The great man will live forever

Chapter 28 Somewhat cowardly

Chapter 28 Somewhat cowardly
In Ganquan Palace, Liu Che was sleeping soundly.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

At this time, a eunuch hurriedly walked in and slowly woke up Liu Che.

"what happened?"

"Zhao Ponu has brought five thousand soldiers from Huben Camp to Ganquan Palace."

Liu Che's face was solemn and he asked doubtfully: "Why is he here? I didn't let him come? Let him come in. I want to see what he is going to do. Do you want to force him into the palace?"

Zhao Ponu worriedly handed the sword to the imperial guards, hurriedly walked in, and knelt on the ground.

"Zhao Ponu, in the middle of the night, without asking for instructions or reporting, privately mobilized troops to surround Ganquan Palace. What are you going to do? Do you want to rebel?"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. The traitor Zhao Xin led thousands of cavalry along the Eagle Stream path and attacked Ganquan Palace. When the general learned about it, he was in a hurry and rushed to my camp with General Li Guang and his personal guards, hoping to mobilize the troops. , go to Bailangfa to snipe Xin Zhao.

I was unwilling at first, so the general took out the tiger talisman, and Liu Han took it. He said that the situation was urgent, and the general was outside, and the military order was not obeyed. He took the tiger talisman and ordered me to lead 5000 people to protect your majesty. He and the general He led 20000 men to Bailangfa to stop Zhao Xin, while General Li Guang led 5000 men to Eagle Stream to cut off Zhao Xin's retreat. "

Liu Che frowned slightly, "Are you sure? There is such a path, Yunling Ten Thousand Mountains, where not even a bird can fly out?"

"I don't know the details, but the general said it."

"Did you just believe his words?"

Zhao Ponu just kowtowed and did not dare to speak. Liu Che was obviously angry.

"Go and find Liu Han, Wei Qing, and Li Guang for me."



At Yingying Jian, Li Guang arrived here sweating profusely. They took the rugged path in the mountains. In order to rush here, they had already put the horses outside, leaving only a hundred people to guard the horses.

"General, report, the Huns army has been spotted a few miles away and is retreating here."

"Okay, stop them at all costs."

"But we are infantry now and have no horses."

"Go up the mountain, look down from a high place, use arrows or gravel, and leave 500 people in front to block it."


Li Guang seemed more excited. If Zhao Xin was completely annihilated, he would probably be granted the title of Marquis. Before Zhao Xin surrendered to the Huns, he was a marquis. Now that he has surrendered to the Huns, his status is higher and lower than that of the Xiongnu chanyu.

Catch him or kill him, and as soon as Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is happy, he will be promoted and make a fortune, and his wish of becoming a marquis may come true.

On the other side, the Huns' spies also discovered them.

"Since the second king, the Eagle Stream is guarded by Han troops."


Xin Zhao's face changed drastically and he began to turn pale. What he was most worried about happened.

"how many people?"

"There should be thousands of people, but none of them have horses."

Hearing that there were no horses, only a few thousand people, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It should have come over the mountains. Without horses, they can't catch up with us."

"Pass my military order, kill them at all costs, be quick, hurry up and rush over."



Watching the Huns riding over, Li Guang commanded,

"Hold on, hold on."

"Fire arrows!"

There was a shower of arrows, accompanied by rolling stones, but unfortunately they didn't bring many bows and arrows.

"Ah!" Dozens of Hun soldiers fell off their horses.

"Don't worry about this, rush over, they have few arrows."

Zhao Ponu took the lead. He knew that once they were entangled and Liu Han's army came after them, they would have no chance to escape. If they failed, the whole army would be annihilated.

"Hold it all, there are pursuers behind, kill!"

Li Guang led hundreds of people to block the attack in front of them. They were naturally afraid when they saw the enemy charging towards them on horseback.

"Too bad there's no spear."

He sighed. For the sake of speed and convenience, many powerful weapons could not be brought over.

The Hun cavalry rushed over on horseback with great momentum. Many soldiers who had never been on the battlefield flinched unconsciously when they saw this scene.

"Those who dare to retreat will be killed without mercy!"

"Rush me!"

When they met face to face, the Han army was almost defeated. Fortunately, there were rolling stones and flying arrows on the mountains on both sides to support them. Otherwise, these hundreds of Han troops might not be able to withstand it.


Shouts, screams, and sounds of fighting echoed in the ravine, and the sky gradually became brighter.
"The traitor Xin Zhao, come and fight!"

"Oh!" Li Guang chopped off the leg of a Hun soldier's horse. The Hun soldier fell off his horse and was killed by several Han soldiers. Li Guang was covered in blood and roared.

"Come on!" "Pfft!"

Zhao Xin pierced a Han soldier on horseback, picked him up high, and then dropped him heavily.


The two looked at each other, their eyes full of fighting intent.

In the canyons of the ancient mountains, a wonderful fight is taking place.

The protagonists of this duel are Xin Zhao and Li Guang, both of whom are world-famous generals.

