The great man will live forever

Chapter 5 A great beginning

Chapter 5 A great beginning

In the Han army camp, Wei Qing was looking down at the map.

A soldier came over on horseback, quickly entered the tent, clasped his fists and said: "General, I am here to find the right general Su Jian's headquarters in the Hakan Well area."

"What about people?"

Wei Qing looked at him with a cold light in his eyes.

"I only found a few hundred corpses, and their heads were all cut off by the Huns. I didn't see the right general himself among the corpses."

Wei Qing suddenly stood up and asked loudly: "What about Xin Zhao?"

The soldier hurriedly said: "Most of the soldiers under Zhao Xin's command are suspected of having rebelled due to their low position."

Wei Qing's face suddenly turned pale, he walked a few steps, was silent for a while, and then cursed: "You bastard, how could I believe you, a traitor?"


Wei Qing turned around and took out his sword. With a "pop!", he struck the desk in front of him.

"General, calm down!"

The soldier quickly knelt down.

"How to calm down the anger? Two generals and three thousand cavalry are gone. Zhao Xin, the marquis of my great Han Dynasty, actually rebelled. How should I explain it?"

Wei Qing's face turned red. Those 3000 cavalrymen were all the best among the best. They were gone. But what could he do? What was even more frightening was that the battle had not been fought yet. One of the cavalry was completely wiped out and the other surrendered. This pair of The impact on morale is huge.


On the other side, outside the military tent of Yi Zhixie, the Xiongnu Chanyu, people and horses were flowing around the fire, eating roast mutton.

And Zhao Xin, the former strong forward, was sitting on the ground, eating meat and drinking wine. It was obvious that he had indeed surrendered.

The vanguard general of the Han Dynasty, the Marquis of the Han Dynasty, Jihou, surrendered to the Huns. It is simply unbelievable, but he was originally a Huns. When you think about it, it seems to make sense.

At this time, the Xiongnu Chanyu Yizhi walked over.

He was the younger brother of the military minister Shanyu, the former Chanyu of the Huns. After the death of the military minister Shanyu, he launched a coup and defeated the heir to the throne, the son of the military minister Shanyu, Yu Shan, and seized the throne.

Prince Yu Shan was not ashamed to submit to his subordinates and fled to the Han Dynasty. He was also named the Marquis of Zhi'an by the Han Dynasty.

Because Yizhixie Shanyu resented the Han for accepting the crown prince, he repeatedly sent troops to Daijun, Yanmen, Dingxiang, Shangjun and other places to plunder, so the Han began to fight back.

And this Zhao Xin, whose original name was Ahu'er, was also a little king in the Huns.Because he had a grudge against the military minister Chanyu, he led his troops to surrender to the Han Dynasty and was granted the title of Marquis of Xi. He trained troops for the Han Dynasty and contributed to many battles of the Han Dynasty.

The Han Dynasty saw that he had repeatedly performed meritorious services and Wei Qing trusted him, so he became the vanguard general this time. Of course, another reason was that Prince Yu Shan, the Han Dynasty's Marquis of Zhi'an, died of illness not long after, otherwise the vanguard this time would not be the same. Maybe it's Prince Yudan.

It is indeed good to use the Huns to fight the Huns. As long as people have fights, the Huns are not monolithic, and of course, neither are the big Hans.

Since ancient times, the internal fighting among human beings has never stopped. Many people who engage in internal fighting are professionals.

It is ridiculous to bully the weak and fear the strong, to push one's own people to the limit, and to be weak to others. However, there are many such things in history.

At the end of the Jin Dynasty, the Hu people were eyeing the throne. As a result, the seven kings of the Sima family fought for the throne, which caused the Han family's vitality to be greatly damaged.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Manchu and Qing iron cavalry hung like sharp swords above their heads. The Southern Ming Dynasty was torn into pieces. One was proclaimed king and the other was proclaimed emperor. Before others could go south, they themselves killed their own people. This was a show of manipulation that even the Manchu and Qing Dynasties did not expect. , it’s so easy for me to conquer the world.

