The great man will live forever

Chapter 94 The impulsive Li Gan

Chapter 94 The impulsive Li Gan

Changping Houfu, Wei Qing’s residence,

"Come on, come on, Xiaoqing, this place has not been wiped clean. Didn't I ask you to clean it?"

Princess Pingyang ordered the maids to clean, and then strolled towards Wei Qing, who was eating his meal with big mouthfuls.

"Huchi! Huchi!"

"What are you doing standing here? Why don't you hurry up and eat?"

Seeing Princess Pingyang looking directly at him, he quickly greeted her.

"I'm starving."

Princess Pingyang knelt down in front of Wei Qing with a melancholy look on her face, "There is a Grand Sima General and a Grand Sima Hussar General. Can you see the difference here?"

"They are both Da Sima, what's the difference?"

Princess Pingyang was angry at her for not arguing, "You are stupid, now there is another hussar general to increase the command, isn't it obvious that the military power has been given to Huo Qubing?"

Wei Qing said nonchalantly: "Just divide it, Qu Bing is not an outsider."

"When you came back victorious this time, not only did you not get any rewards, but you didn't even get a few rewards from your subordinates. However, as for General Hussars, there were hundreds of people with rewards. There is such a huge difference. Who will be willing to go through life and death with you in the future? "

Wei Qing continued to add rice to the bowl, "Let them do whatever they want, I'm old anyway."

"Besides, how can I compete with my nephew?"

At this time, Princess Pingyang became a little angry, "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat."

She snatched the chopsticks from Wei Qing's hand and threw them to the ground with a "pop!"

"What are you doing?"

"How about I discuss important matters with you in a serious manner? But it's better for you, you know how to eat as soon as you walk in."

She was really angry, her face was a little bitter, and she seemed to be crying but not crying.

"How long has it been and you're still indifferent?"

"You, you, are you really stupid, or are you just pretending to be stupid?"

"You're just a loser."

She cursed and spoke so fast that Wei Qing was stunned.


Wei Qing put the bowl on the table and began to speak loudly, "It doesn't matter whether you have a rice bucket or not. The important thing is to have enough food. You don't know that in the desert, some soldiers almost starved to death. We were hungry." A full meal.

So, the world is big and the biggest thing is eating. Since the princess won’t let me eat, well, I’ll eat on the street. "

Wei Qing said, stood up and walked out.

"Come back here." Princess Pingyang shouted from behind, and Wei Qing left without looking back.

"You, you come back."

She stood up several times, almost without success, but then she got up and quickly chased Wei Qing, opening her arms to stop him.

"Get out of the way for me."

Wei Qing pushed lightly and Princess Pingyang was pushed away. He walked towards the door. Before he reached the door, he heard Li Gan yelling.

"Wei Qing, come out here. I have something to ask you."

Several guards in the mansion opened their arms and tried their best to stop Li Gan.

"Li Gan!" Wei Qing recognized him.

"Let him go."

Wei Qing was a little surprised and felt guilty in his heart.

"Go away!"

Hearing Wei Qing's words, the guards' obstruction became weaker and weaker, and Li Gan took the opportunity to rush over.

"Let me ask you, was it you who forced my father to death?"


As Li Gan said this, he directly pulled out the sword he was wearing and stabbed Wei Qing.

"I fought with you."



"Ah ah!"

Li Gan stabbed Wei Qing in the chest. Fortunately, Wei Qing had been fighting for many years and reacted quickly. He turned sideways and avoided the fatal blow, and then pushed Li Gan to the ground with a palm.

Unfortunately, his left arm was still stabbed.

"do not move!"

At this time, several guards from the Changping Marquis Mansion came up, drew out their swords, surrounded Li Gan, and were about to stab him.

"Don't hurt him." Wei Qing covered his injured arm with his right hand and shouted.

"Ah, Wei Qing! This, this, this...this..."

Behind, the panicked Princess Pingyang ran over and quickly looked at Wei Qing's wounds. Blood was already splattered everywhere.

"Ah!" She had never seen such a scene before. She covered her mouth and looked extremely excited.

"It's okay!" Wei Qing was very calm, "Let him go." He ordered several guards.

"Send the Marquis of Guannei back, remember, don't mention this matter to anyone."


Li Gan didn't appreciate it. In his eyes, it was Wei Qing who killed his father.He snorted coldly, turned and left.

