The great man will live forever

Chapter 41 The Battle of Hexi

Chapter 41 Battle of Hexi (Five soldiers never tire of deceit)

But what King Hunxie didn't expect was that after Huo Qubing occupied the city, he only rested for two days before leading his army out of the city again.

This time, they did not return, but continued to move deeper into the grassland.

Of course, these were all to confuse King Hunxie. Not long after walking, he changed direction and took a detour to the northern foot of Longshou Mountain, aiming for King Xiutu City.


Seeing the Han army using captured horses to replenish their battle losses and swaggering away all the way to the west, King Hunxie cursed and felt as if he had eaten a fly.

He wanted to pursue them, but there were not enough people around him. Before they could gather together, there was no trace of the Han army.

Xiutu King City was built on the edge of Shiyang River, near Sancha Village, Siba Town, Wuwei City today. It is located in the center of Wuwei Minqin Oasis, with rich water and grass, connected to weak water in the west, Hetao in the east, and Xiutu Ze in the north. It reaches the Qilian Mountains in the south.

This city was also built by the Yuezhi people at the beginning. The Xiongnu people were not very good at building cities, and they did not want to build cities.

This city is 1210 meters long from north to south, 980 meters wide from east to west, and more than 3 meters high. It has two sides, an inside and an outside, and is only half the size of the King's City of Hunxie.

Originally, King Xiutu was still gloating after learning that King Hunxie's royal city was breached by the Han army. If Huo Qubing severely attacked the Hunxie tribe, the entire Hexi Corridor might be his in the future.

Early spring is the busiest time for the nomads. Although King Xiutu sent people to order the tribes to prepare to meet the enemy, he did not ask the tribes to assemble immediately.

Not long after he was happy, he couldn't laugh anymore.

"What, the Han army is coming? Are you kidding me? Isn't he in King Hunxie's royal city?"

After hearing the report from his men, he was shocked to find that the Han army was attacking his royal city in large numbers.

"They are not far away. Your Majesty can see them when you go to the city wall."

When King Xiutu learned that the Han army was approaching the royal city, he quickly came to the city wall. Standing on the city wall, he could even see dust flying in the distance.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of hoofbeats is constant and thousands of horses are galloping. The scene is really spectacular.

As the rumbling and thunderous sound got closer and closer, King Xiutu knew that he could not defend the ancient Yuezhi city that had been in disrepair for a long time. King Hunxie had learned from the past, so he made a decisive decision and immediately led his troops out of the city to avoid the disaster.

"Let's go, go quickly, go gather the tribe, and we'll fight back."

He ran very fast, leaving Huo Qubing with basically an empty city, but because he ran away in such a hurry, he even forgot to take the Golden Man with him.

The golden man offering sacrifices to the sky is one of the two treasures of the Huns. This treasure must be displayed every time there is a major event.

In order to win over the various tribes in the Hexi Corridor, Yizhixie Shanyu handed over the Tianjin Man to King Xiutu for safekeeping. Unexpectedly, it would now become Huo Qubing's trophy.

In this way, Huo Qubing and Liu Han led the Han army in just ten days, rushing back and forth in the Hexi Corridor. They felt like they were in an uninhabited country, killing thousands of enemies and reducing their own strength to only more than 300. This was due to their absolute advantage in every battle. Suppress your opponent with troops and weapons.

Liu Han was very depressed, "Are all the Huns so cowardly? They ran away again and didn't dare to fight openly? After chasing for a while, they left hundreds of people behind and ran away?"

Huo Qubing was eating hot pot and looked at Liu Han, "You must be running fast, otherwise we would have captured him alive. I guess he has also gathered an army. By this time, King Hunxie's army must have been assembled. Do you dare to fight again?" One? This must be a fierce battle."

"Why don't you dare? I'm afraid he'll run away."

"Okay, let's order the army to repair for a day and set off immediately. Everyone should wrap forty brand-new sharp arrows in sheepskin, hide them in their bags, and bring a few empty quivers. If they encounter Huns soldiers, Use the arrow first."