There was also the Republic of China, where the little devils were ambitious and eyeing the tigers. As a result, warlords from all walks of life fought against each other, fighting for power and profit. Finally, it became stable. Principal Chang shamelessly shouted: "In order to fight against foreign forces, we must first settle the domestic affairs!"


No matter what, Xin Zhao surrendered, which was a slap in the face of Wei Qing and a big man.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that there is a first time for surrender, but there will be countless times. If the military minister Shanyu was still in power, he probably would not surrender. After all, the military minister Shanyu killed his parents, but the military minister Shanyu Already dead, his younger brother Yi Zhixie came to usurp the throne.

The two of them had no hatred, and it seemed natural for them to surrender in order to survive.

Seeing Yi Zhixie Shanyu coming over, Zhao Xin quickly stood up, made a fist with his right hand, put it on his chest, bent down to salute, and said respectfully: "Da Shanyu."

Yi Zhixie waved his hand, indicating that he should not be too polite.

"General Zhao, don't be too cautious. You are a Huns after all. General Zhao, you are easy to get thousands of troops, but hard to find just one general!"

Shanyu Yi Zhixie sighed with emotion and continued: "Since the Bank of China said that it can't afford to be sick, we, the Great Huns, no longer have talents who understand the inside story of the Han Dynasty."

The Bank of China in Yi Zhixie's mouth was incredible. It was simply a replica of Zhao Gao. Of course, it was far inferior to Zhao Gao.He was a member of the Western Han Dynasty during the reign of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty. He was originally an eunuch. Because he was dissatisfied with being an attaché of the Han-Hungarians, he harbored a grudge against the Han Dynasty and turned to the Huns. Later he became an important adviser to Shan Yu.

At that time, Emperor Hanwen, the grandfather of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, was unable to fight a protracted war with the Xiongnu due to the instability in the country, various princes eyeing the throne, and the fact that the country's national strength had not yet been restored.

He had no choice but to continue to make peace with the Xiongnu. Emperor Wen ordered the clan's daughter to be sent to the Xiongnu, and asked the eunuch Zhongxing from Yandi to go with him as an accompanying courtier.

The Bank of China refused to go and was forcibly dispatched by the Han court.Out of resentment, he shouted at the Han court: "If I get to the Xiongnu, I will definitely threaten the Han Dynasty."

At that time, the officials of the Han Dynasty only thought that he was speaking out of anger and did not take it seriously.

As a result, it turned out to be true. The Bank of China said that this eunuch immediately surrendered to the Huns as soon as he arrived, and was deeply loved and favored by Yi Zhixie Shanyu's father, Laoshang Shanyu.

The Bank of China said that it tried its best to persuade the Huns not to pay too much attention to the exquisite clothes and food of the Han Dynasty, increase the Xiongnu's confidence in their own food, equipment, and customs, and also taught the Huns how to keep count.

With the support of the Bank of China, the old Shanyu sounded arrogant in his reply to Emperor Wen. He also threatened and induced the Han Dynasty envoys. He asked for money, gold and silver at every turn, and threatened Qiu Shu to send troops into the Han territory if he did not give them. Trampled in.

Later, he gave advice to the Shanyus of the past dynasties many times, because as a eunuch of the Han Dynasty, he knew the Han Dynasty very well, and he really became a serious concern of the Han Dynasty.

It's just that he is old and sick now, so Yizhi Xin is the one who urgently needs to know the internal situation of Dahan, so Xin Zhao becomes the best choice.

Shanyu Yi Zhixie patted Zhao Xin on the shoulder and shouted: "Kunlun God, give me General Zhao at this time. It is true that Kunlun God will not destroy me, the great Huns, come here."

Yi Zhixie shouted, and one of his men brought an exquisite black robe.

"I am determined to make you, General Zhao, my second king of the Xiongnu, second only to me in title, and help me command the Xiongnu troops."


Zhao Xin knelt down directly, clenched his right hand into a fist on his heart, lowered his head, and said with some fear: "The great Shanyu's love is too great. I will receive the reward for nothing, and I don't deserve it."

