The great man will live forever

Chapter 68 The Ambition of the Sages

Chapter 68 The Ambition of the Sages
"Open your mouth and stick out your tongue."

"Ah, ah, ah..."

"Does the Marquis have sex for a long time?"

Liu Han blushed, "One stick of incense to two sticks of incense."

One stick of incense takes about 15 minutes, which is not too short.

The white-bearded old man opposite looked at Liu Han for a few times and nodded slowly. He was Que Tianhua. When Zhao Xin came to Ganquan Palace for a sneak attack, he was the one who treated the wounded soldiers.

Now I have entered the Imperial Medical Office and served as an imperial physician. My medical skills are quite good. My ancestors have been studying medicine for several lifetimes and have practiced medicine for a lifetime. They are from a well-established medical family. It is said that my ancestors were Bian Que's apprentices. How true or false is that? I no longer know.

The ancients always liked to elevate their ancestors, such as the royal family of the Tang Dynasty. They claimed to be descendants of Li Er, the man who rode an ox out of Hangu Pass, Lao Tzu, the ancestor of Taoism and wrote the Tao Te Ching.

As for whether it is true or not, that’s up to you.

His son Que Zhize was also good at medicine. It was his son who treated Huo Qubing's injury in the Battle of Hexi.

"Master Hou, how far does urination usually go?"

"Fight the wind two or three feet!"

"How many times a day do you pee? How many times do you have a bowel movement?"

"Urine about 4 times a day and defecate once every one to two days."

"That shouldn't be a problem. Let me check the pulse again." Que Tianhua nodded, and he began to diagnose Liu Han's pulse. This is the last step of traditional Chinese medicine.

Chinese medicine is broad and profound, and those who know it by looking at it, hearing it, asking questions, and seeing its five colors can understand its disease.

Those who know it by hearing it can hear its five sounds to distinguish its disease.

Those who know by asking, ask what they want and the five tastes, so as to know the origin of their disease.

Those who know the pulse by feeling the pulse, examine the cunkou, see the deficiency and excess, so as to know the disease, and where the disease is located.

The scriptures say that those who know from the outside are called saints, and those that know from the inside are called gods. This is also called...

After half a stick of incense, he put down his hand and said with a smile: "Master Hou's pulse is strong, stable, and harmonious. He is very healthy."

Hearing what he said, Liu Han breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with him. The doctors had said so. Professional matters were left to professionals. This had always been the principle he followed.

"Then take a look at it for my wife."

Liu Han was a little worried that there was something wrong with Ayi Mei. Although he didn't value future generations that much, he still had to have children. Poor people didn't have to have children. He had a huge family fortune, and he was still a marquis. He was hereditary, and he had a feudal country. It would be a pity if there was no one to inherit. A daughter would be fine, and it would be best to have one as he can afford to raise one.

Many people in later generations have no children. Do they really not want to find one or have a child?
It's poverty and pressure. Cars, houses, and money have already overwhelmed many people. If you add wives and children, it will be too difficult.

Before leaving college, I thought that I was the proud one who would be able to create the life I wanted with my hands, full of passion and vitality...

However, life is so difficult. He worked hard and found that he was just an ordinary person, an insignificant existence among all living beings. His parents were also ordinary people. When they gave birth to children, they were probably ordinary people, and then they suffered all the hardships they had endured. , how to repeat the cycle, why bother? Why bother...

Even Liu Han's current life is what he has worked hard for. Ten years of learning martial arts, archery, horseback riding, and hugging thighs. He went to war with Huo Qubing, the Battle of Monan, the rescue of Ganquan Palace, the Battle of Hexi, and the thousands of miles of panic. Desert, scorching sun, cruel battlefield...

"Well, I rarely diagnose and treat women." Que Tianhua hesitated slightly.

"Are doctors still divided into men and women? I heard a sage say something. He said,
Whenever a great doctor cures a disease, he must soothe the mind and resolve his mind, without desire or desire, first show great compassion and compassion, and vow to save the suffering of the spirit.

If someone comes to seek help from someone who is sick, you should not ask whether they are rich or poor, whether they are old or young, beautiful, resentful or close friends, Chinese or barbaric, stupid or wise, they are all the same, just like the thoughts of a close relative.

You must not look forward or backward, worry about good or bad luck, or protect your life.

Seeing others' distress, if you have it yourself, you will be deeply saddened, don't avoid danger, suffer from cold and heat day and night, hunger, thirst and fatigue, go to rescue wholeheartedly, without any intention to make any sign of Kung Fu.

This can be a great doctor for the common people.

On the contrary, it is a giant thief with a spirit..."

