The great man will live forever

Chapter 210 Wang Mang’s discovery

Chapter 210 Wang Mang’s discovery

In the first month of the first year of Jianping (6 BC), in Xindu (now Xinye, Henan), in a medium-sized room.

It was already night, and there was still an oil lamp burning in the study. A man who was almost 40 years old was copying bamboo slips. Next to him were some tattered old bamboo slips. There were many words written densely on them, some of which were a bit blurry. He was probably afraid of these bamboo slips. When it disappeared completely, he began to copy it, and chanted it while copying it.

"Liu Han is my nephew, the younger brother of King Liu Yi of Heqing Dynasty, and the concubine of King Liu Deng. He was born in the third year of Jianyuan.

When he was young, he was not favored, was ostracized by his sister-in-law Zhang, and was abandoned by his brother. At the age of five, he went to Chang'an alone, where he met Huo Qubing.

In the sixth year of Yuanshuo, when the battle was about to take place in Xiangbei, Huo Qubing, who was eighteen years old, was appointed by Mengjin to be the captain of Yao Yao, while Liu Han, who was sixteen years old, was appointed as the military marquis in the army.

The two led [-] cavalry, galloped for hundreds of miles, beheaded and captured more than [-] people, and captured several high-ranking Xiongnu officials such as the Prime Minister and the householder; Yu's uncle, Luo Gubi, won the army twice.

Liu Han was clever and thoughtful, so he was repeatedly appreciated by His Majesty. He was awarded the title of "Watermill Waiter" for his inventions of waterwheels and curved shaft plows.

Not long after, Zhao Xin surrendered, and the emperor was furious. He attacked the Xiongnu and went to Ganquan Palace to supervise the battle.

The general Wei Qing, who had many powerful generals and was wise and brave, learned of Zhao Xin's scheme and appointed Gongsun Ao as the captain and ordered him to lead the army. He also held the tiger talisman and General Li Guang personally to Huben, hoping to mobilize all the troops to go there.

At that time, Zhao Ponu, the deputy general of the Huben Army, did not wait for orders, claiming that he could not send troops without an order.At that time, Wei Qing showed his tiger talisman, and Liu Han, the general, responded to the order and quickly deployed his troops to stop the pursuers. The Han army won a small victory, and His Majesty's danger was relieved.From then on, His Majesty paid more attention to Liu Han.

In the first year of Yuanshou, Your Majesty appointed Huo Qubing, who was twenty years old, as the hussar general, and Liu Han, the water chariot lord, as the auxiliary general. During the spring and summer, he led troops to attack twice to defeat the subordinates of King Hunxie and King Xiutu. Occupies the eastern part of Hexi region.

During the Spring War, the two led [-] hussars out of Longxi, crossed Wuzu, attacked Tianpu, crossed the Hu slaves, and fought against the five countries in Hexi.The baggage is plentiful and the troops and horses are numerous, and those who surrender will be pardoned.He fought with Shan Yu's younger brother Jin Rixi and was almost captured alive.

Then they crossed Yanzhi Mountain and fought for six days. They marched for more than a thousand miles and finally fought a fierce battle with the slave army at the foot of Gaolan Mountain.He severely damaged the Xiongnu, killed King Zhelan and King Luhou of the Xiongnu, and annihilated their elites.Prince Hunxie, the prime minister, and the captain were all captured.

In this battle, the Han army achieved a great victory. A total of 860 and two were beheaded and captured, and the King Xiu was sacrificed to the Tianjin people. The Han army suffered a loss of seven out of ten. At the end of the battle, the hussar general was wounded and the situation was critical. The calm command of Marquis Shuiche finally allowed the remaining [-] and [-] troops to return to the Han Dynasty smoothly...

It's so difficult and dangerous that it's hard to describe how magnificent it is, how dangerous it is, and none of the famous generals from ancient times are like this!

At that time, during the summer offensive, the two men and the Hou Gongsun Ao came out from Beidi County and attacked in separate ways.Gongsun Ao was lost and late, and did not meet up with the two men.

The champion Hou Huo Qubing and the Shui Chai Hou Liu Han went deep into the south of Junji, crossed Juyanhai, crossed Xiaoyuezhi, and reached the Qilian Mountains. The Han army was victorious, and it was like entering an uninhabited country.

