Chapter 56 The youthful time that cannot be returned
"You have a good rest and be sure to pay attention to your health. I will bring the army back safely."

On the way back, it was almost a sightseeing trip, and there was not much pressure. Liu Han looked at Huo Qubing repeatedly and found that his face was as usual, and he felt more relieved.

Probably because he had been exposed to the sun for a long time in the desert, Huo Qubing's whole body was very dark, and his skin had even shed in some places.

Not only him, Liu Han was also dark, but it was not obvious, and his sun-chapped skin healed in less than a day.

He discovered a miraculous phenomenon, that is, his recovery ability is very good, even if he is injured, the wound will heal very quickly.

He didn't pay too much attention to it, thinking that he was young or talented. After all, he was only 17 years old. When he has unlimited energy, his recovery ability is naturally strong. The main reason is that he did not suffer major injuries, they were all minor injuries, and he seemed to recover quickly. Reasonable.

"Okay, I don't know about my body yet. There seems to be some of your strong liquor left. Why don't you give me some?"

Ever since the first battle of Hexi, when he returned to Chang'an and drank Liu Han's distilled wine, Huo Qubing no longer felt any sense of other wines.

Liu Han rolled his eyes at him, "It's all alcohol. Drink whatever you want. Be careful of alcohol poisoning. A lot of it has been used by the soldiers. There's only a little left. I'll keep some for spare."

"Alcohol, alcohol poisoning?"

What the hell is this? Huo Qubing looked confused. Can this wine be poisonous?

"Whether the wine is strong or not depends on the alcohol content. It would be great if the wine you usually drink can be [-] out of [-]. I have at least [-] out of [-] in it. If you drink too much, your body will not be able to digest it, and you will die. In the past, Aren’t there people who drink to death?”

"What a joke, will I drink to death? As a hussar general, I am ordering you to give me the wine."

"Good good."

You are the boss, you have the final say, and you can crush everyone to death at the highest official level.

Liu Han had no choice but to take out the few spirits left, secretly mixed some water into it, lowered the alcohol content, and gave it to Huo Qubing.

"It's a good wine, it should be so strong." Huo Qubing drank heavily. Now that they were all back in the Han Dynasty, they naturally let themselves go.

"It doesn't seem to be as strong as last time. Did you add water to it?"

"No, it may be because it was not well preserved and the weather was hot."

Liu Han shook his head quickly, lying without even turning red.

He is no longer the same person as before. After the baptism of war, it seems that something has changed, but it seems that nothing has changed.

He is more mature and more aware of the great significance of these two battles in Hexi.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty and the beginning of the Han Dynasty, Chu and Han wanted to fight, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu fought for the world, and the Central Plains was in chaos.

In the north, the Huns unified the Mongolian plateau under the leadership of a generation of heroic lords, Maodun Shanyu, attacked Donghu in the east, defeated the Yueshi in the west, annexed Dingling, Jiankun and other tribes in the north, and captured Henan in the south.

Later, the Xiongnu even threatened the Western Regions from the west. According to the situation at that time, the Xiongnu seemed to be the overlord of the inland, and they could fight whoever they wanted, similar to today's Yingjiang Kingdom.

As the founding emperor, Liu Bang also fought a battle with the Xiongnu. As a result, hundreds of thousands of troops were besieged on Baishan Mountain and were almost annihilated.

Reluctantly, Liu Bang adopted Chen Ping's plan and sent envoys to go down the mountain in the mist. They presented a lot of gold and silver jewels to Chanyu's wife, Yan, and they were able to get out of danger...

Who is Liu Bang?A generation of heroes, Peixian raised troops to fight for the world, the Qin Empire, Xiang Yu, Han Xin...

He defeated all powerful opponents one by one. Such powerful people were no match for the Xiongnu. One can imagine how powerful the Xiongnu was at that time.

The Xiongnu occupied the Mongolian plateau and commanded the Han Dynasty in the south.

The Xiongnu mainly had three major commanders, the Xiongnu Chanyu, Zuoxianwang, and Youxianwang.

The Xiongnu Chanyu lived in the center, using the Orkhon Valley in Mobei as his base camp and Henan as his advance base to implement a central breakthrough against the Han Dynasty.

King Zuo Xian lived in the Kerulen River Basin and threatened the Han Dynasty from Liaodong direction;
King Youxian took the Mongolian Great Lakes Basin as the core and threatened the Han Dynasty from the Hexi direction.

The three tribes of the Xiongnu were affiliated with each other and supported each other, posing a great threat to the Han Empire.

At that time, the Han Empire could only be beaten passively, sending some princesses for marriage from time to time.

It was not until the accumulation of Wenjing's rule, the emergence of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and the rise of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing that this situation changed.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty first sent Wei Qing to carry out the Monan Campaign, almost crippling King Youxian, regaining Henan, setting up counties and counties, and relocating the population to consolidate.

The victory in the Battle of Monan was equivalent to inserting a nail in the middle of the Xiongnu, directly separating the left and right Xiongnu so that the two sides could not care about each other.

At this time, the big Han no longer passively defended and could take the initiative to attack the Huns. Of course, overall, the Big Han was still weak.

The Battle of Monan was also the beginning and foundation of the three major campaigns against the Xiongnu, while the Battle of Hexi was to completely go out and demonstrate the majesty of the Han Dynasty, realizing that where the enemy can go, I can go too.

In March this year, the young hussar generals Huo Qubing and Liu Han won a complete victory in the first battle of Hexi.

