The great man will live forever

Chapter 27 Running Too Fast

Chapter 27 Running Too Fast

The longer I wait, the more unbearable it becomes. At this moment, time seems to pass very slowly.

"Are you nervous?"

Wei Qing seemed to be able to see through Liu Han's heart. He stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

Liu Han touched the hilt of the sword vigorously and said: "Some, the lives of 2 troops are in my hands. It would be a lie to say I am not afraid, but I believe them."

"It's okay, I'm afraid it's normal. In the fifth year of Yuanguang, His Majesty ordered us to go on an expedition. At that time, I was still a cavalry general and only 26 years old.

We attacked in four directions. I went out from Shanggu, the cavalry general Gongsun Ao went out from Daijun, the light chariot general Gongsun He went out from Yunzhongbei, and the brave cavalry general Li Guang went out from Yanmen.

The four generals each led [-] cavalry and took the initiative to attack the Huns.

I was also scared at that time. Although I was excited, I was always trembling with fear and did not dare to be careless because I knew that as a general, if I was negligent or careless, I would cause heavy casualties to my soldiers...

At that time, I ran for hundreds of miles and went deep into the Dragon City, the holy place for the Huns to worship the heavens. In the vast desert, there was endless yellow sand all over the sky. Sometimes I even lost my way. Tens of thousands of people were eating, drinking and sleeping, and my heart was in a state of confusion...

I didn't dare to fall asleep too deeply at night, for fear of what might happen, and the sword never left my body...

So, it is very difficult to be a general, but a man must stand upright. I believe you can do it. Aren't I still here? "

Wei Qing rarely said a lot of words, mostly to comfort Liu Han.

Liu Han looked at him and smiled. He was also conquered by Wei Qing's charisma. He spoke very plainly.

He, Wei Qing, was one of the two great men of the Han Dynasty. He was also afraid of the scornful general, so it was normal for him, Liu Han, to be afraid.

A strong person with integrity is not without fear, but continues to move forward with fear.

There are no natural heroes in this world. As long as you live your life, you will have difficulties, and when there are difficulties, there will be obstacles.

You will start to be afraid of all the obstacles that stand in your way.When you feel fearful and unable to bear the pain, you should also realize that the time has come to decide your fate.

Because fear is not negative, in fact it is the beginning of a person's true strength and the starting point of becoming a hero.

People who don't know how to fear don't know what difficulties are, and they can't overcome them.

Only those who know how to fear can arouse their own strength.Only those who know how to fear can have the courage to overcome fear.Only those who understand the horror of fear can transcend it, and those who conquer it are heroes.

A true hero is one who fears and overcomes fear.The key lies only in the moment of fear, whether you choose to defeat it or avoid it. The dividing line in life is here. If you cross this step, you are a hero, and if you take this step back, you are a coward.

"Thank you, General. I, the big man, will win this battle!"

"The big man will win!"


"General, we found Hun soldiers, about 5 miles away from us. There are about 4500 people. I don't know the details. The sky is a little dark and I can't see clearly."

The spies came to report that Xin Zhao finally arrived.

"Take all the spies back and tell everyone to prepare for battle. Follow the orders in advance. Anyone who dares to retreat will be killed without mercy!"


On the other side, at the other end of the valley, Zhao Xin and his soldiers walked some distance. When they were only about one kilometer away from Liu Han, the Huns' spies finally saw the flag of the Han army.

Liu Han also thought about ambush on the mountain peak, but it was too steep for the cavalry to climb and there was not enough time.

"Your Majesty, there are Han troops in front." The Huns soldiers shouted.

"Impossible, they came down from the sky?" Zhao Xin didn't believe it.

He immediately rode forward and was only 500 meters away from the Han army.

Wei Qing also rode forward and shouted, "Is it the traitor Zhao Xin? This general has been waiting here for a long time. If you have the guts, please let your horse come over."

Wei Qing's voice was extremely loud and spread far and wide.

"General, you're alright, see you later, retreat!"

Xin Zhao saw something was wrong and immediately retreated.

"Xiong Da, chase me, the other echelons follow, kill!"

Liu Han did not expect that Xin Zhao would be so decisive, and quickly asked his soldiers to catch up. Unfortunately, the mountain road was narrow and they could only form a long snake, so the advantage of their troops could not be fully utilized.


"Xin Zhao, are you scared? Don't you have the courage? You don't even dare to fight, but you run away when you encounter me?"

Liu Han shouted and asked the soldiers to shout at the same time.

"I was so scared that I peed my pants."

"A coward who only dares to run."


