The great man will live forever

Chapter 52 2 Battle in Hexi

Chapter 52 World War II Hexi (Glory of the Han Dynasty)

Fu Han, the grandson of the emperor's great ancestor, obeyed the destiny of heaven and inherited the country. The Hungarians happened to be invading the border with Hu chariots, and the Xirong and Qiang Hu were not at peace.

The emperor was overjoyed to discover that the Huns had a long-standing feud with the Yuezhi, and wanted to connect with the Western Regions, intending to form an alliance with them to attack the Huns from a flank.However, the journey is long and full of dangers, and no one has succeeded.

Zhang Qian, as a doctor, asked himself to be envoy to the Western Regions.On the long march of thousands of miles, he worked tirelessly, determined to win his heart's desire, and connected all the border areas with the Western Regions, which not only showed his virtue but also expanded his territory.

The journey is long, the terrain is dangerous, and the journey is a lesson in hardship.On the journey, we passed through the Gate of Hell and crossed the snow-capped mountains of Tianshan Mountain.Overcome the pain of sandstorms and rain, and endure the cold of deserts and mountains.Traveling tens of thousands of miles, the footprints remain intact.Eliminate internal and external worries, and bring closeness to friends.

The two were captured by the Xiongnu, and they were coerced and lured. Their close relatives were trapped, and they were filled with sorrow and anger.However, his ambitions are high, his righteousness outweighs his sorrow, his heart is concerned about the country of Han Dynasty, and his righteousness is awe-inspiring.In the face of adversity, do not succumb to fate, would rather die than surrender, and would rather break than bend.Stay loyal and upright.He is loyal, has high integrity, is blessed by destiny, and finally escapes the clutches of the devil.

Carry precious items and discover the secrets of warp and latitude.Rare animals and birds, exotic fruits and herbs, the dragon bones of Renren, and auspicious snow turtle elixirs are offered as sacrifices to Honglu.The way forward is not only to consider the disadvantages of tin trade, but also to understand the ways to make profits from world trade.Based on this, palaces and temples were built to benefit the people.

He has worked hard on his will and energy, his heart is devoted to the great man, and he has set his sights on the world.Be brave and resourceful, and strategize.They worked hard to make peace and discuss matters, showing the style of Han civilization.Visit all over the country, make friends, and maintain peace among neighboring countries.

Zhang Qian of the Western Han Dynasty was a heroic man with outstanding merits!After hard work, we finally opened the Dragon Gate of the Western Regions and illuminated the land of Hu and Qiang with the glory of Chinese culture!

Close your eyes and remember, its prosperity is incomparable, and its great achievements will last forever.How can people in this world forget their greatness and hard work?The saint's path to immortality is also the glory of the Han family...

The hardships and pain Zhang Qian experienced can only be understood more clearly by Liu Han, who has been through it once.

For 13 years, in the yellow sand of the desert, the swamp grassland, the scorching sun and hail, the hunger and cold, and the coercion and inducement of the enemy, he was the glory of the great man.

In the past, Liu Han knew about Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions, his hard work, and his greatness. However, only in this era can he better appreciate the value of such integrity and persistence.

The glory of the Han Dynasty belongs to him. Likewise, his glory created the Han Dynasty, making it shine brightly and illuminate the long river of history, and let the word "Han" be engraved into the blood and soul of China.

You can never truly know a person until you walk in his shoes and think about things from his perspective.

But, when you walk through the path he took, even those passing by feel sad.

Liu Han, who has experienced this personally, has deeper feelings.

Standing next to the big lake in Yanze, the majestic wind slowly blew by, Liu Han's heart was full of pride, the Huns, he came, he saw that he conquered, and the glory of the Han Dynasty would also be forged because of him.

By the big lake, several people gathered together,
"Puduo, please introduce me."

The servant is a general under Huo Qubing. He is in his 20s, young and tall. It is worth mentioning that he is an out-and-out Huns and the former little king of the Huns.

Next to him is Zhao Ponu. Although he is Han, he has lived in the Xiongnu since he was a child and knows the Xiongnu very well.

In addition, there is Gao Bushi, whose name looks like a Han, but in fact he is also the king of the Huns. He surrendered to the Han Dynasty and was named a school captain.

Good guy, most of Huo Qubing's generals are Huns and have surrendered.

Emperor Wu loved Huo Qubing more than Wei Qing. Except for Huo Qubing, he was a genius, daring and good at making big detours and interludes.

Another reason is that almost all of Huo Qubing's troops were Huns, while Wei Qing used the Huns as his front troops or guides, and the main force was Han Chinese. Li Guang and other generals almost did not use the Huns.