Liu Han's words are shocking. They are "The Great Doctor's Sincerity" by Sun Simiao, a famous Chinese medicine sage in later generations. Every time he sees this passage in later generations, he feels the greatness of the sage. This is a doctor and the soul of China. It was an ideal and belief that could be engraved into the soul and enlighten life, so he memorized it.

After Liu Han finished speaking, Que Tianhua's eyes lit up, and there were even tears in his eyes.

"Well said, who said this? I must meet him and ask the Marquis to introduce him."

As he spoke, he stood up and saluted extremely solemnly. People at his age don't have many years left to live. They have seen through many things. Fame, wealth, power, and status are all difficult to affect him. Only the knowledge of medical skills The pursuit is endless. "Maybe you can't see him anymore."

How can we meet people in the Tang Dynasty hundreds of years later?

"Then can you tell me his name?"

"Sun Simiao."

"Sun Simiao." Que Tianhua muttered to himself. He thought about it carefully, but he had no impression at all.

"Could it be that they are sages? But why don't I know that I have read many ancient books by sages and doctors..."

"Some people don't have to be seen, it's good to know them, right? You know that there is such a person and such a doctor in history, who made great aspirations, has been practicing them, looking up to him, pursuing him, and even becoming him."

"Yes, Mr. Marquis, you have heard what Mr. Marquis said, and I will die without regrets in this life."

Immediately, Que Tianhua, who had regained his composure, diagnosed Ayimei.

"Don't be nervous. You are in good health. You will be fine. Even if there is, I will find a child to raise. If he doesn't know, he will naturally think that you are his mother. Sometimes, raising a child is better than raising a child. Great kindness."

Seeing her sad and nervous look, Liu Han quickly comforted her.

After an inspection, Que Tianhua said with a smile: "Master Hou, my wife is also in good health and there is no problem."

"Phew!" When he said this, Ayimei breathed a sigh of relief. She touched her belly and asked, "Why has it taken so long? Why am I not pregnant yet?"

Que Tianhua thought for a moment and then said carefully: "Well, it may take several years for some people to get pregnant. It is not that simple. His Majesty, for example, was almost 30 before he had a prince. Now he has many heirs. The Marquis is only 18 years old, which is still young. , In fact, the Marquis can take more concubines, so the possibility of having children is greater."

"Okay, let's talk about this a few years later. I'm still young. Xiong Er, give me a gift to Dr. Que, as well as ten taels of consultation money and silver. Give them all to Dr. Que."

"Master Marquis, this is too much. How can I accept your money? Your words today are worth more than ten thousand taels of gold."

"Just accept it if you ask me to. Am I short of money?"

After Xiong Er sent Que Tianhua away, Ai Mei said in shock, "How about the Marquis bring Xiao Taohong into his room?"

"Nonsense, she is only 14 years old." He has no special hobbies.

"Whether it's in the Han Dynasty or the grassland, you can get married at the age of 13. She is already 14."

Liu Han quickly said: "We'll wait until 18. It's too early and it's not good for her health."

"Anything like that?"

"It's like an ox or a horse. If you try to carry things before they grow up, you'll get damaged. She's not fully developed yet. As you can see from the front, it's been the same every year in the past few years. Let's wait until she's fully developed."

"Okay, what about Fang Chan in the mansion? She is 19 years old and very beautiful. She is a beauty gifted by His Majesty. Is it okay to accept her?" Ayi Mei changed her target.

"You really want me to take a concubine, and you won't be jealous?" Liu Han was speechless.

"Why are you jealous? Why are you jealous?"

"you do not like me?"

"If you like me, do you have to be jealous if you like me? My Ada has many women, and my mother, Yan, is not jealous. If she were, she would eat them all. I know you care about me and like me, but I will not restrain you. You should be free, like a goshawk in the desert or a wolf in the prairie."

She said it very seriously and with longing. Although Chang'an is big, no matter how big it is, the grassland will always be an existence that cannot be forgotten in her heart.

"Okay." Liu Han sighed, it was great in ancient times when your wife forced you to take a concubine.

"When this battle is over and there is nothing to do, I will take you to the grassland to shoot goshawks, chase white wolves, and gallop."

"Really?" Ayimei was a little surprised.

"Really, I promise you."

Liu Han really likes grasslands, the vastness, remoteness, tranquility...

In the vast prairie, horses are galloping and hooves are dancing.Looking up into the sky, clouds embroider the curtain.Looking into the distance, riding a horse, seeing a line of green grass and blue sky, riding a horse to look back at the border and far away, thinking about the grassland...

(End of this chapter)

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