A Hun soldier finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "General, if we don't fight, I don't think the other side is elite. Although we are small in number, we are all elite."

"I'm not afraid, but if we are cut off, we are small in number and go deep alone, and there is a risk of being surrounded."

It must be said that Xin Zhao's judgment on the battlefield is quite astonishing. If he tried to run hard at this time, he might not be able to catch up with Li Guang and the others who were ambushing him now.

"Our attack this time is about suddenness. It has been discovered by the Han army, so it will have no effect. It is better to withdraw and preserve our strength."



As a result, the Xiongnu army retreated desperately, with the Han army chasing after them.Wei Qing and Liu Han were in the middle of the team, leading soldiers to pursue him, "Liu Han, this Zhao Xin may have guessed that we might send someone to cut off his retreat, so he is trying to retreat."

"Oh, I'm afraid that General Li Guang won't have time to reach Feiyingjian. He was too decisive and turned around and ran away. Is he born in the year of Rabbit?"

Liu Han was speechless and could only chase after him...

After about half an hour,

"Since the king, we have been attacking all night, and the horses are tired. Most of the Han army is waiting for work, and I am afraid it won't take long to catch up."

Looking at the Han army getting closer and closer, several Xiongnu generals said worriedly.

Xin Zhao hesitated slightly and said: "In this way, leave 300 people behind and tell them that their families will be rewarded heavily when they return."

"Why don't we fight back directly? The mountain road is narrow and their strength advantage is not obvious."

"No, this is the territory of the Han army. Once there is a battle, we will not be able to deal with them for a while. They will probably call for reinforcements and cut off our retreat, and our entire army will be annihilated."


"After the last 300 people die, Kunlun God will bless you."

The three hundred Huns behind them had despair in their eyes, but the military orders were like mountains. If they did not carry out the orders, their wives and children in the Xiongnu grasslands would be punished.


After a while, the vanguard of the Han army met the Xiongnu rearguard.

Although the Han army had an absolute advantage in numbers, it was unable to exert its influence on the narrow mountain roads.
Every Hun cavalryman is an elite choice. Their armor is reflecting the moonlight, and they are as majestic as cold-blooded killers.


As the battle broke out, the battlefield quickly boiled into flames. The cavalry from both sides came towards each other, and their screams made a thunderous noise.The sharp swords intertwined, and the thunder-like clash of swords echoed in the dark night, full of the breath of death.

The cavalry fought bravely to kill the enemy, and the sound of armor scraping, the sound of horse hooves, and shouts mixed together to form a piece of music that stirred up fighting spirit.


"my leg!"

"my eyes!"


The Hun cavalry in the rear withstood the fierce attack of Liu Han and Wei Qing. They formed a solid front and did not flinch.

It was just a confrontation, and it could be seen that the Han army was actually in decline.

"Those who retreat will be killed without mercy."


"The second echelon dismounted, circled around the mountain, and surrounded them from behind."

Liu Han kept issuing orders. After the initial panic and fear, the Han army advanced steadily, and the pressure from the Huns came.

The 300 Xiongnu cavalry have their beards and hair spread out, like a violent storm coming from the grassland.

Each of their warriors is an elite in war, and their integration with the sword has become an instinct.

Wearing heavy iron armor and holding a sharp spear, he has a fierce face and cold eyes, as if he comes from another cruel world.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. There are only a few hundred of them, and there are tens of thousands of people behind us."

The few Han soldiers who were fighting in front felt relieved when they looked at the people behind them.


Some Han troops dismounted, held torches, groped through the surrounding steep mountains, and attacked the Xiongnu soldiers from both sides.

Two or three people work together to deal with the Huns soldiers.

If the mountain road was not too narrow, they could besiege a Hun soldier with dozens of people.

"Those who surrender will not be killed."

After burning incense, almost all the 300 Xiongnu soldiers were lost, and only a few chose to surrender.



"Killed 289 enemies and captured 11."

Liu Han asked: "Where are our casualties?"

The soldier was a little embarrassed to speak, so he could only bite the bullet and said: "There are about 600 casualties, and there are no specific statistics yet."

Liu Han was speechless. The casualties were twice as many as others.

Wei Qing patted him on the shoulder and said, "This is the first battle. It's okay to have such a result. These should be the protective cavalry of the Xiongnu Chanyu. They are the most elite."

"Leave 200 people behind to clear the battlefield and take care of the wounded, while the others continue to pursue!"


Although he continued to chase, Liu Han felt that there was little hope. He thought he could wipe out all Xin Zhao's soldiers, but he was overjoyed in vain and suffered 600 casualties. It was incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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