The great man will live forever

Chapter 89: Between Thoughts

Chapter 89

In the palace, after Guo Sheren learned about it in detail, he hesitated and was ready to report the matter to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He came to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

"What's the matter?" At this time, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was still processing the memorial.

"Report to Your Majesty, Marquis Shuiche has brought four people out from the palace."


Seeing the confusion of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he took the initiative to explain, "Because the guards did not stop him, a little maid from the Huanyi Bureau seemed to rush over and talk some nonsense. Then Shui Chehou saw that she looked like a deceased relative, so he took him with him Got out.

The little palace maid asked Shui Chehou to bring a few relevant people, including a cook from the imperial kitchen and two palace maids from the laundry department. He sent someone to tell the slave, and the slave thought it was nothing serious, so he agreed to it. . "


Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty nodded to express his understanding, and then asked: "Tell me more specifically, what did the little palace lady say?"

Guo Sheren then explained the development of the matter in detail.

"Zhao Zilong goes in and out of Changban Slope seven times, Wu Song fights tigers...what the hell is this?"

"Your Majesty, it seems that the little palace lady fell into the water a month ago. She is said to be a little crazy. People who meet her say that she and Shui Chehou are from the same hometown."

"Fellow fellow? I remember Shui Che Hou's hometown should be Jinyang. He came to Chang'an when he was 5 years old. I heard that King Dai and Princess Dai were not good to him?"

"King Dai was kind to him. Although he issued the favor order later, King Dai was still planning to give Marquis Shuiche a fief, but Princess Dai didn't allow it, so the matter was settled."

As if thinking of something, Guo Sheren said with a smile: "After the Battle of Hexi, I heard that Zongzheng Liu Jianzhang of the Daiwang Mansion also received the order of the Daiwang and brought a lot of gold, silver, jewelry, and rare treasures to Shuichehou."

After hearing this, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sighed, "This man, you have become rich and powerful, and you are surrounded by good people, who all come to fawn over you. The Battle of Hexi was probably two years ago. Seeing that Liu Han gained power, I’m here to ease the relationship. It’s typical that if you have breasts, you’re a mother. How was their discussion? Has Liu Han accepted this gift?”

"I heard that we had a very pleasant conversation. It is said that the Zongzheng of this generation, Liu Jianzhang, took good care of Shuichehou back then. When he came to Chang'an, he even gave him some money."

"It's a good thing that he came to Chang'an. Otherwise, how could I have discovered such a young general? How would he have discovered our Liu family's Qilin'er? So, Shui Chehou did not have a good life when he was young. His mother seems to have passed away as well. Gotta be early, right?”

"Yes, it is said that he died in childbirth."

"I lost my mother at birth and my father at an early age. My brother doesn't care for me and my sister-in-law hates me. Indeed, it seems that my life is no better than that of the general. As the sages said well, when heaven is about to give a great responsibility to a person, he must first work hard on his will and work. His muscles and bones are starved of his skin, his body is depleted, his actions are disturbed, so his mind and forbearance have benefited him where he could not."

As if thinking of something, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty actually felt the same way. When he first became emperor, he was also unsatisfied and even dangerous.

I think back then, when he had just succeeded to the throne, he was a young man with high spirits, enthusiasm, and gearing up. He wanted to show off his talents and take the Western Han Dynasty to a higher level.

Unexpectedly, the power of the government was firmly controlled by the Empress Dowager Dou Yifang, which limited the New Deal reforms. In less than two years, they failed under the heavy obstruction of these conservative relatives and were even almost abolished. , the deposed emperor almost never had a good ending.

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. At this time, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was not yet 20 years old, but Queen Mother Dou would definitely not be able to live in a few years, so keeping the throne was the most important thing.

As a result, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty began to restrain his light, hide his power and bide his time in Shanglin Garden, waiting for the opportunity.

Emperor Tian paid off his hard work, and finally in 135 BC, Queen Mother Dou died of illness, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty stood in the center of the stage, officially opening his era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

"Fellow fellow, that palace maid is also from Jinyang? Could it be that he took care of Shui Chehou when he was a child, and he remembers things so clearly when he was only five years old?"

"That's not true. The palace maid is from the countryside outside Chang'an City. Those who entered the palace a few years ago seem to have never seen Shuiche Hou. Your Majesty wants to meet him?"

Seeing that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty seemed to be interested in the woman, Guo Sheren suggested that she should meet her.

"What does the palace maid look like? How old is she?"

"About 16 years old, he looks pretty good."

"Forget it, I have so many things to do, why do I need to meet a crazy little palace maid?"

This time, Shu Yuzhu escaped. If Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had strongly requested to see her, Liu Han would have killed her without hesitation. The crime was for bumping into him. It is estimated that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty would have scolded him a few times and nothing else. idea.

In the eyes of adults like them, a person's life may not matter much, just like when you walk on the road, do you care about the ants under your feet?
At this moment, whether Liu Han changed the Han Dynasty or the Han Dynasty changed Liu Han, no one can tell clearly, maybe nothing has changed.

In Liu Han's mansion, Ai Mei, Fang Chan, and Xiao Taohong gathered together. Xiao Taohong pouted, obviously very unhappy, but she would not blame Liu Han.