They led their troops across Wuli Mountain, crossed the Yellow River, attacked the Chu Pu tribe, quickly beheaded King Chu Pu, crossed the Hunu River, fought for more than a thousand miles in six days, and destroyed the five Xiongnu kingdoms.

Then, the Han army made a long-distance attack across Yanzhi Mountain, and fought a decisive battle with the Xiongnu's main force in Hexi at Gaolan Mountain. They killed the Huns' King Zhelan and King Luhou, and King Hunxie was defeated. Seized by the army.

Of course, he suffered heavy losses, being chased all the way and almost annihilating his entire army, but the enemy's vitality was even more severely damaged.

In addition to the difficulty of marching, the second battle was also hearty and invincible, and the Huns were invincible.

Huo Qubing and Liu Han adopted a large-depth and roundabout operation. After crossing the Yellow River, they crossed the Helan Mountains to the north, waded through the vast Ulan Bhe Desert and Badain Jaran Desert, and detoured to Juyanhai.

Then it turned from north to south, advanced along the weak water, passed through Xiaoyuezhi, then turned from northwest to southeast, and penetrated more than 2000 miles into the Xiongnu territory.

Finally, he unexpectedly appeared between the Qilian Mountains and the Heli Mountains. He launched a fierce attack from the flanks and rear of the armies of King Hunxie and King Xiutu, and defeated them. King Hunxie and King Xiutu escaped with their remaining troops...

It can be said that the Hexi victory almost completely eliminated the Xiongnu's power in this area, which was equivalent to breaking the right arm of the Xiongnu.

The balance of power between the Han Empire and the Huns has tilted towards the Han Dynasty, and the era of the Huns doing whatever they wanted on the grasslands is over.The Huns knew these situations very well. No wonder they said in frustration: "The loss of my Qilian Mountains will prevent my livestock from multiplying; the loss of my Rouge Mountains will make my married women colorless."

As a powerful nomadic empire, the Huns could not have a large population due to productivity issues.

Its population is at most about 220 million, which is equivalent to the population of several counties in the Han Dynasty.

Even if all the Xiongnu people were soldiers, they would only have 40 to 50 cavalry at most.

Due to the limitation of population base, the Huns cannot lose too many troops, otherwise it will be difficult for them to recover.

The Han Dynasty was different. As long as there were enough war horses and food and grass, they could continuously raise an army to conquer the Xiongnu.

In the Battle of Monan, the Huns had lost tens of thousands of troops.

In the Battle of Hexi, the Huns lost more troops.

In the first battle, Huo Qubing and Liu Han led more than [-] cavalry and wiped out more than [-] enemies.

The results of the second battle were even more brilliant, with 3.5 cavalry annihilating more than 6000 enemies and only losing more than [-] of their own.

"The only thing left is to seal the wolf as a Xu!"

Liu Han looked into the distance, and the sun shone on his face, shining brightly. He felt filled with pride and a bright future, just like the sun in front of him.

Then, he saw Huo Qubing with a slightly red face, and he silently told himself, "We must not let him die early, absolutely!"

"What's wrong? What are you looking at me for?"

Huo Qubing was a little confused.

"Why do I always feel that something is wrong with you? You don't have the skills of Long Yang, do you?"

Huo Qubing said, pretending to take a few steps back. Liu Han knew he was joking, but at this moment, he felt that the person in front of him was more real.


"I told you not to be brave. If you can't drink it, don't drink it. Your face will turn red."

"Whoever can't drink, go hunting!"


Huo Qubing took his bow and arrow and galloped forward to attack.

At this moment, he is an invincible general, the glory of the great man, and a young man like the wind. He is only 19 years old this year, which is when he is in high spirits.

Just a young boy, Fenghua Zhengmao; book business gas, swaying Fang.

Pointing the country, enthusiastic writing, the dung soil was ten thousand households back then.

Have you ever remembered that when you hit the water in the middle of the stream, the waves stop the boat?


"My body is not fully healed yet, spank me."

Liu Han quickly chased after him. He enjoyed the time with Huo Qubing. He could always trust him because he had never been defeated.

Perhaps, the only things that can defeat him are fate and time.

This is in a vast grassland, the light blue sky is like a dome, and the small flowers everywhere are like yellow stars scattered on the green carpet.

The breeze blows, and ripples appear on the grassland, carrying a fresh earthy smell and a faint floral fragrance.

Liu Han's riding attire is rigorous and elegant, like a classical knight, and his face is filled with calmness and wisdom.

Huo Qubing is wearing light armor and has a strong posture. His eyes are firm and he has a confident and heroic smile on his face.

The reins in their hands were like flowing ribbons, and the spears and swords they waved seemed to reflect the sunlight.

They rode horses as if they were splashing ink on a living picture, depicting a picture full of movement and vitality.

The surrounding scenery moved quickly around them, as if the flow of time became irrelevant at this moment.

Their hearts have transcended the constraints of reality and integrated into this beautiful world.

They rode their horses and whips on this vast grassland, like two bright stars, lighting up the land.

The sun shines on their faces, giving them a golden glow.

Their smiles are like the spring sunshine, warm and enthusiastic.

In this sunshine, Liu Han and Huo Qubing galloped, their figures as eternal as sculptures.

This picture seems to be frozen in time, becoming a beautiful eternity.

At this moment, the friendship between Liu Han and Huo Qubing, their bravery, love for life and expectations for the future men all condensed into an eternal beauty.

Many years later, when Liu Han looked back on the past, he realized that perhaps this was the happiest time in his life.

If you want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus with wine, it doesn't seem like you are a teenager.

Then I invite the east wind to embrace the bright moon, but if spring is not allowed, there will be no return.

(End of this chapter)

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