The great man will live forever

Chapter 90 The living golden finger?

Chapter 90 The living golden finger?

In the past few days, Liu Han could be said to have taken Shu Yuzhu with him all the time, both when eating and sleeping. This made Xiao Taohong very jealous, and even Ayimei was a little jealous. He coaxed her with a smile and she got better. .

Shu Yuzhu's sister Dong Cuiyun felt much more relieved when she saw her sister being so favored, and even asked her sister in private.

"How come you are related to Shui Chehou? Why didn't I know?"

"The Marquis won't let me tell you, sister, don't worry. I've already asked people to send some money to the family, and the Marquis also gave them some land, which can be regarded as repaying their kindness in raising children. During the New Year and the holidays, you , you can go back and have a look, I won’t go back, don’t worry, I will take care of you in the house from now on.”

"Okay, this is really a blessing that has been cultivated for several lifetimes. You must serve the Marquis well."

Shu Yuzhu just wanted to cry. It was a result of several lifetimes of misdeeds. She just wanted to cry, but she still had to pretend to smile happily.

The time she spent with Dong Cuiyun was short-lived. Liu Han would not let her leave his sight for a long time. Even if she left, he would send Xiong Er to follow and monitor her.

The word freedom is a luxury for Shu Yuzhu.

Seemingly thinking about Li Guang's matter again, Liu Han asked her, "Do you think history can be changed easily?"

"The Marquis has changed. Waterwheels, curved shaft plows, horse stirrups, horse iron hoofs, and distilled wine, Xiongnu blood, didn't they all appear in advance?"

"I didn't want Huo Qu to die of illness. No matter what the price, I didn't want Li Guang to die. Before setting off, I also deliberately reminded Wei Qing. Unfortunately, the ending was still the same. He still committed suicide, exactly like history."

"Actually, Lord Marquis has changed. Not to mention that the losses of the Han army have decreased. The Battle of Hexi and the Battle of Mobei were both one year earlier than in history. Historically, the Battle of Hexi took place in the second year of Yuanshou, that is, 121 BC, but this happened in the first year of Yuanshou.

There is also this year’s Battle of Mobei, which took place in the fourth year of Yuanshou, one year earlier than history. It is said that the Han Dynasty’s horse losses in this Battle of Mobei were only 3, and now it is more than 6. They killed and captured the Huns. There were only 9, and now it’s over [-]..."

Liu Han's eyes lit up, and then he became extremely serious, "How do you know so clearly? You don't have a system or anything, do you?"

"What is the system?" Shu Yuzhu was a little confused.

"Have you never read the novel?"

"I have seen it, including Journey to the West, Water Margin, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Dream of Red Mansions, as well as One Hundred Years of Solitude, War and Peace, White Deer Plain, Alive, and Ordinary "The World", "The Decameron", "Anna Karenina", "The Chrysanthemum and the Knife"..."

Seeing her talking endlessly, as if she was endorsing a book, Liu Han quickly interrupted her, "Wait a minute, haven't you read the online novel?"

“I’ve heard some of it, but I haven’t seen it much.”

"Have you ever played the game?"


"Then what's your fun?"

"Play golf, play the violin, play the piano, paint, play tennis, and read!"

"I understand. Will your family conditions be good in the future?"

"In general, my father runs a clothing factory and has thousands of people under his command. My mother is a professor at Capital University. It's just that my grandfather has a great family and contributed to the founding of the country."

Liu Han suddenly had the urge to hit her. What do you call this?
"In ancient times, it was the so-called Zhongming Dingshi House. Is it normal?"

Seeing that she didn't speak, Liu Han continued: "It seems that you don't know what a cheat is? Did something weird suddenly pop up in your head, like a program? It will reward you, issue you tasks, etc." Yes? Do you know that you are cheating?"

"Have you ever heard of this word? No, Lord Marquis?" She looked at Liu Han in surprise.

"No. If so, I have traveled through time for 14 years. I would have unified the world long ago. I have even built an aircraft carrier. Maybe I have already rushed out of the solar system."