"Why are you standing there, why don't you hurry up and get the medicine?" Princess Pingyang shouted. "How's it going? Is everything okay?"

"Who is he? Why did he run wild in our house?"

The quarrel was a real quarrel, and the concern was real concern. Princess Pingyang almost cried.

"You too, you were stupid and let him go. Such a person should be torn into pieces."

Wei Qing quickly reminded, "Keep your voice down, he is Li Guang's son."

"I don't care who he is, even if he is Li Guang's son, even if he is a subordinate of General Hussar, he can't be like this. It's so lawless. No matter what, you are also a general and a commander, and you have bullied me, Princess Pingyang. Come on, no, this matter cannot be settled."

Princess Pingyang said, turning around to leave, "No, I'll talk to the emperor."

"You, you come back to me."

Wei Qing covered his shoulders, shouted quickly, and went to chase her. When he caught up, he even grabbed her with his uninjured hand.


"You let me go, you let me go."

Princess Pingyang ignored Wei Qing's reaction and started to complain.


In desperation, Wei Qing slapped her with his backhand.

At this time, Princess Pingyang was stunned, and so was Wei Qing. He lowered his head, feeling very ashamed.


Princess Pingyang covered her face and began to cry. Who is she?Princess Pingyang, the biological sister of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who beat her?

Regardless of his injured hand, Wei Qing hugged her and carried her into the house.

"Oh, oh, I'm so wronged."

Princess Pingyang cried in Wei Qing's arms.This scene stunned the maids in the mansion nearby.You look at me, I look at you, I want to laugh but I don’t dare.

"Don't cry, because he is Li Guang's son. I feel guilty in my heart. If I had listened to Liu Han and not divided the troops, he would not have lost his way. Or if I had not forced him, he would not have committed suicide and lost his way. It’s very common in the desert. General Li spent his whole life on the battlefield and ended up like this. It’s all my fault, Wei Qing’s.”

He said, kissed Princess Pingyang gently, and then put her down.

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive this time, please hit me."


He said, giving himself a slap.


Another slap, again with the injured hand, and the blood couldn't stop flowing.

"Yeah, don't hit me. Bandage this hand first. Xiaoqing, get the medicine quickly."

"Princess, don't you blame me?"

"Wait until the injury is healed and then hit him, a hundred times."

"Even if you beat me, Wei Qing, to death, as long as the princess is happy, I will have no regrets."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and all their grievances and resentments were gone.


At Shuichenhou Mansion, Liu Han was practicing his sword, when Xiong Er came over.

"Report to Lord Hou."

"what happened?"

"Li Gan, the Marquis of Guannei, went to the Changping Marquis Mansion."



"There is no need to monitor the general's residence in the future. In this case, I will immediately send someone to deliver the invitation and say that I want to visit the general."


Although Xiong Er didn't know why Liu Han wanted to monitor Wei Qing's mansion and specifically asked him to report Li Gan as soon as possible if he saw him there, he was the kind of person who was willing to die for Liu Han and didn't need to know why.

"Believe him so much? This is to monitor the general's residence. Are you not afraid of being poked out?" Shu Yuzhu on the side was a little confused.

"On the battlefield, I gave my back to them. For every dog-slaughterer who is righteous, most of them are scholars who are unfaithful. They are rangers, not very literate, but highly skilled in martial arts. They are true people with a promise of a thousand pieces of gold. They are not the hooligans of later generations. They are righteous. Loyalty is on your shoulders."

Shu Yuzhu made an analogy, "The early-rising clubs in Hong Kong in later generations, the Young and Dangerous?"

There should be music playing in the background at this time:
All-powerful, I am willing to break through and all people look up to
I don't need to look back
Turn the world upside down I decide I write my own law
This fierce wolf with twinkling eyes
I am born to love to sing, to be arrogant and to be my nature

If you forget your words and deeds and disrespect, it's up to you
Superstar, this is falling sex

I am self-willed

Desperate Desperate Born My Love Song

Use strength to win and run rampant rely on ability

I can become an eternal superstar invincible

I am self-willed


Liu Han was a little surprised and turned to look at her, "Have you seen it?"

"I've seen some."

"Are you still reading this?" Liu Han had some differences.

Shu Yuzhu's face was slightly red and he didn't speak. He couldn't even tell Teacher Cang after seeing it.

Who says girls can't watch this?Whose youth was not rebellious?
(End of this chapter)

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