In this battle, the Han army captured more than 63 prisoners, including 72 people including King Shanhuan, King Jilei, King Huyutu, King Qitu and his fifth queen mother, Shanyulan family and princes, as well as prime ministers, generals, There were [-] captains and [-] captains, and more than [-] people including the King of Han were beheaded. King Hunxie and King Xiutu escaped, and the Han army lost about three-tenths...

Upon hearing the good news, His Majesty granted the sick people a settlement of [-] households. Because of the general Han Fu, the two of them attacked the Xiongnu, and Han was granted the title of prince, and the settlement was increased to [-] households.

At that time, Yi Zhixie Shanyu was defeated by the evil king Nu Hun, and he wanted to summon him and kill him.After hearing the news, King Hunxie conspired with King Xiutu and others to surrender to the Han Dynasty, and sent an envoy to report to the Han court.

After His Majesty heard the news, he was afraid that he was pretending to surrender, so he ordered Qu Bing and Han to lead his army to meet him.When the Han army crossed the Yellow River and arrived near the camp of King Hunxie, some of the surrender members were unwilling to surrender and plotted to escape.

At this critical moment, Qubing rushed into the Xiongnu army and met King Hunxie.Han's command was measured, and he did not panic in the face of danger. He ordered 8000 people to be killed who refused to surrender, and 32 were surrendered to the king of a foreign country.

Han first sent King Hunxie to Chang'an, and the champion Hou Qubing then led more than [-] of his followers back to the Han...

Since then, the Hexi Corridor has been open! "

When Wang Mang recited and copied this, he laughed a little weirdly: "This Sima Qian actually used so many words to describe Liu Han. It's really amazing. He seems to admire him very much. How did he know that this person is all Hug your thighs!"

Wang Mang has read the transcribed version of the original manuscript of Sima Qian's Historical Records, and most of them are now in his hands. He obtained them at a great cost.

There were originally two parts of "Historical Records". One was Sima Qian's original version and was given to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Because there were too many things that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not want to see, especially Liu Han's, he burned them. Sima Qian also anticipated this and copied them in advance. He got a copy and gave it to his only daughter Sima Li.

The husband of Sima Qian's daughter was married to Yang Chang. This man was quite extraordinary. He had served as prime minister, imperial censor, chief minister and other high-ranking officials in the Western Han Dynasty. He was a cautious man and was the first ancestor of the Yang family in Hongnong.

Yang Chang had two sons, both born to Sima Qian's daughter Sima Li, the eldest son Yang Zhong and the second son Yang Yun.During the reign of Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty, the government was once in the hands of the general Huo Guang.

In 74 BC, Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty died in Weiyang Palace at the age of 21. Huo Guang discussed with the ministers and chose Liu He, King of Changyi, the grandson of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty as his successor.

Probably because he was difficult to control, Liu He was too reckless and a little ridiculous. Huo Guang felt threatened, so he secretly discussed with the cavalry general Zhang Anshi and the chief minister Tian Yannian, planning to abolish Liu He and establish a new virtuous king.

After the plan was agreed upon, Huo Guang sent Tian Yannian to tell Yang Chang that he wanted him to participate. At that time, Yang Chang was first appointed as the chief agricultural officer, responsible for the state's warehouses or teaching farmers and mulberry trees, and was promoted to one of the nine ministers. As a censor, his power is slightly less than that of people like Tian Yannian.

Yang Chang is a timid or cautious person. When Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty was still there, Shangguan Jie, the general of Zuo, a relative of the family, conspired to rebel. Yancang, the rice envoy at the time, knew about it and told Yang Chang.

Yang Chang did not file a complaint. He just pretended to be sick and stayed at home in bed, acting like an ostrich and protecting himself wisely.

Yancang had no choice but to tell the matter to the admonishing doctor Du Yannian. Du Yannian reported the matter and was finally rehabilitated. Because of this incident, Yancang and Du Yannian both received fiefs and were made marquises, but Yang Chang was in Jiuqing But he didn't report it, and he didn't get the title of marquis.

Similarly, this time, when he heard, "Oh my God? Are you going to depose the emperor?" His heart pounded, and he was immediately frightened. He just said, "Yeah!" He agreed, but he was already sweating, and said to think about it carefully.

At that time, Yang Chang's wife Sima Li was among the curtains in the house. She had met Liu Han and had seen strong winds and waves with Sima Qian, so she was quite courageous.

Seeing her husband's hesitation, she was secretly anxious. When Tian Yannian was changing his clothes and walking away, he walked out of the curtain and approached her husband to persuade him: "Husband, how can you be hesitant about important national affairs? The general has already reached an agreement, so you should hurry up too." The battle must be decided quickly, otherwise disaster will surely be imminent!