Shu Yuzhu felt that his hope of going back was gone again.

"There is no system. How can you even know when the Battle of Hexi was fought and the casualties of the Battle of Mobei? Even a history lover like me doesn't know. Moreover, it is very troublesome to remember the year in ancient times. The reign name of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is not clear. not famous."

After traveling through time, Liu Han specifically learned that there were two methods of recording years in ancient times, one was the year-by-year chronology.

The so-called year-by-year chronology refers to chronology according to the year when the prince ascended the throne. For example, 770 BC was recorded by the ancients as the first year of King Ping of Zhou, the eighth year of Duke Xiang of Qin, etc.

Then 769 BC will be recorded as the second year of King Ping of Zhou, the ninth year of Qin Xianggong, etc.

In this way, the records are recorded in the order of Yuan, Er, and San until the prince ascends the throne or dies.

Such as "Zuo Zhuan.""Battle of Dice": "In the spring of 33 years, the Qin army passed through the northern gate of Zhou Dynasty."

"The Biography of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru": "In the 16th year of King Zhao Huiwen, Lian Po became the general of Zhao."

Later, when the emperor had an era name, he recorded the era name, such as the third year of Zhenguan, the sixth year of Hongwu, the tenth year of Yongle, the 16th year of Zhengde, the 17th year of Chongzhen, the fourth year of Kangxi, the fifth year of Yongzheng...

Moreover, this year title was the first to be used by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. From the pre-Qin to the early Han Dynasty, there was no reign name. For example, Ying Zheng used the name of the First Emperor, as did the previous emperors of the Han Dynasty.

It is said that in October 122 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty went hunting and actually hunted a snow-white unicorn with five legs, which looked like a unicorn but was not a unicorn. No one knew what it was.

The ministers around Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty all believed that this was an auspicious beast, considered it to be an auspicious sign from heaven, worthy of commemoration, and suggested that this event be commemorated.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty followed Ruliu's advice and named the year "Yuanshou", and this year was called the first year of Yuanshou.

It doesn't work if there is a year name at the back, but it doesn't work if there is none in the front. Therefore, Emperor Wu posthumously recognized the year names before Yuanshou as Jianyuan, Yuanguang and Yuanshuo.

In the sixth year of the reign of Yuanshou, another three-legged tripod was found in Fenyang, Shanxi Province. The officials thought it was an auspicious omen and advocated using it to commemorate the year, so the reign name was changed to "Yuan Ding". , called that year the first year of Yuanding.

Since then, people have called the beginning of this recorded era "era", and changing the year name is called "gaiyuan".

Since then, the "era number" has become a very important method of recording time in Chinese history.In the feudal era, emperors would "change their reign" after succeeding to the throne. Emperors in all dynasties had reign names, some had only one, and some had several.It was not until the end of the Qing Dynasty that the era name officially withdrew from the stage of Chinese history.

The second method of recording years is the stem and branch chronology.

Ganzhi chronology, the traditional Chinese chronological calendar, has been used since ancient times.Ganzhi is the general term for heavenly stems and earthly branches.

Matching the order of the stems and branches, exactly sixty is a cycle, and the cycle is recorded again and again. It is commonly known as "a period of time". The elderly often say "over the age of sixty", which means that they have passed the age of 60.

The Ten Heavenly Stems: A, B, C, D, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui.Among them, "Jia, Bing, Wu, Geng, Ren" are Yang stems, and "Yi, Ding, Ji, Xin, Gui" are Yin stems.

Twelve earthly branches: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai.Among them, "Zi, Yin, Chen, Wu, Shen, Xu" are Yang branches, and "Chou, Mao, Si, Wei, You, Hai" are Yin branches.

In short, it was quite troublesome to record the year in ancient times. The internationally accepted Gregorian calendar is easier to remember.

"Master Hou, I study history."