Yi Zhixie brought the black robe and gently put it on him.

"General Zhao, you are originally from the Xiongnu caste, and you must not be hypocritical like the Han people. The Han people's military book says that everyone should be equal to their salary and be diligent in the king's affairs. You deserve this throne!"

As Yi Zhixie said, he took a glass of goat's milk wine and handed it to Zhao Xin. Zhao Xin nodded and drank the wine in one gulp, his eyes full of determination.

"Brother, I will serve my great Chanyu from now on, even to the death!"

"Report to Shanyu!"

At this time, a soldier came to report, and Yi Zhixie Shanyu hurriedly went to listen to what happened. After listening, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly found Zhao Xin again.

"A Han Dynasty cavalry with less than a thousand men bypassed Queer Lake, headed west, turned around and headed southeast, and attacked the Bosten camp in the royal court. The right captain died standing there. My grandfather Ruohou He was also killed, and my uncle Luo Gubi and some others were taken prisoner."

Yi Zhixie Shanyu said, his face so furious that he almost burst into flames.

Zhao Xin was also shocked, "There are less than a thousand people, haven't you heard? When Wei Qing assigned the mission before the war, the Bosten camp was not included in the attack target."

Yi Zhixie thought for a moment and said: "The sergeant who came to report just now said that the leader of the Han army is a young officer, and the cavalry he leads are strong and tall, and the equipment is extremely well-equipped."

Zhao Xin reacted immediately, "Could it be that he is the captain who plagiarized Yao?"

"On the military flag is the word "Huo"."

"That's exactly who he is."

Yi Zhixie Shanyu quickly asked, "Who is he?"

"The emperor's disciple, the nephew of the general Wei Qing, the lieutenant of the Yao School, Huo Qubing."

"Huo Qubing, kid!"

Yi Zhixie Shanyu remembered this person, with hatred and murderous intent in his eyes, and gritted his teeth as he spoke.

But what he didn't know was that the child he called Huo Qubing would become his lifelong nightmare!

PS: Since the second king, the Xiongnu was established during the Han Dynasty, and his status was second only to Shanyu. "Book of Han: Biography of the Xiongnu": "When the Shanyu obtained the title of Xihou, he considered himself the second king and used his sister's wife to conspire with the Han Dynasty."

 The Chanyu established the "Chanyu Ting" in the central part of the Huns, which governed the vast area directly north of Daijun (today's Yuxian County, Hebei Province) and Yunzhong (today's Tuoketuo County, Inner Mongolia). There were left and right Guduhou Hou to assist in the administration.The Gudu Marquis was held by nobles with different surnames such as Huyan, Lan, and Xubu.The Huyan family is on the left, the Lan family and the Xubu family are on the right. They are in charge of deciding prison lawsuits and reporting adjudicated cases to the Chanyu. There are no documents, books, or records.

  Below the Chan Yu are King Zuo Xian, King You Xian, King Zuo Guli and King You Guli, generals of the left and right, captains of the left and right, and great households of the left and right.The left kings were located directly to the east of Shanggu County in Han Dynasty (today's Huailai County, Hebei Province) and governed the eastern part of the Xiongnu; the right kings were located to the west of the direct north of Hanshang County (today's Yulin County, Shaanxi Province) and governed the western part of the Xiongnu.

  From the Shanyu, the wise kings on the left and right, to the great households on the left and right, they all unified the army and commanded the battle.The other officials at all levels are also military chiefs, large and small.In addition to the Shanyu, there are officers at all levels. The big ones command more than ten thousand cavalry, and the small ones command thousands. There are 24 commanders in total.Each has his own place.Within its jurisdiction, there are Qianchang, Baichang, Shichang, Xiaowang, Xiang, Duwei, Danghu and Qiqu respectively within their jurisdiction.The wise kings of the left and right are the highest military and political officials in the region.Because it favors the left, the Xianwang of the Zuo has a higher status than the Xianwang of the Right, and is usually held by the prince.

(End of this chapter)

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