The great man will live forever

Chapter 51 2 Battle in Hexi

Chapter 51 World War II Hexi (Arrived in Juyan)
Huo Qubing and Liu Han had a difficult journey, but they finally arrived at Juyanze.

At this time, Juyanze was a big oasis, a big lake, like the sea.

The blue waves are rippling on the lake, and reeds grow thickly on the lakeside. Carp, crucian carp, bighead carp, grass carp and other fish grow in the lake. Swans, wild geese, cranes, teal, etc. often come here to inhabit.

The falling clouds and solitary swans fly together, the autumn water is the same color as the sky...

When spring comes and the scenery is bright, the waves are calm, the sky above and below is a vast expanse of blue, sand gulls gather in the sky, golden scales swim, and the banks are covered with orchids, lush and green.Or when the long smoke disappears, the bright moon shines thousands of miles away, the floating light leaps into gold, and the silent shadow sinks into the jade...

Standing by the lake, the sun shone on the lake surface, making the waves sparkle. Liu Han felt calm inside. He felt as if all his worries had disappeared, along with the fatigue and pain of the past few days.

The breeze blew over his face, carrying the scent of the lake, and he felt an unparalleled inner peace and contentment.

"With this situation, I really want to recite a poem."

Liu Han's poetry was high, but he felt like he couldn't say anything. Many poems in later generations did not fit this scene.

"My favorite part of the lake is that the east side of the lake is not enough. There are white sand embankments in the shade of green poplars. It's not good. It's not suitable for the scenery. There aren't that many green willows."

"Beyond the Qingshan Tower, outside the tower, when will the singing and dancing in the West Lake stop? No, this is not the West Lake."

"The lotus leaves touching the sky are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers reflecting the sun are exceptionally red. There are no lotus flowers."

After thinking for a while, he finally thought of two words,

"Walk to the place where the water is poor, sit and watch the clouds rise."

"The light of the lake and the moon and the moon are in harmony, and there is no goggles on the pool surface."

"Is this a poem?"

Huo Qu shook his head, he couldn't appreciate it.

Literati in the Han Dynasty wrote very few poems. The literati poems in the Western Han Dynasty mainly included Chu songs represented by Liu Bang's "Song of the Great Wind".
"When the wind blows, the clouds fly, Vega comes back home, and the warriors guard the four directions!"

Traditional and elegant four-character poems are represented by Wei Meng's "Satire and Remonstrance Poems".

The development of Chinese poetry can be traced back to the ancient Pre-Qin period. The earliest form of poetry in that era was "poem", which evolved from music and ballads and expressed people's perceptions and expressions of nature, life and emotions.

With the development of the times, poetry gradually became an important way of expressing culture, especially in the Tang and Song dynasties, when poetry reached its heyday.

At this time, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had just deposed hundreds of schools of thought and only respected Confucianism. Although Confucianism began to become stronger, there were really not many poems.

The poetry of the Han Dynasty was developed on the basis of the "Book of Songs", "Chu Songs" and Qin and Han folk songs. It has generally experienced from folk songs to literati creations, from Yuefu lyrics to literati poems, that is, "ancient poetry", from four-character poetry The development process from body to five-character style, from Sao style to seven-character style, and from narrative poetry to lyric poetry.

In the later period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, after completely defeating the Xiongnu, he began to enjoy himself and formally established the Yuefu Bureau. Li Yannian, who was proficient in music, served as the Lieutenant of Xielu, responsible for formulating music scores and training musicians, and at the same time collecting and singing folk songs on a large scale.

The establishment of the Yuefu official office enabled a large number of folk songs of the Han Dynasty to be preserved, which radiated an unusually brilliant brilliance even when the literati and poetry circles of the Han Dynasty were particularly neglected, thus forming the third important development in the history of Chinese poetry after the "Book of Songs" and "Chu Ci" stage.

Han Yuefu folk songs have a wide range of themes and rich content.Some of the poems exposed the luxury and cruelty of the bureaucratic aristocrats, reflected the pain of working people's lives, showed the sharp class opposition in Han Dynasty society, and conveyed the oppressed people's voice of angry resistance...

"It sounds okay."

Even though he couldn't understand it, it felt very charming. Huo Qubing washed his face and put a smile on his face. This journey was not easy.

Just by arriving here, they will be remembered in history.

