The great man will live forever

Chapter 40 Battle of Hexi

Chapter 40 The Battle of Hexi (Four Surprises)

In the palace of King Hunxie, King Hunxie is sitting on the throne, and the representative of the Xiongnu Chanyu, Ri Hui, is sitting on the other side.

Suddenly, a soldier came to report,
"Report, according to the spies, a Han army has wiped out the Dunpu tribe, wiped out the three tribes of Qiemo, Dangtian, and Tu, and defeated King Zhelan and King Luhou. Now they are missing, and they are suspected to be attacking. Our royal city is approaching."

Ri Hui was shocked, "How is it possible? It's only been a few days, so many tribes have been wiped out?"

The soldier nodded, "Yes, this Han army moves quickly, is lightly armed and simple, covering up and killing all the way, and is extremely sharp."

King Hunxie asked, "What kind of tactic is this? Like lightning, King Xiutu's [-]-strong army can't resist them?"

The soldier replied: "I don't know, it's possible that they bypassed King Xiutu's territory, and the outpost general said that the Han army's fighting style this time was very different from the past.

They didn't just want to occupy the territory, and they didn't want the baggage troops in the rear. They came and went like the wind, advancing like a hurricane, and the various tribes along the way were unable to resist. "

King Hunxie cursed and his face turned red, "Asshole, this King Xiutu is so incompetent that he allowed the Han army to pass through his territory? He has 10,000+ followers."

He was furious and felt bad in his heart.

"Did he intentionally bring disaster to my territory and cause me heavy losses so that he could annex me and dominate Hexi?"

In fact, there was no peace within the Xiongnu. They always respected the strong, and the kings of each tribe acted very strongly.

If the Xiongnu royal court was weak that day, many tribal kings would probably want to pounce on him and take a bite.

Ri Meng said quickly: "King Hunxie, calm down. Now is not the time to talk about this. We must unite. The Han army has been fighting for days. I think they are exhausted now and are at the end of their war effort. You must summon the army immediately and try to annihilate them all. "

So King Hunxie immediately sent people to gather a large army to protect the royal city.

Unfortunately, he never expected that because Huo Qubing's army was marching too fast, Huo Qubing had almost reached the bottom of his city wall before his army could gather.

"Report, traces of Han troops were found 50 miles away."

King Hunxie was shocked, "What, why did it come so fast? What should we do now?"

"Now we just have to fight."

"That's all it can do." King Hunxie was not too worried. If he couldn't win, he could still run away.

It was too late to gather the troops, so he asked Ri Hui to lead a thousand men to defend the city, while he himself led more than [-] cavalry to attack the Han army.

The result is predictable. After only a moment of fierce fighting, King Hunxie could not withstand the pressure and led his troops to withdraw.

King Hunxie shouted and rode away first.

"Run, go!"

"But what about the royal city?" One of his subordinates looked at King Hunxie.

"Wait until the army has gathered, then fight back. There are many Han soldiers and good equipment, so we can't fight softly."


Liu Han, who was chasing after him, was speechless. He wanted to put up a fight, "I'll go, he's running away again, is he King Hunxie? I've even seen him, Wang Qi."

It’s a joke, it’s silly for someone to fight thousands of cavalry against you with tens of thousands of people.

Huo Qubing did not pursue him. He could no longer catch up. He immediately ordered an attack on the city.



The Han army fired tens of thousands of crossbows at the soldiers defending the city.



"do not run!"

"Charge!" The Han army was so powerful that the Xiongnu were like frightened wild horses, running wildly for their lives.

Because the city was low and the defense was average, the Hun soldiers in the city had no way to stop it, and Zhaowu City was easily breached.

The Han army only lost dozens of people in this battle, but the loot they gained was extremely rich.

Not only did they capture and kill more than a thousand people, but among these prisoners was the brother of the Xiongnu Chanyu, Ri Xi.

"Are you Rixi, the younger brother of the Xiongnu Chanyu?" Liu Han looked at this handsome young man in his 20s and asked curiously.

This man is really handsome, not as rough as the Huns, but with a touch of elegance.

"Who are you?"

"You don't care who I am, now you can be my prisoner."

"Are you Huo Qubing?"

"No, you will know later."

At this time, Huo Qubing came over.

"Brother Liu, is this the younger brother of Shanyu?"

Liu Han said seriously, "In the military camp, call me General Fu Guo."

"Oh, it's serious, I can't control you anymore?" "Pah!"

Huo Qubing said and patted Liu Han on the shoulder.

"It's okay, you are the biggest in the military camp now."

Ri Hui looked at Huo Qubing, "Are you Huo Qubing?"