"I know, but when it comes to studying history, it would be great if you could recite the year when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty launched the Battle of Mobei. And the years usually recorded are BC years, so how can you remember the years of Yuanshou? It's not like that In the 17th year of Chongzhen's reign, something happened like this. Chongzhen hung himself from a tree and the Ming Dynasty fell. Chongzhen only had one reign name, so it is easy to remember. Do you remember all the reign names of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty?"

Liu Han didn't believe it. Who would remember this when they have nothing to do?

"I am preparing to write a thesis on Dahan after my senior year in college, so I know a lot about this period of history. Also, I have a photographic memory since I was a child. Once I read it, I will never forget it."

"Come here, bring some bamboo slips and books."

After a while, the servants came over with several rolls of bamboo slips.

"Look at this, read it again, and recite it to me."

Liu Han casually took out a bamboo slip and handed it to her. Then he thought of something, "This is in small seal script. You can't read it. So, just get a blank bamboo slip and you can write it for me to read."

This undoubtedly makes it more difficult.

"No need. I have studied oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, small seal script, official script, cursive script, regular script and running script. I should be able to understand them."

Shu Yuzhu opened the bamboo slips, read them once, and immediately gave them to Liu Han and recited them to him. There were two words she didn't know, but she guessed them based on the context.

"That's enough. I've heard it before and never forget it. Now I've seen it. Do you know all about the history of the big man?"

"Everyone who has seen it remembers it clearly, and the following dynasties also have a general understanding."

"You know exactly what happened on a certain day in a certain year?"

"As long as you have read and recorded the major events, you should know them."

"I just realized now that you are my golden finger."

Liu Han seems to have opened up a new world. Isn't this opening up a God's perspective?
In the past, he only knew what would happen in the future and who might become prosperous, such as Huo Qubing and Huo Guang now. He didn't know exactly which year and day each person would prosper, but now it's all clear.

But the next moment, Shu Yuzhu's words broke all this, "However, because of your appearance, Lord Marquis, history has changed."

"Yes!" Liu Han felt a little pity, and then said: "Push forward a year, there are some things and some people, if you give him a chance to choose, he will still do it. Now I finally know that some Things are difficult to change if I don’t work hard. Do you know the delayed nature of education?”

“I seem to have seen this view on the delayed nature of education, a teacher said so.

Later, he stood on the podium and found disobedient students.

So he walked off the stage and found that the person he was disciplining was not his student, but the 14-year-old himself.

It was then that he understood what Sun Lijian said, that the bullet he accidentally fired when he was a teenager hit him in his twenties ten years later.

Time crawled towards the wall, and he was explaining the truth like the teacher he once was.

But the student below is not him, but he looks very much like him.

Unfortunately, people cannot have youth and the feeling of youth at the same time. Teachers also go through a lot of hardships before they can get in front of students and become their teachers.

Looking at the students from the teacher's perspective, he was also looking at himself at that time.

He stepped down from the podium and wanted to wake up the sleeping students, but he couldn't wake them up.He wanted to give the students exactly what his teacher said.

He didn't understand it at the time, and naturally his students didn't understand it now either. And when they understood it, it was already more than ten years later, and there was no use regretting it. "

"Yes, that's a good explanation. As a time traveler, I am like a teacher, trying to persuade those students, but they may not listen to me. What should happen will probably happen again.

Even if they were given another chance to choose, they would still make the same choice as history under the circumstances at that time. Just like I sent someone to remind Wei Qing not to divide his troops, but he still divided his forces and Li Guang still died.

Unless I don't call them, but whip them with a whip, it's possible to wake them up completely.

Now, as long as Huo Qubing survives, I will be fine. I have power, status, money, and beauty. Oh, of course, I can also make some inventions to make the Han people live a better life, and then fight farther. Let the territory of the Han Dynasty be larger.

You are very smart, and the premise of all this is that I am alive, so once you threaten me, I will kill you and your sister without hesitation. "

"This slave understands!"

Shu Yuzhu knelt down, and she knelt more and more naturally, just like Liu Han knelt before Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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