The great man will live forever

Chapter 229 The Battle of Kunyang

Chapter 229 The Battle of Kunyang
The water ripples and the breeze blows on your face. When the breeze blows across the lake, microwaves will appear on the water, forming layers of ripples, like fine wrinkles. However, the amplitude of the fluctuations is not large, giving people a gentle feeling. .

At this time, Liu Xuan was sitting by the lake, meditating. He was full of emotions. He recalled the days when he learned swordsmanship with his master. Whenever he thought of that person, the corners of his mouth raised slightly unconsciously.

Over the years, he has not been married, and he has always been thinking about that master in his heart. However, he can only bury this love deep in his heart.

That year, he was 16 years old. His master Wang Ruohua was a 28-year-old beautiful woman with a beautiful face, smooth and delicate skin, delicate eyebrows, bright eyes, slightly tucked chin, rosy lips, slightly raised, giving It gives an impression of elegance and gentleness.

Her neck is slender and straight, her figure is well-proportioned, and her fingers are slender. Her whole person exudes an aura of maturity, confidence, and vitality.

Now, at the age of 33, he still remembers his master's dress. She wore a long satin skirt and a double-breasted jacket. The clothes were loose and comfortable, in bright colors, elegant yet fashionable.

The skirt, cuffs, collar and edge of the coat are all woven with exquisite floral patterns or gorgeous embroidery. The bun and headdress are also very delicate, with smooth lines, and every detail is extremely exquisite.

When she stands, her waist is straight, her figure is graceful, her slight swing is elegant and calm, her eyes are lively and confident, her movements are full of charm and rhythm of a mature woman, and her movements are soft and elegant. The strong strength and graceful posture show an elegant, charming and unique beauty.

First love is always hard to forget, and it is a secret love, and it is also a teacher who taught me swordsmanship. It is a bit of a forbidden feeling, and the most hard to forget...

In the memory, the two had just finished sparring,
Wang Ruohua said with a smile: "Xuan'er's swordsmanship is better than mine, and the master will not have anything to teach him in the future."

"Master is too modest. In addition to swordsmanship, military strategy and strategy, Xuan'er also wants you to teach me more, master." Liu Xuan said and glanced at her unconsciously.

"What I can teach is just talking about war on paper. As for military strategy, it all depends on understanding, such as the Marquis of Huaiyin Han Xin, such as the champion Hou Huo Qubing, such as the Marquis of Lanling Liu Han."

When she said the word "Liu Han", she paused and sighed.

"Lanling Marquis Liu Han?" Liu Xuan was confused, "Why hasn't Xuan'er heard of this person?"

"This is a strange man. The man who forced Emperor Wu to step down. The man who asked His Majesty for his funeral. Unfortunately, he was poisoned to death. Otherwise, the man would be afraid of another scene. You don't need to know now. These historical materials are from the palace. It’s a secret, it’s written in the hidden part of Sima Qian’s historical records, maybe one day you can know about it.”

This Wang Ruohua is not simple, she comes from Wang Mang's family. Wang Mang's aunt Wang Zhengjun was particularly fond of her back then and even hugged her. However, Wang Zhengjun and Wang Mang had a falling out. After Wang Mang usurped the throne, she was marginalized, but she could still be contacted. A lot of palace stuff.

"Xuan'er, what are your plans in the future?" Wang Ruohua changed the subject and looked at Liu Xuan.

"Of course you are supporting me, the great Han Dynasty. The master is from the Wang family, so he won't stop me, right?"

"No, what happens next?"

"Become an imperial scholar or a doctor, so that you can get along with the master's family day and night."

Wang Ruohua seemed to feel something, and said seriously: "You are a talented person, and your mind is extraordinary. If you only serve as an Imperial College priest, it would be too unfair. You will definitely achieve a great career in the future. I will be granted the title of Marquis." General will leave his name in history."

"Since the master said so, Xuan'er must work hard."

When his memories were brought back to the present, Liu Xuan suddenly burst out laughing. He looked at the calm lake and said softly: "Master, you didn't expect that Xuan'er would not be granted a title of marquis, but become an emperor."

He was extremely happy when he said this, but the sudden flash of light in his eyes was no longer so strong. It seemed that he thought of something, but it dimmed in an instant, with endless sadness.

"It's a pity that you are no longer here. If possible, I hope to trade this emperor for you to live by my side."

"My lord, my lord...your majesty, why are you here?" The man who came had a beard and was tall and strong. He was a general of the Pinglin Army, named Ma Wu, also named Zizhang.

When he saw Liu Xuan turn around, he remembered that Liu Xuan was already the emperor, and quickly changed his words, "Your Majesty, please let me find you easily."

"What's wrong?" Liu Xuan asked unhurriedly.

"Wang Kuang and Zhu Kun have found an emperor's dragon robe. Please try it on to see if it fits you."

Liu Xuan stared at him for a few seconds and said in a neutral tone: "What does it matter whether it's suitable or not? Let them wait."

Liu Xuan said, picked up a stone on the ground and threw it into the lake. It floated four or five times, then turned to look at Ma Wu who was staring at him, and asked: "What's wrong? I don't look like a stone." Emperor?"