"Here, he will be detained well and sent back to Chang'an to be presented to His Majesty."


In addition to Rixi, they also captured a large number of heavyweights such as King Hunxie's son, Xiangguo, and Captain.

At this point, Huo Qubing and Liu Han went from annihilating the Pu tribe to wiping out the three tribes of Qiemo, Dangtian and Tu, and then defeated King Hunxie, the 19-year-old Hussar general Huo Qubing and the 17-year-old Liu Han.

It only took them six days to defeat the five kingdoms. Hu Chen was shocked and the war was not over after they conquered the Hunxie King's City.

After capturing the royal city, Huo Qubing called Zhao Ponu and ordered, "Take the men and transport all these corpses outside the city to be burned."

Liu Han also called his three retainers, who are now his personal soldiers.

"Bald Qiang, Xiong Da, Xiong Er, you also go and help. Just let the prisoners work. You don't have to move yourself. You can just monitor them."


So, under the command of Zhao Ponu and the three gatekeepers,

The Han army ordered the old, weak, women and children in the city to pile up the bodies of thousands of people and dead horses outside the city, build them into a hill, and set a fire on them.

Then, they drove the old, weak, women and children back into the city, closed the city gate tightly, and acted like they were occupying the city and becoming kings.

The failed King Hunxie looked ugly and embarrassed, because the royal city was the king's face and the core of his rule. Every second lost, King Hunxie's authority would be reduced.

In order to recapture the royal city, King Hunxie urgently ordered a large number of tribes such as Jiju, Jiehe, Yinchun, Louguan, Fuli, Huyutu, etc. to rush to rescue. In the end, he summoned [-] main cavalry in an attempt to recapture the city. .

The major tribes in King Hunxie's territory are not far apart, and it is expected that they will all reach the royal city in just a few days.

In the city, after Huo Qu and Liu Han left the sentry behind, they slept leisurely with the soldiers.

There is no other way. It only takes six days to travel thousands of miles. If you travel more than a hundred miles in one day, you still have to fight, which makes everyone tired.

They were so tired that they fell asleep immediately when they lay down. They didn't even want to eat and wanted to catch up on their sleep first.

After a day, they finally had a good rest, and then they would kill cattle, sheep, and eat meat.

Liu Han and Huo Qubing were eating hot pot. There was a cook cooking next to them. They ate much better than the soldiers.

At this time, Xiong Da came in,
"General, some soldiers couldn't help themselves and insulted the prisoners."

Liu Han's eyes turned cold, "How many are there?"


Huo Qubing's face also looked very ugly, "Just for a few days, do you have to control your crotch?"

Naturally, there were many Hun women among the prisoners, but now that they were busy fighting, and they relaxed a little, some people did this, and both Liu Han and Huo Qubing were a little angry.

Liu Han said: "What should we do? My idea is to gather the entire army and kill them to enforce military law."

Huo Qubing thought about it and said, "Okay, inform the whole army. All the merits will be remembered. After the battle, we will return to Chang'an to receive rewards. We must also be punished for our mistakes. We are not bandits and robbers. There are also their officers who are not strict with us. We can whip them three times." , downgraded one level.”


The successive victories made Huo Qubing and Liu Han's military power very strong. The two soldiers who had done meritorious service were killed like this. Even if some people were dissatisfied, they did not dare to say anything. After all, they made a mistake.

After doing this, military discipline became better, and no one dared to control their crotch and humiliate the women among the prisoners anymore.

Seeing that the matter was over, Liu Han quickly asked, "Brother Huo, what should we do next?"

"Call me Cavalry General!"

Good guy, I can’t get through it yet.

"Yes, General Hussar, what do you think we will do next?"

Huo Qubing smiled with satisfaction, as if he had won a battle.

Liu Han was helpless, despite how old he was, he still looked like a child.

Man, you will be a boy until you die!
Huo Qubing began to analyze, "Well, this time, King Hunxie suffered a big loss. I think he will definitely gather the surrounding tribes to form a large army and surround us in the royal city so that we can all be killed in one fell swoop. The most powerful thing we have now is to come Gone like the wind,
In the past, when the Huns invaded us, they also relied on their mobility to make it difficult for us to withstand. Now it has changed. Naturally, we cannot defend the city. We have to surprise them, raid, intersperse, and detour. You say, if King Xiutu Knowing that we have captured King Hunxie's royal city, will he let down his guard? "

When Huo Qubing said this, Liu Han's eyes lit up.

"You mean, kill him with a carbine?"


Damn it, this was something Liu Han never expected. He didn't expect it, and the enemy certainly didn't expect it either. I can only say that Huo Qubing is really awesome. It makes no sense for him to fail.

(End of this chapter)

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