Li Guang, the flying general, even though he is over 50 years old, can walk as fast as flying, wears armor, and has strong martial arts skills.

Zhao Xin rode his horse and rode vigorously through the undulating mountains, while Li Guang walked in the canyon with vigorous steps and a bright gaze.


Zhao Xin carried a spear, and Li Guang carried a sword.

Xin Zhao waved the spear in his hand, attacking like lightning, trying to find Li Guang's flaws, but Li Guang used his agility to quickly dodge every attack.

Because he had no horses, Li Guang fell into a disadvantage and was in danger several times, but he was experienced and escaped time and time again.

Li Guang used his keen observation and quick reaction ability to accurately predict Xin Zhao's next move.

Xin Zhao thought calmly and quickly adjusted his tactics. He took the lead and went straight to Li Guang's vital points. He crossed his horse and attacked Li Guang continuously.

Li Guang's movement was as agile as burning flames, and he used his skilled swordsmanship to resolve Xin Zhao's attacks one by one.

The fight continued, and for a while the valley echoed with the sound of metal clashing.

The two are agile and precise in their moves, showing a superb level of both offense and defense.

Their spirits were as sharp as arrows, and their fighting spirit was as high as blazing flames, as if they were at the peak of war.

Time gradually passed, and the two of them became more and more courageous as they fought. Zhao Xin and Li Guang moved their hands and feet faster and faster, and their moves became more fierce. Every blow aroused a spark.

Their breathing and the sound of clashing weapons intertwined to form a fierce symphony.

However, in this seemingly evenly matched duel, Xin Zhao suddenly found a chance. He cleverly changed the direction of his attack and quickly stabbed Li Guang.

Li Guang instantly felt the crisis. He jumped up and turned the crisis into an opportunity. He rolled and chopped Xin Zhao's horse on the butt.

"Shut up!"

The horse jumped wildly, and Xin Zhao almost fell off the horse. He broke into a cold sweat. If he fell off the horse, he would probably get cold.

"Everyone, please don't fight and rush over."


After all, it was the first time for the Huben camp to go to the battlefield, and they gave up their horses. Unable to resist, the Hun soldiers rushed over.


"Hurry up and follow me!"

Li Guangda roared and was about to kill him with his sword. He did not blame Hu Benying. In the first battle, he was able to fight like this with the elite Huns' cavalry. It was considered good. Even if his soldiers came to fight, it would not be bad. It's just maybe slightly better than this.

"Stop chasing." Baldhead pulled him forcefully.

"General Li, we don't have horses, so we can't catch up."

"What a pity. It's a great opportunity. If we give them more time, we can prepare an ambush and get enough arrows and equipment, we will definitely be able to stop them."

Li Guang had no choice but to stop, pat his thigh and sigh.

"Clean the battlefield!"

By the time Liu Han and Wei Qing arrived, it was already completely bright, and the sun was rising slowly, shining on the land.

"How is it?" Wei Qing asked first.

"The Huns suffered 500 casualties, and our casualties were 1032." Li Guang roughly described the battle scene. He even almost captured Xin Zhao alive, but only Xin Zhao fell. Li Guang felt that with his martial arts, he had a chance to retain him. he.

"Well, in this battle, Xin Zhao is too cunning and can run faster than a rabbit."

Liu Han was very depressed. Based on this statistics, Bailangfa's 600 to 300, plus Yingjian's 1032 to 500, his side suffered more than 1600 casualties, while the enemy only suffered more than 800 casualties. Two to one, as promised. Han is the fifth knight, why can't he do it when he comes to me?
Wei Qing patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Don't be too burdened. I saw that the people dispatched this time were all elites. I felt like the cavalry beside Yi Zhixie. It is said that they were all selected from the elite cavalry. Yes, there were only a few thousand people, and after all, it was the first time for the Huben Army to fight against the Huns.

The first time I fought, in the Battle of Dragon City, there were only 700 prisoners. At that time, I led an army of [-]. "

Although he said this, he and Huo Qubing beheaded more than 800 Huns with 2000 people. This time, it took more than 2 people to behead 800 Huns. In this comparison, the gap is too big, and the attack was too cowardly.

He finally understood the truth that not everyone is Huo Qubing, there is only one Huo Qubing, and he is right there, shining in the annals of history forever!

Liu Han hadn't been depressed for long when a headache came up.

"Report, General, Your Majesty has urgently summoned you, the General, and General Li to have an audience."

Liu Han suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and Wei Qing also had a livid face.

"This time, it's all my responsibility. I used the tiger charm to mobilize you."

What a good boss, one person took all the blame.

Although Liu Han wanted to offend his boss, he felt it was unloyal.
"How can it be the general's fault? This is an emergency, and we have no choice but to do so. If Zhao Xin arrives at Ganquan Palace without your notice, the consequences will be serious. We are doing it for His Majesty, and I believe he will understand."

"Take the head of the Huns and return to the camp. Leave the spies here to detect at any time to prevent the Huns from returning with their carbines."


(End of this chapter)

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