The great man will live forever

Chapter 67: Low survival rate?

Chapter 67: Low survival rate?

After learning more about and experiencing the effect of stirrups,
"Okay, Shui Chehou, I will reward you greatly."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was very happy and patted Liu Han on the shoulder.

"Your Majesty, it's not just stirrups. I also have something else. Have you noticed it?"

"Oh, what?"

"Brother Liu, I discovered that it's something on the horse's hoof. I rode on the horse and heard the sound of the horse's hoof hitting the ground."

Huo Qubing discovered it immediately and lifted the horse's legs.

"what is this?"


He knocked a few times, "Made of iron?"

"Yes, this is called a horse's iron shoe. When I was fighting, I was thinking, if humans can wear shoes, why can't horses? I put on shoes that won't break and nailed them directly to the soles of the feet. You also tried it and started running. as usual.

It can protect the horse's hoof very well. In the army, the horse has to be replaced every few years. It's not that it is old, but that the hoof is broken and it can't run. With this horse's iron hoof, there is no need to worry about the horse's hoof being broken. "

Liu Han pointed at Ma Tiedi and introduced.

Horseshoes, also known as horseshoes, are iron hoof-shaped objects nailed to the hooves of horses, mules and other livestock. They are generally U-shaped and their main function is to protect the horseshoes.

It is said that Genghis Khan learned it from there after he fought all the way to the west and reached Europe.

The name "Scourge of God" is not for nothing. Genghis Khan reached as far as the Danube River in Europe, which was the farthest west among his conquests.

In addition, he also conquered Africa, the southwest to the Middle East, as far south as the Huaihe River Basin, as far east as Sakhalin Island, and as far north as near the Arctic Circle.

This is a man who has fought half way around the world.

There is a thick layer of covering at the bottom of the horse's hoof, about two to three centimeters thick. This layer of covering is composed of keratin.

It is somewhat similar to our human nails. Nails mainly protect our fingers from injury. The cuticle of horseshoes is also very hard and has a certain protective effect.

However, the horn on horses' hooves is slightly different from that on humans, and they have some disadvantages.

First of all, the cuticle of horseshoes is very thick. If it is not repaired, it will accumulate and become thicker. For example, if you wear high heels, it will eventually affect the horse's running.

People still have to cut their nails regularly, let alone horses!

Secondly, the horse's hoof is the most vulnerable part of the horse to be injured, because the horse's hoof is in contact with the ground at any time, and strong friction will be generated during the contact process.

Anyone who has studied physics knows that a horse can run forward because when it mounts backward, the ground gives it a forward reaction friction.

This friction is very large and can cause damage to the horse's hooves. Sometimes there is mud and water on the ground, and the water will penetrate and cause the cuticle to fall off.

When the horse's hoof is not protected by the cuticle, the meat will directly rub against the ground, and the horse's hoof will bleed and rot, causing the horse to become infected with bacteria. In the end, the horse will not be able to run. It will take a long time to raise the horse, and it will die if it is not done properly.

Therefore, before the horse iron question appeared, the war horses in the army were frequently replaced.

Of course, they usually have several horses per person. When one horse is used up, they will immediately replace it with another one, but this is very wasteful.

Wei Qing sighed, "Now, horses don't need to be replaced frequently. One horse can be used for a long time, making it more convenient to fight in the desert."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty smiled happily and said, "Okay, okay, put shoes on the horse, what a great idea, you are really a genius, with the curved shaft plow, waterwheel, Xiongnu blood, stirrups, and this horse's iron hoofs, you are really a gift from God. Tell me, what reward do you want?"

"Your Majesty, why don't you keep it until you finish defeating the Huns?"

"You still want to talk to me about the conditions, okay, I will immediately ask Sang Hongyang to summon blacksmiths from all over the country to speed up the production of stirrups and horse iron shoes."

After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty finished speaking, he waved his hand and said, "You will follow me back to the palace today to drink the blood of the Huns. You will not return until you are drunk."


That night, Liu Han came home almost half-drunk, and both Huo Qubing and Wei Qing toasted to him frequently.

"Sir, why did you drink so much?"

Liu Han, who smelled of alcohol, was carried to the mansion, and Xiao Taohong and Ayimei quickly washed him.

They supported him, bathed him, fed him hot water, wiped him...

After everything is done,
Liu Han slowly opened his eyes, "I have a headache, and I'm still a little hungry. Xiao Taohong, ask someone to cook some porridge for me." "How about I cook it? Sweet, with honey?" Xiao Taohong asked.

"She is really my darling. She knows everything. Let's go." Liu Han said, pinching her face. She blushed slightly and skipped to the kitchen.

"Master Hou, are you not drunk?"

Ayimei held Liu Han's head and rested it on her lap, massaging him gently.

"You are so smart. If I didn't pretend to be drunk, I don't know how much wine I would have drunk."

Liu Han smelled the fragrance coming from her body and felt relaxed and happy. He was pretending to be drunk, and he couldn't get drunk. If he was drunk and was lying, saying that he was a time traveler, that would be troublesome.

If you say the time traveler is okay, others may not understand. If you say something else, it will be even more troublesome.

Ayimei's movements were extremely gentle, "What makes you so happy? Drink so much wine?"

"I made stirrups and horse iron shoes. You will understand later. They can greatly improve the cavalry's combat capabilities. In a few years, Your Majesty will probably go on an expedition against the Huns."

Liu Han trusts Ai Mei more and more. Even the people beside him don't trust him. How many people in the world can he trust?

Ayimei was a little surprised, "Your Majesty is going to go on an expedition against the Huns? The Great Chanyu has already moved to Mobei. Are you going to cross the Great Gobi and go to Mobei to fight him?"


"How is that possible? That's the Gobi Desert. Can an army cross it?"

"Everything is possible. Do you know our mythology? Foolish Old Man moved mountains, Jingwei filled the sea, and Yu controlled the floods. What the sages did was to turn the impossible into possible."

"I heard these stories from my mother Yan. Indeed, your ancestors were very powerful."

"No, they are our ancestors, you know? The Huns fled to the desert during the Xia Kingdom. We have common ancestors, but over the past thousands of years, many of our habits have changed. You are now my wife, and more With Han blood, you are a part of the Han Empire."


The two were chatting. Suddenly, Ayimei's hand stopped and she touched her belly, feeling a little frustrated.

"What's wrong?" Liu Han noticed keenly.

"It's been a year and a half, but I'm not pregnant with your child yet."

Women in ancient times, whether they were Han Chinese or Xiongnu, attached great importance to having children.

Liu Han felt something was wrong in his heart. He and Ayimei had never taken protective measures, but they never got pregnant. This was not right.

"After some time, I'll find a doctor to look at it for us."

Ayimei's face turned pale and she was very worried, "Is there something wrong with me?"

"Maybe it's my problem."

"You're as strong as a cow and you can't stop wanting more. How can there be a problem?" After Ayimei finished speaking, her face turned red.

"Maybe it's because the survival rate is low or something."

"The survival rate is low?" She was a little confused.

"You don't understand. I don't care about this. Descendants are not necessary. Even if you can't have children, I will always love you."

In an instant, Ayimei burst into tears.

"Why are you crying? Don't cry. My heart will break when you cry."

"How can you do it without having children? You Han people say that the three most unfilial things are not having children."

"Okay, okay, yes, if you are sick, let's seek medical treatment. We will be fine."

Liu Han hugged her and felt particularly warm.

 The writing is very good, the plot is very attractive, I guess the big brother and the alt, it feels very good, I was attracted by the first chapter, but the update is too slow, I recommend everyone to read it and experience the pain of catching up.


(End of this chapter)

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