Chapter 230 Pig-like teammates
Kunyang City knew that the Green Forest Army, which was surrounded by 42 troops, was basically panicked. The generals quickly gathered together and began to discuss what to do next.

"The Xinmang army is approaching the city and has us surrounded. It's too late to escape now. I think we can only hold on and wait for reinforcements." A junior officer sighed with emotion.

At this time, Wang Feng was sitting at the top. He was the eldest among them all and was named the Grand Duke of Chengguo. Below him sat Zhang Xuan and others, including Liu Xiu.

After the establishment of the new dynasty, on the first day of the first lunar month of the founding year, Wang Mang established a new official system based on the original Western Han Dynasty official system.The focus is on the 27th Duke, the 81th Prince, the [-]th Dafu, and the [-]st Yuanshi.As a result, the central government system underwent major changes, while the local government system changed little.

He also restored five kinds of titles. In the Zhou Dynasty, there were five kinds of titles: duke, marquis, uncle, son and male.

In the Zhou system, the three Dukes (Taishi, Taifu, and Taibao) had eight orders. When leaving the feudal state, one additional order was added, and they were called Shanggong. "Zhou Li·Chun Guan·Dian Ming": "The Lord's nine orders are Bo, and his country, palace, carriage flags, clothes, and etiquette all use nine as the festival."

From this it can be seen that this Grand Duke is almost the highest title that a minister can achieve. Of course, there are also kings, but kings with different surnames have been rare since ancient times.Or it ends badly.

Zhang Xuan said: "Where are the reinforcements coming from? The total troops of Dingling and Lin County, which are closest to here, are only ten or twenty thousand, which is about the same as us. Let alone whether they dare to come to rescue?"

A general suggested, "Wancheng, aren't there 10 elite soldiers besieging the city? Can't they send some to rescue us first?"

"No, Uncle Wen just said that unless General Bosheng attacks Xiawan City, he will be attacked from both sides and the Han army will be in danger. If not, the entire army will be annihilated." The one who spoke was Wang Chang, who had a very big picture view. .

At this time, Zhang Xuan spoke again, "They are in danger, aren't we in danger? How long can these people in the city last with just these grains and grass? Go and take a look, the crowds outside are all Xinmang soldiers. If this attack comes in, will we still be alive?"

I often cursed, "If you are afraid of losing your life, why fight? It's better to surrender as soon as possible and be a grandson."

"Hmph, I would rather be a grandson and save my life than be a fool like you."

"Zhang Xuan, can you say it again?"

"You are just stupid..."

Wang Chang and Zhang Xuan immediately started arguing, and Wang Feng, who was sitting on top, shouted, "Shut up!"

At this time, Liu Xiu, who was sitting below, comforted him and said, "Don't panic, everyone. Although we only have 7000 people, it will be difficult to defeat the enemy, but Kunyang City is strong and thick, easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as we close the door, we will not be able to defeat the enemy." If you go out, you can fight a protracted battle with the enemy."

Zhang Xun naturally did not buy his account and snorted coldly, "Huh, that's very easy to say. There is not enough food and grass in the city, so it can only last for half a month at most."

"The top priority is to take advantage of the enemy's unstable camp, immediately send people to break out, and recruit rescuers from Dingling and Linxian. My elder brother Liu Yan, I predict that Wancheng will be captured within half a month. By then, there will be 10 Han troops. The main force can then withdraw and return to its original position. Once the two reinforcements arrive, we can attack from inside and outside to relieve the siege of Kunyang."

"What General Uncle Wen said makes sense. Lord Cheng, since we can't escape, we might as well stick around and wait for help. Maybe there will be a turn for the better."

Wang Feng sighed, "Oh, this is the only way."

In fact, everyone is a sensible person and more or less knows in their hearts that as far as the Han army is concerned, if it directly abandons Kunyang, the 42 new troops will march to Wancheng and crush Mount Tai. The Han army's main force of [-] people has basically no chance of winning. Wancheng has not yet been broken. They are attacking from inside and outside. If one of them fails, the Xuanhan regime will be destroyed quickly.

This is the worst outcome and the most likely outcome based on common sense.

From the prediction of the overall situation and the analysis of success or failure, sticking to Kunyang is the only strategy for Xuanhan to control the overall situation and survive in death.

Liu Xiu himself knew very well that holding on to Kunyang had a high probability of failure, and the Kunyang defenders were destined to be sacrificed, but there was no other way, being able to sacrifice was already the best option.

