The great man will live forever

Chapter 6 History is like a wheel

Chapter 6 History is like reincarnation

At night, the entire grassland completely changed. Thick mist rose from all directions. The grassland slowly turned dark green, and every little flower and every grass exuded fragrance.

The grassland is steaming in the fragrant atmosphere, and the moon spreads a silver net to cover everything, adding a mysterious color to the grassland.

The grassland at night is quiet, mysterious and vast. Underneath it is the Han military tent, which is solemn and solemn. With a little firelight, it reveals the feeling of desolation and coldness.



Suddenly, a man with disheveled hair rode towards the military camp.

"Who is coming?"

"I am the right general Su Jian!"

The sergeant held a torch, stepped forward to take a closer look, and found that it was indeed Su Jian.

So, he shouted, "The right general is back, please report to the general."



"General, General!"

Su Jian was exhausted and fell off his horse. Several soldiers quickly stepped forward to support him.

"Help me go to the general's camp."

Knowing that Su Jian was back, Li Guang, Gongsun Ao, Li Cai, Zhang Cigong, and Zhang Qian all rushed to Wei Qing's military tent.

Su Jian looked at Wei Qing and almost cried, half-kneeling on the ground.
"General, the Huns surrounded us. After a battle, everyone suffered injuries. We broke out to the Hakan Well area and fought while moving. Yi Zhixie sent people to persuade us to surrender. Our troops vowed not to surrender, but Zhao Xin surrendered to the enemy, and after he surrendered, he led 800 men, together with the main force of the Huns, to besiege me. A small group of generals fought to the death for a day and a night, and finally I was the only one left to come back and apologize to the general!"

As Su Jian spoke, he knelt on the ground and knocked his head heavily.

Wei Qing turned his back to him and said, "I've made such a big mistake, what do you think should be done?"

Good guy, can this be completely blamed on Su Jian?

It's a pity that since ancient times, success or failure on the battlefield has been judged by heroes. If you lose, you lose. There is no excuse.

Li Guang on the side rolled his eyes and said: "If you don't have the ability to be a vanguard, don't do it. It's better this time. The whole army will be wiped out. Huh, you still have the nerve to come back. Those who lose the army will be beheaded according to Han law, and at least they will be deprived of military titles." , wasn’t that what I was doing back then?”

Li Guang sarcastically said that he was greedy for military glory and dreamed of becoming a marquis, so this time he especially wanted to be a forward, fight with the Xiongnu, and then be granted a title of marquis. Unfortunately, Wei Qing was unwilling. Now that the entire vanguard army had been wiped out, he naturally made sarcastic remarks.

In fact, it's no wonder that he wasn't granted the title of Marquis for many reasons. All in all, he was a veteran of three dynasties, having served as Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, and now Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Throughout Li Guang's military life, we will find that although he was highly skilled in martial arts, his military exploits were not outstanding enough and he did not capture enough enemies.

It can be said that Li Guang is truly experienced in hundreds of battles. In many of the battles he participated in, he was able to fight his way out of tight sieges with his personal bravery.

However, in the battle with the Huns, they did not achieve a decisive victory, which was one of the main reasons why it was difficult to become a marquis.

There are other reasons as well. His character is flawed, he is careless, and he must retaliate for his anger. He is too lenient to his subordinates, which leads to lax military discipline.

Regarding later generations, he commented: "Those who achieved this due to their extensive abilities ran the army without discipline. Therefore, they were not given honors and honors, and they died afterward."

Of course, he was good to the soldiers, and he did a very good job in defending the Huns in the early stage. Therefore, after his death, "all the people in the world, who knew and didn't know, were all in mourning." The famous saying in later generations was Sima Qian. Evaluate him.

Of course, the most important reason is that he is unlucky.

The famous "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion" written by later generations reads: "What a shame! The fortunes are not uniform and the fate is many. Feng and Tang are easy to grow old, but Li Guang is difficult to seal."

In the early Western Han Dynasty, he mainly focused on defense against the Huns. Although he successfully defended many times, he did not achieve any major results. In the later stage of the attack, he only achieved embarrassing results of missing the enemy three times and almost annihilating the entire army twice.

His luck is really bad, as if God is against him. His birth is not too bad, he is a descendant of the famous Qin Dynasty general Li Xin.During the period of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, defense was the main thing against the Xiongnu, and he was named Zhonglang due to his merit.

During the period of Emperor Jing, during the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms, although he made military exploits and became famous, Emperor Jing did not reward him because of his entanglement with King Liang.

Later, in the battle against the Huns in Shangjun, although Li Guang resisted the enemy calmly, he still failed to achieve great success.

After the death of Emperor Jing, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne. He attacked the Huns at Yanmen, but he was ambushed and captured alive. Although he escaped by feigning death in the end, all the soldiers who followed him were wiped out. Therefore, Li Guang was demoted after returning to the court. For common people.

A few years later, that is, now, he was used again and went on an expedition with Wei Qing. He wanted to be a forward many times, but Wei Qing did not allow it and could only return without success.

Later, he and Zhang Qian went on an expedition and encountered the main force of the Huns. Zhang Qian got lost and failed to provide timely support. Li Guang's army was almost wiped out, and Zhang Qian was almost beheaded. Again, he had no merit.

