The great man will live forever

Chapter 39 Battle of Hexi

Chapter 39: The Battle of Hexi (Third and One Road push across the board)
This time in the battle of Hexi, the five kingdoms were defeated in six days, and Hu Chen was shocked for thousands of miles.

To put it simply, there are only a few that can be beaten, and they are simply devastating, just like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

Liu Han and Huo Qubing set out from Longxi County, which is now the Tianshui area of ​​Gansu Province.

They followed the Tao River into the main stream of the Yellow River, then turned northeast and arrived at Jincheng, which is now Lanzhou City.

Cross the Yellow River from here, and then head northwest along the opposite river, which is today's Zhuanglang River, with the goal of being the Hexi Corridor.

There are two main forces in the Hexi Corridor, King Xiutu in the east and King Hunxie in the west. Each of them controls many small tribes.

Wei Qing had gone through two major battles before. First, King Youxian of the Xiongnu suffered heavy losses, and secondly, the main force of the Xiongnu Chanyu Yi Zhixie was forced to retreat to the Mobei grassland.

It goes without saying that the Hexi Corridor became the most important goal of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Zhang Qian had already made a detailed report to Huo Qubing and Liu Han of the Han Dynasty on the topography and tribal conditions here.

They followed the Zhuanglang River Valley to Wushaoling, which is located in Tianzhu County, Gansu Province. Because the mountains formed a gap here, it became an important traffic artery into the Hexi Corridor, so Wushaoling was called The gateway to the Hexi Corridor.

They crossed Wushaoling and entered the Gulang River Basin, which was occupied by the Xiongnu tribe.

This time is early spring, the time when cattle, sheep and horses breed.

The tribesmen of the Tuopu tribe were busy giving birth to lambs and grazing, and they did not realize that the war was very close to them.

After arriving here, Huo Qubing appointed Zhao Ponu as the vanguard and only led 600 cavalry to attack. King Pu Pu had no time to summon his tribesmen and could only lead hundreds of people around him to rush to the battle.

With only 600 people, they beheaded the king of Dunpu and captured the entire tribe of Dunpu. This tribe also faded from the stage of history.

Huo Qubing did not take prisoners and urged the army to advance, and Liu Han also agreed.

"We are going to fight quickly this time. Don't give the Huns time to react. Otherwise, the Huns have 20 troops in this land. Once they gather together, we will be surrounded. If one of them fails, the whole army will be annihilated."

Liu Han laughed and said, "Yes, we will fight a blitzkrieg."

I have to say that fighting with Huo Qubing can be described in one word as "refreshing". In two words, it can be described as "very exciting". In three words, it can be described as "very exciting".

"Blitzkrieg, this is well said. We are going to defeat their main force and leaders quickly like lightning. Everything else is just minutiae. Without the leaders and those kings, they are just a mess."

Later, Huo Qubing and Liu Han led the army to continue westward and came to the Zashui River Basin.

Zashui River is a tributary of Shiyang River, and the Qiemo tribe rules here.

The Qiemo tribe was originally a large tribe, but tens of thousands of people had followed the Dayue clan and moved to the Western Regions. They were called the Qiemo tribe of the Western Regions, near what is now Qiemo County in Xinjiang.

Today, there are only more than [-] people left here, known as Hexi Qiemo. They are too weak and had already fled before the Han army arrived.

Huo Qubing did not pursue them, "There is no need to pursue them. We are pressed for time. The most important thing is King Xiutu and King Hunxie."

Liu Han nodded, "That's right. If you want to fight, fight big ones. Why don't you take a break? We have only been here for a few days and we have already traveled hundreds of miles. Two hundred miles a day."

"We can't rest. Once the enemy reacts, gathers tribes and forms a large army, we will be passive."

"Okay, I'm afraid your body won't be able to bear it."

To be honest, Liu Han felt like he couldn't stand it any longer and kept traveling day and night. Fortunately, he didn't encounter any big tribes so far, so he didn't have to fight in person, otherwise it would have been even more difficult.

However, whenever he felt that he couldn't stand it any longer and was a little tired, his body seemed to have a breath of air that dispersed throughout his body, and he was full of strength. Since he was on the road every day, he didn't have time to think about it. He just regarded it as a sign of being young, strong, and recovering quickly. .