According to historical records, in the second year of Yuanshou in the Western Han Dynasty and 121 BC, Huo Qubing, the general of the Hussars, moved into Yan and settled in Hexi. The name "Ju Yan" first appeared in historical records.Juyan is a Xiongnu language, which is the same as the modern Mongolian "Qiyan", which means "secluded".

He built barriers and established Juyan Duwei, Juyannong Duwei, and Hequ Division. At that time, you could take a boat from Zhangye River to Juyanhai...

Liu Han's arrival changed history, a full year in advance.

Of course, what Liu Han didn't know was that in later generations, due to the establishment of many reservoirs and excessive water use in the upper and middle reaches, weak water often stopped flowing and was unable to reach Juyan Sea.

In 1961, the Xijuyan Sea dried up;

In 1993, the Dongjuyan Sea dried up.

Two Gobi pearls shed their last two tears.

The Juyan Sea has dried up, the ecology has deteriorated sharply, the grasslands have become desertified, and only the roots of the Populus euphratica forest remain.There are no birds in the sky, and no grass grows on the ground.Thousands of miles without people, the wind blows the stones away.

To the north of Juyan Lake is the higher Tuanhan Mountain, which is located on the east-west wind gust. The sediment at the bottom of the lake is very fine, making it easy to form sandstorms.The sand blown up here can cover the North China Plain to the east, and some of the sources of sandstorms in the capital come from here.

No wonder it is said that clear waters and green mountains are invaluable assets. Finally, after several years of comprehensive management by countless people, water use in the upper and middle reaches was reduced and the planting structure was adjusted.

In 2003, weak water flowed into the Dongjuyan Sea again.

In 2018, there was river water in Xijuyanhai, and the Gobi land was filled with joy.

In 2023, with continuous efforts, the area of ​​Dongjuyanhai exceeded 40 square kilometers. With rippling blue waves, swaying reeds and numerous tourists, Juyanhai was resurrected.

Xiju Yanhai is also gradually expanding, and the ecological environment is gradually improving.

Of course, to this point, after more than half a century of hard work, the manpower, material resources, and time invested have far exceeded the value gained from the destruction.It is easy to destroy, but difficult to build.

"The person who sent someone to contact Xiao Yuezhi is back?"

Looking at Huo Qubing's smile, Liu Han thought of something.

"Yes, we have another booster, and it is right to choose this path."

In fact, as early as two or three months ago, during their first campaign in Hexi, Huo Qubing and Liu Han unexpectedly saw people from Ju Yanyue who came to contact them. They said that as long as the Han army could kill Ju Yanze, they would So he raised troops and surrendered to the Han Dynasty to help them resist the Xiongnu.

At that time, Huo Qubing's army and Liu Han were being pursued by King Hunxie. They were half-convinced and unable to defeat King Hunxie, who had an army of tens of thousands at the time. They crossed the Hexi Corridor and reached Juyanze.

Although they won at that time, it was a miserable victory. They only had [-] remaining troops and could only protect themselves.

The Little Yuezhi is a branch of the Da Yuezhi.

Dayuezhi were a nomadic tribe in Central Asia in the 2nd century BC. They lived in northwest China before the 2nd century BC and later migrated to Central Asia.

In the ancient books of the pre-Qin period, it was sometimes translated as Yu Zhi, Yu Shi, Niu Shi, etc., and later it was also translated as Yue Zhi.

From the 5th to the early 2nd century BC, the Yuezhi people were nomadic in the area from Zhangye to Dunhuang in the western part of the Hexi Corridor. They were powerful and powerful enemies of the Huns.

In 174 BC, the Xiongnu leader Shanyu Xinli was established. Soon after, he defeated the Yuezhi, killed his king, and used his head as a drinking vessel.

Since then, most of the Yuezhi tribes have moved westward to the Ili River Basin and near Lake Issyk-Kul, and most of the Se people who originally lived here were forced to move south to the south of the Hindu Kush Mountains.

The Yuezhi left a small number of remnants in the Hexi Corridor and the Qilian Mountains, known as the Little Yuezhi, and the Yuezhi who moved westward were called the Great Yuezhi from then on.

After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty came to the throne, he learned from the Huns that the Dayue clan wanted to avenge the Huns. However, they had no one to help them. In order to deal with the Huns, they decided to communicate with the Western Regions and unite with the Dayue clan. He attacked the Xiongnu from a pinch and "cut off the right arm of the Xiongnu".

Therefore, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian as an envoy to the Western Regions with the purpose of contacting the Dayue clan.