"What do you mean?" Liu Han didn't understand, or he didn't turn around for a while.

"You are stupid. We show weakness to the enemy and make the Huns think that our equipment is not good and we have no arrows. Otherwise, we will scare them away. What should we do?" "That's insidious!" Liu Han smiled unkindly.

"This is called strategy, go to the army to fight against the enemy."

"Yes, yes, yes, the Cavalry General is very resourceful. I am willing to submit to you and learn more from you."

"Boys can be taught!" Huo Qubing patted him on the shoulder, and the two of them laughed.

So, after resting here for a day, Huo Qubing and Liu Han led the army, more than [-] people, suddenly turned back to the west, along Yanzhi Mountain to the southern foot of Longshou Mountain, and again passed by the Zhelan and Luhou tribes. Territory, the target is still the Hunxie King's tribe.

At this time, King Hunxie had assembled nearly 2 troops and was preparing to pursue the Han army and rescue the captured people such as the younger brother of the Xiongnu Chan Yu, Ri Hui.

"Report, the Han army has turned back again."

"Okay, if you don't take the road to heaven, there will be no way to hell to break in. This time, I want to let you know who has the final say in Hexi."

King Hunxie did not expect that the Han army would run back on his own, so King Hunxie assembled an army at the southern foot of Heli Mountain and waited for the Han army.

Although he said this, he was still very cautious. The Han army had tens of thousands of cavalry and he had [-] elites. Although he seemed to be twice as powerful as the enemy, he sent a small army first just in case. The cavalry and spies conducted harassment to determine the strength of the Han army.

If he found that the Han army was too powerful, he would probably run away again. After all, he was used to such things. It would not be embarrassing to run away. In later generations, there was a euphemistic and optimistic term for this, called strategic transfer.

In this regard, Huaxia is the ancestor, and Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Empire, is also famous for his ability to run. It is even said that he gave up his wife and children and served Xiang Yu as hostages. In order to reduce the weight, he kicked his son off the carriage several times.

This time, Huo Qubing's cleverness came to light.

After some probing, Hunxie's sentry quickly discovered that each of Huo Qubing's troops was equipped with three to four quivers. They were originally full of arrows, but now most of them were empty, with only a few arrows left. Moreover, the Han army shot The crossbow arrows that came over were all blunt arrows that had been used many times, and their lethality was not as good as before.

"Is that true? The Han army doesn't have many arrows left?"

"Yes, and most of them are arrows that have been used many times."


King Hunxie laughed loudly, "With the blessing of Kunlun God, the Han army will be completely wiped out this time. Let me just say that the Han army has fought many times and is exhausted. The weapons and equipment are even more broken. I have an army of [-] people and equipment." Excellent, he only has [-] tired troops, [-] against [-], the advantage is mine."

Now that the Han army's arrows are gone, the threat of long-range attacks is not great. He can shoot arrows from a distance, and with twice the number of them, he is waiting for work. King Hunxie will no longer retreat. He can't think of a reason to lose.

He planned to end things with Huo Qubing at the southern foot of Heli Mountain.

Heli Mountain is located in the middle of the Hexi Corridor. If Huo Qubing and Liu Han were defeated, the entire army would definitely be annihilated.

Moreover, for this plan, he even sent people to contact the Zhelan and Luhou tribes who had fled earlier.

"Quickly, contact King Zhelan and King Luhou and ask them to lead all the elites of the tribe to follow the Han army at a distance and cut off their retreat. Once they find that we are fighting with the Han army, they will immediately attack from behind and attack the Han army from both sides. Army, let’s avenge our shame!”


It has to be said that King Hunxie's plan was good. An ordinary person would have probably wiped out his entire army. Unfortunately, what he encountered was Huo Qubing.

After Liu Han and Huo Qubing left Hexi, a real fierce battle was about to begin. In the past, they used more to fight less, like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, but now they can only use less to fight more. It was an upright battle, and there was no possibility of a sneak attack. .

 I’m very disappointed. I didn’t pass the third round of recommendations. I will continue to write. Try to be perfect, the road is long and long!

(End of this chapter)

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