The great man will live forever

Chapter 57: Unbridled Rewards

Chapter 57: Unbridled Rewards
Not long after, the army returned to Chang'an, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty came to greet him personally.

"Haha, you are indeed my lucky general."

He was very happy and gave a lot of rewards. The champion Hou Huo was able to benefit from his illness and be granted 5400 households. Including the previous ones, the total number of households was 10100.

The school captain was given to the Xiaoyue clan, the concubine on the left, the eagle struck Sima Ponu, and then the hussar general beheaded King Xiu Pu, and captured the king Ji Qie. The qianqi general on the right got one king and one queen mother each, and 41 people below the prince. , captured 330 people, and captured 400 people in advance. They granted the slaves the title of Congpiaohou and 1500 households.

Gao Bushi, the captain of the school, captured 11 people below the Prince of Qi from the Hussars General, and captured 760 and 1100 people. He was granted the title of Yiguanhou and had [-] households in the city.

If there are many meritorious servants in the school, they will be granted the title of Marquis of Huiqu, with a settlement of 1100 households.

Liu Han, the auxiliary general of the country, assisted the hussar general to defeat the Huns. He was promoted to a marquis and granted 3500 additional households, for a total of 4500 households.

Huo Qubing and Liu Han were greatly rewarded, and the others were in trouble.

Let's talk about Gongsun Ao first. He had an army of [-], but he failed to make any achievements and got lost. He was sentenced to death for delaying the time agreed with Huo Qubing. After he paid the ransom, he was deposed as a civilian again.

Good guy, several years of hard work and battles have been in vain. You must know that in the spring of 124 BC, the fifth year of Yuan Shuo, he served as a school captain and followed the general Wei Qing to attack the Xiongnu. There are [-] households in the city.

Of course, they were mentally prepared. There had been ups and downs, and it was not the first time that they had been deposed as common people.

As early as the fifth year of Yuanguang, 130 BC, the Xiongnu invaded Shanggu County and plundered the officials and people. The imperial court therefore sent Gongsun Ao, then Taizhong doctor, as the cavalry general, together with the chariot general Wei Qing, the light chariot general Gongsun He, and the heroic cavalry general Li. Guang each led [-] cavalry to attack the Xiongnu.

Gongsun Ao sent troops from Daijun and fought with the Xiongnu. Seven thousand cavalry were killed in the battle. Therefore, he was sentenced to death. He later paid a ransom and was exempted from crime.

This man's fighting skills were indeed far inferior to those of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing. Apart from following Wei Qing and getting some military exploits, he was defeated several times in the following battles.

After the deaths of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty thought of him again. Therefore, in the fourth year of the Tianhan Dynasty (97 BC), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Gongsun Ao to serve as General Yinqiao again, leading [-] cavalry and [-] infantry to set off from Yanmen Pass to fight with Er. Division General Li Guangli joined forces to attack the Xiongnu.

The Han army marched to Yuwu. Li Guangli fought with the Xiongnu Chanyu on the Yuwu waterfront for several days. Gongsun Ao fought with the Xiongnu Zuoxian King, but he failed and lost too many soldiers, so they all withdrew their troops and returned to the court.

This time, he failed again. He lost too many soldiers and was sentenced to death.

Perhaps because he had no money to atone for his sins, or perhaps he was too afraid of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in his later years, he falsely claimed that he was dead and fled among the people for several years.Later he was found out and arrested.

After his arrest, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not kill him. His wife was implicated in the witchcraft incident and was cut in half to death, and his entire family was also destroyed.

He also did an extremely immoral thing, which was to frame Li Ling.

Li Ling was besieged by the Huns, and he led his troops to break out without success. However, he did not choose to die like a hero, but chose to surrender. As for the reason, he said many years later.

Li Ling once revealed to his close friend Su Wu that when he first surrendered, he wanted to imitate the hero Cao Mo of the Spring and Autumn Period and kidnap the Xiongnu Chanyu and return to the Han Dynasty.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and people were not as good as God. In the end, various tragedies occurred, making him stay in the Huns forever.

Before he surrendered, Li Ling said: "I have no shame to repay Your Majesty. In this breakout operation, most of the soldiers died heroically. In the end, only more than 400 people returned to Han."

Victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists. Li Ling was overconfident. He thought that he was Huo Qubing and could sweep the Huns with [-] infantry. It was a fool's dream.

In the first battle of Hexi, Huo Qubing and Liu Han led 1 people to sweep across Hexi, but only [-] remaining soldiers were left, and they were almost wiped out by the Xiongnu.

The Xiongnu were the number one enemy of the Han Empire. Even with the geniuses of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing and all the empire's financial resources, they could only severely damage them but not destroy them, let alone a mere five thousand infantrymen.
Victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs. The problem is that while others died in the battle, the general Li Ling was still alive and surrendered.