The value of the sacrifice of the Kunyang defenders was to buy time for the main force of the Han army to capture Wancheng, or in other words, to buy more time for the main force of the Han army to survive.

It’s all death anyway, so why not die if it’s more valuable?

In fact, he was already determined to die. To put it bluntly, Kunyang was actually a chess piece, nail, and blocking stronghold of Xuan Han. He tried to hold off the new army for a period of time and consume as much strength as possible from the new army. .

"Who will be sent to break out and ask for help?"

At this time, one person's words silenced everyone. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. None of them wanted to accept this job. Good guy, there are 42 troops outside. If we fail to break through, we may have a narrow escape.

At this time, Liu Xiu stood up without hesitation, "Kunyang's life and death depend on foreign aid. Xiu is not talented, so he is willing to leave the city immediately to seek help. If he goes, he will have a narrow escape from death. The danger is unpredictable, so Xiu will not force you and is willing to stay and hold on." In the city, Xiu Wei hopes that everyone will work together to defend Kunyang. In the future, if we can meet each other alive, Xiu will never drink celebratory wine again. Those who are willing to fight against Xiu, Xiu are willing to risk their lives Trust each other."

After Liu Xiu finished speaking, several people stood up and shouted, "I'm going."

"Count me as one."

"The head is gone, just a scar as big as the bowl."

"Now that we have revolted, I am still afraid of death. If I am afraid of death, I will not revolt."

Zong Yi, Li Yi, Deng Chen, Liu Long, Wang Ba, Ma Wu, Zang Gong, Zhao Xi, Fu Jun, Ren Guang and others all stood up, and many others also stood up.

It has to be said that although Li Yi broke up with the Liu Xiu brothers and joined Liu Xuan, he still had courage, otherwise he would not have raised an army in the first place.

"Liu Xiu would like to thank you all, but this time, there should not be too many people to break through. Too many people will easily attract the enemy's attention. Everyone must be highly skilled in martial arts, courageous and strategic, and can be said to be both wise and brave.

Everyone must have a certain prestige, and can even recruit reinforcements based on their own prestige, not just ordinary messengers, so I plan to only bring 12 people.Brothers, we will go to hell together and live and die together. Some generals, Zong Yi, Li Yi, Deng Chen, Liu Long, Wang Ba, Ma Wu, Zang Gong, Zhao Xi, Fu Jun... are you willing to accompany me? ? "

Liu Xiu clasped his fists, a little excited.


"With the total death!"

The people in the hall shouted, and everyone's morale soared.

Death is the only way through the ages. When one person is not afraid of death, that is when miracles sprout. When dozens of people are not afraid of death, that is when miracles begin to grow. When tens of thousands of people are not afraid of death, that is when miracles begin to grow. When miracles blossom and bear fruit.

So, at night, they drank Zhuangxing wine, selected good horses, brought light weapons, short weapons such as bows and arrows and sabers, and secretly left the city gate while it was dark.


The sound of horse hooves was not loud, but it was very rapid. Although there were only 13 people, there was the momentum of thousands of troops.

In the camp outside the city, the soldiers watching from the tower saw them approaching and just wanted to shout something.


The soldier was shot to death by Liu Xiu and others with crossbows.

"Ah ah!"

Liu Xiu's equestrian skills were good. He rode his horse directly over a fence made of sharpened wood, and then hooked the fence with an iron hook. As the horse ran quickly, the fence was dragged away, and then the road was cleared. The 12 people followed in turn.

"Hurry up!"

At this time, the people in the Xinmang military camp were awakened. They ran out with weapons in hand. Unfortunately, it was too dark and they seemed to be unable to see any trace of the enemy.


"Pfft." Galloping and fighting all the way, Liu Xiu and the others were not willing to fight, and it started smoothly. However, there were too many Xinmang people, like ants, gathering together, and it became a bit difficult later.

"Book of the Later Han Dynasty" records: "There were only 9000 people in the city at that time. Xiu envoy Wang Feng and Tingwei General Wang Chang guarded Kunyang. At night, they rode out of the south gate of the city with Wuwei General Li Yi and other thirteen people and collected their troops outside. Shi Mang There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers arriving at the city, but few showmen and others will be able to come."

Although there were several dangers, they finally broke out. A total of 13 people, including Liu Xiu, successfully broke out from the south gate of Kunyang City. What is even more surprising is that these 13 people did not seem to suffer much losses after breaking through the siege.