Ma Wu said quickly: "Of course not. If others don't know, how can I, my son Zhang, not know that His Majesty has endured so many hardships and endured so many hardships. Now that he ascends the throne, it is his destiny."

Liu Xuan sneered, "Destiny? Even you can say these flattering words to me?"

"What Zizhang said is true. Your Majesty was very resourceful when he was young. Now that he has ascended the throne, he will surely lead us to overthrow the reckless traitors and save the world from the fire."

"In this Han army camp, you are the only one who believes in me, because you are the one who really wants me to be the emperor."

"Your Majesty has not had the opportunity to display his talents before, but in the future he will strategize and lead us to overthrow Xin Mang. He, Liu Boxheng, will naturally surrender willingly."

"You, you think too simply. If I show my talents, can Wang Kuang and the others still make me the emperor?"

At this time, Ma Wu was a little confused and said: "Your Majesty, I don't understand this?"

Liu Xuan said unhurriedly, "Wang Kuang and the others want to support an emperor named Liu so much, not because they want to legitimately fight against Xin Mang, but because they feel that Liu Yan's contributions are getting bigger and bigger, and they can't suppress them anymore." , afraid that more and more people will follow him.

In the future, Wang Kuang and the others will have no place to stand. Since I joined the Ping Lin Army, I have been respectful to them and have no direct lineage of my own. I am always polite when I see them. They think I am a weak and incompetent person. It's just the best and easiest puppet to control. "

Good guy, Liu Xuan has seen through it a long time ago. It has to be said that people who can leave their names in history are not simple people. He knows Wang Kuang's plan very well and is just following the trend.

Ma Wu said quickly, "Then they are blind and cannot see His Majesty's great talent and strategy."

"Hmph," Liu Xuan snorted coldly, "It's best if you can't tell. If you can tell, wouldn't I be the second Liu Yan?"

Ma Wu suddenly realized, "I finally understand. I just said it's no wonder that Your Majesty has never revealed his true temperament before. He is so secretive. Your Majesty, did you know that this day would come?"

"The world is changing. How could I make such a thorough calculation? I originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the Xinmang battle to slowly accumulate and rebuild my team. I did not expect such a result. It was really beyond my expectation. However, since God has given me such an opportunity, I will naturally not let it go. From today on, I, Liu Xuan, am the emperor of the Han Dynasty and the master of the country to which I have been destined."

As Liu Xuan spoke, he opened his arms and seemed to be able to embrace the entire man.

In the first month of the fourth year (23rd year) of Emperor Di Huang, on the first day of February, a mandala was set up on the beach beside Feishui (now the shore of Feishui south of Baihe City, Nanyang, Henan Province) to display troops and hold a general meeting.

Liu Xuan, wearing a crown and a crown, walked towards the altar step by step.

According to the regulations of the Han Dynasty, the emperor's crown was made of jade with twelve rows of crowns.The color of the crown is mainly black.There is a hole on each side of the crown, which is used to insert jade hairpins and tie them with the bun.And tie ribbons on both sides of the hairpin, and tie it under the jaw.

On the two ears of the ribbon, there is also a pearl and jade hanging on each ear, which is called "Yun Er".It is not inserted into the ear, but hung next to the ear to remind the wearer not to listen to slander. This is where the phrase "allow the ear not to hear" comes from.

And according to regulations, anyone who wears a crown must wear a crown.The crown robe consists of a mysterious upper garment and a vermilion lower garment, with seal patterns painted on the upper and lower parts.In addition, there are knee coverings, ribbons, red waistcoats, etc., which form a complete set of clothing.

This uniform system began in the Zhou Dynasty, passed through the Han, Tang, Song, and Yuan dynasties, and continued until the Qing Dynasty, lasting more than 2000 years.

After he finished offering incense, he faced everyone. Everyone knelt down and shouted, "Long live my emperor, long live my emperor."

Both Liu Yan and Liu Xiu were a little unhappy. Liu Xiu knelt down helplessly. Liu Yan gritted his teeth and knelt down too.

From this moment on, the status is decided.

Liu Xuan immediately granted a general amnesty to the whole country, and established the reign title of Gengshi. He appointed all the generals and appointed his uncle Liu Liang as the third elder of the country, Wang Kuang as the Grand Duke of Dingguo, Wang Feng as the Grand Duke of Chengguo, and Zhu Kun as the Grand Sima. Liu Yan was the Great Situ, Chen Mu was the Great Sikong, and the others were all worshiped as Jiuqing or General.

By the lake, Liu Boji was washing clothes, and Li Yi came over. Now he has been appointed as the Five Powerful General, and his status is still higher than Liu Xiu.

At the beginning, after brothers Liu Yan and Liu Xiu raised an army, because their strength was too small, they joined forces with the Green Forest Army. At that time, the Green Forest Army was very powerful, and brothers Liu Yan and Liu Xiu were relatively weak, so Li Yi abandoned the friendship of raising troops together. He began to try his best to please Zhu Tuna and other Green Forest Army generals, and now he has become Liu Xuan's lackey.

"Boji, it's cold here, why are you still washing clothes here?"