In the second year of Jianyuan, that is, 139 BC, Zhang Qian led an entourage of more than 100 people and set out from Chang'an to the Western Regions with the Huns Tang Yifu as their guide, and headed westward into the Hexi Corridor.

When Zhang Qian and his party hurried through the Hexi Corridor, they unfortunately ran into the Xiongnu cavalry. They were all captured. The kings on the right of the Xiongnu immediately escorted Zhang Qian and others to the Xiongnu royal court.

In order to soften and win over Zhang Qian, the Xiongnu Chanyu used all kinds of coercion and inducement, but failed to achieve his goal.Zhang Qian "did not disgrace the emperor's orders" and "did not lose the integrity of the Han Dynasty".

Zhang Qian never forgot the sacred mission entrusted to him by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and did not waver in his will and determination to serve as the Yuezhi envoy to the Han Dynasty. He stayed in the Xiongnu for ten years.

The emperor paid off. In the sixth year of Yuanguang (129 BC), the Huns' surveillance gradually relaxed. Zhang Qian took advantage of the Huns' unpreparedness and led his entourage to escape from the Huns' control area.

After going through countless hardships, he finally reached the Western Region and met the people of Dayuezhi.

At this time, the Dayuezhi people changed their attitude because the new land was very fertile, rich in products, and far away from the Xiongnu and Wusun. The danger of interference from foreign enemies had been greatly reduced.

When Zhang Qian proposed to them, they had no intention of revenge against the Huns.

In addition, they thought that the Han Dynasty was too far away from the Yuezhi, and if they jointly attacked the Xiongnu, they might not be able to help each other in danger, so they had no plans to unite with the Han Dynasty for revenge.

Zhang Qian had no choice but to return to the Han Dynasty. On the way back, he learned his lesson and changed his marching route to avoid the Xiongnu forces.The plan is to take the "South Road" in the southern part of the Tarim Basin and the northern foot of the Kunlun Mountains, starting from Yarkand, passing through Khotan and Shanshan, and passing through the Qiang area in Qinghai before returning to the Han Dynasty.

But he was so unlucky. At that time, the Qiang people had also become vassals of the Huns. Zhang Qian and others were captured again by the Huns' cavalry and detained for more than a year.

In the third year of Yuanshuo and early 126 BC, civil strife broke out among the Huns fighting for the throne.

Zhang Qian was lucky, so he took the opportunity to escape back to Chang'an with his father.

From the second year of Emperor Wu's Jianyuan (139 BC), to the third year of Yuan Shuo (126rd year of Yuan Shuo), he returned to the Han Dynasty in 13 BC, a total of [-] years.

Thirteen years later, Zhang Qian’s greatness remains unquestionable.

There were more than 100 people when he set out, but when he came back only himself and Tang Yifu were left, which shows how hard it was along the way.

Just by imagining it, you know that this is an extremely difficult march.

On the Great Gobi Desert, there are flying sand and rocks and rolling heat waves;
The green ridge is as high as the ridge of a roof, covered with ice and snow, and the wind is biting.

There are few people along the way and water sources are scarce.In addition, they fled in a hurry and lacked material preparations.

Zhang Qian and his party had to eat and sleep in the open air, preparing for hardships.

When the dry food was exhausted, Tang Yi's father, who was good at shooting, shot animals to satisfy his hunger.

Those followers either died of hunger and thirst on the way, or were buried in yellow sand or ice caves, giving their lives...

Except for Zhang Qian and Tang Yifu, their names are not even qualified to remain in the history books...

 "Song of the Great Wind" is a famous poem in history. The creation background: in the 12th year of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang suppressed the Yingbo rebellion and returned to Beijing on his way back to his hometown of Peixian County after being away for many years. "In the winter of the 12th year of the lunar month, in the tenth month of the twelfth year, I went up to Hui Fou with my army of rags. The rags went away, and I ordered the other generals to pursue them. I returned them, passed the Pei, and left them. They set up the Wine Pei Palace, and summoned all the old friends, fathers, and children to drink with them. The son of the Fa Pei got a hundred. 20 people, the song of teaching. Drunk, he went up to Zhuzhu and sang: "The strong wind is blowing, the clouds are flying, we are returning to our hometown in the sea, and the warriors are here to guard the four directions!" "Let the children all get used to it. They started to dance, feeling sad and weeping for several lines."

(End of this chapter)

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