The last time he went out to fight was with Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, but he got lost and missed the opportunity to fight. This was all one thing.

Finally, he was completely crushed by this veteran of three dynasties, this man who had been fighting for his whole life. In grief and anger, Li Guang committed suicide and died.

Of course, Li Guang's ability and martial arts are still very good. Apart from his character, the main reason why he was not granted the title of marquis is his bad luck. When he was a frontier general, he defeated the Huns in awe and called him "Flying General". Nian dare not invade.

Sometimes, I have to say that luck is still very important.

When the sky is not enough, the sun and the moon are not light; when the ground is not, there is no vegetation; when the water is not, the wind and waves are uneven; when people are not, good fortune is impossible.Note Fu Zhulu, fate has been arranged, who does not want to be rich?If a person does not rely on the basics, how can he be good and good?

It is worth mentioning that his bad luck may also be related to the killings and surrenders that year. When he was the governor of Longxi, the Qiang people rebelled. He tricked more than 800 of them into surrendering, and then used deception to kill them all in one day.

Later, he said that this was the biggest regret in his life. Killing prisoners has been unlucky since ancient times, and Bai Qi and Xiang Yu ended up like this.

In the Battle of Changping, Bai Qi killed 40 Zhao troops in a trap, and in the Battle of Julu, Xiang Yu killed 20 Qin troops in a trap.

The terrible thing is that they all seemed to have killed themselves.

History is like reincarnation. Bai Qi was forced to commit suicide with his sword, Xiang Yu was defeated in Wujiang and committed suicide, Li Guang committed suicide in shame...

According to Li Guang, Su Jian had to be killed, or at the worst, he would be deprived of his title and demoted to a commoner. In his mind, if he was the vanguard this time, he would probably win a complete victory.

As for whether it is true or not, I don’t know, because there are no what-ifs in history. History is history, and it is also facts. Even many scenes that you feel are so ridiculous that they can only appear in novels also exist in history.

For example, referring to a deer as a horse has evolved to referring to a mouse as a duck.

Gongsun Ao on the side spoke, "Because Zhao Xin surrendered to the enemy, General Su only had more than a thousand men. Against the Xiongnu's tens of thousands of troops, the entire army was annihilated. It is not entirely his responsibility."

After Gongsun Ao finished speaking, he looked at Li Cai and Zhang Cigong standing aside.

Zhang Cigong agreed: "Yes, General Su fought until the entire army was wiped out before he came back alone. I think he has fulfilled his duty as a soldier. If we kill him, then after the soldiers lose the battle, who will dare to return?" Camp?"

"That's right, we can't just kill General Su like this."

Zhang Qian and others on the side also spoke.

At this time, Wei Qing said: "With my position and power, I can kill generals on the spot, but Zhao Xin rebelled on the spot. I am responsible for the improper use of personnel. This matter should be reported to the emperor, and everything will be decided by your majesty."

So, several soldiers pushed Su Jian down and kept him under strict supervision.

This time, Su Jian escaped and was not killed!

 There are unpredictable weather, and people have misfortunes and blessings.A centipede has a hundred feet and can't handle a snake; a rooster has two wings and can't fly with a crow.Horses have a journey of thousands of miles, and they cannot go without a ride; people have the ambition to skyrocket, but they cannot travel by themselves.

  Gai Wen: In life, wealth cannot be immoral, and poverty cannot be changed.The article is unparalleled, Confucius was troubled by Chen Bang; the military strategy is outstanding, Taigong fished in the Wei River.Yan Yuan was short-lived, but he was not a vicious person; Robber Zhi was old, so he was not a kind person.Emperor Yao was a wise man, but he gave birth to an unfilial son; Gusou was foolish and stubborn, but he gave birth to a filial son.Zhang Liangyuan was a commoner, and Xiao He was a county official.Yanzi, who was not five feet tall, was appointed prime minister of Qi; Kongming lived in a thatched hut and was able to serve as a military advisor to Shuhan.Although the Chu Ba was powerful, he was defeated by the Wu River and committed suicide; although the King of Han was weak, he actually had thousands of miles of territory.Li Guang has the power to shoot tigers, and he will never have a title until he is old; Feng Tang has the talent to ride a dragon, which he will never meet in his life.Before Han Xin met, he did not have three meals a day. When he met, he had a three-foot jade seal hanging on his waist. Once he became old, he would die at the hands of Yin people.


  I used to live in Luoyang, begging for monks' meals, sleeping in the cellar, thinking about clothes to cover his body, thinking about food, not for his hunger, the master hates, the servant hates, the humanity is low, but I don't abandon it.Currently living in the court, the official is the best, the position is San Gong, although the body is bowed under one person, but is ranked above tens of thousands of people, there is a rod of tart, a sword of scorn, and a thousand boxes of Luo Jin when thinking of clothes. If you want to eat, there are delicacies, the strong will hold the whip when you go out, and the beautiful will hold you when you enter.Humanity is precious to me, and it is not my ability. This is time, luck, and fate.

  Whoa!In life, the rich and the rich cannot be used to the full, the poor and the poor cannot deceive oneself, let the cycle of heaven and earth go, and go round and round.

(End of this chapter)

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