After rushing out, even Liu Xiu was a little unbelievable. Isn't it too easy?
However, now he could no longer care about this. When he saw that everyone was repairing well, he said: "Let's divide our troops here. Ren Guang, Liu Long and other five generals will go to Yancheng, and the others will follow me to Dingling." ."


After they divided their forces, Deng Chen noticed that there was blood on Liu Xiu's lower abdomen, another medium-deep wound.

"Show, you."

"Brother-in-law, don't say anything. It's okay. What we need now is military morale."



The next day, in the military camp of the Xinmang army, Grand Sikong Wangyi was at the top. In front of him was Situ Wangxun, followed by Yan You, Chen Mao, and other generals.

Yan You is actually quite smart and has good fighting ability. He quickly said: "Da Sikong, someone broke out in Kunyang City overnight. I'm afraid they are going to move reinforcements, so be careful!"

Grand Sikong Wangyi, who was sitting high above, didn't take it seriously, "It's just a dozen or so rats, taking advantage of the gap between my Celestial Army's camp and escaping in confusion, don't worry about it."

Yan You quickly said, "Da Sikong, Wang Feng and Wang Chang of the Kunyang garrison are not the chief thieves to worry about, but the two brothers Liu Yan and Liu Xiu know the art of war and should not underestimate the enemy.

Especially Liu Xiu. I met him several times when he was studying at Chang'an Imperial College. He was an extraordinary person with unique insights and courage. "

Wang Xun on the side laughed, "The thieves guarding Kunyang are Wang Chang and Wang Feng, Liu Xiu is not a worry, and our army is dozens of times larger than theirs. We can capture Kunyang in just one day and night." "

Wang Yi also said: "Yes, soldiers and horses from various counties are coming in a steady stream now. I have ordered all the ministries to surround the surroundings and form hundreds of camps. I want to surround this small Kunyang and completely block it. Even if The rebel reinforcements have arrived, and I will annihilate them together under Kunyang City."

Yan You disagreed, "Da Sikong, although Kunyang City is small, it is strong. If the bandit army holds the city and defends it, we may not be able to attack it for a while. Besides, Wancheng has been fighting fiercely for a long time. The defender will Cen Peng's troops are exhausted and short of food. Seeing that the general is stupid, he should go to the rescue as soon as possible and cooperate with Cen Pengli to defeat the main force of the Han army in one fell swoop. By then, Kunyang City will be destroyed without attack."

I have to say that his eyesight is extremely good, but it's a pity that he can't lead him when he encounters a pig-headed general.

"Huh," Wang Yi snorted coldly and said, "General Yan, the army has just been stationed near Kunyang City. Why don't you fight to take a detour? Are you in such a hurry to go to Wancheng to avenge the Battle of Tuoyang?"

"Sikong, Your Majesty ordered us to rescue Wancheng as soon as possible. It is useless to waste time in Kunyang. Please think again, Great Situ and Great Sikong."

"General Yan, Your Majesty not only ordered me and Da Situ to rescue the threat of Wancheng, but also ordered us to annihilate the rebel army, boost the morale of our new army, and promote the majesty of our dynasty. With my millions of soldiers and 63 counselors, even one If we can't capture the small city of Kunyang, won't we make everyone in the world laugh at it, and His Majesty Ning will be fooled? What do you think, Great Situ?"

Wang Xun said: "That's what Da Sikong said, General Yan, after all the camps have been deployed, start attacking the city immediately."


Yan You could only sigh helplessly and lead his people to attack the city.

The next day, everything was ready. Wang Yi ordered 42 troops to surround Kunyang. Because there were too many people and the city was too small, dozens of people were surrounded, like rolls of tape. The camps were densely packed, large and small. There are more than a hundred of them. The camp is filled with dust, the flags cover the field, and the sound of drums and drums shakes for hundreds of miles...

Wang Yi looked down from the watchtower of Daying and saw the clouds driving away and embracing the sea. It was so spectacular that it made people's hearts tremble and their breath stop.
There are more than a thousand cloud chariots scattered outside the camp. The chariots are more than ten feet high, overlooking the city, with unobstructed views. The flag bearers stand on top of them and wave the command chess to direct the troops to attack the weak points. There are also countless archers and crossbowmen, condescendingly heading into the city. Shooting arrows, thousands of arrows pierce the sky in an instant, covering the sky and the sun, and bursts of arrows seem to be rapidly alternating between day and night...

They dug tunnels, used rams and boxcars to attack the city, and concentrated all their crossbows to fire wildly into the city. Arrows poured out like rain.