"I'm okay, I'm just afraid of you." Liu Han became more and more suspicious that Huo Qubing was exhausted and overtaxed his body in advance.

"Forget it, let's go, the worst is to die on horseback." Reluctantly, they continued westward along the Qilian Mountains and came to the territory of the Khotan tribe.

"MoDan, you ran so fast and ran away again. Why don't you fight?"

Liu Han was speechless when he saw the tribe with almost no people and some cattle and horses that could not be taken away.

Seeing that they could not win, Dangtian's tribe actually fled to Lenglong Ridge in advance.

"Keep going, it's a small tribe, pass on the order, those who surrender will be pardoned, and those who don't surrender will be killed without mercy."

After eating some cattle and horses, they also took some with them, and continued walking until they came to the Tuge tribe.

Tugebu is a small tribe under the control of King Xiutu, and the leader of the tribe is King Xiutu's son.

He led more than a thousand people to fight. After a battle and losing dozens of people, they withdrew towards King Xiutu's royal city.

King Tuge's intention was very simple. He wanted to lead the Han army to the vicinity of the royal city, and then work with King Xiutu to encircle and annihilate the Han army.

"Stop, don't pursue!"

Liu Han wanted to chase him, but finally met someone who could fight a little. He had to fight anyway. The enemy ran away before I even exerted my strength. How could he be willing to do so.

Huo Qubing explained, "In front of us is the royal city of King Xiutu. I'm worried that King Xiutu has known about our arrival in advance and has assembled his troops and horses to wait for us. Once we go, they will attack us from both inside and outside, entangle us, and then from If soldiers and horses are gathered in various places to besiege us, we will be in trouble."

"What should I do?"

Liu Han once again realized the gap between him and Huo Qubing, and he swelled. This was something he had not considered.

Starting from Longxi County, it only took them a few days to wipe out the Tupu tribe and sweep away the three tribes of Qiemo, Dangtian and Tu.

Along the way, I saw people either collapse, surrender, or run away. They were simply invincible. Who wouldn't feel inflated?

But Huo Qubing didn't, he calmly analyzed the situation.

"If we don't go to the Xiutu tribe, whatever the enemy wants us to do, we can't let him get what he wants. We have to surprise them and continue westward to sweep away other tribes."

"it is good!"

So Liu Han and Huo Qubing did not pursue Tu various tribes, but chose to continue westward and came to the south of Yanzhi Mountain.

There are two tribes here, namely the Zhelan tribe and the Luhou tribe, but they also fled without stopping before the Han army arrived.

"I went, why did I run away again, leaving so many cattle and horses behind, and they didn't want them anymore?"

Liu Han was speechless. He was running a bit fast. Are you born in the year of the rabbit?
"It's okay. I have a hunch that there is a big battle waiting for us ahead. We are about to arrive at the Hunxie Department. King Hunxie may think that we are fighting with King Xiutu, but he never thought that we have already arrived at his place."

It must be said that Huo Qubing had a very strong premonition.

The Hunxie tribe is the most powerful tribe in the Hexi Corridor. The royal city is located on the west bank of the Qianggu River. It was built by the Yuezhi people when they controlled the Hexi Corridor. It is called Zhaowu City.

This city is 2210 meters long from north to south, 1580 meters wide from east to west, and about 3.5 meters high. It has two layers, inside and outside.

The first important war since the expedition was coming, and Liu Han couldn't hold it back anymore.

 Today I don’t want to code anymore, I just want to read novels. There is a novel that I read one day and it was very interesting. I didn’t finish it several times at first. I forced myself to read 30 chapters. I found it was so interesting that I stopped at all. It won’t stop. Although it’s a bit slow to heat up, it’s really good to watch. Be patient. You can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry. I recommend everyone to watch it!
  When I saw the single chapter posted by the author, I realized that the early data was really poor. After more than 100 chapters, there were only more than 600 collections. He began to complain and felt that he couldn't hold it anymore. Fortunately, he persisted. Seeing his current The results were second in the monthly vote list and first in Xianxia. It felt like tears filled my eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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