"Master Marquis, it's true that our little Taohong is so cute. We have waited for him for so long. When he went on the expedition, he was worried every day. He didn't think about food and tea. Now that he came back, he didn't meet you at the first time, but even brought him from the palace. It's true that a palace maid came out."

Seemingly seeing through her little thoughts, Ayimei said deliberately, trying to help her.

"Sister Yi, don't say that to the Marquis. The Marquis is just tired. Besides, this palace maid seems to be quite good-looking. It's normal for him to like her. Or maybe it was given to him by His Majesty and he can't shirk it."

"His Majesty has rewarded him with many beauties. Now he only wants Fang Chan? I don't see many others in the mansion."

Tao Hongguan didn't know how to refute, so she could only say helplessly: "Master Hou is not that kind of person."

"Then what kind of person is he?"

Perhaps deliberately teasing her, Ayimei asked next, looking straight at her.

"The Marquis is handsome, tall and mighty, has great military exploits, is of noble birth, and is gentle... the best and best man in the world."

Xiao Taohong used almost all the good words she could think of.Ayimei joked, "Oh, our little Taohong is in love again. She has grown up a lot now. According to what the Marquis said, in two years, she will be able to serve the Marquis."

"Ah, disgusting!"

She seemed to have thought of something, and her face suddenly turned red. Fang Chan sat quietly on her knees and did not interrupt. Her status in the mansion was neither high nor low, so naturally she was not as good as Xiao Taohong and Ai Mei. But she is much taller than the others, and she can be regarded as Liu Han's concubine.

It was not only Xiao Taohong who was blushing, but also Shu Yuzhu,
At this time, Liu Han's room was filled with smoke and hazy. He was sitting in a wooden barrel and taking a hot bath.

"Heavier, this is your first time giving someone a back rub?"


Shu Yuzhu nodded, his face was flushed, his eyes were averted, and he was rubbing Liu Han's back with a good cloth dipped in water.

"Then you have to study more. From now on, you can only be by my side."

"When did the Marquis wear it?"

"Let me think about it, it's been 14 years."

"Then how did the Marquis travel through time?"

"If you get sick and die of an epidemic, it must be 2021. Alas, it suddenly occurred to me that you came in 2023, so the time is not synchronized?"

"It's indeed out of sync. It's been several years. Maybe it's a parallel world? The flow of time is different?"

Liu Han turned to look at her, "Hey, I know a lot. Who knows, maybe the future, present, and past exist at the same time. Maybe there are high-dimensional intelligent life, maybe there are so-called gods, maybe our real world is just like Just like computer code, it was designed by others. If we think too much, we won’t be able to understand it. Let’s live the present moment.”

"The Marquis is right." Shu Yuzhu knew that there was a high probability that she would not be able to go back, and her future could only be pinned on the man in front of her. More than a month of hard life in the palace made her understand that in this society, there are clearly defined hierarchies. , without human rights, she can only rely on Liu Han.

Perhaps, there is another way, which is to climb up and become a person like Empress Lu or Wu Zetian.

But weren’t they also dependent on others in the early stage?Empress Lu attached herself to Liu Bang, and Wu Zetian attached to Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, and could even compete with them in the future.

"When you came, was the epidemic over?"

"Almost, it has been relaxed. It will start to be relaxed at the end of 2022. Most people may just have a cold."

"That's good, by the way, who will win the 2022 World Cup?"


The two chatted about some things, and seemed to have many common topics. At this moment, Shu Yuzhu seemed to feel very close to Liu Han, but she knew that the person in front of her was like a tiger, ready to kill at any time.

She could feel fear in the way he looked at people. He had killed people before, many people.


At this moment, an inappropriate sound rang out. It turned out to be Shu Yuzhu's stomach growling.

"What? Are you hungry? You haven't eaten yet?"

So Liu Han asked people to prepare dinner.

At the dining table, Shu Yuzhu devoured her food. She once thought that the chicken her sister gave her was the most delicious, but she found that she was wrong.

"Big rice, big rice!"

She finally ate the rice and felt tears filling her eyes.

It turns out that happiness is so simple!
While she was eating, Xiao Taohong looked at her from time to time. She felt that she had another competitor.

After eating, she timidly wiped her mouth, feeling a little embarrassed. She looked at Xiao Taohong on the left, Ai Mei on the right, and Fang Chan. Her face turned red again, as if she was ashamed of how she had just devoured the food, and she asked in a low voice. : "Can I get some delicious food for my sister?"

"Just ask her to come over and eat."

"Thank you Lord Hou!"

Xiao Taohong on the side finally couldn't help it and asked, "Sir, she's not eighteen, is she? She seems to be the same age as me, right? She's just taller than me."

"My slave is sixteen this year!" Shu Yuzhu also learned to read people's faces, and even the names he addressed began to change. Environment and suffering can really change a person.

"I'm fifteen too." Xiao Taohong said, and she straightened out her chest. It looked bigger than Shu Yuzhu's, and she secretly rejoiced.

"I know that you are different from her. I don't want her to sleep with me, but I have to keep her with me and try not to leave her. This is very important. Do you understand?"

"Really?" The little girl didn't believe it.

"Dang!" Liu Han flicked her head.

"Fake, eat, can't you stop your mouth after eating?"

(End of this chapter)

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