The soldiers and civilians in the city were not allowed to go out. Even when they went out to fetch water, they had to hold the door panels above their heads to prevent being hit by arrows. The battle was extremely difficult.

There is a record of this passage in the "Book of Han": "The siege was dozens of layers, hundreds of camps were lined up, and clouds and chariots were more than ten feet long. Looking at the city, flags covered the field, dust filled the sky, and the sound of drums and drums could be heard for hundreds of miles. Or it was a tunnel, rushing into the city. The accumulated crossbows were fired wildly, and the arrows fell like rain, and the city was filled with water."

"Da Sikong, this is the surrender letter from the city guards. They want to surrender."

When the battle was at its most difficult, guard Wang Feng and others wavered for a time and begged Wang Yi to surrender without any additional conditions. They just wanted to survive. There was no other way. The attack was too fierce.

The Mang soldiers were so numerous that they could attack the city in batches in order to ensure adequate rest. However, the Han soldiers could only turn around and not let up for a moment. The fierce attack made the whole Kunyang groan and tremble, as if the sky might collapse at any time. , the sky fell and the earth collapsed, and the world was destroyed.

Everything gives people the impression that the enemy's attack is fierce and beyond imagination; the enemy's momentum is unheard of; the enemy's army is powerful and invincible.

Nowadays, the little Kunyang is like a small boat full of holes. When placed in the endless sea of ​​campfires on all sides, it feels that it may be swallowed up at any time. Who can not feel fear and despair?
They had no choice but to surrender. They couldn't see any hope. Only Liu Xiu could give them some hope, but it was too small, like a big pie. Whether he could break out or not was still unknown.

When Wang Yi saw the surrender letter, he shouted happily, "Rebels are rebels. Since they rebelled, just wash their necks and wait."

Wang Yi and Wang Xun believed that conquering Kunyang was just around the corner, and they were not allowed to surrender, otherwise it would not be regarded as a great achievement. Therefore, they were determined to conquer Kunyang.

"What? That's too much."

When Wang Feng heard the news, she was very helpless. This was completely giving her no way to survive.

Wang Chang had already expected this result, "Look, let me tell you, from the moment of the uprising, it was destined that we and Xinmang could not coexist. Let's fight to the death. A real man, even if he is wrapped in horse leather, what should he fear?"

Wang Yi and Wang Xun's refusal made the defenders realize that they could only survive by holding on desperately and waiting for reinforcements, so they fought even more tenaciously against the new army.

What was even more stupid was that Wang Yi said: "Slaughter this city, march forward with blood, sing and dance, don't worry about evil." The Han army, which had no hope, exploded with huge potential, and the Han soldiers and civilians in the city stood side by side. During the battle, the Xinmang army's strong attacks were repelled time and time again.

At this time, Yan You saw that it was difficult to capture Kunyang in a short period of time, so he suggested to Wang Yi: "The art of war says that siege should be left open. We should let the enemies of Kunyang escape a little, so that they can spread the news of the failure to shock Wanwan. Enemy of the city."

Instead, Wang Yi cursed loudly, "I was about to massacre this city to show off the power of the empire and to shock the world, but you wanted to let the bandits escape. What's your intention? What benefits did the rebels give you?"

Relying on his abundant troops and sufficient food, he occupied an absolutely dominant position. He once again rejected Yan You's suggestion and continued to intensify his attack on Kunyang.

Yan You was helpless, shook his head and went out. He seemed to see the future of the New Mang Empire and his own future, and burst into tears.

No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot lead a pig.

Regarding what Wang Yi did, Zhuge Liang shook his head when he saw it. Even if Han Xin came, he would be defeated. He couldn't take him with him. He really couldn't take him with him.

But is he really that stupid?
At night, Wang Yi looked at the sky and murmured to himself: "Tu Kunyang was ordered by His Majesty. How could Your Majesty give such an order? Is it to deter the Han army?"

It took a million troops dozens of days to massacre a small town with nearly [-] defenders. Even if they massacred them all, what would be the point of showing their power?

That's all, His Majesty said whatever he said. He also said that if reinforcements attack, they should stand still to prevent fraud, attract their army to attack, and then annihilate them all. Is this really the case? "

He held the secret edict and looked at the sky, a little distracted. He felt that Wang Mang seemed to have changed, but he could let Wang Mang die. "Since your Majesty said so, then let's do it."

The pig may not have been a pig at first. It was because someone raised him in captivity and restrained him, so he became a pig.

(End of this chapter)

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