At first, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty regretted not providing reinforcements to Li Ling, so that his army went deep into the army and was eventually destroyed.

So he sent Gongsun Ao to lead his cavalry deep into the Xiongnu to rescue Li Ling. Gongsun Ao went deep into the Xiongnu several times, but returned without success.In order to shirk responsibility, he falsely accused Li Ling of betraying and surrendering and teaching the Huns offensive and defensive tactics, which resulted in his failure to succeed.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was furious and took Li Ling's mother, brother, wife, children, etc. to the execution ground and beheaded them in public.The Li family has struggled for the Han family for decades, but it has resulted in such a result. It was God's will, coupled with the villain's mischief, and the suspicion of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in his later years.

Li Guang and Li Gan both made great contributions to the Han Dynasty. Their relatives and descendants were almost cut off, which is a bit heartbreaking.

Gongsun Ao has certain abilities, but he is really not particularly strong. His character and integrity are average, and he can be regarded as a well-known general during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

In later generations, Wang Fuzhi's "Song Lun" said: "Those who were sent by Emperor Wu to defeat the dead, kill famous kings, and gallop across the north of the Great Wall, such as Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Li Guang, Cheng Bushi, Su Jian, Gongsun Ao, etc., all uprooted Hanwei, and their eyes were I have not seen the books of Sun and Wu, and I have not heard the festival of the golden drum, but I am using the new energy to spread my power to Shuo Mo."

Of course, Gongsun Ao was not alone. This time it was not only him who was demoted to a commoner, but also Bowang Hou Zhang Qian.

According to Han law, Bowang Hou Zhang Qian acted slowly and missed the opportunity to fight, so that Li Guang's four thousand army was almost wiped out. He should be sentenced to death.

In order to raise money for the war, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty introduced a policy of paying atonement, so Zhang Qian paid the atonement and was demoted to a commoner.

The two of them had the same problem, and they felt sorry for each other. They only had the same amount of money, but they filled the treasury of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

The most pitiful person was Li Guang. He was extremely brave. He was surrounded by [-] troops. He was not afraid at all. He also shot and killed several Xiongnu generals. Unfortunately, he also suffered heavy casualties. Therefore, his merits were equal to his crime, and he was not rewarded or punished. He lost again. An opportunity to become a prince.

"Hanshu. Biography of Zhang Qian" describes this paragraph:

Three years later, Guang Yi Lang ordered four thousand riders to ride out of Youbeiping. Bowang Hou Zhang Qian sent ten thousand riders to join Guang in a different way.

After traveling hundreds of miles, King Zuoxian of the Xiongnu surrounded Guang with [-] cavalry. The soldiers of Guang were frightened, but Guang made his son dare to ride on them.He dared to go straight through the Hu cavalry from dozens of cavalry, and then came back from his left and right sides. He reported to Guang and said: "The Hu barbarians are easy to deal with." The sergeant Nai'an.

In order to protect Chen's foreign land, Hu attacked quickly, and the arrows fell like rain.More than half of the Han soldiers died, and all the Han arrows were exhausted.

Guang Nai ordered him to hold his position until he was full, but Guang himself shot his generals with rhubarb, killing several people and liberating the barbarians.

In the evening of the meeting, the officials and officials were indifferent, but their minds and spirits were free, which was beneficial to the management of the army.His bravery is admired in the army.

Tomorrow, we will fight again, and Bowang Hou's army will also join forces, and the Huns will be relieved.The Han army was unable to pursue them.

At that time, the Guang army was almost gone and they returned.In the Han Dynasty, in the later period of Bowang Hou, he should die and be redeemed as a commoner.Guangjun will be responsible for his own safety, and he will be rewarded if he dies...

In fact, this time, Li Guang faced the unfavorable situation with his calmness and effective actions, which almost turned the tide.It stands to reason that you should be praised and rewarded.

Specific to this matter, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was divorced from the actual situation when he implemented the Han Law, and some were too harsh.

Therefore, serving as an official under Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is really exciting. If you have merit, you will be granted the title of marquis immediately. If you make mistakes, you will be punished. When you go out to fight, you will be a prince, and when you come back, you will become a commoner. Most people can't stand it, so that after returning, Zhang Qian was depressed and always drank.

Liu Han wanted to speak out several times, but it was hard to say. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was becoming more and more majestic.

Anyway, the people were not dead, and Liu Han's relationship with them was average, so forget it, he just wanted to hug Huo Qubing's thigh.

If Huo Qubing was punished, he would definitely speak out, but would Emperor Wu of Han be willing to do so?Will Huo Qubing lose the battle?

Everyone on Huo Qubing's side was rewarded, while the others were miserable. It can only be said that without comparison, there would be no harm.

(End of this chapter)

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