even the guards or maids looked at him in his eyes. , people seem to have no distinction between high and low.

"Meet the Empress Dowager."

Entering the hall, he saluted meticulously.

"Sit down and sit down. I already told you to call me aunt. Why are you so polite, kid?"

In the early years, Wang Zhengjun took pity on his younger brother Wang Man who died early and was not granted the title of Marquis. However, Ping'a Hou Wang Tan, Chengdu Hou Wang Shang and others praised Wang Man's son Wang Mang, so they posthumously granted Wang Man the title of Xindu Aihou. Wang Mang succeeded him to the throne, and promoted him step by step and appointed him as Grand Sima.

It can be said that without Wang Zhengjun, Wang Mang would not be able to prosper for a while.

She lamented, "Have you heard about the edict issued by His Majesty today? The Ai family did not blame him. Your Majesty is a filial child. A mother is more valuable than a son. He is just a big man, two empress dowagers, and two empress dowagers." The Queen Mother, and..."

After listening to Wang Zhengjun's words, Wang Mang went straight to the topic, "Your Majesty is afraid that our Wang family will become too powerful."

In fact, Wang Mang knew this very well. Liu Xiang, the Taizhong doctor at that time, once said: "Today, there are 23 people of the Wang family who ride on the Zhulunhua hub. Green, purple, mink, and cicadas fill the inside, and there are fish scales on the left and right." The ministers, Jiuqing, prefects, and county guards all came out of their houses to manage the cardinals, and the cliques were compared with each other. From ancient times to the Qin and Han Dynasties, the arrogance of relatives by relatives was not as high as that of the Wang family."

The words "Zhu Lun Hua Hu" and "Green Purple Diao Chan" do not mean that the Wang family is rich and can afford luxury cars and famous brands, but that the Wang family has a high and powerful position.

At that time, those who were qualified to sit in the "Zhu Lun Hua Hub" were either the three public officials and nine ministers, or officials in the inner court. They were all important members of the decision-making level. In later generations, they would be at least high-ranking officials.

The most sensational event of the Wang family was the "Five Marquises in One Day". Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty made all five brothers of Wang Zhengjun Marquises in one day, namely: Wang Tan, Wang Shang, Wang Li, Wang Gen, Wang Fengshi, He is known as the Five Lords in the world.

This Wang Zhengjun had a total of eight younger brothers. Except for his second brother Wang Man who died young and was not granted a title of marquis, all the others were granted the title of marquis sooner or later.

They really performed the story of how one person attained the Tao, chickens and dogs ascended to heaven.

And I don’t know why, the Wang family is particularly fertile. Wang Zhengjun’s father, Wang Jin, gave birth to eight sons and four daughters. Each son had several children. Countless of Wang Mang’s brothers and nephews served as officials in the court and across the country.

The same goes for Wang Mang. He now has five sons and two daughters, and he may have more children in the future...

"Yes, there will be no good end if you climb too high. Huo Guang is so powerful in front of him, but once he dies, the Huo family will be uprooted. Your Majesty will not want another Huo Guang to appear in the court."

I have to say that Jiang is still old and spicy, and Wang Zhengjun is a bit discerning.

"Then I will beg for the bones from Your Majesty."

In fact, Wang Zhengjun was a little happy in his heart, and he felt sorry for his sensible nephew, "You are only 38 years old, and you are young and strong. You are a great Sima, under one person, and above ten thousand people!"

"Let's wait a few years. My nephew is still young and has time. Besides, this way, my nephew will still have time to study classics at home. My aunt knows my nephew. I am not a person who is greedy for power..."

Wang Mang said a lot of words, sincerely, and every word spoke to Wang Zhengjun's heart. She finally sighed and said, "I have wronged you, so it's okay. It is better to retreat bravely. After all, you are a Marquis, and you have no shortage of wealth. Wait until you are done." It’s been a few years, Ai Jia will talk to His Majesty again.”

So, Grand Sima Wang Mang wrote a letter "begging for bones" and went home.

"How could Da Sima do this? Do you think he looks down on me? How could you be begging for bones at such a young age?"

Liu Xin is only 18 years old, but his face is a little pale. He has obviously been addicted to drinking and sex all year round, but his drinking and sex may be a little different.

Faced with the question from Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty, Wang Mang quickly said: "I have average abilities, and it was mostly the Empress Dowager who gave me some advice to achieve this position. Now that Your Majesty has ascended the throne, you should select the virtuous and capable. I'd better go home and read more classics." accumulation……"

"Ai Qing has a kind-hearted nature, is friendly to others, loves the people, and is praised throughout the country. How can he be insufficient in ability? Don't talk about this matter again."

Of course Liu Xin wanted Wang Mang to step down, but not immediately. He had learned some of the imperial power, and he did not approve Wang Mang's resignation.

Prime Minister Kong Guang, Grand Sikong Hewu, Zuo General Shidan and others naturally knew that this was Wang Zhengjun's intention. If the new emperor went to war against the Wang family as soon as he came to power, it would not look good, so they said to Wang Zhengjun: "The emperor heard that Tai The Empress Dowager ordered Wang Mang to be demoted and was very sad. If Da Sima is not reinstated, the emperor will not dare to listen to politics."

So Wang Zhengjun ordered Wang Mang to continue to be the chief minister. Liu Xin said to his confidant and favorite Dong Xian: "The Wang family tree has deep roots. Maybe Wang Mang will be the next Huo Guang. They can support me or abolish me." I, so I want to learn from my great-grandfather Emperor Xiaoxuan, take my time, and then revive the great Han Dynasty!"

Dong Xian smiled flatteringly and said: "Your Majesty's sage will surely be like Emperor Xiaoxuan who revived the Han Dynasty and left behind unparalleled achievements!"

Today, Dong Xian is about 16 years old. He is a man. He is very handsome and famous, and he has Liu Xin's trust...

There is a very famous idiom in later generations called "The Sleeves of Broken Arms", which refers to him.

Most of the emperors of the Han Dynasty only wanted to be beautiful and have a good eye. Apart from life and death, there were few things in the world that could restrain them.

Imagine if you had unlimited power, what would you do?
Just like Liu Bangzhi and Ji Ru, Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty and Hong Ru, Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty and Deng Tong, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Han Yan...

It's just that Liu Xin still trusts Dong Xian more than them.

Of course, he was still understanding, and his handling of Wang Mang's "begging for bones" showed the palace that an emperor should have. Although the Western Han Dynasty was in decline at this time, the emperor could still control the overall situation.

Since then, the struggle between Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty Liu Xin and the Wang family has become increasingly fierce.Sili Xiaowei explained the crime of impeaching Wang Gen. Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty took the opportunity to expel Wang Gen from the capital and dismissed all officials recommended by Wang.

The Wang family began to decline very quickly, and they were not yet capable of doing what Huo Guang did.

Soon, a banquet was held in the Weiyang Palace. The palace officials ordered a curtain to be set up for Empress Dowager Fu and she sat next to Wang Zhengjun. The two of them sat on an equal footing. Seeing that the mother and queen of a former prince could sit on an equal footing with his aunt, Wang Mang scolded: "Although Empress Dowager Dingtao As the Empress Dowager, she is actually just a concubine, how can she sit with the Supreme Being?"

When Liu Xin found out, she was very angry and cursed, "How dare you, Wang Mang, want to rebel? How could you insult my grandmother like this?"

Later, Wang Mang was demoted to the new field, and the Wang family's power fell to the bottom...

(End of this chapter)

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