If you tell His Majesty what happened to Shangguan Jie back then, now that he has become a marquis, do you think you can pretend to be sick every time? "

It happened that Tian Yannian came back at this time, and Mrs. Sima couldn't avoid it, so she met Tian Yannian openly. The two talked for a while, and Tian Yannian sighed, "Mrs. Yang is very knowledgeable. She deserves to be the daughter of Tai Shigong."

Under the persuasion of his wife, Yang Chang expressed his willingness to obey the general's orders.Tian Yannian reported back to Huo Guang. Huo Guang was very satisfied and immediately arranged for Yang Chang to lead the ministers to report to the Empress Dowager.The next day, Yang Chang and other ministers met with the Empress Dowager and stated the reasons why King Changyi could not inherit the throne. The Empress Dowager had already prepared, and immediately issued an edict to depose Liu He and appoint Liu Xun, the great-grandson of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, as king. It was for Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty.

The most powerful thing happened. More than a month later, Yang Chang passed away, and his posthumous name was "Jing".

The greatest contribution in the world was rescuing the emperor, followed by following the dragon. In this incident, Yang Chang clearly supported Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty to succeed to the throne. Of course, he should be generously rewarded. The two sons of the Yang family, Yang Zhong and Yang Yun, were successively named marquises.

Among them, Yang Yun was smart and studious since he was a child. When he was young, his mother Sima Li took out her treasured "Historical Records" to read to him.

Yang Yun was deeply attracted by the wonderful content in the book, and he read it all with great concentration.As an adult, he still cherishes this reading experience and takes it out from time to time to read it again. Every time, he feels it in his heart and brings tears to his eyes.

A good book has a different experience every time you read it, and you can't help but be attracted.

During the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, Yang Yun, whose Yang family was granted the title of Pingtong Marquis for his meritorious service, had a glimpse of the Qingming Dynasty and thought that this was the time when his grandfather Sima Qian's masterpieces would see the light of day again, and of course, his mother's last wish.

He will always remember that his mother Sima Li held his hand before she died and said: "We must pass on your grandfather's "Historical Records". This is his life's work, and we must rehabilitate Marquis Lanling. Your grandfather admired him very much." Him and me too.

I remember the first time I met him when he was only 10 years old. At that time, he came to my house with two large carts of money. I wanted to use the money to buy food. Your grandfather didn't agree, saying that it was written "Historical Records" specifically for him by the Marquis, but He still used his salary to buy a lot of food...

The second time I met him, I was only about 15 years old. Your grandfather was wrongly accused and almost executed. He was also scolded by His Majesty, but he will always be a hero in my heart, just like your grandfather.

No, he is braver than your grandfather. In fact, I have no choice but to marry you Aweng. I have always liked him, but I didn’t dare to say it or take any action. He is the superior Qilin’er of the Han family and the great Han Houye. Hussars General Da Sima, I am just the daughter of a guilty minister...

I'm probably going to die, and you, Aweng, have already passed away a long time ago. I have no regrets for him. You, Aweng, have always been timid and cautious. It's good to be cautious, but you can't be blindly timid.A man should be like the Marquis of Lanling...

You promise me that you must pass down the historical records and let the world know about him. "

With tears streaming down his face, Yang Yun grabbed his mother Sima Li's hand and said over and over again: "Mom, I will definitely promise you, even if I die, I will do it."

Not long after Sima Li's death, he copied two copies, hid one at home and one at a friend's house, and then wrote to Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty to dedicate "Historical Records" so that this great work could be displayed to the world again.

Yang Yun began to disseminate the contents of the book to the society, but the length of the book was not widely circulated.The story about Liu Han that was just about to be leaked was quickly stopped because of Yang Yun's murder before it was too late.

After "Historical Records" was written, it was accused of being a representative of heresy that opposed the authentic thought of the Han Dynasty. Therefore, during the Han Dynasty, "Historical Records" was always regarded as a deviant "slanderous book". Not only did it not receive the fair evaluation it deserved, but it also At that time, scholars did not dare to annotate it.

In the Western Han Dynasty, even though the princes did not have the full version of "Tai Shi Gong Shu", King Dongping once asked the court for a reward of "Tai Shi Gong Shu" in the palace, but he was rejected.