He was smiling, but Liu Boji had a cold face.

"You don't need to worry about washing my brother's clothes. You are now the famous Five Power General. How majestic!"

Li Yi smiled and clasped his hands on his chest, "Yes, I am General Wuwei now. Aren't you happy for me, sister Bo Ji?"

Liu Boji said angrily: "It has nothing to do with Boji that you become a marquis or a general. Now that the Liu family is in power, and you, the Li family, are assisting, you are His Majesty's confidant. From now on, your future is limitless."

"Boji, I was the one who persuaded my cousin to join forces with your eldest brother to join forces. Of course I hope your eldest brother can ascend the throne. Now it's just the situation that forces me to do it. I have no choice but to do it. If I really attached to that Liu Xuan, why bother to do it now? It's so cold in your brother's tent, you are thin and your hands are frozen, I'll take you home."

As he spoke, he took action and grabbed Liu Boji's hand. Liu Boji quickly pulled it away, "No, leave."

Li Yi directly grabbed her arm, "Boji, don't you know how I feel about you? I am no longer the son of the Li family who has nothing and my family is ruined. I am now General Wuwei, General Wuwei. My status is no lower than your third brother. If you want to marry me, I will definitely treat you well, promise me."

He said, grabbing Liu Boji's arm tightly with both hands, trying to hold her in his arms, "Shut up, let me go."

"Birky, you have to believe me, I really like you."

The two of them were pulling to the extreme, and he felt like he wanted to use a bully to force the bow. Liu Boji kept struggling, "Crack!"

In desperation, Liu Boji slapped him directly, and Li Yi became angry, "How dare you hit me?"

"If you continue to be so frivolous, I will ask my elder brother to kill you." Liu Boji said and walked away angrily.

At this time, Li Tong came over. He stared at Li Yi coldly and said, "Ji Wen, do you know what you are doing?"

"I just like that girl. What's more, my current official position is not lower than that of Liu Xiu. It wouldn't be an insult to her to marry me."

Li Tong's face became colder and colder, "We had an alliance with Bo Sheng before, but you attached yourself to Li Xuan later. I won't care about you for the time being, but now you are going to provoke Bo Sheng's sister. What do you want to do? "

In response to Li Tong's question, Li Yi yelled, "Liu Yan is just using us. How can he think highly of our Li family? The reason why we join forces with Liu Yan is to comply with the prophecy that the Liu family will be popular and the Li family will be assistants." , now this sentence should be attributed to Liu Xuan, so what’s wrong with me being attached to Liu Xuan? Why is it wrong? "

Li Tong cursed loudly, "That's nonsense. Since ancient times, loyal ministers have not served the two masters. Do you know that doing this will bring shame to us, Li Shi?"

Having already grabbed Li Yi by the collar, Li Yi coldly pulled his hand away and said, "He who knows the current affairs is a hero. Cousin, didn't you also kneel down and worship Liu Xuan and accept his merchant status?" What qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson?
Also, I would like to advise my cousin that if you want to do big things, you have to find the right way. Taking into account the so-called friendship will only get you nowhere. "Li Yi said, turned around and left.

"Ji Wen! Let me advise you to take care of yourself."

Since then, the two brothers have parted ways.

It is said that the main force of the Han army defeated Wancheng. It was extremely strong. Cen Peng fled to Wancheng and defended the city with the front team Er Yanshuo. Liu Yan besieged the city and attacked. It was difficult to capture it for a while, so he changed his strategy and rushed to the new city. Before the main force of the army arrived, they divided their forces to attack. Wang Feng, Wang Chang and Liu Xiuwei led the army north to attack Yingchuan County.

Zhu Jun, Chen Mu, and Li Tong all worked together and led their troops south to block reinforcements.

Wang Feng, Wang Chang, and Liu Xiu went all the way north and successively captured the cities of Dingling, Kunyang, and Yanxian. They were overwhelmingly powerful. Their army was stationed in Kunyang. When they were preparing for the next step, the entire Kunyang was besieged. When Liu Xiu climbed up the city wall, he saw only the densely packed army outside the city. They were all Xinmang's troops. They were boundless and endless, which made people's scalp numb.

Because they were not afraid, in order to form a powerful force to fight against the Han army, Wang Mang specially appointed Sikong Wangyi and Situ Wangxun as commanders, and recruited people who were said to be proficient in the 63 military arts at the time to act as staff officers in the army, and The elder Ju Wuba was appointed as a fortress captain, who was responsible for building forts and raising tigers, leopards, rhinoceros, elephants and other ferocious beasts in the army so that they could be released in battle to shock the enemy.

Each state and county selected their own elite troops, led by the county and Mu Shou personally, and gathered them near Luoyang within a time limit. The number of troops sent to Luoyang from various places reached more than 42, known as a million-strong army.After these troops were concentrated, they began to march towards Yingchuan.In Yingchuan, they reunited with the troops of Yan You and Chen Mao, and then attacked towards Kunyang.

The army traveled thousands of miles, and there was an endless stream of food and grass.

This is the battle that will determine the fate of the Han army, and it will also be the battle that will make Liu Xiu a god. The Battle of Kunyang is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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