Emperor Wu liked to use Huo Qubing as a general, and said eight words with a smile: "The Yi and Hu will attack each other without harming the Han soldiers."

Of course, the one he trusts most now is Liu Han, mainly because Liu Han seems to understand everything he does and supports him 100%. He feels that he trusts him more than he imagined.

Who said Liu Han was a time traveler? He only had to hug his thighs. History has proven Huo Qubing's genius and success.

"Yes, General, everyone, look at the map. We set out from Beidi County on the tenth day of May, entered the Ulan Buh Desert to the north of the Helan Mountain, and then along the northern edge of the Badain Jaran Desert. After fifteen days of trekking, we finally arrived. Arrive at Juyanze."

As Puduo spoke, he pointed at the map and recalled the hardships in the past. This strong man almost shed tears.

This march lasted more than 2000 miles, and it was a circuitous advance on the edge of the desert. The desert vegetation was sparse, and it was hot in summer. The army's march was difficult and difficult for ordinary people to imagine.

What's even more frightening is that once you get lost, your entire army will be annihilated.

Fortunately, they arrived.

After taking a look at everyone, they all laughed, and some even burst into tears. Puduo continued: "Back then, the Yuezhi were forced to leave the Hexi Corridor. Some people stayed behind, and they are now the Little Yuezhi. They were captured by the Xiongnu It was divided into three parts. One part took the initiative to cross the Qilian Mountains and lived together with the Western Qiang people, and was called the Huangshui Yueshi."

As Puduo spoke, he followed the map, bypassed the Qilian Mountains, and pointed to the Huangshui River.

Huo Qubing said calmly: "Then this one won't be of much use. It's difficult for us to contact each other across the Qilian Mountains."


"The second part was slaves in the Lushui River Basin on the south side of Longshou Mountain in the upper reaches of Weishui River, and was called the Lushui Yueshi."

Puduo said, pointing his finger near Lu Shui again.

Dahan's map is not accurate, but it is much better than nothing. At least it can give you a rough idea. Coupled with Zhang Qian's description when he came back, everyone is not particularly unfamiliar with these places.

"The third tribe shepherds sheep in the south of Juyanze, and is called the Juyan Yuezhi. It is also the closest to us. Of these three small Yuezhi, the Huangshui Yuezhi has a slightly better life, and the Lushui Yuezhi is the worst. The tribe is almost There are no more, only a group of slaves herding sheep and horses are left.

The Juyan Yueshi still retained their tribes, but there were the right tribe of Xiongnu in the north and Jiju, a large tribe of Weishui in the south. Their parents had bullied the weak for a long time and oppressed them by peeling off their skin and marrow. Only a thousand old and weak people were left in this tribe. There are only more than [-] warriors in the clan. "

Liu Han smiled, "No wonder, he sent someone to contact us, he probably won't survive."

"Okay, then go to their tribe to make repairs, and then wait for General Gongsun Ao's army to join us. Remember, the news cannot be leaked so that the Huns can be prepared."

Huo Qubing made the final decision.


On this day, the Xiaoyuezhi people held a grand wildfire party to entertain Huo Qubing and Liu Han. They lived by Yanze and were filled with joy. Everyone lit thousands of bonfires around the lake and barbecued deer legs and lamb legs. The meat was fragrant and Liu Han ate it. His mouth was full of oil.

Everyone was singing and dancing. Huo Qubing was so happy that he rode horses and drew his bow and arrows.

"call out!"

He actually shot down an owl.

"The general is good at archery."

Everyone rejoices.

"I thought it was an eagle. It's back. It's back."

Liu Han suggested: "How about I accompany you to shoot eagles during the day?"

"Forget it, time is tight, let's wait until this battle is over."

"it is good!"

The group of people returned to the campfire, and Huo Qubing handed a knife with a piece of roasted lamb stuck in it to the old man next to him.

This old man was the young king of the Yuezhi in Juyan, named Ji Guli. He said politely: "Thank you, general. If you have any needs, general, just ask. From now on, we, the Yuezhi, will only follow the lead of the big men. We still have a thousand warriors. You can join the war."

Ji Guli folded his right hand across his chest and saluted. This etiquette represented surrender.

"Okay, on behalf of the big man, I will bless you." Huo Qubing helped him up.

"Can you give me ten guides, who can avoid the eyes and ears of Jiju people and are better than thousands of troops?"

Ji Guli said: "Don't talk about ten guides, even if the whole clan is fighting for revenge, we will never frown."

"The glory of the great man will shine upon you."

Liu Han looked at them with a smile on his face. This time, they were no longer fighting alone. They also had Gongsun Ao's army, as well as Zhang Qian and Li Guang in the northeast to contain the Xiongnu Chanyu. They would never be like last time. So dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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