Because there are a large number of palace secrets in "Historical Records", the Western Han Dynasty strictly prohibited the disclosure of court language, so only palace personnel had access to the book.During the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, Chu Shaosun read the book in the court, and some of its pages were not open to court officials...

It can be seen from this that Wang Mang was so happy to get all the "Historical Records", which is also very rare. Over time, even some of them stored in the palace were lost due to various reasons.

Wang Mang searched for the descendants of the Yang family, as well as the descendants of his friends, as well as ordinary people, or high-ranking officials and nobles who might have hidden historical records, to collect the complete "Historical Records".

He deeply knew that Sima Qian's "Historical Records" was "to collect old news from all over the world, briefly examine his actions, summarize the beginning and end, and review the history of his successes and failures, from Xuanyuan to Yuzi. They are ten tables, and this chronicle is ten chapters." [-]. Book eight chapters, thirty aristocratic families, seventy biographies, and one hundred and thirty chapters. I also want to study the relationship between heaven and man, understand the changes in ancient and modern times, and formulate a family story."

Therefore, it has a strong personal emotion. For example, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing are recorded in "Historical Records: Biography of General Wei Qiaoqi". In addition, Ma Qian of Taishi Company also mentioned them in "Biography of Ni Xing".

It can be seen that Sima Qian's prejudice against Wei Qing and Huo Qubing can best be described by the words of Huang Zhen, a scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty, "Anyone who reads Wei Huo's biography must read it in conjunction with Li Guang. Wei Huo penetrated two thousand miles and was famous among the Chinese and Yi people. Now we look at his biography , not worth a penny. Every time Li Guang fought in the north, he was stranded all his life. Looking at his biography now, his heroic demeanor is still there. How can Shi's mastery of suppressing and seizing the beauty be expected with his hands?"

But in addition to Li Guang, Sima Qian also spent a lot of pen and ink describing Liu Han, and the whole article was full of praise, which is amazing.

Wang Mang continued to copy and chant. It can be said that Sima Qian wrote about Liu Han in great detail.

It is written that he, Huo Qubing, and Wei Qing launched the Battle of Mobei, sealed the wolf in Xu, Zen in Guyan, and drank from the vast sea of ​​horses, completing eternal achievements.

He wrote about his visit to the rivers and mountains of the Han Dynasty, and how he deeply regretted the death of Huo Qubing.Haven't been out for several years.

Write about his love for Huo Qubing's son Huo Shan and his care for Huo Guang...

Then he wrote that he was powerful in the southwest, destroyed South Vietnam and conquered Fujian and Yue, gradually replaced Wei Qing, and became the new Great Sima of the Han Dynasty, the undefeated God of War of the Han Dynasty...

He wrote that when the Han Dynasty was defeated, he walked to the edge of the surrender city and said harshly that he had been fighting for decades without a single defeat. He was high-spirited with little hope and his majesty would shine through the ages.

He wrote that he was afraid of frightening the Xiongnu Chanyu to death, but in the second year the Xiongnu Chanyu died on the way there.

It is also written that he was cautious and cautious at every step. On the eve of the witchcraft disaster, he joined forces with Prince Liu Zhi to force Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to step down. Decree to pass the throne to Liu Ju...

Even though everyone in the world knew what he had done, no one dared to openly oppose him.

It was even written that he and Liu Zhi were poisoned to death in the palace for no apparent reason, and then disappeared...

After copying, there seemed to be a strange light in Wang Mang's eyes, "I finally found you, the people who were poisoned to death, even though Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty tried to erase the traces of your existence, I was still able to find you.

Even though I am not familiar with history and mainly study biology, I still clearly discovered you. I will say that there is no unique one in the world. If there is one, there are two.

I thought that my previous life was a dream. It was probably because of the influence of dreams that I became different when I was a child. Now I remember it. This is not a dream. My name is Peng Jia. I remember it all. "

At this moment, Wang Mang raised his head, looked at the lights in front of him, and seemed to see the future!
Faith is immortal and light lasts forever!
The blood in his chest seemed to be boiling, "Don't rush, don't rush, you have proven that history can be changed. As long as you are careful and slow, I will definitely not end up like Wang Mang again. That kind of society must exist, definitely!"

 One chapter has been blocked. It talks about the origin of the Broken Arm Sleeve, and then says that most emperors of the Western Han Dynasty had male favorites. It is all written truthfully. I have read it over and over again and it is not like driving. I don’t know why it was blocked.
(End of this chapter)

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